- Season One: 1963-64
- The Galaxy Being
- The Hundred Days Of The Dragon
- The Architects Of Fear
- The Man With The Power
- The Sixth Finger
- The Man Who Was Never Born
- O.B.I.T.
- The Human Factor
- Corpus Earthling
- Nightmare
- It Crawled Out Of The Woodwork
- The Borderland
- Tourist Attraction
- The Zanti Misfits
- The Mice
- A Controlled Experiment
- Don’t Open Until Doomsday
- The Invisibles
- The Bellero Shield
- The Children Of Spider County
- Specimen: Unknown
- Second Chance
- The Moonstone
- The Mutant
- The Guests
- Fun And Games
- The Special One
- A Feasibility Study
- The Production And Decay Of Strange Particles
- The Chameleon
- The Forms Of Things Unknown
- Soldier
- Cold Hands, Warm Heart
- Behold Eck!
- The Expanding Human
- Demon With A Glass Hand
- Cry Of Silence
- The Invisible Enemy
- Wolf 359
- I, Robot
- The Inheritors, Part I
- The Inheritors, Part II
- Keeper Of The Purple Twilight
- The Duplicate Man
- Counterweight
- The Brain Of Colonel Barham
- The Premonition
- Probe
Season Two: 1964