Babylon 5 / Crusade Season 4

Between The Darkness And The Light

Babylon 5As Sheridan’s interrogation continues, Garibaldi makes his way to the Mars resistance base, trying to convince them that contrary to the ISN reports, he was brainwashed by Bester into betraying the resistance and handing Sheridan over to the authorities. But with tensions running high among the rebels, they simply take Garibaldi hostage until Lyta scans him, proving that his claims about mind alteration are true. Garibaldi, Franklin and Lyta slip into the facility where Sheridan is being held, and Garibaldi uses his newfound popularity among Earthforce loyalists to gain access to the captain, though force is needed to break him out. Meanwhile, Susan has taken Sheridan’s place at the head of the swelling resistance fleet, but finds that her plans for a massive strike on Mars have been discovered by Earthforce. But with some of her support fleet already too close to Mars to abort the mission, Susan proceeds with the attack, and finds out that Earthforce has a new class of destroyer which integrates Earth and Shadow technology. Her fleet succeeds against the overwhelming odds, but Ivanova pays dearly for the victory, leaving Sheridan to resume his command of the resistance fleet.

Order now!Download this episodewritten by J. Michael Straczynski
directed by David J. Eagle
music by Christopher Franke

Cast: Bruce Boxleitner (Captain Sheridan), Claudia Christian (Commander Ivanova), Jerry Doyle (Garibaldi), Mira Furlan (Delenn), Richard Biggs (Dr. Franklin), Bill Mumy (Lennier), Jason Carter (Marcus Cole), Stephen Furst (Vir), Jeff Conaway (Zack Allan), Patricia Tallman (Lyta Alexander), Andreas Katsulas (G’Kar), Peter Jurasik (Londo), Marc Gomes (Eisensen), Bruce Gray (Interrogator), Marjorie Monaghan (Number One), David Purdham (Captain James), Musetta Vander (Felicia), Greg Poland (Guard), J.P. Hubbel (Evan), James Laing (First Guard), Anneliza Scott (Assistant)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Earth: Final Conflict Season 1


Earth: Final ConflictEarly in the 21st century, a number of alien Taelons, calling themselves the Companions, have arrived on Earth, ridding the human race of disease, famine and other scourges of overpopulation, bringing Earth into a new era of prosperity. But not every human being trusts the Companions – what is the price of the Taelons’ boundless generosity?

Policeman William Boone tries to arrange for heightened security for the visit of Da’an, one of the Companions, to an urban area, only to have his efforts rebuffed. Boone’s worst nightmare comes to fruition when an attempt is made on Da’an’s life, and Boone’s partner takes the bullet meant for the alien. Worse yet, the sniper is revealed to be a fellow war veteran of Boone’s, now a member of an underground resistance movement whose mission is to undermine the Companions. While hunting down his fleeing former comrade, Boone is offered a high-ranking security position by the Taelons, but his immediate obsession is to solve the case at hand. But when Boone’s wife is killed in an act of terrorism, he is left with many questions – how widespread is the resistance movement against the Companions? And who killed Boone’s wife – the resistance, or perhaps the aliens themselves?

Season 1 Regular Cast: Kevin Kilner (Captain William Boone), Lisa Howard (Captain Lili Marquette), Von Flores (FBI Agent Ronald Sandoval), Leni Parker (Da’an), Richard Chevolleau (Augur), David Hemblen (Doors)

written by Gene Roddenberry
directed by Allan Eastman
music by Micky Erbe & Maribeth Solomon

Guest Cast: Miranda Kwok (Kwai-Ling), John Evans (Morovsky), Lisa Ryder (Kate Boone), Michael Filipowich (Corr), Monique Mojica (Mayor Ruiz), Paul Boretski (Jordan), Majel Barrett Roddenberry (Dr. Belman)

Notes: Launched almost exactly six years after the death of its creator, Earth: Final Conflict is the result of a series concept originally titled “Battleground: Earth” which Roddenberry was developing for CBS in 1976 before he was lured away to work on the proposed new Star Trek series which later evolved into the first Trek theatrical film. Majel Barrett, Roddenberry’s widow (and a recurring guest star in Star Trek’s numerous incarnations as well as Earth: Final Conflict) discovered her husband’s pilot script in 1995 and began looking for a studio to develop it into a new series. The name of Gene Roddenberry was officially made part of the show’s title to cash in on the posthumous fame of the creator of Star Trek.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Deep Space Nine Season 06 Star Trek

Rocks And Shoals

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: In their commandeered Jem’Hadar warship, crippled and under attack, Sisko and crew take refuge in a nebula where they crash on a planet which is deserted – except for a troop of Jem’Hadar who have also crashed there. Their Vorta supervisor, Keevan, has been severely injured, and their supply of Ketracel-white has dwindled to one vial. When Garak and Nog are captured, Keevan arranges a trade for Sisko and Bashir, who is able to treat the Vorta. In exchange, Keevan makes a proposal which will enable Sisko and crew to survive–but not without a moral dilemma. Meanwhile, on Terok Nor, Kira finds it increasingly difficult to maintain neutrality.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Ronald D. Moore
directed by Mike Vejar
music by David Bell

Guest Cast: Andrew J. Robinson (Garak), Phil Morris (Remata’Klan), Christopher Shea (Keevan), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), Paul S. Eckstein (Limara’Son), Lilyan Chauvin (Vedek Yassim), Sarah MacDonnell (Neeley), Joseph Fuqua (Gordon)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 3 Xena: Warrior Princess

Been There, Done That

Xena: Warrior PrincessXena, Gabrielle, and Joxer are visiting a village where two families are constantly feuding. During their visit, Joxer gets in the middle of one of the arguments and is killed. The two friends mourn him outside the village.

The next morning finds them back in the village and Joxer alive. Only Xena is aware of what happened before. She manages to keep Joxer alive until they are ready to leave, but when they return to the stables for Argo, they find that the mare has been killed.

The day starts off again with the trio back in the village and Argo alive. But when this day ends, Gabrielle dies. Xena knows that she must find away to end the cycle and keep her friends alive in the process.

Order the DVDswritten by Hilary J. Bader
directed by Andrew Merrifield
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Ted Raimi (Joxer), Rodney Cooke (Man #1), Rebekah Davies (Hermia), Neill Duncan (Perion), Norman Fairley (Lord Lycost), Norman Forsey (Casca), John Glass (Tius), John McKee (Lord Menos), Joseph Murray (Neron), Campbell Rousselle (Man #2), John Smythe (Apothecary), Marek Summich (Edos), Deverik Williams (Tybelus), Mary Woodward (Altara), and Argo

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Babylon 5 / Crusade Season 4


Babylon 5A resistance strike team on Mars, working with Franklin, Lyta and Garibaldi, slip the Shadow-altered telepaths aboard a fleet of thirty Earthforce destroyers which have been ordered to head off the inevitable attack from Sheridan. The fleet is being commanded by General Lefcourt, Sheridan’s tactical instructor from the academy, and he assumes that his old pupil will emerge from hyperspace, which he does – but at that moment, Lyta signals the telepaths to awaken and interface with the computers aboard the destroyers, effectively shutting the fleet down. Sheridan’s fleet quickly jumps to Earth to liberate the planet from the reign of President Clark, who will destroy Earth if he cannot rule it himself. And before the crucial battle at Earth, Marcus slips away from Sheridan’s fleet to perform his final duty aboard Babylon 5.

Order now!Download this episodewritten by J. Michael Straczynski
directed by John Copeland
music by Christopher Franke

Cast: Bruce Boxleitner (Captain Sheridan), Claudia Christian (Commander Ivanova), Jerry Doyle (Garibaldi), Mira Furlan (Delenn), Richard Biggs (Dr. Franklin), Bill Mumy (Lennier), Jason Carter (Marcus Cole), Stephen Furst (Vir), Jeff Conaway (Zack Allan), Patricia Tallman (Lyta Alexander), Andreas Katsulas (G’Kar), Peter Jurasik (Londo), Ungela Brockman (Earthforce NCO), J. Patrick McCormack (General Lefcourt), Marjorie Monaghan (Number One), David Purdham (Captain James), Carolyn Seymour (Senator Crosby), Julian Stone (Captain Mitchell), Maggie Egan (ISN Anchor), Karen Fineman (Kelley), Rick Kramer (Earthforce Officer), Kenneth Cortland (Telepath), Gary McGurk (President Clark)

Notes: Bloopers are exceedingly rare in Babylon 5, but according to this episode’s visual effects, unless Sheridan’s battle at Earth took several hours (which doesn’t seem to be the case), it was daylight on both hemispheres! When Sheridan’s fleet arrives, it’s daylight over the Indian and African continents. But very near the end of the battle, which only takes several minutes onscreen, the sun is shining on the familiar outline of the United States. The visuals don’t seem to support artificial sunlight either. Oops!

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Deep Space Nine Season 06 Star Trek

Sons And Daughters

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: After rescuing Sisko’s crew in the Rotarran, Martok and Worf take on a group of five replacements from the Klingon Defense Forces – one of which, to Worf’s surprise, is his son, Alexander Rozhenko, whom he had sent to live with his foster grandparents on Earth. Alexander refuses to discuss his reasons for joining the Empire’s forces, especially with his father, and unfortunately he is the butt of the other recruits’ jokes, leaving Worf in an awkward position. Meanwhile, on the station, Ziyal has returned, and Kira tries to get along with Dukat for her sake.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Bradley Thompson & David Weddle
directed by Jesus Salvador Trevino
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Marc Worden (Alexander), Marc Alaimo (Gul Dukat), J.G. Hertzler (Martok), Melanie Smith (Ziyal), Casey Biggs (Damar), Sam Zeller (Ch’Targh), Gabrielle Union (N’Garen)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Earth: Final Conflict Season 1


Earth: Final ConflictAppointed to a new position of security by the Taelon, Boone uses his newfound authority to continue tracking down his wife’s murderer, leading him to a notorious bounty hunter. Boone uses new abilities bestowed by Taelon technology and his contacts within the resistance to find the killer, but both parties are concerned for their security and Boone walks a fine line between maintaining the Taelons’ security and not giving away the secrets of the resistance. When he discovers who is really responsible for his wife’s death, Boone learns a new meaning to the concept of sacrifice for the sake of the greater good – but is it truly a greater good?

written by Richard C. Okie and Raymond Hartung
directed by Allan Eastman
music by Micky Erbe & Maribeth Solomon

Guest Cast: Miranda Kwok (Kwai-Ling), John Evans (Morovsky), Lisa Ryder (Kate Boone), Michael Filipowich (Corr), Shari-Lee Guthrie (Dee Dee), Chad McFadden (Dan Spicer)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 3 Xena: Warrior Princess

The Dirty Half-Dozen

Xena: Warrior PrincessAres has taken the secret to making Hephaestus’ metal and has given it to his protege, a young warrior named Agranon. The young man is very open to the god of war’s plans for ruling the world. But Xena is on to Ares. She and Gabrielle free three of her former warriors from prison and a fourth from his impending execution. Xena offers them a chance to earn their freedom by helping her stop Ares and Agranon. While the four warriors may have once been in Xena’s army, none were there at the same time. So while they may trust the former warlord, they don’t trust each other. But Xena believes that they will soon learn how to work together as a team. Xena divides them into groups of two. Glaphrya and Darnelle are to gather supplies. Walsim and Monlik are to map out a way into the castle that Agathon and his army are using, while Xena and Gabrielle go to see King Gregor about using his army for a deversion. But after visiting the castle, Monlik decides that he has the upper hand over Xena since he has the only map. When Xena disagrees and demands the map, he tries to kill her. The two fight and soon it’s Monlik who is dead. Now the others must find their own way into the castle.

Order the DVDswritten by Steven L. Sears
directed by Rick Jacobson
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Kevin Smith (Ares), Jon Brazier (Walsim), Katrina Hobbs (Glaphrya), Charles Mesure (Darnelle), Jonathon Roberts (Agathon), Stephen Ure (Monlik), Peter Ford (Villager #1), Amron McCormack (Warrior #1), Campbell Rousselle (Warrior #2), Adam Schlooz (Guard #1), Roy Snow (Athenian Captain), and Argo

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Babylon 5 / Crusade Season 4

Rising Star

Babylon 5Having liberated Earth, Sheridan hands himself over to Earthforce authorities, now under the command of acting President Luchenko of the Russian Consortium. But the new President isn’t the only person wanting to have a word with him – Bester and more than a few right-wing generals are lined up to take Sheridan’s head off at the first opportunity, but Luchenko offers him the opportunity to resign his Earthforce commission and grant his allies amnesty from any further prosecution. On Babylon 5, Susan is out of danger from the injuries she suffered in the attack by the Shadow-based Earth destroyers, but suffers from a raging guilt that her recovery came at the expense of Marcus’ life. Delenn assembles the League on Non-Aligned Worlds one last time, to ask them to dissolve that entity in favor of a new Interstellar Alliance which would hold all of the involved worlds as equal. Her next task is to go to Earth to convince the new President to join the alliance, provided that the new Earth government is willing to grant independence to colonies such as Mars, where Garibaldi is trying to free Lise from the Martian Mafia. Also free is Sheridan’s father, who meets his future daughter-in-law when Delenn arrives on Earth. What remains to be seen, after the wedding of Sheridan and Delenn, is if Earth will accept him as the first president of the new Interstellar Alliance.

Order now!Download this episodewritten by J. Michael Straczynski
directed by Tony Dow
music by Christopher Franke

Cast: Bruce Boxleitner (Captain Sheridan), Claudia Christian (Commander Ivanova), Jerry Doyle (Garibaldi), Mira Furlan (Delenn), Richard Biggs (Dr. Franklin), Bill Mumy (Lennier), Jason Carter (Marcus Cole), Stephen Furst (Vir), Jeff Conaway (Zack Allan), Patricia Tallman (Lyta Alexander), Andreas Katsulas (G’Kar), Peter Jurasik (Londo), Joey Dente (Luko), Denise Gentile (Lise Hampton), Rance Howard (David Sheridan), Michael Potter (General Foote), Beata Pozniak (President Susanna Luchenko), Walter Koenig (Bester), Alex Coro (Max), Maggie Egan (ISN Anchor), Julie Ow (Med Tech)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Earth: Final Conflict Season 1


Earth: Final ConflictBoone saves a girl who is attempting to commit suicide because of the death of her parents and the loss of her hands in a car crash. Da’an announces that the girl will become Earth’s first public recipient of Taelon bodily regeneration therapy – while Boone wonders why Da’an was so specific in mentioning a “public” recipient. A televangelist who has founded the First Church of the Companions jumps on the wagon when the girl publicly states that the new hands grown for her by the Taelons are a miracle, but eventually those new hands prove to be only temporary. However, alarmingly, Da’an is not at all reluctant to assume the role of a messenger from God.

written by D.C. Fontana
directed by David Warry-Smith
music by Micky Erbe & Maribeth Solomon

Earth: Final ConflictGuest Cast: John Evans (Morovsky), Majel Barrett Roddenberry (Dr. Belman), Sam Malkin (Reggie), Emily Hampshire (Julie), Janet Zenik (Ne’eg), Peter Krantz (Travis Murray)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Deep Space Nine Season 06 Star Trek

Behind The Lines

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate 51145.3: On Terok Nor, Kira and Rom engineer a brawl between the Cardassians and the Jem’Hadar, a ploy which Odo had disapproved of. At this time comes the female Changeling, who has been trapped in the Alpha Quadrant by the minefield. Odo’s need for answers soon overcomes his distrust of her, and soon they are sharing the Link, to Kira’s dismay – which could spell disaster for the entire Alpha Quadrant. Meanwhile, Sisko is promoted to the position of adjutant to Admiral Ross, and must stay behind as the Defiant goes on a mission to destroy a vast Dominion sensor array.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Rene Echavarria
directed by LeVar Burton
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Jeffrey Combs (Weyoun), Marc Alaimo (Gul Dukat), Max Grodenchik (Rom), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), Casey Biggs (Damar), Barry Jenner (Admiral Ross), Salome Jens (Female Changeling)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 3 Xena: Warrior Princess

The Deliverer

Xena: Warrior PrincessXena and Gabrielle encounter prisoners under escort. When Xena hears one of the prisoners mention Caesar, she immediatly frees them. The one who spoke up, Khrafstar, tells them that he was sent by Boadieca to hire mercenaries to fight against Caesar in Britannia. Xena and Gabrielle decide to go with them. Ares learns of Xena’s trip and asks her to finish the job that he asked Caesar to do. The god of war wants her to destroy a temple belonging to a god that is percieved a threat by the gods on Olympus.

The group travels to Gaul and boards a ship for Britannia. During the voyage, Xena tells Gabrielle that she once befriended Boadieca and then turned on her. The warrior isn’t sure how her arrival will be received. When they near Britannia, a Centurion captain boards the ship and tells them they cannot land and that they should turn back to Gaul. But after he returns to shore, he learns that the ship continued on north. Realizing that the mercenaries may have already landed, he heads his troops in that direction. The Centurions are met by Xena, Boadieca and the mercenaries.

As Xena and the others fight, Gabrielle and Khrafstar are making their way to Boadieca’s camp. On the way, they are captured by Centurions.

Order the DVDswritten by Steven L. Sears
directed by Oley Sassone
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Kevin Smith (Ares), Karl Urban (Julius Caesar), Marton Csokas (Khrafstar), Jennifer Ward-Lealand (Boadicea), Cathrine Boniface (Meridian), Meighan Desmond (Discord), Brad Homan (Jiela), Anthony Ray Parker (Deliverer), Anton Bentley (Centurion), Andre Coppell (Squad Leader), David Holton (Lieutenant), Patrick Kuhtze (Brit Guard), John Manning (Captain), Daniel Martin (Soldier), and Argo

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Babylon 5 / Crusade Season 4

The Deconstruction of Falling Stars

Babylon 5In the distant future, an observer has a very limited amount of time to gather all available records of the beginnings and the founders of the Interstellar Alliance, and the records reveal more than a few surprises.

Order now!written by J. Michael Straczynski
directed by Stephen Furst
music by Christopher Franke

Download this episodeCast: Bruce Boxleitner (John Sheridan), Jerry Doyle (Garibaldi), Mira Furlan (Delenn), Richard Biggs (Franklin), Andreas Katsulas (G’Kar), Peter Jurasik (Londo), Doug Hale (Derek Mitchell), Ken Taylor (Jim Bitterbane), Rob Elk (Henry Ellis), Bennet Guillory (Leif Tanner), Kathleen Lloyd (Elizabeth Metarie), Alastair Duncan (Latimere), Nick Toth (Exeter), Joanna Takahashi (Dr. Tashaki), Eric Pierpoint (Daniel), Roy Brocksmith (Brother Alwyn Macomber), Neil Roberts (Brother Michael)

Babylon 5Notes: Rushed into production as the first episode shot under a new contract with cable channel TNT, Deconstruction was designed to segue into the fifth and final season which would be airing on cable, though it was aired as the final episode of Babylon 5’s syndicated run under Warner Bros.’ collapsing PTEN network. If TNT hadn’t rescued the show, the already-produced Sleeping In Light would have aired here instead, wrapping up the series; as it was, that episode remained in the can until the end of Babylon 5’s TNT run. Only part of the regular cast appears in this episode, which was shot after the departure of Claudia Christian over contractual disagreements with the producers.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Earth: Final Conflict Season 1


Earth: Final ConflictImprisoned serial killer James Pike escapes by faking his own death, and Da’an sets Boone on his trail. Pike was given an experimental CVI in an early Taelon attempt to rehabilitate violent human criminals, but his twisted mind has allowed him to access information programmed deep inside every CVI and learn more about the Taelons’ real purpose for living among humanity. In addition to more concrete information about the Taelons, Pike is also bringing to life a horrifying Taelon myth by instigating a new wave of killings unless Boone can stop him.

written by Malcolm MacRury
directed by Jeff Woolnough
music by Micky Erbe & Maribeth Solomon

Guest Cast: John Evans (Morovsky), Majel Barrett Roddenberry (Dr. Belman), Marvin Kaye (Clifton Samuel), Richard McMillan (James Pike), Patrick Gallagher (Prison Guard), Peter MacNeill (Warden Cole), Grant Alianak (Dr. Kaplan)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Deep Space Nine Season 06 Star Trek

Favor The Bold

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Sisko’s plan to take back DS9 is approved by Starfleet, while on the station, Kira and Quark are anxious to free Rom, who has been scheduled for execution; but Rom urges Quark to destroy the antigraviton beam instead. Ziyal tries to talk to her father on Rom’s behalf, but he refuses, causing a renewed estrangement. With the minefield coming down within a week, Jake sends a message (via Morn) to his father, who hastens the assembling of the task force. Finally Sisko sets out, once more in command of the Defiant, to retake DS9 and prevent Dominion reinforcements from arriving through the wormhole – but Weyoun and Dukat are ready.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Ira Steven Behr & Hans Beimler
directed by Winrich Kolbe
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Andrew J. Robinson (Garak), Jeffrey Combs (Weyoun), Marc Alaimo (Gul Dukat), Max Grodenchik (Rom), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), J.G. Hertzler (Martok), Melanie Smith (Ziyal), Casey Biggs (Damar), Chase Masterson (Leeta), Barry Jenner (Admiral Ross), Salome Jens (Female Changeling), William Wellman Jr. (Bajoran Officer), Bart McCarthy (Admiral Coburn), Ericka Klein (Admiral Sitak), Andrew Palmer (Jem’Hadar Soldier)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover