Sky: What Dread Hand

SkyThe fourth episode of the children’s science fiction series Sky airs on ITV, created and written by Bob Baker and Dave Martin (later the creators of K-9 for Doctor Who). Read more

SearchThe shadowy man known only as Goodchild has attacked Sky again, rendering the boy feeble and weak; Roy, Arby and Jane take him to the nearest hospital, unsure of what else they can do to help him. In the hospital, Sky continues muttering something about the Juganet, and tries to reach out telepathically to his new friends for help, but otherwise remains in a trancelike state. Goodchild adopts a less medieval outfit to blend in and finish the battle, and Sky’s friends may not be able to save him in time.

Order the DVDswritten by Bob Baker and Dave Martin
directed by Derek Clark
music by Eric Wetherell

SkyCast: Marc Harrison (Sky), Stuart Lock (Arby Vennor), Cherrald Butterfield (Jane Vennor), Richard Speight (Roy Briggs), Jack Watson (Major Briggs), Frances Cuka (Mrs. Vennor), Thomas Heathcote (Mr. Vennor), Meredith Edwards (Tom), Gerald Hel (Dr. Saul), Ursula Barclay (First Nurse), Monica Lavers (Second Nurse), Barbara Baber (Receptionist), Geoff Serle (Orderly), Robert Eddison (Goodchild)

LogBook entry by Earl Green


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