Well, the little doofus has gone and done it this time. Tonight when I opened the back door to feed Xena, Oberon flew out the door like he’d been shot out of the kitten cannon. He headed straight for the pasture and disappeared into some very thick underbrush (after gleefully scattering a nest of rabbits with me chasing after him). I literally couldn’t get any further to follow him – about halfway down my pasture land, the brush turns into dead sticker bushes taller than I am. I couldn’t even see him anymore.
I’ve been outside calling for him, I’ve turned on all the porch & deck lights, and I’ve gone out to look for him again, but it may just be the Oberon has decided to leave us for good this time. It breaks my heart, but if it has to happen, better that it happens now when Obi’s person is five months old instead of five years old and just completely breaking the kid’s heart into little pieces. I’m just worried about the cat on general principle – we’ve gotten him his shots, fairly recently too, but he’s declawed on the front and he’s just…so…stupid. I hope he survives the night if he doesn’t come back soon.
Olivia is moping at the back door, looking out for him, and not budging an inch. You want to know whose heart is really broken? That’d be hers.
Come home soon, you big furry moron. I miss you. We’ve gotta have a talk about open doors. ð
Oh no!!! I hope he comes back! ð
Keep us posted!
Oh man! That SUCKS! I nearly went out of my gourd when one of my cats decided to take a outside trip for a couple hours. I can’t imagine what is going through your mind about Obi.