Deep Space Nine Season 07 Star Trek


Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Kira is visited by her old friend and teacher, Vedek Fala, who gives her a red crystal. It is a homing transponder which is activated, causing her to be beamed by a Dominion transporter to Empok Nor, where a community of Bajoran pagh-wraith worshippers has settled, led by none other than Gul Dukat. Dukat tries to convince Kira to join his followers, but she wants nothing to do with them or the pagh wraiths. When the first child born to the community turns out to be half-Cardassian, Dukat claims it’s a miracle, then attempts to kill the mother. Rather than let his followers learn the truth, he decides to lead them to suicide.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Rene Echavarria
directed by John Kretchmer
music by David Bell

Guest Cast: Marc Alaimo (Dukat), Norman Parker (Vedek Fala), Jason Leland Adams (Benyan), Maureen Flannigan (Mika), Miriam Flynn (Midwife), Mark Piatelli (Brin)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Deep Space Nine Season 07 Star Trek

It’s Only A Paper Moon

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Having lost a leg in battle, Nog returns to DS9 with his new biosynthetic one. Although the leg works perfectly, Nog is walking with a cane due to the psychosomatic pain he feels. His friends and family are concerned as Nog withdraws from them emotionally, choosing to take his medical leave in the holographic world of Vic Fontaine. Will Nog retreat into fantasy for the rest of his life?

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Ronald D. Moore
story by David Mack & John J. Ordover
directed by Anson Williams
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Aron Eisenberg (Nog), Max Grodenchik (Rom), Chase Masterson (Leeta), James Darren (Vic Fontaine), Tami-Adrian George (Kesha)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Deep Space Nine Season 07 Star Trek

Prodigal Daughter

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: O’Brien is missing, after having secretly gone to New Sydney in order to find a woman – Bilby’s widow, who has disappeared. Sisko prevails upon Ezri to ask her mother, Yanas Tigan, a prominent businesswoman in the same system, to use her influence to help find O’Brien. Ezri’s mother agrees, in exchange for a visit. Ezri goes, and is reunited with her mother, and her two brothers, Janel and Norvo. After O’Brien is found, having discovered Morika Bilby’s body, what secrets will he and Ezri uncover?

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Bradley Thompson & David Weddle
directed by Victor Lobl
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Kevin Rahm (Norvo), Mikael Salazar (Janel), John Paragon (Bokar), Clayton Landey (Fuchida), Leigh Taylor-Young (Yanas Tigan)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 4 Xena: Warrior Princess

Past Imperfect

Xena: Warrior PrincessXena has finally told Gabrielle about the vision of their death, but the bard believes that it’s not necessarily going to happen. When Xena tries to leave her behind while she goes to warn the village of Actis that an army is approaching, Gabrielle insists on joining her.

At the village, they learn that many of the soldiers that defend the city are ill. As Xena is talking with the commander, the invading forces catapult firebombs over the city walls. During the attack, the commander is killed and Xena starts to remember a similar attack her army waged against Corinth. When the warrior learns that the next in command doesn’t have any battle expirence, she takes charge.

In the infirmary, she notices a nurse feeding men. Xena stops her and tests the food. And as suspected, the food is poisoned, and that is why the men are ill. The warrior realizes that whoever is leading the attack may be someone from her past who is using her strategy. Now she has to figure out who it is – and how to stop them.

Order the DVDswritten by Steven L. Sears
directed by Garth Maxwell
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Marton Csokas (Borias), Mark Ferguson (Dagnine), Catherine Boniface (Sertrina), Jeff Boyd (Kaleipus), and Argo

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Season 4 Xena: Warrior Princess

Key To The Kingdom

Xena: Warrior PrincessXena’s look-a-like Meg, along with Joxer, ask Autolycus for help in locating the crown of Athena. But what she doesn’t tell the king of thieves is that she’s really after a baby.

Order the DVDswritten by Eric Morris
directed by Bruce Campbell
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Lucy Lawless (Meg), Bruce Campbell (Autolycus), Ted Raimi (Joxer), Craig Parker (Cleades), Paul Willis (Ormestin), Martin Howells (Kryptos)

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Season 4 Xena: Warrior Princess

Daughter of Pomira

Xena: Warrior PrincessXena and Gabrielle are traveling through the area where Xena’s army once fought the Horde. The pair are trying to avoid running into the savages, when they spot a Horde warrior out with three teens. They notice that the girl in the group has blonde hair, and Xena seems to recognize her from somewhere. Suddenly a hatchet flies through the air, hitting the Horde warrior. A man runs to attack the kids, but Xena stops him. Gabrielle finds a Roman sling shot and Xena remembers giving it to the daughter of one of her warriors. The warrior and bard travel back to the village with Milo. There Xena tells Vanessa’s parents that she has seen their daughter. And with encouragement from Gabrielle, she promises to bring her home.

