A bizarre retro-explosion of surf rock stylings, I’ll cop to the fact that this CD’s presence in my collection is primarily due to the Love Theme From Mystery Science Theater 3000. Some of this album’s tunes are really, really strange, dovetailing with the 50s B-movie poster album cover by including some incredibly obscure B-movie soundbytes, some of which I suspect are the band’s own invention rather than actual movie clips. (In that context, the MST theme is utterly appropriate.)
- Reverb 10,000 (2:09)
- Name of Numbers (1:32)
- Popcorn Crabula (1:57)
- A Mouthful of Exhaust (1:57)
- Of Sex and Demise (1:59)
- Joker’s Wild (2:17)
- Intoxica (1:38)
Mystery Meat (2:39)
- The Heavies (1:42)
- Madness in the Streets (1:40)
- Espanto del Future (1:57)
- Mystery Science Theater 3000 Love Theme (1:20)
- Landlocked (1:43)
- Bombora (2:04)
- Gargantua’s Last Stand (2:23)
- You Can’t Get Good Riblets In Space (0:47)
- Bermuda Triangle Shorts (2:14)
- Taco Wagon (2:03)
- The Vortex Beyond (2:18)
- Destination Venus (3:00)
- Time Bomb (6:10)
Released by: Estrus
Release date: 1994
Total running time: 45:31