Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

Children Of Time

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate 50814.2: The Defiant encounters a planet surrounded by an energy barrier, in the Gamma Quadrant. Dax is eager to check it out, but as they penetrate the barrier, Kira is hit by a discharge. The crew is greeted by the inhabitants, who are their descendants, the result of an anomaly which caused the Defiant to crash on the planet, 200 years back in time. Kira – who learns of Odo’s love for her from an older version of him – is destined to die unless she gets back to DS9. The crew must choose whether to let themselves be stranded and allow Kira to die, or to wipe out the existence of the colony.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Renè Echavarria
story by Gary Holland and Ethan H. Calk
directed by Allan Kroeker
music by Paul Baillargeon

Guest Cast: Gary Frank (Yedrin Dax), Jennifer S. Parsons (Miranda O’Brien), Davida Williams (Lisa), Doren Fein (Molly), Brian Evaret Chandler (Brota), Marybeth Massett (Parell), Jesse Littlejohn (Gabriel)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 2 Xena: Warrior Princess

The Lost Mariner

Xena: Warrior PrincessXena and Gabrielle are separated after the ship they were on sinks during a storm. The bard is picked up by Cecrops, the lost mariner, whose ship was cursed three hundred years before by Poseidon. Xena has her hands full on shore with pirates who wish to capture her. She learns from them which ship picked up Gabrielle. She makes the decision to try and reach that ship. Once aboard, Xena convinces Cecrops to head east toward the whirlpool Charybdis and the part of the island where his late love, Tyrie, had lived. When they do, Poseidon appears and offers Xena and Gabrielle the opportunity to leave the ship. Realizing that she is close to figuring out how to break the curse, Xena turns him down.

Order the DVDswritten by Steven L. Sears
directed by Garth Maxwell
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Tony Todd (Cecrops), Charles Siebert (Poseidon), Nigel Harbrow (Basculis), George Henare (Hidsim), Frank Iwan Jr. (Colfax), Michael Hollows (Tig), John Smith (Bloomer)

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Babylon 5 / Crusade Season 4

Rumors, Bargains and Lies

Babylon 5Londo and G’Kar are persuaded by Sheridan to permit the White Star fleet to patrol their borders. Fearing that the leaders of the non-aligned worlds will balk at the idea of his fleet flying along their territory, Sheridan concocts a convoluted scheme to hint at suspicious happenings along the aliens’ borders but withholding his help until it is requested. En route to Minbar to deal with political upheavals that have finally erupted into civil war, Delenn vows to end the conflict single-handedly. She believes that her disbanding the Grey Council has left Minbar without leadership, and the resulting conflicts are her fault. Neroon of the warrior caste meets with her, and despite his past disagreements with her, he agrees with Delenn that they will reach an amicable solution which will not require either of their castes to surrender. But Delenn’s own religious caste followers believe that her private meetings with Neroon will result in a betrayal of her own people, and plan to ritually sacrifice themselves and anyone else on board to prevent it. And on the station, Sheridan’s cunning plan could backfire unless he stoops just low enough to plant some the right information in the right places. Neroon, departing to return to his fellow warriors, intends to make sure than Delenn’s peace plan backfires.

Order now!Download this episodewritten by J. Michael Straczynski
directed by Mike Vejar
music by Christopher Franke

Cast: Bruce Boxleitner (Captain Sheridan), Claudia Christian (Commander Ivanova), Jerry Doyle (Garibaldi), Mira Furlan (Delenn), Richard Biggs (Dr. Franklin), Bill Mumy (Lennier), Jason Carter (Marcus Cole), Stephen Furst (Vir), Jeff Conaway (Zack Allan), Patricia Tallman (Lyta Alexander), Andreas Katsulas (G’Kar), Peter Jurasik (Londo), Ron Campbell (Drazi Ambassador), Chard Haywood (Religious Caste #2), Guy Siner (Religious Caste #1), John Vickery (Neroon)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

