Once upon a power line…
…spotted yesterday outside work…
Now how d’you suppose that happened? 😆 I mean, it’s tied.
Once upon a power line…
…spotted yesterday outside work…
Now how d’you suppose that happened? 😆 I mean, it’s tied.
Damn. I didn’t know birds could tie shoelaces! (Of course, I figure an African swallow carried the shoe up there).
I’ve seen a lot of that in Atlanta and back home in Birmingham off and on for years for some reason. I can’t remember what it is supposed to mean… hence I turn to the Google.
Best top links:
And I like this one that a pair of kids did in relation to a science project.
But what if it was a European swallow?
Then it was two of them flying in unison?
I’m confused. Are all these swallows selling drugs outside the office?
Bit of an odd thing for a swallow to do, no matter where it’s from, don’t you think?