There’s a monster at the end of this post

Earl's Avid
Lookin’ good.
Earl's Avid
This is where I have an actual raster, non-LCD monitor set up so I can see what this stuff would actually look like on teevee. (This is a nice monitor, by the way.)
Earl's Avid
The lights are green, the trap is clean.
Earl's Avid
Probably the only professional VTR that’s hooked up next to a 1980s arcade machine in this state, if not the country.
Othello’s ready to be a star, so let’s get going…
Earl's Avid

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  1. 2

    I just like the word “dongle.” ๐Ÿ™‚ So is it actually a missing dongle or a present dongle that isn’t being recognized?
    And what’s up with ye olde Garden Gnome on one of the monitors behind Othello? hehe ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. 3

    The machine is dongle-free. I have the serial number for the machine, so I’m about to give Avid tech support a call and see if there’s any way in hell I can convince them that I’m the new owner of the machine and that they should send me a new dongle. ‘Cause I’m such a nice guy. If I get in early, maybe I can reach ’em before the warez kiddiez try to use the same excuse. ๐Ÿ˜†
    Oh, and the mystery gnome was a Travelocity ad that happened to be on the TV behind Othello when I took the picture. I thought about retaking the photo, but decided the gnome was incongruously funny enough to leave it alone. ๐Ÿ˜›

  3. 4

    Perhaps the machine is seeking companionship, and it feels that consummation will guarantee said companionship?
    For some reason, the following springs instantly to mind upon reading the above:
    Hot CPU lovin'

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