601: Captured
Reporting live from a quarter million miles out: Oof, it’s been a couple of minutes since I did one of these, hasn’t it? This is kind of a free-form ramble about everything – cats, life, more cats, a job I didn’t get, Marsquakes, shows, action figures, funky lights, and being in the same place all the time. Plus, the timeless wisdom of Apollo astronaut Ed Mitchell. (1:13:54)
Show notes page: https://www.thelogbook.com/thistape/601-captured/

502: The Binder of Babylon
Linking in from brown sector: Geeky ramblings are back, this time involving a show that’s making a minor – and well-deserved – comeback thanks to a much overdue facelift. And where this show is concerned, I was there, at the dawn of the nerd age of fankind… chronicling the show for myself with stuff that the studio sent out to the TV stations giving the series its original broadcast run. Does Babylon 5 still have things to say? Oh yes. Yes it does. Perhaps now more than ever. (1:44:32)
Show notes page: https://www.thelogbook.com/thistape/502-the-binder-of-babylon/

501: The Apple Episode
HGR2: You think I’m a pretty basic podcast host? Oh baby, I am totally a BASIC podcast host. It’s a memory core dump from the early days of Commodore PETs and the mighty Apple IIe-compatible Franklin ACE 1000, a journey back in time to the computers that made me fall in love with…well…computers. Also, the obligatory soundtrack, action figure, gaming, and TV mutterings, and maybe a hint as to why Phosphor Dot Fossils vanished for a little while. (1:19:55)
Show notes page: https://www.thelogbook.com/thistape/501-applesode/

403: Showrunner! The Home Game
Cut and Print: In yet another testament to the very strange way in which your host’s brain works, enjoy this introduction to Showrunner!: The Home Game – also known as outlining a nonexistent season of TV without actually writing out the episodes, or window shopping at the idea store. Also: what I’ve been reading, some space news, the usual waffling on about action figures and tiny arcade games, and some contrarian thoughts about the Mandalorian season finale. (1:06:49)
Show notes page: https://www.thelogbook.com/thistape/403-showrunner-the-home-game/

402: 2020 Regional Self-Isolation Champion
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH: 2020, am I right? 2020. What I’ve been watching, listening to, and doing while trying to survive and stay sane in a year that was shaping up to be a bad one at the end of last year. Plus the usual waffling on about space missions and soundtracks and action figures and that sort of thing.(1:24:45)
Right-click here and “save as” if you’re inclined to do that sort of thing.
Show notes page: https://www.thelogbook.com/thistape/402-the-2020-show/

401: A Warp-Speed (Podcast) Survey of Early Star Trek Video Games
Welcome aboard, Captain! Star Trek video games didn’t arise from the glory years of the franchise, but during its wilderness years. This audio version of a recent theLogBook.com livestream traces the development of both licensed and unlicensed Star Trek and computer games, and the beginning of the modern age of the franchise as a gaming IP. (1:02:23)

302B: An All-Star Tribute To Baby Yoda
D’aaaaaaawwwwwww! Following up on the previous installment of This Tape, some ruminations on what’s been on TV lately, including Apple TV’s For All Mankind, The Mandalorian over on Disney+, and anticipation for the new season of Doctor Who and that Star Trek: Picard series. (This somewhat short show was recorded shortly after Thanksgiving, and so doesn’t reflect the latest episodes of any of the series discussed. It was originally made available to Patreon supporters in early December.) (40:12)

302: A Man Of Action (Figures)
Now with kung fu action grip! A seven-year-old playing with action figures? Totally normal. Same kid picking up the collecting bug at 17 and keeping it alive (budget permitting) at 47? That’s where people start demanding explanations. A quick stroll down toy-collecting memory lane, encompassing both Star Wars figures and many others I’ve collected down through the years, plus you get to hear my psychoanalyzing my aforementioned collecting bug in real time…the results are a little surprising. And long-winded. Remember to save your proof of purchases so you can find out who’s the Bossk around here. (1:55:39)

301: How To Make A Uniquely Wisconsin Sci-Fi Channel
Both wacky and invasive! Another considerably over-length stroll through memory lane; this time, instead of the odd jobs, a very candid and personal discussion of possibly the one and only job where I was ever firing on all cylinders. Also: lots of musings on a Star Trek Section 31 series (including how it might actually work), a wrap-up of the thirteenth Doctor’s first season on Doctor Who, the Orville, Short Treks, and soundtracks, plus some shutdown shout-outs, an attack of the killer gall bladder, and much more. (2:37:37)

202: Odd Jobs
Fall Preview Special! Live (at the time it was recorded) from Utah! An even longer-than-usual ramble about moving, working, not working, working some more, getting shot at (while working), playing impressive new Atari homebrew games, looking forward to an expanding galaxy of Star Wars and Star Trek spinoffs on TV, recent developments in space exploration, and why neither Doctor Who nor anything is being “ruined by the SJWs”. Really. (2:05:35)
Right-click here and “save as” and share it with a porg or a hippo you love today.

201: Major Sci-Fi Franchise Polka Party!
Second movement! Did you miss us? A lengthy, low-key, late-night ramble through the latest sci/tech/space exploration news, thoughts on Star Trek: Discovery, Black Mirror, The Last Jedi, Stargate Origins, and the Doctor Who Christmas episode, news from New York Toy Fair, what we found under the tree in 2017, and why I’m moving to Utah this summer. (99:00)
Right-click here and “save as” and share it with a porg or a hippo you love today.

110: In, Through and Beyond
This is not a drill! The Black Hole: guilty pleasure or maligned masterpiece? Maybe it’s somewhere in between. And maybe it’s a means of pointlessly scaring the crap out of a seven-year-old. Plus, year-end roundups of science and wonderfully geeky merch, a discussion of Star Trek Continues’ final and finest hour, and any excuse to subject you to the theme from Star Cops. (79:03)
Right-click here and “save as” to save to your newfangled digital audio device.

109: The Final Battle!
Halloween weekend special! What, you think you can just walk back in the door after all this time and just…sit there…and podcast? Well…yes, I can. It’s my show. And it’s about a glut of decent sci-fi shows and a glut of little video games and a glut of Porgs. Mustn’t forget the Porgs. (44:31)
Right-click here and “save as” to save to your newfangled digital audio device.

108: Ladies’ Night
The missing August episode! The new Doctor Who is a woman. The lead of the new Star Trek series is a woman. The new Jedi apprentice is a woman. Why is this a problem for some people? Why is this threatening to some people? Also: loads of news and reviews, a Pokestop in my back yard, thoughts on getting old, and help wanted. (51:21)
Right-click here and “save as” to save to your newfangled digital audio device.

107: You Never Forget Your First Fandom
You never forget your first fandom – and in my case, that was the premiere of Star Trek: The Next Generation. See why this was completely different from Star Wars, and find out how many ways a science fiction TV series can change someone’s life (spoiler: a lot). A nostalgic trip to the final frontier. (1:11:46)
Right-click here and “save as” to save to your newfangled digital audio device.

106: Are You Being Media Served?
Are you being media served? If not, why not? Who needs a media server, how do they set one up, and how do you organize it? Why is everyone so up in arms over the Star Trek: Discovery trailer? And why is a severe thunderstorm a really lousy place/time to record a podcast? The latest Don’t Give This Tape To Earl asks all these questions and waits patiently for the answers. (1:03:06)
Right-click here and “save as” to save to your newfangled digital audio device.

105: Later Statements and Possible Warnings
Tornadic tales, from growing up vaguely worried in Tornado Alley, to taking shelter, to working the weather in TV and radio, to the big one that landed right down the street in 1996. Also, handy tips on how to do Tornado Alley weather when you cut the cord, and how to learn the lyrics to “One Night In Bangkok” over spring break. Stay tuned to Don’t Give This Tape To Earl for later statements and possible warnings. (1:27:13)
Right-click here and “save as” to save to your newfangled digital audio device.

104: Bulletin Board Systems
Parlez-vous ATDT15014521700? In the days before the internet, there was the BBS…and for some weird and probably unhealthy reason, your host wanted to run one of his own. A tale replete with BBSs, MIBs, not nearly enough +++ATH0, and numerous other unfortunate abbreviations. (1:15:38)

103: Hidden Figures and the Story of a Space Case
If you don’t want to hear about space, this is not the podcast for you. This month, I tell you what there was to like about Hidden Figures (spoiler: a lot of things), and reveal the perhaps slightly embarrassing movie tie-in that turned a young sci-fi nut into a lifelong lover of space exploration. Spend an hour spacing out with me. (53:17)
Not mentioned in this podcast because they happened after the recording date: Peter Capaldi leaving Doctor Who, the Star Trek: Axanar lawsuit settlement and the death of John Hurt. I simply ran out of time to record an add-on for the news section, so we’ll discuss these at a later date.
Right-click here and “save as” to save to the open space on your space audio device. Space.

102: The One About The Rogues
A lot sooner than expected, it’s a solid hour of geeking out about all the things there are to love about Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, along with a stroll down memory lane into Star Wars memories past. (1:02:02)
Get well soon, Carrie Fisher. If any of my circuits or gears will help, I’ll gladly donate them. 🙁

101: The One About The Pokemon
In which our intrepid host launches a new podcast that has absolutely no central focus or reason to exist, and promptly gets hooked on Pokemon Go. Also, Star Trek: Discovery news. (40:59)