Order the DVDswritten by Linda McGibney
directed by Patrick Norris
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Beth Allen (Vanesa/Pilee), Craig Ancell (Milo), Bruce Hopkins (Rahl), Mandy Mcmullin (Adiah), Watchman Rivers (Cirvik)

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Season 4 Xena: Warrior Princess

If The Shoe Fits…

Xena: Warrior PrincessAfter capturing a warlord named Zantar, Xena and Gabrielle, along with Joxer are taking him back to prison when an explosion tears a gapping hole in the temple of Aphrodite they are passing. They rush inside to find the goddess of love chastising a girl for getting into a powerful potion. The girl, Alesia, is the seven-year-old daughter of a king who is a friend of the bard and warrior. Alesia tells them that she ran away from home because she believes her stepmother hates her. Xena and Gabrielle try to reassure her that isn’t true, and the bard begins the tale of Tyrella. But the story undergoes a lot of changes when Aphrodite decides she’d like to keep Alesia around – and Zantar’s men are in pursuit.

Order the DVDswritten by Adam Armus & Nora Kay Foster
directed by Josh Becker
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Lucy Lawless (Sidero/Pelia/Harmonia/Tyrella), Renee O’Connor (Tyrella/Princess/Harmonia), Alexandra Tydings (Aphrodite/Pelia/Sidero), Ted Raimi (Joxer/Messenger/Tyro/Prince), Olivia Tennet (Alesia), Chris Ryan (Zantar/Evil Stepfather), Ted Clarke (Brother #1), Douglas Kamo (Brother #2), Alistair Browning (King Melos), Sally Spencer-Harris (Queen Mistria), and Argo

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Deep Space Nine Season 07 Star Trek

The Emperor’s New Cloak

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Grand Nagus Zek has disappeared while on a business trip, and Quark is visited by the alternate-universe version of Ezri, who has a message from Zek – the Nagus has gone to the other universe, and is now a hostage. Quark must obtain a cloaking device for the Alliance, or Zek will die. With Rom’s aid, he steals one, and mirror-Ezri takes them to her universe. There, they are captured by Terran rebels on Terok Nor, who take the cloaking device. How will Quark manage to save the Grand Nagus this time?

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Ira Steven Behr & Hans Beimler
directed by LeVar Burton
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Andrew J. Robinson (Garak), Jeffrey Combs (Brunt), Max Grodenchik (Rom), J.G. Hertzler (Martok), Tiny Ron (Maihar’du), Chase Masterson (Leeta), Wallace Shawn (Zek), James Darren (Vic Fontaine), Peter C. Antoniou (Klingon Helmsman)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 4 Xena: Warrior Princess

Paradise Found

Xena: Warrior PrincessXena and Gabrielle are seeking refuge from a storm in a cave, and treating a gash on the warrior’s leg, when they hear a noise. The bard goes to investigate. But when Xena calls for her, there is no answer. She goes in search of her friend and finds a large gapping hole. Believing that Gabrielle has fallen in and is in trouble, Xena jumps in after her.

Order the DVDswritten by Chris Manheim
directed by Robert Tapert
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Jeremy Roberts (Aiden)

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Deep Space Nine Season 07 Star Trek

Field Of Fire

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: A young lieutenant is killed in his quarters on DS9, and Ezri is assigned to use forensic psychology to aid in the investigation. After she has a vision of Joran, a murderous former host of Dax, another murder occurs, and Ezri turns to Joran for help, using a Trill ritual to enable her to interact with him as a separate being. Can Ezri use Joran’s intimate knowledge of how and why a killer kills to her advantage, or will she be swept away by his sinister urgings?

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Robert Hewitt Wolfe
directed by Tony Dow
music by Gregory Smith

Guest Cast: Art Chudabala (Ilario), Marty Rackham (Chu’lak), Leigh J. McCloskey (Joran)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 4 Xena: Warrior Princess


Xena: Warrior PrincessXena and Gabrielle are enjoying the sights and signs of a village in India when they spot a magician, Eli. They stop to watch his performance, which includes sending his assistant to the heavens. But when he brings her back, she is possessed and tries to kill him. The warrior leaps to the stage to stop the woman. She succeeds in knocking the assistant from the stage and into Eli. Suddenly she goes into convulsions and Gabrielle rushes to her side to try and calm her. When the tremors abruptly stop and a spectre flees the woman’s body, the people began to shout that the bard is a Devi.

