Babylon 5 / Crusade Season 4


Babylon 5A Minbari ship arrives at B5 while Zack needles Minbari tailors about adjusting Garibaldi’s uniform for him (and receives a needling in kind). Callenn, a new Minbari arrival, has come to take Delenn back to her home world to undergo the Dreaming, a ceremony which reveals a pivotal moment of a person’s past, a glimpse at their soul. Delenn is reluctant to reveal to Sheridan that the results of the Dreaming may require her to stay on Minbar forever. Sheridan sends Franklin and Marcus to Mars to establish contact with the Martian resistance, in an effort to gain more support to return the Earth Alliance to order. On Minbari, Delenn, with Lennier as her guide, enters the Dreaming, reliving her first meeting with the Grey Council and Dukhat, her induction into the Council after Dukhat’s tutelage, and her mentor’s death during the first contact between Minbari and humans. But Delenn also remembers the horrible truth – that her anguished cry for vengeance upon Dukhat’s death was the deciding vote that led her people into a war with the humans. With her caste looking for anything to discredit her, how can Delenn’s reputation withstand the blood of millions on her hands?

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directed by Tony Dow
music by Christopher Franke

Cast: Bruce Boxleitner (Captain Sheridan), Claudia Christian (Commander Ivanova), Jerry Doyle (Garibaldi), Mira Furlan (Delenn), Richard Biggs (Dr. Franklin), Bill Mumy (Lennier), Jason Carter (Marcus Cole), Stephen Furst (Vir), Jeff Conaway (Zack Allan), Patricia Tallman (Lyta Alexander), Andreas Katsulas (G’Kar), Peter Jurasik (Londo), Brian Carpenter (Callenn), Reiner Shone (Dukhat), Robin Atkin Downes (Grey Council #1)

Notes: Shortly after hearing the horrible sound, almost every one of the major races and the League of Non-Aligned Worlds signed a treaty banning the use of Jason Carter’s singing voice as a weapon in wartime. (This event takes place off-screen and may therefore be considered apocryphal to official continuity.)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

Doctor Bashir, I Presume

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Dr. Louis Zimmerman arrives on DS9 to work on a Long-term Medical Hologram, the template of which will be based on Dr. Bashir. He begins interviewing Bashir’s friends and colleagues to create a psychological profile. To Rom’s dismay, Zimmerman pursues Leeta, the object of Rom’s secret affection. To Bashir’s consternation, Zimmerman invites his parents to the station against his wishes, a development which threatens to bring Julian’s darkest secret to light.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Ronald D. Moore
story by Jimmy Diggs
directed by David Livingston
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Robert Picardo (Dr. Louis Zimmerman), Brian George (Richard Bashir), Max Grodenchik (Rom), Chase Masterson (Leeta), Fadwa El Guindi (Amnsha Bashir), J. Patrick McCormack (Rear Admiral Bennett)

Star Trek: Deep Space NineNotes: As with Voyager’s two-part episode Future’s End, set partly in 1996, this episode contradicts the original series episode Space Seed, which placed Khan and the Eugenics Wars in 1996; the later spinoff series Enterprise confirms this rewriting of Trek history by dating the Eugenics Wars and the augments to the 22nd century, rather than the end of the 20th.

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover with notes by Earl Green

Season 2 Xena: Warrior Princess

For Him The Bell Tolls

Xena: Warrior PrincessAphrodite is upset that two young people from two different kingdoms have fallen in love and are to be married. When that happens, their fathers who rule the kingdoms plan to demolish some of her temples. She decides to use a spell on Joxer and he will break the couple up. But Gabrielle soon realizes that something isn’t right with him and tries to find a way to end the spell and reunite the couple.

