Parlez-vous ATDT15014521700? In the days before the internet, there was the BBS…and for some weird and probably unhealthy reason, your host wanted to run one of his own. A tale replete with BBSs, MIBs, not nearly enough +++ATH0, and numerous other unfortunate abbreviations. (1:15:38)
- SpaceX is sending someone to the moon and it’s also not me
- Star Trek: Discovery might premiere before SpaceX sends someone to the moon
- Congratulations, Earth! It’s a craton!
- Verity Podcast
- The Proud Ancient History of
- If you like this edition of the podcast, you need to read “Commodork” by Rob “Flack” O’Hara.
- If you don’t believe that I actually edited D.C. Fontana and Norman Spinrad that one time, get a copy of “Boarding The Enterprise” and see for yourself.
- Batman ’66 action figures (via the Retroist)
- Chiptune cover tunes by Kasatochi

Me, BBS’ing. A recent photo. You can’t unsee it. (If y’all sign up as patrons, I promise I’ll never post anything like this again.)