With a single exception, the music on this album is identical to its English language descendant, Fantasy (attributed to Freiheit, a shortening of the group’s name in Germany). The lyrics, however, are in their native German, and the song known as “Keeping The Dream Alive” on the English pressing becomes a less effective pop number called “So Lang’ Man Traume Noch Leben Kann” with synth-pop instrumentation and a drum machine beat (though the vocals follow the same tune and exactly the same meter and rhythm of “Dream”). What very little knowledge I have of the German language tells me that some of the songs’ titles and lyrics do more or less match their English counterparts (“Land Der Fantasie” / “Land of Fantasy”), but others do not. Upon further listening, I’ve deduced that some of the English “translations” have lyrics that have nothing to do with the original German versions. I’d really like someone to help me figure out
what the differences, discrepancies and similarities are…not to mention what the band’s name is English (though I believe freiheit is freedom, I could be wrong). Despite the fact that I understood maybe ten or twelve words on the entire album, it’s still a favorite of mine and stood me in good stead until I recovered my beloved English-translated copy of the same songs!
- Bis Wir Uns Weiderseh’n (3:45)
- In Deinen Augen (4:42)
- Diana (4:17)
- Land der Fantasie (4:54)
- Mondlicht (3:06)
- So Heisb (4:04)
- Zum Allersten Mal (3:22)
- Du Bist Dabei (3:46)
- Lasb Es Einfach Gescheh’n (4:05)
- So Lang’ Man Traume Noch Leben Kann (3:25)
Released by: WEA
Release date: 1988
Total running time: 39:26