Blaze Of Glory

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Despite the fact that the Maquis have been decimated by the Cardassian/Dominion alliance, a message to Eddington is intercepted, saying that cloaked missiles have been launched toward Cardassia. Hoping to prevent a retaliatory war, Sisko appeals to the imprisoned Eddington to help deactivate the missiles before they reach their target. Promised freedom, Eddington agrees – but warns Sisko that he intends to kill him once the mission is over.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Robert Hewitt Wolfe & Ira Steven Behr
directed by Kim Friedman
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Kenneth Marshall (Eddington), J.G. Hertzler (Martok), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), Gretchen German (Rebecca)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 2 Xena: Warrior Princess

A Comedy of Eros

Xena: Warrior PrincessWhen his parents think he is sleeping, Cupid’s son Bliss takes one of his father’s bows and heads for a village. Xena and Gabrielle are in that village, because they had heard that Draco was planning on kidnapping the Hestian virgins. Joxer has also heard this and comes to help. Draco raids the temple but finds that it is deserted except for Xena. She tells him that the virgins are safely hidden away. Since he can’t have the virgins, Draco settles for capturing Gabrielle and Joxer.

Order the DVDswritten by Chris Manheim
directed by Charles Siebert
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Ted Raimi (Joxer), Jay Laga’aia (Draco), Karl Urban (Cupid), Anthony Ray Parker (Pinullus), Cherie Bray-Taylor (Virgin #2), Michael Holt (Draco Man #1), Eric Lynch (Best Buddy), Vanessa Mateja (Virgin #1), Collette Pennington (Housewife), David Perrett (Farmer), Zen Player (Draco Man #2), John Carr Watson (Merchant)

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Babylon 5 / Crusade Season 4

Moments of Transition

Babylon 5On Minbar, the warrior caste stoops to treacherous new lows as Delenn receives the news that Shakiri, the warrior leader, will openly attack the capitol of Minbar and its population unless the religious caste offers its immedaite surrender. On B5, Lyta finds herself at a disadvantage since she has gone on the run from Psi Corps. Potential clients who need a telepath to perform even the most routine duties will not accept the services of a known renegade. Psi Cop Bester happens to be on the station, and offers Lyta the renewal of her Psi Corps certification if she will agree to have her Vorlon-enhanced body turned over to Bester upon her death. Lyta refuses to sign such a contract, but she is left with little alternative. The room she occupied during the height of the war is too expensive for her, a visit to Garibaldi seeking work almost but doesn’t quite work due to the insistent disapproval of Garibaldi’s new employer, William Edgars of Mars, and the only other offer of work she gets is from Zack, who wants the evasive former security chief scanned without permission. Lyta must now reluctantly return to the Psi Corps, Delenn must surrender and risk being killed as a symbol of her caste’s strength, and forces under the control of Earth President Clark engage in a killing spree which incites Sheridan to declare war on Earth.

Order now!Download this episodewritten by J. Michael Straczynski
directed by Tony Dow
music by Christopher Franke

Cast: Bruce Boxleitner (Captain Sheridan), Claudia Christian (Commander Ivanova), Jerry Doyle (Garibaldi), Mira Furlan (Delenn), Richard Biggs (Dr. Franklin), Bill Mumy (Lennier), Jason Carter (Marcus Cole), Stephen Furst (Vir), Jeff Conaway (Zack Allan), Patricia Tallman (Lyta Alexander), Andreas Katsulas (G’Kar), Peter Jurasik (Londo), Bart McCarthy (Shakiri), Walter Koenig (Bester), John Vickery (Neroon), Scott Adams (Mr. Adams)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

Empok Nor

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: O’Brien leads a salvage team to Empok Nor, an abandoned Cardassian space station in the Treba system, to obtain needed spare parts for DS9. The team includes Nog as well as Garak, whose help is needed in disarming the booby traps the Cardassians left behind. However, the team soon finds themselves stranded on the station and stalked by three Cardassian soldiers – test subjects for an experimental drug to heighten their racial xenophobia – and Garak too has now been exposed to it.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Hans Beimler
story by Bryan Fuller
directed by Michael Vejar
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Andrew J. Robinson (Garak), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), Tom Hodges (Pechetti), Andy Milder (Boq’ta), Marjean Holden (Stolzoff), Jeffrey King (Amaro)

Notes: Marjean Holden later appeared in the Babylon 5 spinoff series Crusade as regular character Dr. Sarah Chambers.

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover with notes by Earl Green

Babylon 5 / Crusade Season 4

No Surrender, No Retreat

Babylon 5Earthforce ships have blockaded the colony of Proxima 3, which seceded from the Earth Alliance shortly before Babylon 5 declared independence. When the blockade threatens to starve out the residents of Proxima 3, Sheridan hurriedly asks the League of Non-Aligned Worlds to support Babylon 5 instead of Earth and then sets out to attack the flotilla of Earth Force destroyers at Proxima 3. Londo tries to persuade G’Kar to sign a declaration announcing joint Narn-Centauri support of Sheridan’s fight to win Earth back from President Clark’s regime, but G’Kar withholds his cooperation until the last minute. When Sheridan’s White Star fleet engages the Earth Force ships at Proxima 3, the captain discovers that he may have more support than he expected, though a former supporter of his on the station has just decided to leave the fold.

Order now!Download this episodewritten by J. Michael Straczynski
directed by Mike Vejar
music by Christopher Franke

Cast: Bruce Boxleitner (Captain Sheridan), Claudia Christian (Commander Ivanova), Jerry Doyle (Garibaldi), Mira Furlan (Delenn), Richard Biggs (Dr. Franklin), Bill Mumy (Lennier), Jason Carter (Marcus Cole), Stephen Furst (Vir), Jeff Conaway (Zack Allan), Patricia Tallman (Lyta Alexander), Andreas Katsulas (G’Kar), Peter Jurasik (Londo), Richard Gant (Captain Edward McDougan)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Babylon 5 / Crusade Season 4

The Exercise of Vital Powers

Babylon 5Garibaldi returns to Mars to meet his new employer, pharmaceutical baron William Edgars. Lise is worried about Garibaldi’s presence on Mars, but his business is with Edgars. Edgars subjects Garibaldi to an unexpected loyalty screening using a telepath, making Garibaldi even edgier about his new boss. On the station, Franklin is racing the clock to revive the telepaths victimized by Shadow technology, but can’t seem to break through the Shadows’ defense systems until Lyta visits medlab and scans one of the victims, reviving him harmlessly for a short while. Having passed Edgars’ test, Garibaldi is finally let in on the big secret – Edgars wants to keep the Psi Corps from taking control of Earth Alliance, and he fears that Sheridan’s open rebellion against Earth will force the president to give Psi Corps free reign, creating a permanent police state. Garibaldi’s assignment is to trap Sheridan by any means necessary – and Garibaldi’s proposed means of accomplishing this is to take Sheridan’s father hostage.

Order now!Download this episodewritten by J. Michael Straczynski
directed by John Lafia
music by Christopher Franke

Cast: Bruce Boxleitner (Captain Sheridan), Claudia Christian (Commander Ivanova), Jerry Doyle (Garibaldi), Mira Furlan (Delenn), Richard Biggs (Dr. Franklin), Bill Mumy (Lennier), Jason Carter (Marcus Cole), Stephen Furst (Vir), Jeff Conaway (Zack Allan), Patricia Tallman (Lyta Alexander), Andreas Katsulas (G’Kar), Peter Jurasik (Londo), Denise Gentile (Lise Hampton), Mark Schneider (Wade), Efram Zimbalist, Jr. (William Edgars), Shelley Robertson (Ms. Constance), Kenneth Cortland (Patient), Sandy Grinn (Patient #2)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Babylon 5 / Crusade Season 4

