Deep Space Nine Season 06 Star Trek

Favor The Bold

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Sisko’s plan to take back DS9 is approved by Starfleet, while on the station, Kira and Quark are anxious to free Rom, who has been scheduled for execution; but Rom urges Quark to destroy the antigraviton beam instead. Ziyal tries to talk to her father on Rom’s behalf, but he refuses, causing a renewed estrangement. With the minefield coming down within a week, Jake sends a message (via Morn) to his father, who hastens the assembling of the task force. Finally Sisko sets out, once more in command of the Defiant, to retake DS9 and prevent Dominion reinforcements from arriving through the wormhole – but Weyoun and Dukat are ready.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Ira Steven Behr & Hans Beimler
directed by Winrich Kolbe
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Andrew J. Robinson (Garak), Jeffrey Combs (Weyoun), Marc Alaimo (Gul Dukat), Max Grodenchik (Rom), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), J.G. Hertzler (Martok), Melanie Smith (Ziyal), Casey Biggs (Damar), Chase Masterson (Leeta), Barry Jenner (Admiral Ross), Salome Jens (Female Changeling), William Wellman Jr. (Bajoran Officer), Bart McCarthy (Admiral Coburn), Ericka Klein (Admiral Sitak), Andrew Palmer (Jem’Hadar Soldier)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 3 Xena: Warrior Princess

Gabrielle’s Hope

Xena: Warrior PrincessGabrielle struggles to come to terms with the fact that she killed Meridian as she and Xena travel to a village to find passage back to Greece. As they pass through a forest, three Banshees appear. The Banshees attack Xena, but leave Gabrielle alone. They back away from her saying they worship her. Since Gabrielle isn’t feeling well, she convinces Xena to give up the fight for now and they leave the forest.

In the village, Xena leaves Gabrielle at a tavern while she goes to speak to the captain of a ship that will be going close to Greece. The bard finds her appetite has returned and is soon eating everything that the tavern keeper will sit in front of her.

Outside the tavern, a crowd has gathered. They shout at Gabrielle and throw torches into the building, trying to burn it down with her in it. But the bard manages to use a pole to vault out of the structure and lands in the water nearby. She climbs onto the peir and the villagers chase her. Xena hears the commotion and follows.

Order the DVDswritten by R.J. Stewart
directed by Charles Siebert and Andrew Merrifield
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Catherine Boniface (Meridian), Alyssa Carr (Hope – 10 Months), Hannah Carr (Hope – 10 Months), Mark Clare (Eochaid), Peter Feeney (Caswallawn), Robert Harte (Goewin), Bert Keiller (Cadbury), Summer Proben (Hope – Todler), Ronald Fryer (Old Man), Michelle Huiramma (Banshee #1), David MItchell (Tavernkeeper)

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Deep Space Nine Season 06 Star Trek

The Sacrifice Of Angels

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: As the battle begins, Kira and her associates are “held for questioning.” Ziyal aids Quark in freeing them, and Kira and Rom head for the central computer core, aided along the way by Odo, who has broken away from the Female Changeling’s influence. Meanwhile, the Defiant breaks through the Dominion lines and heads for DS9 – too late to prevent the detonation of the mines. Then Sisko orders the Defiant into the wormhole to face the Dominion reinforcements.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Ira Steven Behr & Hans Beimler
directed by Allan Kroeker
music by David Bell

Guest Cast: Andrew J. Robinson (Garak), Jeffrey Combs (Weyoun), Marc Alaimo (Gul Dukat), Max Grodenchik (Rom), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), J.G. Hertzler (Martok), Melanie Smith (Ziyal), Casey Biggs (Damar), Chase Masterson (Leeta), Salome Jens (Female Changeling), Darin Cooper (Cardassian Officer)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Earth: Final Conflict Season 1

Old Flame

Earth: Final ConflictAt a Taelon musical performance, Boone encounters a woman with whom he was intimate prior to his marriage, and in the wake of his wife’s death he picks up the relationship where he left off. But when his relationship with his old flame gets in the way of his duties to both the Taelons and the resistance, it becomes obvious that Boone’s loyalties are being tested…but by whom?

written by Paul Gertz
directed by Ken Girotti
music by Micky Erbe & Maribeth Solomon

Guest Cast: John Evans (Morovsky), Colette Stevenson (Elyse), Matt Birman (Ramon), Lloyd Adams (Ainsley), Danny Lima (Peter)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 3 Xena: Warrior Princess

The Debt – Part 1

Xena: Warrior PrincessLate one night a wounded man appears at Xena and Gabrielle’s camp. He says he has a message for the warrior, but before he can tell her what it is, the men who attacked him appear. Xena fights them off and returns to the messenger. He gives her the cryptic message and dies. Afterward, Xena makes plans to head to Chin.

