Earth: Final Conflict Season 1

Through The Looking Glass

Earth: Final ConflictBoone and Sandoval launch an investigation when a young boy vanishes during one of the inaugural voyages of a commercial interdimensional transit system opened by the Companions. While trying to calm the child’s mother – or, in Sandoval’s case, trying to silence her before her panic scares further customers away from using the interdimensional transport system – Boone also discovers that his sister has mysteriously become pregnant, at the same time that the child re-emerges from the transport. Boone’s darkest suspicion seems to be confirmed – the Taelons have begun picking experiment subjects from the public at large through their transit system.

written by Malcolm MacRury
directed by Milan Cheylov
music by Micky Erbe & Maribeth Solomon

Guest Cast: Majel Barrett Roddenberry (Dr. Belman), Anita La Selva (Zo’or), Damon D’Oliveira (Sahjit Jinnah), Diana Reis (Anna Sims), William Greenblatt (Jamie Sims), Wendy Lyon (Sarah Boone), Michael Burgess (Dr. Walkin), Kate Trotter (Dr. Park)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Deep Space Nine Season 06 Star Trek

The Reckoning

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: A tablet is found under the ruins of B’Hala, and Sisko brings it to the station for translation. This brings him into conflict once again with Kai Winn, who demands that the tablet be returned. The sudden instability of the wormhole is a sign to the Kai that the Prophets are angry. Sisko agrees to return the tablet, but later he smashes it, releasing two energy discharges. They are a Prophet and a pagh wraith, who will battle it out in “the Reckoning” to determine Bajor’s future.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by David Weddle & Bradley Thompson
story by Harry M. Werksman & Gabrielle Stanton
directed by Jesus Salvador Trevino
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: James Greene (Koral), Louise Fletcher (Kai Winn), Judi Durand (Station Computer Voice)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 3 Xena: Warrior Princess

Vanishing Act

Xena: Warrior PrincessGabrielle attends an annual celebration honoring Pax, the personification of peace, while Xena takes care of some business elsewhere. The next morning when she arrives, the 20 foot statue of Pax is missing. Her first suspect is Autolycus, but the king of thieves insists that he didn’t take it. He wants to conduct the investigation his way to regain his title. Xena reluctantly agrees. The trio soon discover the thief’s identity and head for his fortress on a nearby island.

Order the DVDswritten by Terry Winter
directed by Andrew Merrifield
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Bruce Campbell (Autolycus), John Brazier (Tarses), John O’Leary (Adair), Ian Harrow (Wharfmaster), Adrean Keeling (Scylosian General), Bray Taylor (Thea), Campbell Cooley (1st Guard), Greg Morman (Drunk Villager), Thomas Leary (Assistant), and Argo

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Earth: Final Conflict Season 1


Earth: Final ConflictAugur is startled when a holographic image of Rayna, a dead researcher for the resistance, appears and warns him that the alien probe’s secrets – including all that it learned about the resistance – are about to be accessed by the Taelons. Fellow rebel Sahjit, who was going to marry Rayna before the probe killed her, insists on leading the fight to retrieve the probe before the Taelons crack its security systems, perhaps with the misguided hope that he can save Rayna. But the objective of the resistance mission is to destroy the probe if necessary – and at any cost.

written by Alan Templeton
directed by Ross Clyde
music by Micky Erbe & Maribeth Solomon

Guest Cast: Majel Barrett Roddenberry (Dr. Belman), Brooke Johnson (Quo’on), Anita La Selva (Zo’or), Stavroula Logothettis (Kee’sha), Paul Johansson (Sloane), Damon D’Oliveira (Sahjit Jinnah), Sonia Dhillon (Rayna), William de Vry (Joshua Doors), Vint Cerf (Cy Vincent)

Notes: Guest star Vint Cerf also served as the science advisor during the first season of Earth: Final Conflict. He was also one of the originators of the TCP/IP protocol that makes the entire internet possible, so in a way, he’s also responsible for the site hosting this episode listing. This episode mentions the plague unleashed in the preceeding episode produced, Infection… but Infection didn’t air on schedule, and was held back to air in July 1998, two months after this episode.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Deep Space Nine Season 06 Star Trek

The Valiant

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate 51825.4: Just after leaving a starbase with a diplomatic message for the Grand Nagus, a runabout carrying Nog and Jake is attacked by Jem’Hadar fighters, but the two are rescued by the USS Valiant, a Defiant-class ship manned by a crew of Red Squad cadets who were out on a training cruise when the war broke out. Nog is made Chief Engineer by Captain Watters, who plans to complete the Valiant’s mission of obtaining technical data on a Dominion battleship. Once this is accomplished, however, Watters decides to destroy the battleship – which may be a fatal mistake.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Ronald D. Moore
directed by Michael Vejar
music by Paul Baillargeon

Guest Cast: Aron Eisenberg (Nog), Paul Popowich (Watters), Courtney Peldon (Farris), David Drew Gallagher (Shepard), Ashley Brianne McDonogh (Dorian), Scott Hamm (Parton), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 3 Xena: Warrior Princess

Sacrifice – Part 1

Xena: Warrior PrincessXena and Gabrielle find a childhood friend of the bard, Seraphin, as she is about to be sacrificed. Xena interrupts the “ceremony” and Gabrielle takes Seraphin to safety. Callisto appears and kills one of the priests, then disappears with his body. Ares also appears and tries to convince Xena to lead his army against Callisto, but she refuses. After he leaves, Xena and Gabrielle learn from Seraphin that Callisto isn’t the one they have to worry about. The warrior realizes that it is Hope who is building a following. Xena and Gabrielle know they must find a way to stop her.

Order the DVDswritten by Steven Sears
directed by David Warry Smith
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Hudson Leick (Callisto), Kevin Smith (Ares), Jodie Rimmer (Seraphin), Stephen Ure (Werfner), Elizabeth Pendergrass (Atropos), Micaela Daniel (Lachesis), Samantha Adriaanse (Clotho), Jermey Curry (Warlord), Bret Rudnick (First Klansman), Renee O’Connor (Hope)

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Deep Space Nine Season 06 Star Trek

Profit And Lace

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Zek returns to DS9, accompanied by Quark’s mother, Ishka. His amendment of the Ferengi Bill of Opportunities to give females the right to wear clothing has resulted in planetary chaos on Ferenginar and Zek’s removal from office. Brunt is now Acting Grand Nagus, a position which will become permanent in three days unless Zek can persuade the FCA to reinstate him. The plan is for the FCA commissioners to come to DS9 to meet Ishka, but only one, Nilva, agrees. However, Ishka has a heart attack during an argument with Quark, who is obliged to pose as Zek’s “other” female advisor.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Ira Steven Behr & Hans Beimler
directed by Alexander Siddig
music by David Bell

Guest Cast: Henry Gibson (Nilva), Jeffrey Combs (Brunt), Max Grodenchik (Rom), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), Cecily Adams (Ishka), Chase Masterson (Leeta), Tiny Ron (Maihar’du), Sylvain Cecile (Uri’Lash), Wallace Shawn (Zek)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Earth: Final Conflict Season 1

The Joining

Earth: Final ConflictThough they don’t realize it, the crew of a seagoing salvage ship have discovered more evidence of alien visitors that predate the recent arrival of the Taelons. When a member of the crew tries to steal the alien artifact for his own financial gain, the artifact is activated, kills him, and inhabits his body. Da’an is instantly aware of the alien presence and puts Boone and Sandoval on alert. The alien Ha’gel has come with a warning about what the Taelons do to those less developed races to whom they become Companions – but his own actions are proving lethal to the same race he has come to help.

written by Jonas McCord
directed by Neill Fearnley
music by Micky Erbe & Maribeth Solomon

Guest Cast: Majel Barrett Roddenberry (Dr. Belman), Anita Le Selva (Zo’or), Brooke Johnson (Quo’on), Raymond Accolas (Claude Bertrand), Graeme Millington (Randy / Ha’gel), Kari Matchett (Beckett), John Evans (Morovsky), Scott Gibson (Officer Reed)

Notes: This marks Kevin Kilner’s last appearance as a regular cast member on Earth: Final Conflict, as distributor Tribune Entertainment pressured the producers to replace Boone with a younger, more traditionally heroic character. He would return as a guest star during season 5.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 3 Xena: Warrior Princess

Sacrifice – Part 2

Xena: Warrior PrincessXena and Gabrielle are stunned when they see that the reborn Hope looks identical to her mother. The warrior tries again to kill the evil goddess, but Hope wages her own attack, even against Gabrielle. The two manage to escape the barrage of weapons that Hope is hurling at them. Outside the halls of war, Xena is angry that Gabreille stopped her from killing Hope before when she was still vulnerable, but the bard explains about Ares’ threat. Now that Hope has completed her rebirth, she and Ares start on their own plans. Callisto realizes that she won’t be a part of those plans. She appears to Xena and offers her help in killing Hope, providing that the warrior will end her life with the Hind’s blood dagger when they are finished.

Order the DVDswritten by Paul Robert Coyle
directed by Paul Robert Coyle
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Renee O’Connor (Hope), Hudson Leick (Callisto), Kevin Smith (Ares), Jodie Rimmer (Seraphin), Ted Raimi (Joxer), Stephen Ure (Werfner), Elizabeth Pendergrass (Atropos), Micaela Daniel (Lachesis), Samantha Adriaanse (Clotho), Jeremy James Wood (Dahak Disciple #1), Russell Gowers (Dahak Disciple #2)

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Deep Space Nine Season 06 Star Trek

Time’s Orphan

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Keiko, Molly, and Kirayoshi have returned to the station, and to celebrate, Miles takes them on a picnic to Golana. While there, however, Molly falls into a heretofore undiscovered time portal left behind by an ancient civilization. Miles is finally able to retrieve her, but the calculations are off, and Molly is beamed back as an 18-year-old who has survived for ten years and has turned savage in the process. The O’Briens do their best to help her re-socialize, but Starfleet wants to institutionalize her. Can her parents make the choice to give her the only home she knows?

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Bradley Thompson & David Weddle
story by Joe Menosky
directed by Allan Kroeker
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Rosalind Chao (Keiko), Michelle Krusiec (Molly, 18), Hana Hatae (Molly, 8), Shaun Bieniek (Deputy), Randy James (Security)

Original title: Out Of Time

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Deep Space Nine Season 06 Star Trek

The Sound Of Her Voice

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate 51948.3: The Defiant is returning from convoy duty when it picks up a distress call from a Starfleet captain, Lisa Cusack, who was marooned on a class L world in the Rutharian sector when her ship crashed there. She is alone, with only a limited supply of tri-ox to help her breathe. After a two-way link is finally established, the Defiant officers take turns keeping Captain Cusack company while they speed to the rescue. They end up revealing some of their deepest thoughts and fears to her, as she gives them counsel. Meanwhile, Quark contrives to ensure that Odo is distracted during an important smuggle.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Ronald D. Moore
story by Pam Pietroforte
directed by Winrich Kolbe
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Debra Wilson (voice of Lisa Cusack), Penny Johnson (Kasidy Yates)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Deep Space Nine Season 06 Star Trek

The Tears Of The Prophets

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Starfleet has finally decided to go on the offensive in the war against the Dominion, and Sisko is chosen to lead the task force that will be sent to attack the Chin’taka system, a “weak spot” in Cardassian space. This he does, despite a warning vision from the Prophets. Meanwhile, Dukat has returned to Cardassia with what he claims is the key to victory. He breaks an ancient Bajoran relic, and becomes possessed by the pagh wraith inside. The results will be devastating to the Federation and Dominion alike, as well as to the crew of Deep Space Nine, who will lose someone very dear to them.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Ira Steven Behr & Hans Beimler
directed by Allan Kroeker
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Andrew J. Robinson (Garak), Jeffrey Combs (Weyoun), Marc Alaimo (Dukat), David Birney (Letant), J.G. Hertzler (Martok), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), Casey Biggs (Damar), Barry Jenner (Admiral Ross), James Darren (Vic Fontaine), Michelle Horn (Saghi), Bob Kirsh (Glinn)

Notes: This was Terry Farrell’s final episode as a member of Deep Space Nine’s regular cast. As with Next Generation, Deep Space Nine’s cast was originally contracted for a six-year run with the option to renegotiate their contracts between the sixth and seventh seasons. Farrell opted not to return when she felt that the offered salary was not commensurate with her years of experience on the show, and tried to persuade the writers to reassign Dax to a new mission rather than killing the character off.