The Face of the Enemy

Babylon 5More and more Earth ships switch sides to join Sheridan’s fleet, including his old command, the Agammemnon. While visiting his old ship, Sheridan receives a call from Garibaldi, a warning that Sheridan’s father has been seized and taken into custody, and an offer of help. Against the advice of Ivanova, his former first officer on the Agammemnon, and probably even his own common sense, Sheridan agrees to Garibaldi’s terms to come to Mars, alone, only to find that it’s a trap. Sheridan is captured and brutalized by Earth Force, and in exchange for this demonstration of reliability, Edgars tells Garibaldi the whole truth – he’s not trying to keep the Psi Corps from gaining power, he’s trying to ensure the extinction of all telepaths. Even though Garibaldi agrees to help Edgars, he himself has unwittingly been gathering intelligence for Bester and the Corps. And perhaps worst of all, Bester reminds Garibaldi of something he’s forgotten.

Order now!Download this episodewritten by J. Michael Straczynski
directed by Mike Vejar
music by Christopher Franke

Cast: Bruce Boxleitner (Captain Sheridan), Claudia Christian (Commander Ivanova), Jerry Doyle (Garibaldi), Mira Furlan (Delenn), Richard Biggs (Dr. Franklin), Bill Mumy (Lennier), Jason Carter (Marcus Cole), Stephen Furst (Vir), Jeff Conaway (Zack Allan), Patricia Tallman (Lyta Alexander), Andreas Katsulas (G’Kar), Peter Jurasik (Londo), Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. (William Edgars), Richard Gant (Captain Edward McDougan), Denise Gentile (Lise Hampton), Marjorie Monaghan (Number One), Diana Morgan (Alison Higgins), David Purdham (Captain James), Ricco Ross (Captain Frank), Mark Schneider (Wade), Walter Koenig (Bester), Harlan Ellison (Psi Cop)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

In The Cards

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate 50929.4: An air of depression hangs over Deep Space Nine, as rumors of impending war with the Dominion fly, and Kai Winn visits the station to meet with the Vorta, Weyoun, regarding a possible non-aggression pact between the Dominion and Bajor. Seeing his father’s dejected mood, Jake resolves to do something for him to cheer him up. With Nog’s help, he bids on an antique baseball card at an auction, but is outbid by Dr. Giger, an eccentric scientist. Jake is still determined to get the card. After all, how hard can it be?

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Ronald D. Moore
story by Truly Barr Clark & Scott J. Neal
directed by Michael Dorn
music by David Bell

Guest Cast: Jeffrey Combs (Weyoun), Brian Markinson (Dr. Giger), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), Chase Masterson (Leeta), Louise Fletcher (Kai Winn)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Babylon 5 / Crusade Season 4

Intersections In Real Time

Babylon 5Sheridan’s interrogation begins, conducted by a man named William who has the options to call in guards, inflict pain through Narn pain-givers Sheridan is forced to wear, or otherwise use whatever means are necessary to break the captain and force a confession that his secession of Babylon 5 from Earth was committed under alien influence. William begins to disorient Sheridan’s concepts of time and truth and trust…or perhaps not.

After being fed a poisoned sandwich and vague information about his father, Sheridan resists William’s psychological attacks, and persuades a Drazi hostage not to assist the interrogator even if it almost certainly signs the Drazi’s death sentence…or perhaps not.

William wants Sheridan to put his signature on the confession, but when Sheridan resists the state’s attempts to break him, he finds out that the entire interrogation could be nothing more than a maddening show designed to drive him out of his mind.

Or perhaps not.

Order now!Download this episodewritten by J. Michael Straczynski
directed by John Lafia
music by Christopher Franke

Cast: Bruce Boxleitner (Captain Sheridan), Claudia Christian (Commander Ivanova), Jerry Doyle (Garibaldi), Mira Furlan (Delenn), Richard Biggs (Dr. Franklin), Bill Mumy (Lennier), Jason Carter (Marcus Cole), Stephen Furst (Vir), Jeff Conaway (Zack Allan), Patricia Tallman (Lyta Alexander), Andreas Katsulas (G’Kar), Peter Jurasik (Londo), Raye Birk (William), Wayne Alexander (Drazi), Bruce Gray (Interrogator), Peter Brown (Minister)

Notes: This was to have been the original season finale of Babylon 5’s fourth year in the original five-year plan.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

A Call To Arms

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate 50975.2: In order to stop the Dominion from sending caravans to Cardassia, Starfleet authorizes Sisko to place a minefield at the entrance to the wormhole. With war now imminent, a Bajor/Dominion non-aggression pact is signed with Sisko’s endorsement, to ensure Bajor’s survival. Rom and Leeta are married, and Worf and Dax become engaged, while Odo and Kira agree to set aside their relationship for now. When the Dominion attacks, the station must fight them off until the Defiant finishes setting the minefield – but all may already be lost.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Ira Steven Behr & Robert Hewitt Wolfe
directed by Allan Kroeker
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Andrew J. Robinson (Garak), Jeffrey Combs (Weyoun), Marc Alaimo (Gul Dukat), Max Grodenchik (Rom), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), J.G. Hertzler (Martok), Chase Masterson (Leeta), Melanie Smith (Ziyal), Casey Biggs (Damar)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Deep Space Nine Season 06 Star Trek

A Time To Stand

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: It is three months after the beginning of the war, and things look bleak for the Federation. After a major defeat for Starfleet, Sisko and his crew are taken off the Defiant and given a new assignment. Bajorans return to Terok Nor under the Dominion treaty. Kira and Odo want the Bajoran security force restored as well, armed and with full authority as before. However, there will be a price. Meanwhile, Sisko’s new mission is to take the Jem’Hadar ship he captured last year and destroy what is believed to be the main Ketracel-white storage facility in the Alpha Quadrant, deep in Cardassian space. But will they even manage to make it there?

Season 6 Regular Cast: Avery Brooks (Captain Sisko), Michael Dorn (Lt. Commander Worf), Rene Auberjonois (Odo), Terry Farrell (Lt. Commander Dax), Cirroc Lofton (Jake Sisko), Colm Meaney (Chief O’Brien), Armin Shimerman (Quark), Alexander Siddig (Dr. Bashir), Nana Visitor (Major Kira)

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Ira Steven Behr & Hans Beimler
directed by Allan Kroeker
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Andrew J. Robinson (Garak), Jeffrey Combs (Weyoun), Marc Alaimo (Gul Dukat), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), J.G. Hertzler (Martok), Casey Biggs (Damar), Barry Jenner (Admiral Ross), Brock Peters (Joseph Sisko)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 3 Xena: Warrior Princess

The Furies

Xena: Warrior PrincessAres visits the temple of the Furies. He wants their decision on their judgement of Xena for failing to avenge her father’s murder. The goddesses agree that she is guilty. Ares asks that they punish Xena with both persecution and madness. It’s an unusual request, but they agree. Xena and Gabrielle are enjoying the day when bounty hunters appear. They have come to collect Xena’s head to take to the Furies. During the fight, the Furies inact their punishment of madness. With the bounty hunters defeated, Gabrielle makes Xena question their leader. The questions the warrior ask have nothing to do with what they need to know so the bard takes over. They then head for the temple of the Furies. The priest tells them that Xena is being punished for not avenging her father’s murder. The warrior decides to head for Amphipolis to question her mother. When she briefly mistakes Gabrielle for Callisto, she ties the bard to a tree. But the young woman manages to fee herself and follows her friend.

Order the DVDswritten by R.J. Stewart
directed by Gilbert Shilton
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Kevin Smith (Ares), Darien Takle (Cyrene), Steve Farac-Ciprian (Orestes), Celi Foncesca (Tisiphone), Gordon Hatfield (Rufinus), Graciela Heredia (Megaera), Asa Lindh (Alceto), Reuben Purchase (Keeper), Craig Walsh-Wrightson (Lysis), and Argo

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell