Deck the Halls! It’s the story of a serious sunburn, rainbow trout, a game room serviced by a single distributor, an attempt to will Odyssey2 ports of arcade games into existence, and a lifelong obsession that culminated in…a marquee. And this podcast. (1:05:53)
This podcast is dedicated to the memory of player two, Alison Green (1942-1987).
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BONUS DOWNLOAD: Get the complete soundtrack from Season 1 of SELECT GAME as a free download from the Kasatochi sub-site!
Links from this episode:
- Rock-Ola coin-ops at Phosphor Dot Fossils
- The unfinished TI99/4a Fantasy port at Phosphor Dot Fossils
- Arkadia Retrocade
- Patreon
-’s Facebook page (talk to us)
- Store (get my brand new book, WARP!1!)
So…I’m guessing “Cheri” is a code name or something?
Well, me and my mom poured our hearts and quarters into this game. Not sure anyone else did.
Yes, this is the marquee.
This is Oberon – the ever-talkative “Obi” who sometimes elbows his way into the show.