Order the DVDswritten by Adam Armus and Nora Kay Foster
directed by Josh Becker
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Ted Raimi (Joxer), Alexandra Tydings (Aphrodite), Karl Urban (Cupid), Mandie Gillette (Ileandra), Craig Parker (Sarpedon), Ross Jolly (King Barus), Craig Walsh-Wrightson (King Lynaeus), Rachale Davies (Aria), Tai Hadfield (Guard), Mark Jones (Messenger)

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

A Simple Investigation

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Shortly after Odo meets Arissa, a woman visiting the station, she is caught breaking into the computers. She was trying to find a man she was planning to meet – a man who had information on the whereabouts of her long-lost daughter. Odo soon learns the truth – Arissa is trying to leave the crime syndicate she has been working for, and which has sent hit men to kill her and obtain a data crystal containing vital information. With Arissa under his protective custody, Odo discovers something unexpected happening…he is falling in love with her.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Renè Echavarria
directed by John Kretchmer
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Dey Young (Arissa), John Durbin (Traidy), Nicholas Worth (Sorm), Randy Mulkey (Idanian #2), Brant Cotton (Idanian)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 2 Xena: Warrior Princess

The Execution

Xena: Warrior PrincessGabrielle recieves an urgent message from her friend, Meleager the Mighty. When she and Xena reach the village, they find that Meleager has just been found guilty of murder. He is to be executed for the crime. Gabrielle is convinced that Meleager is innocent and helps him to escape. Xena intervenes when the bard is mobbed. She tells the judge, Arbus, that she will go after Meleager but Gabrielle will come with her. When they finally catch up to Meleager he confesses that he can’t remember what happened because he was drunk at the time and that he lied to Gabrielle. The bard is hurt that her friend didn’t trust her. He tells them that he knows where the dead man’s sword is because for some reason he held on to it. When he shows Xena the sword, she knows that Meleager is innocent.

Order the DVDswritten by Paul Robert Coyle
directed by Michael Levine
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Tim Thomerson (Meleager), Tony Blackett (Arbus), Douglas Kamo (Sullus), Alvin Fitisemanu (Hawker), Jonathon Acorn (Slim Man), Ann Baxter (Elderly Woman), Colin Francis (Hurried Villager), Matthew Jeffs (Head Guard), Patrick Kuhtze (Other Guard), Dean Stewart (Executioner)

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

Business As Usual

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Ever since being blackballed by the FCA, Quark has been up to his lobes in debt. Having put his bar up as collateral, he faces losing everything when his investments fail. To the rescue comes his cousin Gaila, who wants Quark to eventually take his place in the arms dealing business, and introduces Quark to his dangerous associate Hagath. Though the Bajoran government refuses to touch their dealings, Quark finds himself ostracized by the station’s Federation citizens. And he also finds himself in a moral dilemma when Hagath makes a deal that will cause the deaths of 28 million people.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Bradley Thompson & David Weddle
directed by Siddig el Fadil
music by David Bell

Guest Cast: Lawrence Tierney (Regent of Palamar), Josh Pais (Gaila), Tim Halligan (Farrakk), Steven Berkoff(Hagath), Eric Cadora (Customer)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 2 Xena: Warrior Princess

Blind Faith

Xena: Warrior PrincessGabrielle is kidnapped and the warrior who took her, Palaemon, tells Xena that he killed her. The two warriors fight and Xena soon realizes that he lied. During the fight, Xena is accidentally sprayed in the face with a dye. One of the ingredients in the dye could permanently blind her, unless she receives treatment within twenty four hours. But Xena is more concerned with rescuing Gabrielle. She makes Palaemon act as her guide to the bard. Having been taken to a castle, Gabrielle is told that she will be married to the king. She is taken to her chambers to be prepared for meeting some of the people and for the ceremony.

Order the DVDswritten by Adam Armus and Nora Kay Foster
directed by Josh Becker
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Jeremy Callaghan (Palaemon), Chris Bailey (Apex), Sydney Jackson (Vidalus), Graham Lauder (Lagos), Ajay Vasisht (Vendor)

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

Ties Of Blood And Water

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate 50712.5: Kira is delighted by a visit from former Legate Tekeny Ghemor, the Cardassian who once mistakenly believed her to be his daughter, until she learns he is dying. In keeping with Cardassian tradition, he wants to pass on his secrets to be used against his enemies, secrets that could prove damaging to the new Cardassian/Dominion alliance – and which Gul Dukat hopes to prevent from coming to light, as Kira struggles against memories of the death of her own father.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Robert Hewitt Wolfe
story by Edmund Newton & Robbin L. Slocum
directed by Avery Brooks
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Lawrence Pressman (Ghemor), Marc Alaimo (Gul Dukat), Thomas Kopache (Taban), William Lucking (Furel), Jeffrey Combs (Weyoun), Rick Schatz (Medic)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Babylon 5 / Crusade Season 4