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Earth: Final Conflict Season 1


Earth: Final ConflictThe continued study of the alien probe results in the release of a deadly virus which kills a Taelon researcher very quickly, and that death raises the possibility that humankind may be even more vulnerable to the airborne disease. But not everyone can agree on what to do about the crisis – Doors thinks it’s evidence of an accident during Taelon attempts to create agents for use in biological warfare. And a hate group decides that the virus is ideal for their purposes in wiping out an African-American community as their first strike in a new wave of racial terror.

written by Julie G. Beers
directed by Milan Cheylov
music by Micky Erbe & Maribeth Solomon

Guest Cast: Majel Barrett Roddenberry (Dr. Belman), Stavroula Logothettis (Kee’sha), Janet Zenik (Ne’eg), James Kee (Robert Howard), Derwin Jordan (Albert Cooper), Conrad Coates (Reverend Billy Mitchell), James Purcell (Steve Burton), Austin Strungnell (Charles Burton)

Notes: This episode was not broadcast until after the season finale, Joining, even though it was intended to air between Through The Looking Glass and Destruction.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 4 Xena: Warrior Princess

Adventures in the Sin Trade – Part 1

Xena: Warrior PrincessIn her grief over Gabrielle’s death, Xena seeks out Hades, god of the underworld. He tells her that Gabrielle didn’t come to him when she died and asks if she was part of a religious order. The warrior realizes that Gabrielle’s status as an Amazon meant that she went to the Amazon land of the dead. Hades says that he can’t help her there because he doesn’t even know where that is – but Xena does. Leaving Argo behind, she sets off for the Amazon Land of the Dead. On the way, she’s haunted by visions from her past, and hears Gabrielle’s voice calling for her.

Season 4 Regular Cast: Lucy Lawless (Xena), Renee O’Connor (Gabrielle)

Order the DVDsteleplay by R.J. Stewart
story by Robert Tapert & R.J. Stewart
directed by T.J. Scott
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Vicky Pratt (Cyane), Claire Stansfield (Alti), Shiri Rappaport (Otere), Marton Csoskas (Borias), Erik Thomson (Hades), Kate Elliot (Yakut), Charlotte Sanders (Anokin), Jay Sassey (Young woman)

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Deep Space Nine Season 07 Star Trek

Image In The Sand

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: On Earth, three months after the wormhole closed and the Orbs went dark, Sisko has a vision of uncovering a woman’s face in the sands of Tyree. He learns that the woman was his real mother, Sarah, and that she had left behind a locket with ancient Bajoran writing on the back, which reads “Orb of the Emissary.” Despite an attempt on his life by a member of the Cult of the Pah-Wraith, Sisko resolves to seek the Orb on Tyree, accompanied by his father and Jake. Meanwhile, on DS9, a Romulan military presence is established, but when they take over a Bajoran moon in order to build a hospital complex which also serves as a weapon storage facility, the Bajoran government wants them out; and Worf, Bashir, and O’Brien decide to undertake a dangerous mission in Jadzia’s name.

Season 7 Regular Cast: Avery Brooks (Captain Sisko), Nicole de Boer (Ezri Dax), Michael Dorn (Lt. Commander Worf), Rene Auberjonois (Odo), Cirroc Lofton (Jake Sisko), Colm Meaney (Chief O’Brien), Armin Shimerman (Quark), Alexander Siddig (Dr. Bashir), Nana Visitor (Colonel Kira)

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Ira Steven Behr & Hans Beimler
directed by Les Landau
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Jeffrey Combs (Weyoun), Casey Biggs (Damar), Barry Jenner (Admiral Ross), J.G. Hertzler (Martok), Megan Cole (Cretak), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), James Darren (Vic Fontaine), Brock Peters (Joseph Sisko), Johnny Moran (Bajoran Man)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover