British broadcaster ABC airs the seventh episode of Pathfinders In Space, a follow-up series to Target Luna, produced by future Doctor Who creator Sydney Newman. Peter Williams stars in a script written by Malcolm Hulke (Doctor Who) and Eric Paice (Star Maidens). Though the original master tape of this episode was later wiped for reuse, film recordings of all seven episodes would be recovered and released on DVD in the 21st century. The episode concludes the Pathfinders In Space storyline; its follow-up, Pathfinders To Mars, will premiere in December.
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ABC airs the 67th episode of the supernatural anthology series One Step Beyond, hosted and directed by John Newland. Joanne Linville guest stars.
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One Step Beyond now streaming on Amazon Prime
The 40th episode of Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone airs on CBS. Richard Haydn stars in an episode written by Serling.
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The Twilight Zone now streaming on Paramount Plus
ABC airs the 68th episode of the supernatural anthology series One Step Beyond, hosted and directed by John Newland. Elen Willard guest stars.
More about One Step Beyond in Store
One Step Beyond now streaming on Amazon Prime
The 41st episode of Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone airs on CBS. John Carradine stars in an episode written by Charles Beaumont.
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The Twilight Zone now streaming on Paramount Plus
The 42nd episode of Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone airs on CBS. Maxine Stuart stars in an episode written by Serling.
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The Twilight Zone now streaming on Paramount Plus
ABC airs the 69th episode of the supernatural anthology series One Step Beyond, hosted and directed by John Newland. Mike Kellin guest stars.
More about One Step Beyond in Store
One Step Beyond now streaming on Amazon Prime
The 43rd episode of Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone airs on CBS. William Shatner (Star Trek) stars in an episode written by Richard Matheson.
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More about The Twilight Zone in the LogBook and Store
The Twilight Zone now streaming on Paramount Plus
ABC airs the 70th episode of the supernatural anthology series One Step Beyond, hosted and directed by John Newland. Robert Lansing guest stars.
More about One Step Beyond in Store
One Step Beyond now streaming on Amazon Prime
NASA and the United States Weather Bureau launch the second experimental TIROS weather satellite, TIROS-2. Though almost identical to its short-lived predecessor, TIROS-2 is outfitted with a new stabilization system which uses detection of Earth’s magnetic field to properly orient the satellite. TIROS-2 functions successfully for just over one year.
ABC airs the 71st episode of the supernatural anthology series One Step Beyond, hosted and directed by John Newland. William Shatner (Star Trek) guest stars.
More about One Step Beyond in Store
One Step Beyond now streaming on Amazon Prime
The 44th episode of Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone airs on CBS. John Hoyt (Star Trek) stars in an episode written by Serling.
This series is not yet fully chronicled in the LogBook. You could help change that.
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The Twilight Zone now streaming on Paramount Plus
ABC airs the 72nd episode of the supernatural anthology series One Step Beyond, hosted and directed by John Newland. Peggy Ann Garner guest stars.
More about One Step Beyond in Store
One Step Beyond now streaming on Amazon Prime
The 45th episode of Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone airs on CBS. Pippa Scott and Sydney Pollack star in an episode written by E. Jack Neuman.
This series is not yet fully chronicled in the LogBook. You could help change that.
More about The Twilight Zone in the LogBook and Store
The Twilight Zone now streaming on Paramount Plus
British broadcaster ABC premieres the first episode of Pathfinders To Mars, a follow-up series to Target Luna and Pathfinders In Space, produced by future Doctor Who creator Sydney Newman. Peter Williams, George Colouris, and Gerald Flood (City Beneath The Sea) star; the script is written by Malcolm Hulke (Doctor Who) and Eric Paice (Star Maidens). Though the original master tape of this episode was later wiped for reuse, film recordings of all six episodes would be recovered and released on DVD in the 21st century.
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ABC airs the 73rd episode of the supernatural anthology series One Step Beyond, hosted and directed by John Newland. Phillip Pine guest stars.
More about One Step Beyond in Store
One Step Beyond now streaming on Amazon Prime
The 46th episode of Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone airs on CBS. Fred Clark stars in an episode written by Serling.
This series is not yet fully chronicled in the LogBook. You could help change that.
More about The Twilight Zone in the LogBook and Store
The Twilight Zone now streaming on Paramount Plus
British broadcaster ABC airs the second episode of Pathfinders To Mars, a follow-up series to Pathfinders In Space, produced by future Doctor Who creator Sydney Newman. George Colouris, Gerald Flood (City Beneath The Sea), and Bernard Horsfall (The Changes) star; the script is written by Malcolm Hulke (Doctor Who) and Eric Paice (Star Maidens). Though the original master tape of this episode was later wiped for reuse, film recordings of all six episodes would be recovered and released on DVD in the 21st century.
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ABC airs the 74th episode of the supernatural anthology series One Step Beyond, hosted and directed by John Newland. Norma Crane, Charles Aidman, and Olan Soule guest star.
More about One Step Beyond in Store
One Step Beyond now streaming on Amazon Prime
The 47th episode of Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone airs on CBS. Art Carney and John Fiedler star in an episode written by Serling.
This series is not yet fully chronicled in the LogBook. You could help change that.
More about The Twilight Zone in the LogBook and Store
The Twilight Zone now streaming on Paramount Plus
British broadcaster ABC airs the third episode of Pathfinders To Mars, a follow-up series to Pathfinders In Space, produced by future Doctor Who creator Sydney Newman. George Colouris and Gerald Flood (City Beneath The Sea) star; the script is written by Malcolm Hulke (Doctor Who) and Eric Paice (Star Maidens). Though the original master tape of this episode was later wiped for reuse, film recordings of all six episodes would be recovered and released on DVD in the 21st century. Despite being scheduled on Christmas Day, the episode is not holiday-themed.
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ABC airs the 75th episode of the supernatural anthology series One Step Beyond, hosted and directed by John Newland. Georgann Johnson guest stars.
More about One Step Beyond in Store
One Step Beyond now streaming on Amazon Prime
British broadcaster ABC airs the fourth episode of Pathfinders To Mars, a follow-up series to Pathfinders In Space, produced by future Doctor Who creator Sydney Newman. George Colouris and Gerald Flood (City Beneath The Sea) star; the script is written by Malcolm Hulke (Doctor Who) and Eric Paice (Star Maidens). Though the original master tape of this episode was later wiped for reuse, film recordings of all six episodes would be recovered and released on DVD in the 21st century.
This series is not yet chronicled in the LogBook. You could help change that.
ABC airs the 76th episode of the supernatural anthology series One Step Beyond, hosted and directed by John Newland.
More about One Step Beyond in Store
One Step Beyond now streaming on Amazon Prime
The 48th episode of Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone airs on CBS. Thomas Gomez stars in an episode written by Serling.
This series is not yet fully chronicled in the LogBook. You could help change that.
More about The Twilight Zone in the LogBook and Store
The Twilight Zone now streaming on Paramount Plus