Deep Space Nine Season 04 Star Trek

Broken Link

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate 49962.4: As Gowron agitates for the Federation to pull out of a sector claimed by the Klingon Empire, Odo begins suffering from a destabilization of his molecular structure which makes it difficult for him to maintain solid form. The only answer is for the Defiant to take Odo into Dominion space and ask for the Founders’ assistance. The Founders agree – in fact, they admit to causing Odo’s condition to force him to return and be judged for killing another Changeling. Odo accepts their judgment, pays the price…and learns a secret that will shake the Alpha Quadrant.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Robert Hewitt Wolfe & Ira Steven Behr
story by George A. Brozak
directed by Les Landau
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Salome Jens (Female Changeling), Robert O’Reilly (Gowron), Jill Jacobson (Aroya), Leslie Bevis (Freighter Captain), Andrew J. Robinson (Garak), Andrew Hawkes (Amat’igan)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 1 Xena: Warrior Princess

Is There A Doctor In The House?

Xena: Warrior PrincessXena and Gabrielle are traveling to Athens through the wilderness that separates the Thessalians and the Mitoans, who are at war. Suddenly they hear a moan, and they approach the location of the sound cautiously. It turns out to be their Amazon friend, Ephiny. She has been injured and was hiding from the soldiers. She is also close to having a baby. Xena asks about what happened to Ephiny’s husband, Phantes. The Amazon tells her that he was killed by Mitoans while trying to protect her. Xena tells Gabrielle to stay with Ephiny while she looks for a place for the Amazon to have her baby. Not far away, a Mitoan general is giving orders to some of his men. As they go their separate ways, he spots a Thessalian soldier. When the man retreats, the general chases after him and Xena follows. She knocks him from his horse with her chakrum before he can kill the Thessalian.

Xena and Gabrielle take Ephiny and the general, Marmax, to a Thessalian healing temple. The inside is full of wounded Thessalian and Mitoan soldiers and some civilians. The priests pray to the god Asclepius to treat the injuries of the Thessalians. The head priest, Galen, becomes incensed when Xena begins to treat the wounded. Two young priests are intrigued by what the warrior is doing and want to help her. Soon the three of them and Gabrielle are busy treating the injured people in the temple, despite Galen’s protests. Two very seriously injured men are brought in at the same time. Xena needs to alternate between the patients and calls Gabrielle to assist her. When Galen sees that a Mitoan is on his altar, he is furious. But Xena doesn’t have time to deal with him or his guards and she pushes them back with a few kicks. Unfortunately one of the men has lost too much blood, and he dies. After seeing how upset Gabrielle is about the soldier’s death, Marmax questions Xena’s decision to bring the young woman into a battle zone. The warrior turns it back on him when she questions the reasons the Mitoans and Thessalians are fighting.

Gabrielle is asked by an injured man to go and find his son. He sent the boy into hiding when they were attacked and he’s afraid something might have happened to him. The bard agrees. Marmax asks Ephiny why she is there. She explains that she and her husband were on their way to Athens. When he asks what happened to him, she tells him that Phantes was attacked by Mitoan hunting dogs while soldiers stood around laughing.

Two more injured people are carried into the temple, and one of them is Gabrielle.

Order the DVDswritten by Patricia Manney
directed by T.J. Scott
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Danielle Cormack (Ephiny), Ray Woolf (Marmax), Andrew Binns (Hippocrates), Simon Farthing (Democritus), Ron Smith (Galen), Tony Billy (Mitoan Warrior), Harriot Crampton (Hysterical Woman), Edith (Runner), Geoff Houtman (Gangrene Man), Paul McLaren (POW Leader), Adam Middleton (Blind Soldier), Charles Pierard (Thessalian Guard), Deane Vipond (Head Wound Man)

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Babylon 5 / Crusade Season 3


Babylon 5Quiet preparations are underway for the arrival of the new Vorlon ambassador, who will assume the late Kosh’s duties and identity with no public acknowledgement of Kosh’s death at the hands of the Shadows. Sheridan can only assume that it’s Vorlon business as usual when Kosh’s replacement insists that he is Kosh. Telepath Lyta Alexander, however, fares less well with the new ambassador when he accusingly questions her regarding her whereabouts during Morden’s fatal attack on Kosh. Sheridan enlists Lyta’s help to test Garibaldi’s information that telepaths can cripple a Shadow vessel, and Delenn and G’Kar pledge to send their own ships in support. G’Kar’s support vanishes, however, when the captain of the Narn vessel fails to see how the Narn race can benefit from Sheridan’s anti-Shadow mission, despite the fact that Sheridan sheltered that ship from the Centauri a year ago. Stephen Franklin, on his personal journey to recover from the stim addiction that convinced him to leave his post as the station’s chief surgeon, befriends a nightclub singer on the station who is suffering from a terminal illness, though she does not reveal this herself. When the White Star finally meets a Shadow vessel for the inevitable frontal assault, Lyta’s telepathic prowess may not be enough to help Sheridan return to the station with what he learns from the encounter.

Order now!Download this episodewritten by J. Michael Straczynski
directed by Kevin G. Cremin
music by
Christopher Franke

Cast: Bruce Boxleitner (Captain John Sheridan), Claudia Christian (Commander Susan Ivanova), Jerry Doyle (Security Chief Michael Garibaldi), Mira Furlan (Delenn), Richard Biggs (Dr. Stephen Franklin), Bill Mumy (Lennier), Jason Carter (Marcus Cole), Stephen Furst (Vir), Jeff Conaway (Zack Allan), Peter Jurasik (Londo Mollari), Andreas Katsulas (G’Kar), Erica Gimpel (Cailyn), Patricia Tallman (Lyta Alexander), Jennifer Balgobin (Dr. Lilian Hobbs), Robin Sachs (Na’Kal), Ardwight Chamberlain (Kosh)

Original UK airdate: August 18, 1966

LogBook entry by Dave Thomer

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

Apocalypse Rising

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: The Federation and the Klingon Empire are now at war, and the only way to stop it is to prove that Gowron, the leader of the Klingon High Council, is a changeling. To expose the spy, Sisko and three officers – Worf, O’Brien, and a now-human Odo – must infiltrate a Klingon ceremony in disguise, and activate devices which will cause the changeling to lose its shape. But getting there, and staying undetected long enough to accomplish their mission, is much easier said than done…

Season 5 Regular Cast: Avery Brooks (Captain Sisko), Michael Dorn (Lt. Commander Worf), Rene Auberjonois (Odo), Terry Farrell (Lt. Commander Dax), Cirroc Lofton (Jake Sisko), Colm Meaney (Chief O’Brien), Armin Shimerman (Quark), Alexander Siddig (Dr. Bashir), Nana Visitor (Major Kira)

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Ira Steven Behr & Robert Hewitt Wolfe
directed by James L. Conway
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Robert O’Reilly (Gowron), J.G. Hertzler (Martok), Marc Alaimo (Dukat), Casey Biggs (Damar), Robert Budaska (Burly Klingon), Robert Zachar (Head Guard), John L. Bennett (Towering Klingon), Tony Epper (Drunken Klingon), Ivor Bartels (Young Klingon)

Notes: Kira blames her pregnancy on Bashir in this episode, a gag which puts a crack in the fourth wall as Alexander Siddig really was the father of the child Nana Visitor was expecting at the time.

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover with notes by Earl Green

Season 2 Xena: Warrior Princess

Orphan of War

Xena: Warrior PrincessAfter learning that one of her former soldiers, Dagnine, is searching for the Exion Stone, Xena and Gabrielle head for Centaur territory. They are met by Kalipus, who led the Centaurs against Xena when she herself hunted for the stone. Living with the Centaurs is Xena’s 10 year old son, Solon. She had given him up to Kalipus to protect him from her enemies and herself after his father died. She also told Kalipus that she was giving up her search for the Exion stone. Dagnine has people watching the Centaur village. He is thrilled to learn that Xena has a son. He has the boy kidnapped in order to keep Xena from stopping him in his search. But Xena travels to Dagnine’s camp to free Solon. The warlord has placed the boy in a cage. Xena uses her whip to pull the cage up to the platform she is on. As Xena is pulling him up, she is spotted by the warriors in the camp. She drops the key which she took from Dagnine to Solon, and ties the whip to the platform. While she is fighting the warriors, the whip loosens from the platform sending the cage and Solon to the ground. A large hole opens in the ground upon impact from the cage and boy. He calls for help from Xena, who reaches him in time to keep him from falling into the darkness. She grabs her whip from the ground nearby and snaps the end up to a tree branch over the hole. She pulls Solon up to her and the two dangle above the abyss as archers take aim.

Season 2 Regular Cast: Lucy Lawless (Xena), Renee O’Connor (Gabrielle)

Order the DVDswritten by Steven L. Sears
directed by Charles Siebert
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Mark Ferguson (Dagnine), Paul Gittins (Kaleipus), David Taylor (Solon), Alexander Campbell (Miklas), Stephen Papps (See’er), Peter Tait (Daylon), Richard Adams (Warrior)

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Babylon 5 / Crusade Season 3

Grey 17 Is Missing

Babylon 5The disappearance of a maintenance worker on the station goes largely unnoticed as Sheridan initiates an open call for telepaths to assist in the offensive against the Shadows. On Minbar, Delenn becomes the natural successor to lead the Rangers after Sinclair’s one-way trip into the past, but Neroon of the warrior caste opposes Delenn’s ascension. He demands that the warrior caste should lead the Rangers, and vows to stop Delenn from assuming command at any cost. Delenn forbids Lennier to speak of the threat to any of the station’s command staff, so Lennier confides his fears to Marcus. Garibaldi investigates the missing maintenance worker, only to find an entire floor of the grey sector is unaccounted for. He forces his way into grey 17, but is trapped there with a handful of eccentrics led by the constantly pontificating Jeremiah. Also caged in grey 17 is an alien menace which has killed untold numbers of victims – and Jeremiah insists that Garibaldi’s only escape is to die a pure and noble death, an option that the security chief does not plan on examining.

Order now!Download this episodewritten by J. Michael Straczynski
directed by John C. Flinn III
music by
Christopher Franke

Cast: Bruce Boxleitner (Captain John Sheridan), Claudia Christian (Commander Susan Ivanova), Jerry Doyle (Security Chief Michael Garibaldi), Mira Furlan (Delenn), Richard Biggs (Dr. Stephen Franklin), Bill Mumy (Lennier), Jason Carter (Marcus Cole), Stephen Furst (Vir), Jeff Conaway (Zack Allan), Peter Jurasik (Londo Mollari), Andreas Katsulas (G’Kar), Robert Englund (Jeremiah), Katherine Moffat (Supervisor), Eamonn Roche (First Man), John Vickery (Neroon), Time Winters (Rathenn), Thom Barry (Maintenance Worker)

Original UK airdate: September 10, 1996

LogBook entry by Dave Thomer

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

The Ship

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate 50049.3: Sisko is leading an away team conducting a mineral survey on a planet in the Gamma Quadrant, when a Jem’Hadar warship crashes nearby. The team investigates and decides to take it home as a potentially invaluable aid to Starfleet intelligence. However, another Jem’Hadar ship arrives and destroys the away team’s runabout. It soon becomes plain that the Jem’Hadar and their Vorta supervisor desperately want something aboard the crashed ship. To stay alive, Sisko and the others must find out what it is.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Hans Beimler
story by Pam Wigginton & Rick Cason
directed by Kim Friedman
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Kaitlin Hopkins (Kelana), F.J. Rio (Muniz), Hilary Shepard (Hoya)

Notes: Apparently, Benzite medical science has either eliminated or minitaurized the breather apparatus worn by the Benzites seen in Star Trek: The Next Generation (Coming Of Age, A Matter Of Honor), since Hoya does not wear one.

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover with notes by Earl Green

Season 2 Xena: Warrior Princess

Remember Nothing

Xena: Warrior PrincessDuring Xena’s yearly visit to the temple of the Three Fates to honor her brother Lyceus, raiders attack. She and Gabrielle fight the raiders. As Xena is dispatching one of the men, Gabrielle shouts a warning. The warrior turns and stabs this attacker. She is startled when his helmet falls away when he hits the ground, reavling a young man about 16 years old. Xena reenters the temple and is met by the three Fates. The trio of goddesses wish to reward her for saving their temple. The only thing Xena wants is for the boy to have his life back. She wishes that she had never taken up the sword. The goddesses agree to this and tell her all is restored until the first time she draws blood in anger. Slightly confused, Xena again leaves the temple looking for Gabrielle. But her friend is nowhere to be found. As Xena looks around outside the temple, the area changes. She suddenly finds herself in a clearing and she he can hear Lyceus calling for her. The warrior is thrilled to see her younger brother, who is slightly puzzled by her behavior. Realizing that she is back in Amphipolous, Xena returns to her home. As she is looking about the family home, she is surprised by Maphias, her fiance. She talks with him and learns that her mother died soon after Cortese’s army attacked. Later Xena stops a soldier from killing a merchant. He orders the other men with him to bring in the slaves to gather supplies. One of the slaves is Gabrielle. Xena tries to approach her friend, but the young woman has no idea who she is. Gabrielle accidentally bumps into the slave boss, who threatens to beat her. Xena intervenes. Maphias enters and says that since they are about to be married they are interested in buying a slave. Xena of course wants to save Gabrielle, but the slave boss says that she is Myzentius’s favorite and not for sale. But Xena is determined to rescue her friend and sets a plan in motion to do just that.

Order the DVDsteleplay by Chris Manheim
story by Steven L. Sears and Chris Manheim
directed by Anson Williams
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Aaron Devitt (Lyceus), Robert Harte (Maphias), Mark Ferguson (Krykus), Stephen Tozer (Mezentius), Micaela Daniel (Lachesis), Rebecca Kopacka (Clotho), Slade Leaf (Capucius), Elizabeth Pendergrast (Atropos), Chris Graham (Slave Boss), Geoff Barlow (Storekeeper), Daniel Chilton (Boy), David Geary (Guard #2), Andrew McMillan (Gate Guard), Allan Wilkins (Head Guard)

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Babylon 5 / Crusade Season 3

And The Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place

Babylon 5All attempts at discerning a tactical pattern in the Shadows’ attacks come up with a blank, and Sheridan’s not happy about it. Delenn tries to comfort him, but his inability to recognize the Shadows’ strategy frustrates Sheridan to the exclusion of all else. Lord Refa arrives from the Centauri homeworld along with a functionary of the Royal Court, investigating Refa’s complaint that Londo is impeding Centauri progress in the war. Londo sends Vir to tell G’Kar that his former aide, Na’Toth, is still alive and well on Narn. Then Londo confronts the Emperor’s messenger with his story that Refa is actually the obstacle to Centauri ascendency. Meanwhile, Vir is captured and forcibly probed by a telepath working for Refa. Powerless to resist, Vir cannot withhold the news that G’Kar is returning to the Narn homeworld. Sheridan holds a meeting with Brother Theo and two religious leaders from Earth, who have risked a great deal to smuggle out word that a resistance has formed against President Clark’s totalitarian regime. Reverend Dexter expresses in private his concern that Sheridan is shouldering too much of the war’s burden himself, and suggests that Delenn is Sheridan’s obvious partner in tactical matters – and more. Refa arrives on Narn and traps G’Kar, only to discover that the trap has been sprung already – by Londo. Londo has paid off Refa’s guards to leave him defenseless at the hands of the Narn, and has promised G’Kar the release of thousands of enslaved Narns in exchange for a small favor…Refa’s death. Sheridan begins to detect a possible pattern to the Shadows’ attacks, but upon his suggestion that he must think like the enemy in order to outwit them, Delenn becomes alarmed and literally drags him to Reverend Dexter’s worship service. Later, she reveals that things may not be as hopeless as they seem, unveiling an entire fleet of White Stars that could turn the tide in the war.

Order now!Download this episodewritten by J. Michael Straczynski
directed by David J. Eagle
music by
Christopher Franke

Cast: Bruce Boxleitner (Captain John Sheridan), Claudia Christian (Commander Susan Ivanova), Jerry Doyle (Security Chief Michael Garibaldi), Mira Furlan (Delenn), Richard Biggs (Dr. Stephen Franklin), Bill Mumy (Lennier), Jason Carter (Marcus Cole), Stephen Furst (Vir), Jeff Conaway (Zack Allan), Peter Jurasik (Londo Mollari), Andreas Katsulas (G’Kar), Erick Avari (Rabbi Leo Meyers), William Forward (Lord Refa), Louis Turene (Brother Theo), Mel Winkler (Reverend Will Dexter), Francois Giroday (Virini), Paul Keith (Drigo), Wayne Alexander (G’Dan), Marva Hicks (Singer)

Original UK airdate: September 8, 1996

LogBook entry by Dave Thomer

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

Looking For Par’Mach In All The Wrong Places

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Grilka, Quark’s Klingon ex-wife, returns to the station seeking Quark’s help with getting her troubled house back on its feet. When Worf sees her, he is instantly smitten with a case of par’mach – the Klingon word for love, with more aggressive overtones. However, he finds himself coaching Quark in Klingon courting rituals, language, and fighting, with the help of Dax…who has a few designs of her own. Meanwhile, Kira and O’Brien become uncomfortably aware of their proximity.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Ronald D. Moore
directed by Andrew J. Robinson
music by David Bell

Guest Cast: Rosalind Chao (Keiko), Mary Kay Adams (Grilka), Joseph Ruskin (Tumek), Phil Morris (Fol’pach)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 2 Xena: Warrior Princess

Giant Killer

Xena: Warrior PrincessWhile Xena meets with her old friend, the giant Goliath, Gabrielle encounters some Philistine soldiers who have taken several Israelite prisoners. Xena is upset when she learns that Goliath is working for the Philistines. As Xena talks with Goliath about why he is helping the Philistines, Dagon decides to execute a prisoner, David. Gabrielle tries to stop this, but is unsuccessful. Xena arrives and soon she has freed the Israelites. Once they have reached safety, Xena tells them that she knows how to take care of Goliath. The two warriors will meet in battle the next day. But Goliath is prepared for her and the Philistines use the opportunity to ambush the Isrillites. During the attack, David’s brother Jonathan is seriously injured and dies. Xena realizes that with him gone, the Israelites will need a new leader. David offers to take on the giant.

Order the DVDswritten by Terence Winter
directed by Gary Jones
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Todd Rippon (Goliath), Antony Starr (David), Calvin Tuteao (Dagon), Emma Brunette (Sarah), Dale Corlett (Jonathan), Dennis Hally (King Saul), Brad Homan (Head Archer), John Leonard (Soldier)

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Babylon 5 / Crusade Season 3

Shadow Dancing

Babylon 5Delenn is having difficulty convincing the League of Non-Aligned Worlds of the merits of committing large numbers of their forces to a full frontal assault on the Shadows – after all, the Shadows’ track record of leaving no survivors is almost spotless – but wins the support of the League. Sheridan dispatches Marcus and Ivanova on a mission in the White Star to act as the early warning for the fleet, but it is made clear to them from the outset that they only have a 50/50 chance of surviving a meeting with the Shadows. Delenn proposes that, after the battle is over, she and Sheridan engage in a three-day Minbari ritual during which the female watches the male in his sleep to find his true face, and, if she approves, to stay with him. Franklin, still on his walkabout, tries to intervene to prevent a man from being thrashed by two dwellers of Downbelow, only to find himself on the receiving end of a large knife, and even the man he saves won’t help him for fear of being exposed as a drug dealer.

A lone Shadow scout vessel appears, and the White Star sounds the alarm – but their quarry turns on them and, before they can destroy it, causes critical damage to the White Star, which now sits helpless before an approaching Shadow attack fleet. Franklin lies alone and dying on the station when he finally meets himself – with mixed results. Franklin reflects with himself upon his inability to take responsibility for his actions or his life, and still no help is on the way. Sheridan, Delenn and the others launch their fleet to counter the Shadow attack, and the battle is on. Franklin manages to struggle his way into a public place where there is a chance that someone will call for help. After a long a bloody fight, the Shadows are routed by Sheridan’s fleet, but at great cost – for every Shadow ship destroyed, at least two of the ships provided by the League of Non-Aligned Worlds faced a similar fate. Franklin is taken to medlab, where he watches as the wounded from the battle with the Shadows are wheeled in en masse and decides he wants to return to his job.

In hyperspace, a Shadow vessel launches a small craft toward the station. Its occupant arrives almost unnoticed, but Zack Allan alerts Ivanova of the mysterious new arrival. Unfortunately, no one can stop this visitor from going to Sheridan’s quarters. Delenn’s ritual of watching Sheridan sleep is interrupted when a woman enters the room and identifies herself as Anna Sheridan.

Order now!Download this episodewritten by J. Michael Straczynski
directed by Kim Friedman
music by
Christopher Franke

Cast: Bruce Boxleitner (Captain John Sheridan), Claudia Christian (Commander Susan Ivanova), Jerry Doyle (Security Chief Michael Garibaldi), Mira Furlan (Delenn), Richard Biggs (Dr. Stephen Franklin), Bill Mumy (Lennier), Jason Carter (Marcus Cole), Stephen Furst (Vir), Jeff Conaway (Zack Allan), Peter Jurasik (Londo Mollari), Andreas Katsulas (G’Kar), Melissa Gilbert (Anna Sheridan), Shirley Prestia (Barbara), John Grantham (Thug #2), J. Gordon Noice (Man), Jonathan Chapman (Brakiri), Joshua Cox (Lt. Corwin), Mark Hendrickson (Drazi Ambassador), Nicholas Ross Oleson (Thug #1), Doug Cox (Husband)

Original UK airdate: September 15, 1996

LogBook entry by Dave Thomer

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

…Nor The Battle To The Strong

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Jake has accompanied Bashir to a medical conference, to do a profile on the doctor for a magazine. They are returning to the station when they receive a distress call from a colony under Klingon attack. While Bashir joins the medics in saving and caring for the wounded, Jake has his first up-close experience with the horrors of war. Under the pressure, he does the unthinkable – he breaks down and runs, just when he is needed most. Afterwards Jake must face his guilt and shame, and learn where the fine line between courage and cowardice is.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Renè Echavarria
story by Brice R. Parker
directed by Kim Friedman
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Andrew Kavovit (Kirby), Karen Austin (Dr. Kalandra), Mark Holton (Bolian), Lisa Lord (Nurse), Jeb Brown (Ensign), Danny Goldring (Burke), Elle Alexander (Female Guard), Greg “Christopher” Smith (Male Guard)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 2 Xena: Warrior Princess

Girls Just Want To Have Fun

Xena: Warrior PrincessXena and Gabrielle learn that several young women have been kidnapped from the villages that surround the Bacchae forest. Xena fears that Bacchus, the god of wine, is responsible for the disappearances. Joxer arrives with the head of Orpheus. Bacchus cut it off so that Orpheus would not be able to play his magical lyre which affects the god of wine and his followers. Orpheus despises Xena, but knows that she may be the only one who can help him stop Bacchus. The god of wine is intrigued when he learns that Xena is helping Orpheus. He decides that he wants to make her one of his Bacchae followers. He sends two of his followers to steal the lyre. Xena and the others go to retrieve the lyre, which Orpheus left with a friend. But when they arrive, they find that the man has been murdered and the lyre is missing. Xena searches for the lyre, but the Bacchae who stole it get away. The group go to the catacombs where Bacchus lives. Xena knows that the only way to kill a Bacchae is to use the bones of their enemy, the Dryad. As they gather the bones, Xena and Joxer are surprised to learn that Gabrielle has become a Bacchae.

Order the DVDswritten by Adam Armus and Nora Kay Foster
directed by T.J. Scott
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Ted Raimi (Joxer), Matthew Chamberlain (Orpheus), Anthony Ray Parker (Bacchus), Kym Krystaly (Bacchae #1), David Goodwin (Thief #2), Daniel Parker (Thief #1)

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Babylon 5 / Crusade Season 3


Babylon 5Sheridan is stunned by his wife’s unexpected arrival, and even Delenn is at a loss to explain her presence. Franklin’s tests confirm that Anna is who she claims to be, even down to the DNA level, though a curious feature is later detected at the base of her skull. Anna insists that Sheridan come to Z’Ha’Dum with her to hear the Shadows’ side of the story, claiming that their intentions are benign. Skeptical, Sheridan agrees to go with her in the White Star. He also makes other arrangements in private with Garibaldi, including the transfer of two thermonuclear devices – smuggled in by G’Kar for use in the war – to the White Star. Londo receives a summons to report to the Royal Court on Centauri Prime – a promotion he’s hoping to avoid – and then receives a warning from an unidentified man to leave the station at once.

Anna reveals that the mission of the Icarus to Z’Ha’Dum – the doomed flight on which her husband assumed she had died – was no coincidence; the dormant Shadow vessel excavated on Mars was Earth’s first clue to the existence of the ancient race, and the shady Interplanetary Expeditions corporation tracked the ship and the Shadow that rescued it back to Z’Ha’Dum. On the planet, Sheridan is confronted by an old man named Justin, and a face he has seen before – Morden. Together, they try to convince Sheridan that the Shadows try to keep younger races in conflict for their own good, to force stronger results via evolution in adverse conditions, whereas the Vorlons attempt to keep the peace and allow evolution to take its course, resulting in weaker races. As a fleet of Shadow vessels appears and surrounds Babylon 5, Morden offers a choice – Sheridan can take the enemy’s side or all that he values will be wiped out. Sheridan, however, refuses to play with the deck dealt to him, and fights his way to the heart of the Shadows’ domain on Z’Ha’Dum. Cornered by the Shadow-influenced Anna and the Shadows themselves, Sheridan summons the White Star to take a death dive right into his location. Urged by the voice of Kosh, Sheridan leaps off a high balcony into a huge pit, as the White Star slams into Z’Ha’Dum with its nuclear payload, destroying the Shadows’ base of operations.

The Shadow ships threatening the station leave when they realize they are urgently needed elsewhere, but they snag a hostage before they go – a Starfury piloted by Garibaldi.

Order now!Stream this episodewritten by J. Michael Straczynski
directed by Adam Nimoy
music by Christopher Franke

Babylon 5Cast: Bruce Boxleitner (Captain John Sheridan), Claudia Christian (Commander Susan Ivanova), Jerry Doyle (Security Chief Michael Garibaldi), Mira Furlan (Delenn), Richard Biggs (Dr. Stephen Franklin), Bill Mumy (Lennier), Jason Carter (Marcus Cole), Stephen Furst (Vir), Jeff Conaway (Zack Allan), Peter Jurasik (Londo Mollari), Andreas Katsulas (G’Kar), Melissa Gilbert (Anna Sheridan), Jeff Corey (Justin), Ron Campbell (Messenger), Ed Wasser (Morden), Ardwight Chamberlain (Kosh), Joshua Cox (Lt. Corwin)

Original UK airdate: September 22, 1996

LogBook entry by Dave Thomer