AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH: 2020, am I right? 2020. What I’ve been watching, listening to, and doing while trying to survive and stay sane in a year that was shaping up to be a bad one at the end of last year. Plus the usual waffling on about space missions and soundtracks and action figures and that sort of thing.(1:24:45)
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Show notes page:
- David S.F. Portree’s site: No Shortage Of Dreams – the story of spaceflight told through missions & programs that didn’t happen
- Those books about Doctor Who and Star Trek that I’ve written? And that very funny Fatherhood, Fandom and Fading Out book? They’re in Store!
- Feel free to help out via Patreon, Ko-Fi, or even the ol’ Amazon Wish List
- There are also lots of new things in our Redbubble Store
- The Mandalorian in the LogBook
- For All Mankind in the LogBook
- Star Trek: Picard in the LogBook
- Star Trek: Lower Decks in the LogBook
- Did you know theLogBook’s Music Reviews have returned? One soundtrack and one non-soundtrack release every week!
- Music by Jahzzar

A Dyer emergency: my current studio, such as it is.

Obi, toward the end. I miss my big stripey kitty.

Watching The Martian with kittehs. Down in front!

Populating Mars with digital Martians.

The absolute best configuration for an Artificial Sun fusion reactor in Surviving Mars.

Mars, terraformed: I bless the rain down in Chryse Planitiaaaaaaaaa…

A pretty decent little collection of VINCENT and BOB from The Black Hole if I do say so myself.

Real space robots: Perseverance and Hope reporting back to Earth.

Time to just give up and find a babysitting job.