Deep Space Nine Season 04 Star Trek

Shattered Mirror

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Sisko receives a surprise visit from Jennifer – the mirror universe version of his late wife, whom he met last year when he convinced her to join the rebels against the Alliance in her universe. Now, she says, the rebels have captured Terok Nor. Jennifer lures Jake back to her universe with her, as part of a plan to coerce Sisko into helping finish the mirror version of the Defiant. Sisko follows, and finds himself in a race against time to prepare the ship before the arrival of an Alliance fleet headed by the Regent – Worf.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Ira Steven Behr & Hans Beimler
directed by James L. Conway
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Felecia M. Bell (Jennifer), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), Carlos Carrasco (Klingon Officer), Andrew Robinson (Garak), James Black (Helmsman), Dennis Madalone (Guard)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 1 Xena: Warrior Princess

Altared States

Xena: Warrior PrincessXena and Gabrielle’s morning of fishing is interrupted when some men chase a young boy into their area. After dealing with the men, they learn from the boy, Icus, that his father is going to sacrifice him and that was why he was being chased. Xena hides Icus and Gabrielle in a cave that she once used for her army, and goes to talk to the boy’s father. His father, Anteus, seems relieved that Xena and Gabrielle are watching over his son. Maell convinces the zealots that Xena must die. Gabrielle is telling stories to Icus, but the boy isn’t listening. He’s wondering about why his father wants to sacrifice him. The bard tries to reassure him that Xena will find a way to keep that from happening. She then wishes she had something to eat, since the fish that she and Xena caught were used as a weapon by the warrior. Icus says he has plenty of food that his mom packed for him. One of the things that he has to eat is a large piece of nut bread, one of Gabrielle’s favorite foods. The warrior finds his mother at the temple of Hestia. She tells Xena that the supreme one told Anteus to make Icus the next leader instead of his older brother Maell. She then asks Xena to take more nutbread to Icus. She has some that Maell had specially made for his father. Xena realizes that there is something wrong with the nutbread and races back to the cave. She finds Gabrielle asleep on the floor of the cave and Icus is gone. When she wakes the young woman, the bard acts strangely. She has no idea what happened to Icus. Xena tells Gabrielle to stay in the cave, while she goes to find the boy. Icus, concerned about his new friend has returned home to ask his mother to help Gabrielle. But the zealots come and grab him. One stands guard over his mother, while the others take him to Anteus. Xena takes care of the zealot, and goes after the ones who have taken the boy. She distracts them and is able to get Icus away from them. Xena and Icus find Anteus slumped over the altar. He’s exhausted and Xena helps him return home. She asks him again to spare his son, but he won’t. She tells him that she will stop him, and Anteus says part of him hopes she will succeed. Once the warrior has returned the father and son to their home, she explains that the nutbread that Maell has been giving Anteus is drugged. She’s interrupted by a knock on the door. It’s Gabrielle. She was told by a rock to come and find Xena. The warrior points out that the bard has been hearing voices because of the nutbread she ate. Icus spots his brother and the zealots outside. He runs out the other door and Xena follows him. He’s angry and says that everything would have been fine if she hadn’t interfered. Xena returns to the house and finds that Maell has Gabrielle with a knife to her throat. He promises he won’t hurt anyone as long as Xena cooperates. He has the two women thrown into the well.

Order the DVDswritten by Chris Manheim
directed by Michael Levine
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: David Ackroyd (Anteus), Karl Urban (Maell), David deLautour (Icus), Teresa Woodham (Zora), Sean Ashton-Peach (Zealot #1), Jack Dacey (Brawny Zealot), Peter Ford (Zealot Guard), Graham Smith (Senior Zealot)

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Babylon 5 / Crusade Season 3

Ship Of Tears

Babylon 5Bester comes to the station again, this time offering to help in the fight against the Shadows. He has information about a shipment of weapons components being sent to the Shadows, and Sheridan agrees to take the Psi Cop along on the White Star to intercept. But even Bester is surprised when the components in question turn out to be rogue telepaths who have been subjected to surgical implants that will force them to become the pilots of Shadow vessels. A number of important discoveries are made – the telepaths can merge with any computer system thanks to their implants, and the Shadows leave the White Star alone simply due to the presence of Bester. The pilot of the Shadow transport is a being called a Drakh, though no one realizes its significance. But all of these findings are overshadowed when the Shadows themselves break cover and begin attacking openly, starting with Brakiri space.