Racing Mars

Babylon 5Sheridan, having seen ISN run Garibaldi’s incriminating interview again and again, decides to take the matter up with Garibaldi personally. The discussion turns into an argument and then comes to blows, and Sheridan threatens to have his former security chief put off the station – or worse. A shady character named Wade introduces himself to Garibaldi, trying to convince him that Sherdian needs to be stopped, but despite his argument with the captain, Garibaldi doesn’t feel the need to sell anyone out. On Mars, Franklin and Marcus have suffered through a long journey with their curious fellow passenger Captain Jack, who turns out to be their contact with the resistance. However, when they try to open discussions with the leaders of the Mars resistance, it seems that someone has tampered with their identification. They discover that the turncoat is the forgetful Captain Jack, but he isn’t acting of his own volition. And after another altercation with Sheridan, Garibaldi decides that it may be time for him to switch sides after all.

Order now!Download this episodewritten by J. Michael Straczynski
directed by Jesus Trevino
music by Christopher Franke

Cast: Bruce Boxleitner (Captain Sheridan), Claudia Christian (Commander Ivanova), Jerry Doyle (Garibaldi), Mira Furlan (Delenn), Richard Biggs (Dr. Franklin), Bill Mumy (Lennier), Jason Carter (Marcus Cole), Stephen Furst (Vir), Jeff Conaway (Zack Allan), Patricia Tallman (Lyta Alexander), Andreas Katsulas (G’Kar), Peter Jurasik (Londo), Donovan Scott (Captain Jack), Mark Schneider (Wade), Clayton Landey (Number Two), Marjorie Monaghan (Number One), Jeff Griggs (Dan Randall)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 2 Xena: Warrior Princess


Xena: Warrior PrincessXena and Gabrielle meet Ulysses and offer to help regain control of his ship, which is being held by pirates. Poseidon, god of the sea, warns them not to try to sail to Ithaca. He tries to stop them by having the Sirens sing, but Xena ties Ulysses below deck. When they reach Ithaca, an old friend of Ulysses greets them. He tells them Peneolpe had believed her husband to be dead. She is being forced to find someone to replace him as king.

Order the DVDswritten by R.J. Stewart
directed by Michael Levine
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: John D’Aquino (Ulysses), Charles Siebert (Poseidon), Rachel Blakely (Penelope), Carl Bland (Layos), Tim Raby (Meticles), Geoffrey Knight (1st Pirate), Donna Pivac (1st Siren)

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

Ferengi Love Songs

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: With things going from bad to worse for Quark, he retreats to Ferenginar to visit his mother – but is shocked to learn that she has become romantically involved with none other than Grand Nagus Zek. Then Brunt of the FCA offers Quark a deal he can’t refuse: he will reinstate Quark’s license in exchange for Quark breaking up the lovers. Quark does this, only to learn that his actions may have just spelled disaster for Ferengi society.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Ira Steven Behr & Hans Beimler
directed by Rene Auberjonois
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Cecily Adams (Ishka), Max Grodenchik (Rom), Chase Masterson (Leeta), Tiny Ron (Maihar’du), Hamilton Camp (Leck), Jeffrey Combs (Brunt), Wallace Shawn (Zek)

Original title: Of Love And Profit

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Babylon 5 / Crusade Season 4

Lines of Communication

Babylon 5Delenn is alarmed by the arrival of an emissary from Minbar who warns her of impending civil war on her home world. She sets out on a journey back home to try to quell the impending conflict. With all supply lines to the station cut off, and ISN broadcasting the official propoganda line that Babylon 5 is the staging ground for the subversion of Earth, Sheridan tries to come up with a way to fight the hail of lies being fed to the general populace. His answer is to revamp the war room into a broadcast studio and begin transmitting the “Voice of the Resistance” from there with your host, the very reluctant (and tired) Susan Ivanova. Terrorist attacks on Mars create a tense situation for Franklin, who is trying to enlist the help of the rebels on Mars – but not if they continue to use those tactics. Delenn discovers that the Minbari emissary Forell has sold out to a race called the Drakh, who have their own plans for Minbar. And Delenn is sure that there is a connection between the Drakh and the Shadows.

Order now!Download this episodewritten by J. Michael Straczynski
directed by John C. Flinn III
music by Christopher Franke

Cast: Bruce Boxleitner (Captain Sheridan), Claudia Christian (Commander Ivanova), Jerry Doyle (Garibaldi), Mira Furlan (Delenn), Richard Biggs (Dr. Franklin), Bill Mumy (Lennier), Jason Carter (Marcus Cole), Stephen Furst (Vir), Jeff Conaway (Zack Allan), Patricia Tallman (Lyta Alexander), Andreas Katsulas (G’Kar), Peter Jurasik (Londo), Marjorie Monaghan (Number One), Paolo Seganti (Phillipe), G.W. Stevens (Forell)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 2 Xena: Warrior Princess

The Price

Xena: Warrior PrincessXena and Gabrielle find an Athenian soldier who washed up in the river they were fishing in. He manages to tell them that he was attacked by the Horde before he dies. They look back to the river and see more bodies.

When they head away from the river, they run into the Horde and so they turn back to the river. Spotting a canoe in the water, they make their escape with it. When they are finally able to stop for a bit, Xena tells Gabrielle about her army’s encounter with the Horde. The warrior tells her that they will have a hard time getting away from the Horde. The Horde attack when Xena and Gabrielle return to the river, but more Athenian soldiers appear and drive the warriors back. The soldiers take the two women to their fortress. Inside the fortress, the men have given up hope of defeating the Horde. When Xena sees this and learns that their commander is dead, she takes control.

Order the DVDswritten by Steven L. Sears
directed by Oley Sassone
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Paul Glover (Menticles), Mark Perry (Galipan), Tamati Rice (Garel), Brent Gilbert (Drowned Athenian), Bob Johnson (Athenian #2), Phillip Jones (Wounded Athenian), Allen O’Halloran (Fatigued/Gashed Athenian), Sam Williams (Hordemasater)

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

Soldiers Of The Empire

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Martok is ordered by the Klingon High Council to command the Bird of Prey Rotarran to search for the battlecruiser B’Moth, which has gone missing while on patrol of the Cardassian border. Martok takes Worf along as his first officer, as well as Dax as science officer. But trouble begins brewing on board when it seems Martok, who spent two years as a prisoner of the Jem’Hadar, would rather avoid Dominion patrols than fight – and Worf must challenge Martok for command.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Ronald D. Moore
directed by LeVar Burton
music by David Bell

Guest Cast: David Graf (Leskit), Rick Worthy (Kornan), Sandra Nelson (Tavana), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), J.G. Hertzler (Martok), Scott Leva (Ortikan)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Babylon 5 / Crusade Season 4

Conflicts of Interest

Babylon 5Preparations are under way for the first “Voice of the Resistance” broadcast from B5, but the one thing no one has been able to figure out is how to get the signal from the station to anywhere outside of the sector. Franklin, having just returned from Mars, suggests using the almost limitless power at Draal’s disposal on Epsilon 3. In response to his recent arguments with Garibaldi, and sensing that the security chief will not be returning to take back his job, Sheridan orders Zack to confiscate Garibaldi’s sidearm, identicard and link. Zack reluctantly carries out his orders, unaware that Garibaldi keeps a spare identicard. Wade, who earlier urged Garibaldi to betray Sheridan, enlists Garibaldi’s help to get an unspecified visitor through station security – and the visitor turns out to be Lise Hampton, Garibaldi’s ex-girlfriend, with a mysterious cargo in her possession. Garibaldi skirts his own security teams to get Lise through customs, but the result is a vicious firefight and promise from Sheridan that he’ll be put off the station if he is involved in any more trouble. And Ivanova finally kicks off her first newscast with the help of the family of an old friend.

Order now!Download this episodewritten by J. Michael Straczynski
directed by David J. Eagle
music by Christopher Franke

Cast: Bruce Boxleitner (Captain Sheridan), Claudia Christian (Commander Ivanova), Jerry Doyle (Garibaldi), Mira Furlan (Delenn), Richard Biggs (Dr. Franklin), Bill Mumy (Lennier), Jason Carter (Marcus Cole), Stephen Furst (Vir), Jeff Conaway (Zack Allan), Patricia Tallman (Lyta Alexander), Andreas Katsulas (G’Kar), Peter Jurasik (Londo), Mark Schneider (Wade), Denise Gentile (Lise Hampton), Tim Choate (Zathras)

LogBook entry by Earl Green