Order the DVDswritten by Chris Manheim
directed by Garth Maxwell
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Timothy Omundson (Eli), Monroe Reimers (Vikram), Alex Reekers (Maya), Renee O’Connor (Tataka)

Original title: Smoke And Mirrors

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Deep Space Nine Season 07 Star Trek


Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Odo and O’Brien are returning from a conference when their runabout is boarded by a Changeling – one who has never met another of his kind. Laas, like Odo, is one of the hundred infants who were sent out as explorers by the Founders. However, Laas is full of scorn and distrust for humanoids, and urges Odo to join him in a quest to find the other explorers and form a new Link. Odo is torn between his desire to live “as Changelings were meant to” and his love for Kira; and things become even more difficult when Laas is arrested for killing a Klingon.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Rene Echavarria
directed by Steven Posey
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Garman Hertzler (Laas), John Eric Bentley (Klingon), Joel Goodness (Deputy)

Note: “Garman” Hertzler is, of course, J.G. Hertzler, the same actor behind General Martok’s mask.

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 4 Xena: Warrior Princess

Between The Lines

Xena: Warrior PrincessXena and Gabrielle interrupt a funeral when they realize that the widow of the deceased is about to be burned alive. They manage to get the woman to her home, but as the warrior realizes there is no escape from there, Naima summons the power of the Mehndi and sends Xena into a future life. In that lifetime, she is an elderly woman, known as the mother of peace. She finds that her enemy in that future is Alti. When Gabrielle cannot find her friend, Naima explains that she sent Xena into her future life to save her from being destroyed by a great evil. The bard insists that Naima send her there to help, and she agrees – but only after she has taught Gabrielle about the Mehndi and how it will help the warrior and bard to bring Alti back to the past.

Order the DVDswritten by Steven L. Sears
directed by Rick Jacobson
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Claire Stansfield (Alti), Tharini Mudiliar (Naima), Gabriella Larkin, Saras Govender, Colin Mathura-Jeffree (Sakti)

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Deep Space Nine Season 07 Star Trek

Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: While Bashir and O’Brien are visiting Vic’s, the lounge suddenly turns into a sleazy dive, and Vic is fired. The hotel has been bought by a mobster and old rival of Vic’s named Frankie Eyes – the result of a surprise plot development buried in the program by its designer. Rather than reset the program, which would wipe Vic’s memory, the DS9 officers concoct a plan to rob the casino, so that Frankie Eyes will be unable to pay the mob its cut.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Ira Steven Behr & Hans Beimler
directed by Mike Vejar
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Penny Johnson (Kasidy Yates), Marc Lawrence (Mr. Zeemo), Mike Starr (Tony Cicci), Robert Miano (Frankie Eyes), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), Bobby Reilly (Countman), Chip Mayer (Guard), James Wellington (Al), James Darren (Vic Fontaine), Andrea Robinson (Blonde), Sammy Micco (Croupier), Jacqueline Case, Kelly Cooper, Michelle Johnston, Michelle Rudy, Kelly Sheerin (Dancers)

Notes: “Bobby” Reilly is also known as actor Robert O’Reilly, taking a break from his usual recurring role as Klingon Chancellor Gowron.

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover with notes by Earl Green

Season 4 Xena: Warrior Princess

The Way

Xena: Warrior PrincessAs Xena and Gabrielle are walking by a river in India, they are attacked by the minions of Indrejit. Their leader says they were sent to stop the warrior and bard from reaching the Avatar. They find Eli, surrounded by people seeking his help, and realize that he must be the Avatar. The offer to protect him from Indrejit and he relcutantly agrees. That night, an apeman, Hanuman, appears in the camp. He has been following Eli because it is his job to protect him. He tells them that they should head to the temple of Krishna and ask the god for his help.

Order the DVDswritten by R.J. Stewart
directed by John Fawcett
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Timothy Omundson (Eli), Jake McKinnon (Hanuman), Rajneel Singh (Indrajit), Rajiv Varma (Krishna), George Sabbage (Man), Slade Leef (Demon)

Notes: Protests about this episode’s portrayal of Krishna led the producers to edit certain elements of the episode before it was repeated again.

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell