Retrogram 7409: Houston, We Have Quite A Large Number Of Problems
The week of February 24th, 1974: Daleks, telekinesis, nukes, O. Henry, and overwrought mission controllers, oh my! There wasn’t a mission to the moon in progress during this week in 1974…but there were a lot of shows…and a few of them were good. There was also the first-ever attempt to dramatize the Apollo 13 mission for television…which was less good. Warning: listeners will be subjected to double doses of Gary Collins and Harve Bennett in this Retrogram. (83:02)
Right-click here and “save as”; if you don’t, you’ll just have to hope that Tim has a copy on file.

Retrogram #7129: Apollo 15
The week of July 18th, 1971: As the crew of Apollo 15 prepared to go to the moon, it was a dead week for American genre TV…but still a lively one across the pond. Meet a magician named Tarot, and an alien-fighter named Colonel Ed Straker. One will face a new foe whose magic may be even stronger than his…and the other will face “you-foes” who have already made a backup copy of him. Oh, and one of these shows can’t be seen anymore, anywhere – it might as well be on the moon. (48:13)

Retrogram #8728: The Summer Of ’87
The week of July 5th, 1987: A week picked by followers of theLogBook.com’s Facebook page! A week of orbital law enforcement, lycanthropy, astro-archaeology, and maybe even the devil himself. Travel back in prime time with us to the summer of ’87. (75:43) This episode has dropped early so it’s available for your holiday weekend road trip!

Retrogram Special: Life Lessons From Kerr Avon
A Great Big Fan Love Letter To Paul Darrow: Breaking the normal “one week” format of the show already seemed like a thing that had to be done to bid a fond farewell to one of the stars of Blake’s 7, and a memorable presence in so many other genre shows. Whether you’re a longtime fan or have never heard of the man, raise a glass to the man (and his utterly unmistakable voice) who was Kerr Avon on our screens. (93:11)
Right-click here and “save as”; you can’t just have Orac intercept and decode this one.

Retrogram #8311: Nothin’ But Time Travel
The week of March 13th, 1983: A quiet week of a busy year…so why all the time travelers? The Doctor drops in on King John, the Voyagers(!) drop in on “Wild Frank” Roosevelt, and Prince Erik Greystone drops into a whole haunted castle of trouble in the wrong month. Who’s the best time traveler? And who wound up in the best medieval castle? Do lutes really work well with analog synthesizers? And what’s the unlikely Simpsons connection in one of these shows? (71:20)
Right-click here and “save as”; 8-track tapes are not available.

Retrogram #7342: Saturday Morning Cartoons, Saturday Night Massacre
The week of October 14th, 1973: Nixon fires the special counsel investigating him, the Earth gets yanked out of its orbit, there’s a giant Spock running around, the Six Million Dollar Man is running from nukes on foot, a bunch of children are running everything, aaaaaand…I think we just blew up the Earth. Sorry about that. Welcome to Retrogram, a retro genre TV podcast that travels back in prime time…one week at a time. (70:08)
Right-click here and “save as”; 8-track tapes are not available.

Retrogram #1921: Rules Of The Retrogram
The week of May 19th, 2019: What is a Retrogram? How does it come together? And how can I, as a listener, you may be asking, actually change the direction of the show? We’re so glad you asked. Show host Earl Green answers these questions and others…and invites you to take the controls and guide future Retrograms to TV destinations either phenomenal or painful! (10:00)
(Player not working? Right-click here and “save as”; 8-track tapes are not available.)

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