Order now!Download this episodewritten by J. Michael Straczynski
directed by Michael Vejar
music by
Christopher Franke

Cast: Bruce Boxleitner (Captain John Sheridan), Claudia Christian (Commander Susan Ivanova), Jerry Doyle (Security Chief Michael Garibaldi), Mira Furlan (Delenn), Richard Biggs (Dr. Stephen Franklin), Bill Mumy (Lennier), Jason Carter (Marcus Cole), Stephen Furst (Vir), Jeff Conaway (Zack Allan), Peter Jurasik (Londo Mollari), Andreas Katsulas (G’Kar), Walter Koenig (Bester), Joan McMurtrey (Carolyn), Diana Morgan (Alison), Debra Sharkey (Med Tech)

LogBook entry by Dave Thomer

Deep Space Nine Season 04 Star Trek

The Muse

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Jake meets a mysterious woman named Onaya, who claims to have “a weakness for artists”, and who says that she can help Jake to develop his talent for writing. His life is endangered as he falls deeper and deeper under her spell. Meanwhile, Lwaxana returns, pregnant and on the run from her husband Jeyal, who seeks to take their unborn son from her to raise by himself according to his people’s customs. And Odo has a drastic solution to her problem.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Renè Echavarria
story by Renè Echavarria & Majel Barrett Roddenberry
directed by David Livingston
music by Paul Baillargeon

Guest Cast: Meg Foster (Onaya), Majel Barrett (Lwaxana Troi), Michael Ansara (Jeyal)

Notes: This was Majel Barrett Roddenberry’s only writing credit during the entire Star Trek saga. There was also an episode of Star Trek: Voyager called Muse, minus the “The” of this episode’s title.

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover with notes by Earl Green

Season 1 Xena: Warrior Princess

Ties That Bind

Xena: Warrior PrincessThe warlord Kirilus has just checked on the young women his soldiers captured to sell as slaves, when Ares appears. The god of war tells him of how pleased he is with the work Kirilus has done to assemble his army in such a short time. He then tells him he has found his successor. The warlord is upset. He tells Ares that no man could do a better job with his army. Ares tells him the one who will replace him isn’t a man. Kirilus realizes he means Xena. When Ares leaves, the warlord begins to make plans to prevent that from happening. Xena and Gabrielle are in a tree not from Kirilus’s camp. They heard the cries for help and are there to rescue the women. They notice a man come from out of the woods and confront the guards. When he begins to get into trouble, Xena jumps down from the tree and goes to help him. She brings him back to where Gabrielle is and treats his injured arm. When Gabrielle calls out her name, the man looks surprised. He tells Xena that he’s her father, Atrius. The warrior doesn’t believe him. Xena heads back to the camp. While she fights the guards, Gabrielle frees the captives. One of the women runs away from the group, and the bard orders the others to wait there. Xena arrives and sends them on into the woods. When Gabrielle catches up to the woman, one of Kirilus’s men starts after him. Atrius appears and knocks the man out. Xena arrives just in time to see that. Atrius insists on trying to help her and Gabrielle return the women to their village, but she refuses his help and continues to deny he’s her father.

Ares returns to Kirilus. He taunts the man about loosing his captives and about Xena taking over his army. Kirilus says he won’t take orders from Xena. The god of war tells him he won’t have to. He’ll be dead. When Xena and Gabrielle stops the group for a rest, the bard goes and talks to the one who ran away. Rhea explains that when Kirilus’s men came and grabbed the women, she volunteered to go. She tells Gabrielle that she did it for her sister. Gabrielle also manages to get Xena to talk about her father. She has a happy memory of him, but says that she was fine with him leaving. Suddenly Atrius appears on horseback. He’s being chased by a couple of men, as he calls for Xena’s help. The men accuse him of stealing the horse. Atrius insists that he won it from them. As the men are heading back to the village they came from, Xena stops them and they confirm that Atrius did win the horse.

Kirilus sends one of his men out with a dart blower out to kill Xena. But the warrior snatches the dart from the air, before it can hit anyone. She then locates the man and breaks the dart blower. Atrius corners the man. He’s angry that the man tried to kill Xena. They fight, and Atrius disarms him. Gabrielle enters the clearing in time to see Atrius stab the man, who was surrendering. When Xena approaches, the bard tells her what she saw. But Atrius says it was self defense – the man had a dagger. Xena rolls the man over, and sees the dagger on the ground. Gabrielle is puzzled. She didn’t think the man was armed. Atrius tells Gabrielle that he realizes that she and Xena are a team. And once the former captives are returned to their village, then he will leave. Gabrielle talks to Rhea and comes to a decision. She goes to Xena and tells her that she will take the women on to the village while the warrior and Atrius wait for Kirilus and his army.

Order the DVDswritten by Adam Armus and Nora Kay Foster
directed by Charles Siebert
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Kevin Smith (Ares), Tom Atkins (Atrius), Stephen Lovatt (Kirilus), Sonia Gray (Rhea), Nancy Broadbent (Areliesa), Lutz Halbhubner (Tarkis), Heidi Anderson (Slave Girl), Robin Kora (Village Elder), John Manning (Ranch Hand #1), James Marcum (Warrior #3), Mark Perry (Warrior #1), Tony Williams (Warrior #2)

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Babylon 5 / Crusade Season 3

Interludes and Examinations

Babylon 5Those aboard Babylon 5 react in different ways to the horrifying news that the Shadow War is about to engulf everyone. Londo joyfully awaits the return of his old flame Adira, while Sheridan worries that the League of Non-Aligned Worlds won’t commit their forces against the Shadows unless one of the major powers scores a decisive victory against the darkness. Franklin is forced to face the realization that his stim addiction could do more than destroy his medical career – one mistake could cost him a patient’s life. Morden arrives, trying to regain Londo’s trust, and is prepared to exact a hideous price if he can’t. Kosh is reluctant to agree to Sheridan’s request for a Vorlon strike against the Shadows, and when he does send a Vorlon fleet to intercept them, dark consequences ensue for everyone.

Order now!Download this episodewritten by J. Michael Straczynski
directed by Jesus Trevino
music by
Christopher Franke

Cast: Bruce Boxleitner (Captain John Sheridan), Claudia Christian (Commander Susan Ivanova), Jerry Doyle (Security Chief Michael Garibaldi), Mira Furlan (Delenn), Richard Biggs (Dr. Stephen Franklin), Bill Mumy (Lennier), Jason Carter (Marcus Cole), Stephen Furst (Vir), Jeff Conaway (Zack Allan), Peter Jurasik (Londo Mollari), Andreas Katsulas (G’Kar), Jennifer Balgobin (Dr. Lillian Hobbs), Rance Howard (David Sheridan), Jan Rabson (Vendor), Ed Wasser (Morden), Ardwight Chamberlain (Kosh), Jonathan Chapman (Brakiri), Maggie Ciglar (Tech), Glenn Martin (Ranger), Doug Tompos (Med Tech)

LogBook entry by Dave Thomer

Deep Space Nine Season 04 Star Trek

For The Cause

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Sisko is shocked and skeptical to learn that there is evidence suggesting that his lover, freighter captain Kasidy Yates, is smuggling supplies to the Maquis. However, the cloaked Defiant follows her ship, the Xhosa, on a run to the Badlands, where the crew witnesses Kasidy making a delivery to a Maquis ship…and soon Kasidy isn’t the only traitor Sisko has to worry about. Meanwhile, Garak and Ziyal come to an understanding.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Ronald D. Moore
story by Mark Gehred O’Connell
directed by James L. Conway
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Penny Johnson (Kasidy Yates), Kenneth Marshall (Eddington), Andrew Robinson (Garak), Tracy Middendorf (Ziyal), John Prosky (Brathaw), Steven Vincent Leigh (Lt. Reese)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 1 Xena: Warrior Princess

The Greater Good

Xena: Warrior PrincessA young woman finds Xena in the forest and begs her to save Lord Seltzer from the warlord Talmadeus. As she arrives in the village, Xena hears a familiar voice call out to her. Lord Seltzer is actually Salmoneus. While Xena fights off Talmadeus’s men, she is hit in the neck by a dart. She checks the dart and finds that it has been dipped in Talmec poison. The stoic warrior keeps this information to herself. Salmoneus tells Xena that Talmadeus is after him because he sold the warlord weapons and armor made from Talgamite. Talagmite dissolves in water, and it rained on Talmadeus’s army during a big battle. Xena decides to go find Talmadeus, and Gabrielle goes with her. The warlord and his lieutenant are out with a patrol looking for her. Xena fights the men, while Gabrielle watches from a distance. But when the warrior reaches Talmadeus, the poison begins to affect her. The warlord presses his advantage and is about to kill Xena when Gabrielle throws her staff at him and knocks his sword away. Xena recovers enough to kick Talmadeus in the stomach and whistles for Argo. She and Gabrielle retreat back to the village.

Gabrielle is angry that Xena kept the fact that she had been poisoned hidden from her. Xena isn’t sure how much worse she will get, but she knows that she is in no shape to take on Talmadeus. It’s decided that Gabrielle will dress as Xena and act as a decoy. They hope it will be enough to fool Talmadeus into thinking that Xena is well. Talmadeus is confident that he’s sent Xena on the run. He sends his lieutenant out on another patrol to find her. They encounter “Xena” and chase her back to the village. But the real Xena has rallied the villagers. Armed with seltzer bottles that have spikes in the corks, the villagers chase the warriors away. Xena tells Gabrielle that she needs to attack Talmadeus’s camp. She has had the villagers prepare incendiary devices to use in the attack. But Gabrielle is concerned about her friend. Xena tells her she needs to do this for these villagers in spite of her ill health.

Talmadeus is readying his army for an attack on the village, when he hears a familiar war cry. A ball of flame flies through the air and lands on a tent. Several more land on other tents and around the camp. He looks up to see “Xena” charging into the camp on her horse. He quickly grabs a staff and blocks the horse’s path. When the horse jumps over the staff, “Xena” is thrown into a horse’s trough. The warlord is surprised to see that the rider wasn’t Xena after all. In the warehouse at the village, Xena has managed to get out of her bed and has headed for her weapons. Two of Talmadeus’s warriors try to sneak up on her, but she manages to take care of them before collapsing to the ground.

Order the DVDswritten by Steven L. Sears
directed by Gary Jones
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Robert Trebor (Salmoneus), Peter McCauley (Talmadeus), Timothy James Adam (Kalus), Jonathon Hendry (Ness), Natalya Humphrey (Photis), David Mitchell (Gorney), Kenneth Prebble (Old Man)

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Babylon 5 / Crusade Season 3

War Without End – Part 1

Babylon 5A distress call reaches the station from sector 14, the location of the mysteriously vanished Babylon 4, only this call comes from Babylon 5, with a time-stamp that places it just over a week in the future. Garibaldi leaves on a solo mission to investigate, finding that the rip in time has reopened in sector 14, enlarged by the Great Machine on Epsilon 3. Delenn then suddenly insists that Sheridan, Ivanova and Marcus join her on the White Star to undertake a mission of the utmost importance – and they will be joined by Jeffrey Sinclair, whose arrival on B5 has been prompted by a mysterious letter written almost a milennium ago and delivered to him in accordance to prophecy on Minbar. En route to the temporal rift, Delenn reveals that the White Star crew is responsible for hijacking Babylon 4 from its present to the distant past, where it turned the tide in the last war with the Shadows. Without B4’s arrival in the past, the Shadows will never have lost the first war, and the war of the present will end in destruction for Babylon 5. A curious alien called Zathras arrives from Epsilon 3, sent by Draal to help the crew on their mission. But Sheridan will not arrive in the past with the others, when the device he wears to allow him to travel in time is damaged and deposits him on Centauri Prime in the future.

Order now!Download this episodewritten by J. Michael Straczynski
directed by Michael Vejar
music by
Christopher Franke

Cast: Bruce Boxleitner (Captain John Sheridan), Claudia Christian (Commander Susan Ivanova), Jerry Doyle (Security Chief Michael Garibaldi), Mira Furlan (Delenn), Richard Biggs (Dr. Stephen Franklin), Bill Mumy (Lennier), Jason Carter (Marcus Cole), Stephen Furst (Vir), Jeff Conaway (Zack Allan), Peter Jurasik (Londo Mollari), Andreas Katsulas (G’Kar), Michael O’Hare (Jeffrey Sinclair), Tim Choate (Zathras), Time Winters (Rathenn), Joshua Cox (Lt. Corwin), Kevin Fry (Centauri Guard), Eric Zivot (Spragg), Ardwight Chamberlain (Ulkesh)

LogBook entry by Dave Thomer

Deep Space Nine Season 04 Star Trek

To The Death

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate 49904.2: The Defiant returns from a mission to find that DS9 has been attacked by the Jem’Hadar. In pursuit of the raiders, they find another, damaged Jem’Hadar ship and beam aboard its crew and their Vorta supervisor, Weyoun, who tells Sisko that renegade Jem’Hadar have seized control of an Iconian gateway in the Gamma Quadrant. Sisko enters into an uneasy alliance on a mission to destroy the gateway before the renegades manage to restore it and gain the ability to instantly travel to any planet.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Ira Steven Behr & Robert Hewitt Wolfe
directed by LeVar Burton
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Clarence Williams III (Omet’iklan), Brian Thompson (Toman’torax), Scott Haven (Virak’kara), Jeffrey Combs (Weyoun)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 1 Xena: Warrior Princess


Xena: Warrior PrincessTaking a break in a tavern, Xena is accosted by a man, Melas, who insists that her army destroyed his village and killed everyone including his young son. Xena tries to tell him that it wasn’t her, but he says that every village from here to Corinth has a story of Xena and her army’s latest attacks. Xena and Gabrielle decide to head to Corinth to find out what is going on. On their way to Corinth, they encounter refugees from a village who fear Xena. Among the refugees is a young man, Joxer, who claims to be a great warrior and wants to join Xena’s army. She tells him to get lost. Melas tries to ambush Xena, but is thwarted by the warrior. She ties him to a tree and tells him she’s going after the imposter and that he should stay out of her way.

Xena and Gabrielle arrive in a village as it is under attack. While on horseback, Xena throws her chakrum to stop some of the warriors in their attacks. A blonde woman warrior, also on horseback grabs it from the air. Soon the two women are exchanging blows, that eventually send them to the ground. Xena questions her, and the warrior mentions Cirra, a name that Xena recognizes. Her new enemy flips back onto her horse and rides off, still holding Xena’s chakrum. Nearby, Gabrielle is having trouble fighting off one of the warriors. He sends her to the ground, but Xena intercepts his sword before he can kill the bard. Using her pressure point knowledge, Xena interrogates the man about the woman who just left. Her name is Callisto and her family died in an attack on Cirra. She plans on killing the oracle at Delphi the next day at the Apollo sacrifice with Xena’s chakrum. After she releases him, Melas approaches. He heard everything and wants to join Xena in getting rid of Callisto. The warrior lets him join her and Gabrielle, only to keep him safe.

Callisto’s lieutenant, Theodorus, arrives back in the camp. He tells Callisto of Xena’s interrogation. The warrior is pleased. She believes she knows every move that Xena will make. Before she can discuss the next day’s plans, Joxer is brought to her. He had been sneaking around because he wants to join her army. Callisto says he can join her but he has to bring Gabrielle back to the camp. That evening, Gabrielle tries talking Melas into resting. But he won’t until Callisto is dead. The bard then moves to Xena and asks her about Cirra. The warrior explains that about ten years before her army attacked that village. During the raid a fire was started, but she wasn’t sure how. There were strong winds, and the village was quickly destroyed. Callisto was apparently one of the few survivors, and wants revenge against the person she blames for the death of her family.

Xena, Gabrielle, and Melas arrive the next morning in Delphi. They spread out to look for Callisto. As Gabrielle is searching through the village, Joxer grabs her in a net. She frees herself, and easily defeats the young man and goes to search for Xena. Xena is looking around the temple. The oracle has just been placed in her position at the altar, when the warrior hears the chakrum. She throws a dagger that intercepts the chakrum’s path, and deflects it back to her. Spotting Callisto, Xena darts off after her, out of the temple. The two race out of Delphi on horseback.

Order the DVDswritten by R.J. Stewart
directed by T.J. Scott
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Hudson Leick (Callisto), Ted Raimi (Joxer), David Te Rare (Theodorus), Ian Hughes (Melas), Kenneth McGregor (Aketeon), Patricia Donovan (Old Woman), Michael Hallows (Tall Villager), Toby Mills (Tall Man), Henry Vaeoso (Fat Warrior)

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Babylon 5 / Crusade Season 3

War Without End – Part 2

Babylon 5In the court of Emperor Londo Mollari, Sheridan is condemned to die. In his cell, he briefly shifts forward in time, but returns to the future where he encounters an aged Delenn, who is also due to be executed. Londo, drunk, reveals that he is under the constant watch of a creature which will alert the surviving minions of the Shadows if he does not act according to their wishes. His watchdog can be subdued by drink, and while free of its influence, Londo allows Delenn and Sheridan to escape. But before they can leave, Sheridan is yanked back through time as Delenn warns him never to go to Z’ha’Dum. He arrives at B4 and helps Sinclair secure the station for its upcoming time journey, but with his time stabilizer still inactive, he disappears again. To make matters worse, Sinclair has aged abruptly, a side effect of his exposure to the tachyon fields surrounding B4 when he visited there before. Attempts to prepare B4 to leap a thousand years into the past run into further problems when Zathras, who is captured and interrogated by both the original Babylon 4 crew, and Sinclair and Garibaldi in 2258. When preparations are finally made, Sheridan is safely retrieved so he can return to his present, but Sinclair must stay aboard Babylon 4 as it vanishes into the past – and both it and its occupant will become the stuff of legends.

Order now!Download this episodewritten by J. Michael Straczynski
directed by Michael Vejar
footage from Babylon Squared directed by Jim Johnston
music by
Christopher Franke

Cast: Bruce Boxleitner (Captain John Sheridan), Claudia Christian (Commander Susan Ivanova), Jerry Doyle (Security Chief Michael Garibaldi), Mira Furlan (Delenn), Richard Biggs (Dr. Stephen Franklin), Bill Mumy (Lennier), Jason Carter (Marcus Cole), Stephen Furst (Vir), Jeff Conaway (Zack Allan), Peter Jurasik (Londo Mollari), Andreas Katsulas (G’Kar), Michael O’Hare (Jeffrey Sinclair), Tim Choate (Zathras), Kent Broadhurst (Major Krantz), Bruce Morrow (B4 First Officer), Kevin Fry (Centauri Guard), Eddie Mui (B4 Tech)

LogBook entry by Dave Thomer

Deep Space Nine Season 04 Star Trek

The Quickening

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Bashir, Dax, and Kira are on a routine biosurvey mission in the Gamma Quadrant when they receive a 200-year-old distress signal. They follow it to a planet where the population, once a spacegoing culture, is suffering from an incurable fatal disease inflicted on them by the Jem’Hadar for defying the Dominion. Bashir becomes obsessed with finding a cure for the Blight, despite the opposition from natives who feel he is giving them nothing but false hope.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Naren Shankar
directed by Rene Auberjonois
music by David Bell

Guest Cast: Michael Sarrazin (Trevean), Ellen Wheeler (Ekoria), Dylan Haggerty (Epran), Heide Margolis (Norva), Loren Lester (Attendant), Alan Echeverria (Patient), Lisa Moncure (Latia)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 1 Xena: Warrior Princess

Death Mask

Xena: Warrior PrincessAs Xena is explaining to Gabrielle about how she is able to catch arrows, sometimes without seeing them, an archer fires upon them. To the surprise of the bard and the warrior, Gabrielle catches the arrow on the end of her staff before Xena can catch it. The assassin runs from his hiding place and attacks the warrior. While she is fighting him, another runs up behind Gabrielle and the bard has to defend herself. When Xena knocks her attacker out, she notices he is wearing a mask that she recognizes. The sound of the struggle between the bard and her attacker sends the warrior running to help. But Gabrielle doesn’t need it. Xena questions the man about the mask. It was given to him by the warlord, Cortese. His army is attacking a village nearby. Xena tells Gabrielle that Cortese’s army was the one that destroyed her village. It was in that same attack that her brother, Lyceus, died.

Xena rides into the village and attacks the raiders. When Gabrielle reaches the village, she sees that a young girl is about to be run over by one of the raiders on horseback. The bard manages to get the girl out of the way in time and hands her over to her mother. She then joins Xena in trying to stop the raiders. Suddenly one of the raiders calls out for a retreat. And the men dart out of the village just as the king’s army enters it. One of the men stops and watches Xena. He knows who she is, and goes to tell Malik, Cortese’s second in command. The raiders return to camp, and Malik reports to Cortese. The warlord interrupts when Malik tells of Xena’s appearance in the village. While Xena and Gabrielle are traveling through the forest, one of Cortese’s men appears. The warrior is suspicious of the man, and she approaches him carefully. She’s shocked when the man removes his mask and reveals that he is her long lost older brother, Toris. He explains that he joined the raiders to get to Cortese to kill him. Xena has Toris take her back to the raiders’ camp as his prisioner. She wants the chance to look around for herself. Malik is pleased that they have Xena, but he threatens Toris and sends him away. When Malik goes to see Xena, however, she knocks him out and escapes.

Toris paces by a lake while waiting for his sister to return. Gabrielle begins to tell him about how much she’s learned from Xena, but it just upsets him. He insists that Xena is treating her just like the people of Amphipolous when she created an army to defend against Cortese. Xena returns and tells them that she found the royal crest on pieces of paper and carrier pigeons. Thinking that someone in the castle must be a spy, she and Toris go there while Gabrielle returns to the village they saved earlier.

Order the DVDswritten by Peter Allan Fields
directed by Stewart Main
music by Joseph LoDuca

Guest Cast: Joseph Kell (Toris), Michael Lawrence (Cortese), William Davis (Malik), Doug McCaulay (Aescalus), Elizabeth Skeen (Sera), Peter Needham (Village Elder)

LogBook entry by Mary Terrell

Deep Space Nine Season 04 Star Trek

Body Parts

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Quark returns from two weeks on Ferenginar and announces that he has been diagnosed with Dorek syndrome – a rare, incurable, fatal disease – and has six days to live. In order to pay off his debts, he offers his vacuum-desicated remains for sale on the Ferengi Futures Exchange, and is shocked when a 500-bar bid comes through. Naturally, Quark accepts – only to learn that he doesn’t have the disease after all. But then his mysterious buyer – Brunt of the FCA – arrives…and he doesn’t want a refund. Meanwhile, an accident forces Bashir to transfer Keiko’s baby to Kira, and the parties involved must adjust to the unexpected situation.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Hans Beimler
story by Louis P. DeSantis & Robert J. Bolivar
directed by Avery Brooks
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Rosalind Chao (Keiko), Max Grodenchik (Rom/Grand Nagus Gint), Hana Hatae (Molly), Jeffrey Combs (Brunt), Andrew J. Robinson (Garak)

Notes: The transfer of Keiko’s baby to Major Kira was written into the story for a practical reason – Nana Visitor was pregnant at the time.

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover with notes by Earl Green