As the duo travel to a seaport, Xena tells Gabrielle about her time in Chin. The bard decides that she can’t go along with Xena to Chin and the two friends say their goodbyes.

Order the DVDswritten by R.J. Stewart
directed by Robert Tapert and R.J. Stewart
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Jacqueline Kim (Lao Ma), Marton Csokas (Borias), Grant McFarland (Ming Tzu), Daniel Sing (Ming Tien), Daniel Lim (Ming Tien – 12 years), Tai Hadfield (Chuang), Blair Fraser (Messenger), William Kwan (Soldier), Peter Mason (Shopkeeper), and Argo

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Deep Space Nine Season 06 Star Trek

You Are Cordially Invited…

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate 51247.5: The war is still going on, but the celebratory mood on the station following the return of Starfleet has yet to wear off. Worf and Dax decide to get married on DS9 so that Alexander can attend before his transfer. While Worf undergoes a “Klingon bachelor party” (involving fasting and various torments) with his friends and son, Dax is evaluated by Martok’s wife Sirella, who must approve all marriages into the house. But Sirella finds Dax distinctly lacking. Will Dax prove her worthiness? Will Worf get to have his dream wedding? And will Bashir and O’Brien survive the bachelor party?

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Ronald D. Moore
directed by David Livingston
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: J.G. Hertzler (Martok), Marc Worden (Alexander), Shannon Cochran (Sirella), Chase Masterson (Leeta), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), Max Grodenchik (Rom), Sidney Liufau (Atoa)

Original title: Once Upon A Wedding…

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Earth: Final Conflict Season 1

Float Like A Butterfly

Earth: Final ConflictInvestigating a small Amish village where people have begun to commit suicide after beginning to doubt their religious worldview in the wake of the Companions’ arrival, Boone and Lili discover that the suicides may in fact be homicides – and that the killer may be of alien origin. Da’an denies any secret experiments in the area, a story which checks out until Boone stumbles across an alien probe which has sent out deadly remote probes in the form of butterflies, killing the townsfolk. But Da’an, in stating that no Taelon experiments were being conducted on the people of Paradise, may not have been dishonest.

written by Paul Gertz
directed by Jeff Woolnough
music by Micky Erbe & Maribeth Solomon

Guest Cast: Trevor Blumas (Jedediah), Andrew Dinner (Samuel), Haley Lochner (Rachel Good), Brett Porter (Elijah Good), Richard Denison (Amos), Ed Fielding (Lucas), Brenda Bazinet (Sarah), Steven Bush (Jacob), George Dawson (Abraham)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 3 Xena: Warrior Princess

The Debt – Part 2

Xena: Warrior PrincessHaving captured Xena, Ming Tien has her thrown into a dungeon. The other prisoners had heard that she had tried to kill the Emperor and show their appericiation by clothing her.

Feeling guilty for having betrayed Xena, Gabrielle pleads with Ming Tien to let Xena go if she promises never to return to Chin. But the warrior refuses to comply and the Emperor sets her execution for dawn of the next day.

Order the DVDswritten by R.J. Stewart
directed by Robert Tapert and R.J. Stewart
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Jacqueline Kim (Lao Ma), Marton Csokas (Borias), Grant McFarland (Ming Tzu). Daniel Sing (Ming Tien), Daniel Lim (Ming Tien – 12 years), Tai Hadfield (Chuang), Ric Chan (Hiu), Din Tran (Prison Guard)

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Deep Space Nine Season 06 Star Trek


Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: A man unexpectedly beams into Ops. It is Bareil, the mirror universe’s version of the late Vedek Bareil. The mirror Bareil, a thief who used a multidimensional transporter to escape his universe, takes Kira hostage but she soon subdues him. As she gets to know him, she finds herself attracted to him. But Bareil – and Kira’s alternate self, the Intendent – have another agenda.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Michael Taylor
directed by LeVar Burton
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Philip Anglim (Bareil), John Towey (Vedek Ossan), Scott Strozier (Security Guard)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Earth: Final Conflict Season 1


Earth: Final ConflictDuring the worldwide broadcast of a high-profile sports event, resistance leader Jonathan Doors briefly interrupts the transmission, revealing himself to be alive, well, and in command of an organized resistance movement. However, Boone and Lili are surprised that Doors would put himself and the resistance at such great risk. Da’an, who believed Doors to be dead after the assassination attempt, is removed from power by the Taelon Synod, replaced by the much less patient Zo’or. Boone works behind the scenes to return Da’an to power, even as Doors continues to press his attack through the media. Both the Companions and the resistance, as it turns out, have been hiding something.

written by Paul Gertz
directed by Milan Cheylov
music by Micky Erbe & Maribeth Solomon

Guest Cast: Anita La Selva (Zo’or), Robert Dodds (Pieter Bakker), Matt Gordon (Bettor), Jeffrey Knight (Bud Lanier), Kristin Lehman (Cynthia Clarkson), Laura Press (Anne Portnoy), J. Craig Sandy (Agent Price)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 3 Xena: Warrior Princess

The King of Assassins

Xena: Warrior PrincessAs Gabrielle and Joxer wait in a village for Xena to return from a mission, they run into Autolycus. The thief tells him that the night before, he had helped a man who looked like Joxer steal a sword. Joxer explains that it was his brother Jett, an assassin. He also tells them that his brother will probably try to use the sword to kill someone important. Gabrielle insists that they must figure out who Jett is planning to kill and find a way to stop him. The bard is fairly sure of what Xena would do in this situation and the trio soon set her plan into motion.

Order the DVDswritten by Adam Armus and Nora Kay Foster
directed by Bruce Campbell
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Bruce Campbell (Autolycus), Ted Raimi (Joxer/Jett), Gina Torres (Cleopatra), Jonathon Hendry (Pontius), Jeremy Birchall (The Other Joxer/ Jett), Benjamin Banse (Prison Guard), Christian Hodge (Prisoner), Larry Keating (Warlord), Nerida Nichols (Chambermaid), Russell Raethel (Guard #3)

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Earth: Final Conflict Season 1

Horizon Zero

Earth: Final ConflictIn an unusual intervention, the Taelons cancel a human mission to Mars which has been in the works for years, and the mission’s captain, Chandler, is enraged to learn that he won’t be making another giant step for mankind. Lili is an old friend of Chandler’s, and gives him a ride in a Taelon shuttle to prove how much easier travel can be with the aliens’ technology. But the moment she turns her back, Chandler has hijacked her shuttle, and Da’an is unusually insistent that Chandler must be found and stopped from going to Mars…though the Companion offers no explanation. The unauthorized mission is finally underway, though in a way its captain would never have imagined, and with ominous discoveries made along the way.

written by Richard C. Okie
directed by David Warry-Smith
music by Micky Erbe & Maribeth Solomon

Guest Cast: Bobby Johnston (Paul Chandler), Andrew Lewarne (Philip Hart), Angela Asher (Frauke Manheim), Neil Dainard (General Kromer), Sandra Caldwell (Newscaster)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Deep Space Nine Season 06 Star Trek

Statistical Probabilities

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Four people who were genetically engineered as children and were institutionalized due to side effects of the treatment are brought to DS9 to meet Bashir, as an example of someone like them who is leading a productive life. Their insights into the war lead Bashir to believe they could be invaluable to Starfleet – but then they make a series of calculations which indicate that the only way to save Federation lives is to surrender to the Dominion.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Rene Echavarria
story by Pam Pietroforte
directed by Anson Williams
music by David Bell

Guest Cast: Jeffrey Combs (Weyoun), Tim Ransom (Jack), Jeannetta Arnette (Dr. Loews), Hilary Shepard-Turner (Lauren), Michael Keenan (Patrick), Casey Biggs (Damar), Faith C. Salie (Sarina)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Earth: Final Conflict Season 1

Scorpion’s Dream

Earth: Final ConflictWhen the Companions shut down a research project investigating early breeds of the sentient Taelon Skrill weapons, the lead researcher is vastly disappointed – but when one of the Skrills bonds with him and begins to alter his thought processes to preserve its own life, Boone tries to track him down. However, the Taelons have also sent Sandoval to find the fugitive researcher with orders to kill him before he can learn any more about the living weapon.

written by Harry “Doc” Kloor
directed by Ken Girotti
music by Micky Erbe & Maribeth Solomon

Guest Cast: Jonathan Potts (Larry Clark), Claudette Mink (Janice), Sugith Varughese (Dr. Basi), Joe Roncetti (Nickel), Ken Girotti (Security Guard)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Deep Space Nine Season 06 Star Trek

The Magnificent Ferengi

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: The Grand Nagus contacts Quark with the news that Quark’s mother Ishka has been captured by the Dominion; Zek offers Quark 50 bars of latinum to rescue her. Quark, who wants to prove that Ferengi can be as heroic as anyone else, puts together a team consisting of himself, Rom, Nog, Leck, Gaila, and Brunt. They are hopeless as commandos, so Sisko arranges a prisoner exchange: Starfleet lets the Ferengi trade Keevan, a Vorta POW, for Ishka. But will Quark and his team survive long enough to make the exchange and save Moogie?

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Ira Steven Behr & Hans Beimler
directed by Chip Chalmers
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Jeffrey Combs (Brunt), Max Grodenchik (Rom), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), Cecily Adams (Ishka), Josh Pais (Gaila), Christopher Shea (Keevan), Hamilton Camp (Leck), Chase Masterson (Leeta), Iggy Pop (Yelgrun)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover