Earth: Final Conflict Season 1

Live Free Or Die

Earth: Final ConflictTwo test pilots – subjected to disastrous biological experiments when the Taelons first introduced their interdimensional shuttles to humanity – slip into an astronomical symposium host by Da’an. The men render everyone unconscious with the use of nerve gas and kidnap Da’an, intending to return the Taelons’ grisly favor to their representative on Earth. Doors harbors an ambition to recruit the kidnappers for the resistance, but when Sandoval and others suspect the resistance of engineering the hostage crisis, even Doors orders his followers to kill the kidnappers if necessary. And while in captivity, Da’an is taking steps to relieve his kidnappers of their prize.

written by Malcolm MacRury
directed by David Warry-Smith
music by Micky Erbe & Maribeth Solomon

Guest Cast: Majel Barrett Roddenberry (Dr. Belman), Nigel Bennett (Major Ray McIntyre), Maurice Dean Wint (Captain Lucas Johnson)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Deep Space Nine Season 06 Star Trek


Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate 51408.6: Sisko is on the ship on which Gul Dukat, now said to be recovered from his mental instability following the loss of his empire and his daughter, is en route to a Federation starbase to be arraigned as a war criminal, when the ship is destroyed. Injured, Sisko finds himself alone with Dukat on an inhospitable planet – and Dukat is slowly deteriorating back into a state of madness.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Ronald D. Moore
directed by Rene Auberjonois
music by Paul Baillargeon

Guest Cast: Jeffrey Combs (Weyoun), Marc Alaimo (Dukat), Casey Biggs (Damar)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Earth: Final Conflict Season 1

The Scarecrow Returns

Earth: Final ConflictScientists working with the resistance try to learn more about the alien probe captured in Paradise, but the trapped device lashes out and kills one of the scientists, assuming her form in the process. Eventually, it is discovered the that the alien probe is sending information to a location distant from the Taelon homeworld – and its transmissions allow Da’an and Sandoval to trace its location straight to the resistance headquarters. Boone must figure out how to hand the deadly device over to Da’an – who seems to be not only concerned with its whereabouts, but also experienced in containing it.

written by Paul Gertz
directed by David Warry-Smith
music by Micky Erbe & Maribeth Solomon

Guest Cast: Damon D’Oliveira (Sahjit Jinnah), Sonia Dhillon (Rayna Armitraj)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 3 Xena: Warrior Princess


Xena: Warrior PrincessWhen Gabrielle arrives in the village where she was to meet Xena, she’s surprised to see that her friend is about to let a group of warriors burn her at the stake. Thinking fast, the bard manages to extinguish the fire and frees Xena. They flee the village square and hide in an alley. It’s then that Gabrielle realizes that’s not the warrior who is with her. The look-alike identifies herself as Leah, a Hestian Virgin Priestess. The two women finally meet up with the real Xena. The warrior realizes that someone may be intentionally putting the priestess in danger. The trio head to the temple to find out what is going on.

Order the DVDswritten by Adam Armus and Nora Kay Foster
directed by Robert Ginty
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Lucy Lawless (Leah/Meg), MacGregor Cameron (Balius), Ted Raimi (Joxer), Matty J. Ruys (Dexon), Ted Clar (Thoracles), Jodie Dorday (Bordello Girl #2)

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Earth: Final Conflict Season 1

Sandoval’s Run

Earth: Final ConflictSandoval collapses while interrogating a suspected resistance sympathizer, and Dr. Belman believes that his CVI is deteriorating – and taking its host with it. Da’an and Belman reveal a previously unknown ability – the ability to use an anti-virus to destroy a CVI and prepare its host for a new implant. But Sandoval, stripped of the device that ensures his loyalty to the Companions, doesn’t intend to stick around for his new implant. Instead, he breaks free, hijacking Lili and her shuttle, and sets off to free his wife from the mental institution where he sent he when he was first implanted with his CVI. Da’an orders Sandoval killed immediately – his CVI carried more information than was given to most hosts, making Sandoval a high security risk. Sandoval reunites with his wife and seeks the help of the resistance in keeping her safe from the Taelons, but he knows that he must eventually allow a second CVI to be implanted or he will die. And in order to convince him to undergo the procedure, Boone must return a “favor” Sandoval once performed for him.

written by Paul Aitken
directed by Milan Cheylov
music by Micky Erbe & Maribeth Solomon

Guest Cast: Majel Barrett Roddenberry (Dr. Belman), Shary-Lee Guthrie (Dee Dee Sandoval), Diana Belshaw (Dr. Sharpe), T.L. Forsberg (Nell Hagar)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 3 Xena: Warrior Princess

The Quill Is Mightier…

Xena: Warrior PrincessAphrodite is furious when punks paint graffatti in and around her temple about Xena. Ares tells her that the problem isn’t Xena, but with her bard companion, Gabrielle. The goddess agrees with him and decides to do something about it. Aphrodite pays a visit to the warrior and bard’s camp, and places a spell on Gabrielle’s scroll. The next morning, Gabrielle discovers that things she has written on the scroll are coming true. The bard decides to use the opportunity to do good deeds. But soon things aren’t going quiet the way she planned.

