Nothing yet. I went outside last night on the hour, every hour until midnight, despite a wicked windstorm that’s been going on for about 24 hours, and called to Obi; no luck yet. Couldn’t find him by daylight either. I may post some signs around the area today, but I’m beginning to lose hope. The heavy wind is continuing, and it’s going to get seriously cold tonight. With no way to defend himself, I give him maybe 24 more hours out there. I’m beginning to hope that he’s charmed his way into someone else’s home, even if that means he never comes back to us.
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Sorry to hear the little knucklehead hasn’t shown back up yet. ð I will continue to hope for the best and keep faith that Obi shall either make a safe return or someone else has kindly taken him in.
*fingers crossed for the former*
ð I really hope he’ll come back. How will he deal without his little human buddy? And thank god that Evan is too little to really grasp what happen. It’s heart-breaking enough as it is…