Live Free Or Die
Two test pilots – subjected to disastrous biological experiments when the Taelons first introduced their interdimensional shuttles to humanity – slip into an astronomical symposium host by Da’an. The men render everyone unconscious with the use of nerve gas and kidnap Da’an, intending to return the Taelons’ grisly favor to their representative on Earth. Doors harbors an ambition to recruit the kidnappers for the resistance, but when Sandoval and others suspect the resistance of engineering the hostage crisis, even Doors orders his followers to kill the kidnappers if necessary. And while in captivity, Da’an is taking steps to relieve his kidnappers of their prize.
written by Malcolm MacRury
directed by David Warry-Smith
music by Micky Erbe & Maribeth SolomonGuest Cast: Majel Barrett Roddenberry (Dr. Belman), Nigel Bennett (Major Ray McIntyre), Maurice Dean Wint (Captain Lucas Johnson)
LogBook entry by Earl Green