Order the DVDsby Hilary J. Bader
directed by Andrew Merrifield
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Kevin Smith (Ares), Alexandra Tydings (Aphrodite), Ted Raimi (Joxer), Allison Wall (Minya), Stephen Hall (Thelonious), Ranald Hendriks (Munk), John Mckee (Scaberus), Paul Norell (Street Vendor)

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Season 3 Xena: Warrior Princess

Maternal Instincts

Xena: Warrior PrincessXena and Gabrielle arrive at the village where the Centaurs are to meet in an effort to reunite their nation. They are greeted by Kaleipus, Solan, Ephiny, and her son Xenan. Not far from the village, a young girl is playing with a ball near a canyon. Suddenly the ground far below cracks open, freeing Callisto. The evil goddess decides to send a message to Xena about the warrior’s secret.

Order the DVDswritten by Chris Manheim
directed by Mark Beesley
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Hudson Leick (Callisto), Danielle Cormack (Ephiny), David Taylor (Solan), Amy Morrison (Hope), Jeff Boyd (Kaleipus), Reece Redewk (Xenan)

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Deep Space Nine Season 06 Star Trek

Who Mourns For Morn?

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Sad news reaches DS9 – Morn, one of Quark’s favorite and most dedicated customers, has been killed in an ion storm. But the tragedy is somewhat mitigated for Quark when he learns that Morn left a will designating him as the sole heir to his possessions – which, Quark finds out thanks to a trail of clues, include 1000 bricks of gold-pressed latinum.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Mark Gehred O’Connell
directed by Victor Lobl
music by David Bell

Guest Cast: Gregory Itzin (Hain), Brad Greenquist (Krit), Bridget Ann White (Larell), Cyril O’Reilly (Nahsk)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Earth: Final Conflict Season 1

The Secret Of Strandhill

Earth: Final ConflictEvidence is discovered in Ireland of a Taelon expedition sent to Earth at least two millennia before the arrival of the current Taelon force. The Taelons reveal that they did indeed send a scout long ago, and that their scout never returns. Now, the search is on to find and decipher the long-dead visitor’s logs – a search which is hampered by one of the locals, who has pocketed a piece of the puzzle. When the log is finally found, it contains a message that Earth is unsuitable for Taelon colonization because of the violence of its inhabitants – a long overdue warning which the Synod decides to ignore.

written by George Carson
directed by Gordon Langevin
music by Micky Erbe & Maribeth Solomon

Guest Cast: Majel Barrett Roddenberry (Dr. Belman), Anita La Selva (Zo’or), Kari Matchett (Siobhan Beckett), Chris Wiggins (Tim O’Malley), Leni Parker (Ma’el)

Notes: Chris Wiggins was a regular on the Canadian-produced Friday The 13th: The Series as Uncle Jack from 1988 through 1990.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 3 Xena: Warrior Princess

The Bitter Suite

Xena: Warrior PrincessGabrielle has turned to the Amazons for help with her grief over Hope’s death and Xena’s rejection. Ephiny is very concerned about the bard’s state of mind but knows that her friend must work through this on her own. Xena on the other hand has sought out isolation on a snowy mountaintop to mourn Solan. Ares appears and tells her that she should give up her redemption and return to her old ways. He knows exactly where she should start. Xena rides into the Amazon village, looking for Gabrielle.

Order the DVDswritten by Steven L. Sears and Chris Manheim
directed by Oley Sassone
music by Joseph LoDuca
lyrics by Joseph LoDuca, Pamela Phillips Oland and Dennis Spiegel

Guest Cast: Hudson Leick (Callisto), Kevin Smith (Ares), Ted Raimi (Joxer), Danielle Cormack (Ephiny), Willa O’Neill (Lila), Karl Urban (Julius Ceasar), Marton Csokas (Khraftstar), Daniel Sing (Ming Tien), David Taylor (Solan), Julie Moran (Gabrielle’s Pal), and Argo

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Deep Space Nine Season 06 Star Trek

Far Beyond The Stars

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: After the loss of a friend in the war, a despondent Sisko is considering giving up and leaving the fight to someone else – but then he begins having strange hallucinations, in which he is Benny Russell, a struggling black writer for a science fiction magazine, facing racism on Earth in the 1950’s. Inspired by a drawing of a space station, Benny writes a story called “Deep Space Nine,” about the adventures of Captain Benjamin Sisko – but the magazine editor, Pabst, refuses to run the story, believing that no one will want to read a story about a black captain. Will Benny’s dream of a better future prevail…or is Pabst right?

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Ira Steven Behr & Hans Beimler
story by Mark Scott Zicree
directed by Avery Brooks
music by Dennis McCarthy

Cast: Avery Brooks (Benny Russell), Rene Auberjonois (Douglas Pabst), Michael Dorn (Willie Hawkins), Terry Farrell (Darlene), Cirroc Lofton (Jimmy), Colm Meaney (Albert), Armin Shimerman (Herb), Alexander Siddig (Jules), Nana Visitor (K.C.), Brock Peters (Joseph Sisko/Preacher), Jeffrey Combs (Weyoun/Mulkahey), Marc Alaimo (Dukat/Ryan), J.G. Hertzler (Roy), Aron Eisenberg (Vendor), Penny Johnson (Kasidy/Cassie)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Earth: Final Conflict Season 1

Pandora’s Box

Earth: Final ConflictA sinister experiment to reverse one Taelon’s evolution by injecting it with human DNA backfires badly, leaving the subject of the experiment – a Taelon who has taken on the human features of the unwilling gene donor – in a murderous rage. Doors, fearing the implications of Taelon experiments with human genetics, sends a commando to kill the hybrid, but his operative is killed instead. Boone and Sandoval try to corral the violent Taelon guinea pig, and discover that the only way to end the experiment is to end the life of the human whose DNA was injected into their prey.

written by Malcolm MacRury
directed by Tibor Takacs
music by Micky Erbe & Maribeth Solomon

Guest Cast: Majel Barrett Roddenberry (Dr. Belman), Leni Parker (Quo’on), Anita La Selva (Zo’or), Kari Matchett (Rho-ha), Nigel Bennett (Major Ray McIntyre), Maurice Dean Wint (Johnson), Janet Zenik (Ne’eg), Elle Downs (Maddy Johnson), Matthew Koller (Cal Johnson)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 3 Xena: Warrior Princess

One Against An Army

Xena: Warrior PrincessXena and Gabrielle stop by a stream to treat the bard’s sprained ankle when a young man, Phiddipides, appears. He says that he just ran from Marathon where combined forces of Greeks and Spartans were unable to defend against a foreign invasion. From the description he gives, Xena realizes that it’s the Persian Army. The warrior sends Phiddipides on to meet the Athenian Army, while she and Gabrielle find a way to divert the Persians.

As the two women are discussing the plans, another man appears wearing a Spartan uniform. Dorian tells them that he was injured and ran from the battle. He agrees to help them. Persian scouts appear, and Xena sends Gabrielle away to safety. When the bard realizes that Dorian is just standing and watching, she turns back to convince him to take cover. But before they can get very far, Gabrielle is struck in the back with an arrow.

Order the DVDswritten by Gene O’Neill and Noreen Tobin
directed by Paul Lynch
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Douglas Kamo (Dorian), Nick Kemplen (Phiddipides), and Argo

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Deep Space Nine Season 06 Star Trek

One Little Ship

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate 51474.2: The Defiant is surveying a rare subspace compression phenomenon in Federation space, with the aid of the runabout Rubicon, which is miniaturized (along with Dax, O’Brien, and Bashir), when they are attacked by Jem’Hadar who board the Defiant and capture its officers. The tiny Rubicon manages to get inside the Defiant, where the officers are working to retake the ship as they are made to repair the warp drive. Can the Rubicon’s crew somehow aid them…and can they ever return to normal size?

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by David Weddle & Bradley Thompson
directed by Allan Kroeker
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Aron Eisenberg (Nog), Scott Thompson Baker (First Kudak’Etan), Fritz Sperberg (Second Ixtana’Rax), Leland Crooke (Vorta), Christian Zimmerman (Third Lamat’Ukan)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Earth: Final Conflict Season 1

If You Could Read My Mind

Earth: Final ConflictAn attendee of a Taelon conference on psi powers reveals that she has penetrated the psychic bond that keeps all of the Taelons in touch with one another. Zo’or gives Sandoval orders to kill the psychic before she can expose more of the Taelon agenda. The psychic, however, knows enough to seek out Boone for shelter, even as she is being stalked by an assassin hired by Sandoval. Knowing that her days are numbered, she offers to have her insight transferred into Boone’s mind – knowledge that the Taelon scout whose remains were found in Ireland did more than just report on humanity.

written by Julie G. Beers
directed by Milan Cheylov
music by Micky Erbe & Maribeth Solomon

Guest Cast: Majel Barrett Roddenberry (Dr. Belman), Shauna MacDonald (Katya Petrenko), Michael Filipowich (Judson Corr), Anita La Selva (Zo’or), Leni Parker (Quo’on), Norma Clarke (Madam Marie)

LogBook entry by Earl Green