Season 05 Star Trek The Next Generation

Power Play

Star Trek: The Next GenerationStardate 45571.2: Investigating a 200-year-old Starfleet distress signal emanating from a planet which happens to be the last known location of the starship Essex, the Enterprise sends a shuttle through the planet’s stormy atmosphere. The shuttle, with Riker, Troi and Data on board, crash lands, resulting in Riker breaking an arm. Chief O’Brien beams down with a device to boost the transporter signal so the away team can be rescued, but all four are struck by a lightning-like discharge and all but Riker are knocked out. Riker operates the transporter booster and returns them to the Enterprise, where Troi, O’Brien and Data take over the ship under the influence of aliens from the planet. They enter Ten Forward and take hostages, announcing that they are actually the spirits of the Essex crew. Demanding that their physical remains be recovered from the planet and returned to Earth, Troi – apparently taken over by the dead captain of the Essex – threatens to kill the hostages (including Keiko and her baby), and Picard’s attempts to negotiate accomplish nothing, aside from convincing him that the terrorists are not who they claim to be.

Order the DVDsteleplay by Rene Balcer and Herbert J. Wright & Brannon Braga
story by Paul Ruben and Maurice Hurley
directed by David Livingston
music by Jay Chattaway

Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Commander Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn (Lt. Worf), Gates McFadden (Dr. Crusher), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander Data), Rosalind Chao (Keiko), Colm Meaney (O’Brien), Michelle Forbes (Ensign Ro), Ryan Reid (Transporter Technician), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 05 Star Trek The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next GenerationStardate not given: Critically injured by falling containers in a cargo bay, Worf is paralyzed from the waist down, and Dr. Crusher can offer little in the way of hopes for complete recovery. The visiting Dr. Russell sees Worf’s injury as a perfect chance to test her new device, which can – in theory – replicate entire organs after scanning the DNA of the original. Crusher disagrees, however, citing Russell’s device as experimental at best, and refusing to allow Russell to operate. When Worf – claiming that life as an invalid would be a dishonorable burden to he and his family – begins to try to enlist Riker’s help in committing suicide, Crusher is forced to let Russell attempt to restore Worf’s spinal cord – an operation that could easily end the Klingon’s life, leaving many of the crew concerned for Worf as well as Alexander.

Order the DVDsteleplay by Ronald D. Moore
story by Sara Charno & Stuart Charno
directed by Chip Chalmers
music by Dennis McCarthy

Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Commander Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn (Lt. Worf), Gates McFadden (Dr. Crusher), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander Data), Caroline Kava (Dr. Russell), Brian Bonsall (Alexander), Patti Yasutake (Nurse Ogawa)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 05 Star Trek The Next Generation

The Outcast

Star Trek: The Next GenerationStardate 45614.6: Assisting the androgynous J’naii people in a search for a missing space shuttle, the Enterprise crew discovers a pocket of null space from which energy emissions cannot escape. Riker and J’naii pilot Soren take an Enterprise shuttlecraft into the null zone to investigate, a trip on which Soren makes Riker uneasy by her unusual curiosity about human sexuality, and says that such practices among J’naii would be considered repugnant. Preparing for another trip, Soren reveals to Riker that she is one of a group of outlaws among the J’naii who embrace the “ancient” genders of male and female. After rescuing the J’naii shuttle crew and returning them safely, the Enterprise crew is invited to a celebration on the J’naii planet, during which Riker and Soren take their relationship a good deal further. When the other J’naii discover this, Soren is taken into custody so her “deviance” can be “cured,” and Riker decides that he must disobey the prime directive to rescue Soren from her own society.

Order the DVDswritten by Jeri Taylor
directed by Robert Scheerer
music by Jay Chattaway

Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Commander Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn (Lt. Worf), Gates McFadden (Dr. Crusher), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander Data), Melinda Culea (Soren), Callan White (Krite), Megan Cole (Noor)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 05 Star Trek The Next Generation

Cause and Effect

Star Trek: The Next Generation…and the engine core, after the warp engines take critical damage, is destablized. Picard orders all hands to evacuate, and the Enterprise blasts herself to bits.

Stardate 45652.1: Investigating a previously unexplored area of space, the Enterprise crew expects nothing but the normal routine of the unknown. After Dr. Crusher makes a mysterious complaint about hearing voices in her quarters, a time disturbance is detected close to the ship. After Picard orders Ro to distance the Enterprise from the phenomenon, all power is lost and a Federation starship emerges from the rift, colliding with the Enterprise, and the engine core, after the warp engines take critical damage, is destablized. Picard orders all hands to evacuate, and the Enterprise blasts herself to bits.

Stardate 45652.1: Investigating an unexplored area of space, the Enterprise crew expects nothing but the normal routine of the unknown. Shortly after Dr. Crusher and Riker begin to notice that events are repeating themselves, Dr. Crusher complains about hearing voices in her quarters. A time disturbance is detected close to the ship. After Picard orders Ro to distance the Enterprise from the phenomenon, all power is lost and a Federation starship emerges from the rift, colliding with the Enterprise, and the engine core, after the warp engines take critical damage, is destablized. Picard orders all hands to evacuate, and the Enterprise blasts herself to bits.

Stardate 45652.1: Investigating an unexplored area of space, the Enterprise crew expects nothing but the normal routine of the unknown. After Riker, Worf and Dr. Crusher notice that events are repeating, Crusher waits for and records the voices in her quarters at the same time Geordi’s sensors detect an anomaly. Data analyzes the voices and reports that they are the voices of the crew. The Enterprise has entered a time loop in which all events that occurred since the ship’s actual entry recur, and the “afterimages” of the events trapped in the loop allow the crew to know what is about to happen to them again. Data plans to leave himself a “message” that he will receive in a “subconscious” way, but before he can get far with his idea, a disturbance is detected near the ship. Picard orders Ro to distance the Enterprise from the phenomenon, and then all power is lost and the starship emerges from the rift, colliding with the Enterprise, and the engine core is destablized. Picard orders evacuation as Data transmits his message to the Data in the next time loop, and the Enterprise blasts herself to bits.

Stardate 45652.1: Dr. Crusher notices events repeating once more. Data receives his own message just as Crusher once again records the voices in her quarters. The time disturbance appears, and Picard hesitantly repeats his order to stand off from the rift. The power drain occurs again, as does the emergence of the other ship. Data suddenly changes the chain of events by taking a course of action the crew has rejected in every time loop up till now, and the collision is avoided. The Enterprise has been caught in the time loop for nearly 18 days, but upon contacting the captain of the other ship, Picard discovers that his counterparts may have been repeating their collision with the Enterprise for over 70 years.

Order the DVDswritten by Brannon Braga
directed by Jonathan Frakes
music by Dennis McCarthy

Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Commander Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn (Lt. Worf), Gates McFadden (Dr. Crusher), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander Data), Kelsey Grammer (Captain Bateston), Michelle Forbes (Ensign Ro), Patti Yasutake (Nurse Ogawa)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 05 Star Trek The Next Generation

The First Duty

Star Trek: The Next GenerationStardate 45703.9: The Enterprise is heading back to Earth so Picard may deliver Starfleet Academy’s commencement address, and the crew is also looking forward to an aerial stunt display performed in orbit over Saturn by Nova Squadron, the Academy’s elite flight group, including Wes Crusher. As the Enterprise arrives, news reaches Picard and Dr. Crusher that Nova Squadron’s five planes have collided during a practice maneuver, injuring four of the pilots and killing one of them. An inquiry is launched into the accident, and squadron leader Locarno – backed up by Wes and the other cadets – testifies that blame lies on Cadet Joshua Albert, who died. Picard, while the investigation is underway, pays a visit to his old friend Boothby, the Academy gardener since Picard’s days as a cadet. Wise old Boothby, and later Picard himself, begin to wonder if perhaps the surviving cadets of Nova Squadron aren’t simply diverting the responsibility for their own mistake.

Order the DVDswritten by Ronald D. Moore and Naren Shankar
directed by Paul Lynch
music by Jay Chattaway

Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Commander Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn (Lt. Worf), Gates McFadden (Dr. Crusher), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander Data), Wil Wheaton (Wesley Crusher), Jacqueline Brooks (Admiral Brand), Ray Walston (Boothby), Robert Duncan McNeill (Nicholas Locarno), Ed Lauter (Lt. Commander Albert), Richard Fancy (Captain Setalk), Walker Brandt (Hajar), Shannon Fill (Sito)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 05 Star Trek The Next Generation

Cost of Living

Star Trek: The Next GenerationStardate not given: The Enterprise is on an urgent mission to destroy an asteroid on a collision course with an inhabited planet. The asteroid is obliterated, but a metal-consuming substance riding the asteroid transfers to the hull of the Enterprise. Later, Worf and Alexander argue in Troi’s office about their latest father-son dispute over the family rules, and as if that experience isn’t enough of a headache, Lwaxana Troi beams aboard on her way to get married to Campio, a member of another planet’s royalty (and Mrs. Troi reluctantly admits she hasn’t actually met him yet), and she begins to interfere with Worf’s relationship with Alexander, trying to show the boy how to revel in rebelling against authority. While Counselor Troi tells her mother not to intercede in Worf’s family affairs, a problem is discovered with the ship’s systems, caused by the metal “virus” (of which the crew is not yet aware). Mrs. Troi later reveals to Alexander that she isn’t entirely sure about her upcoming marriage to Campio (who beams aboard with an ever-present aide whose duty seems to be that of making sure all of Campio’s actions are as neutral and inoffensive as possible). The life support systems come under attack by the erosive substance, and when Picard orders the ship to warp to the nearest starbase, the engines are the next target of the virus, jeopardizing the Enterprise and everyone aboard.

Order the DVDswritten by Peter Allan Fields
directed by Winrich Kolbe
music by Dennis McCarthy

Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Commander Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn (Lt. Worf), Gates McFadden (Dr. Crusher), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander Data), Majel Barrett (Lwaxana Troi), Brian Bonsall (Alexander), Tony Jay (Campio), Carel Struycken (Mr. Homn), David Oliver (Young Man), Albie Selznick (Juggler), Patrick Cronn (Erko), Tracy D’Arcy (Young Woman), George Ede (Poet), Christopher Halste (First Learner), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 05 Star Trek The Next Generation

The Perfect Mate

Star Trek: The Next GenerationStardate 45761.3: After rescuing a party of stranded miners, the Enterprise continues its mission to take Ambassador Bre’em and his cargo – an unusual cocoon – to meet Alrik of Volt so that their two worlds can end centuries of conflict. But when a Ferengi shuttlecraft is spotted in need of immediate help, Picard is forced to pick up the two Ferengi, who actually faked their emergency. The nosy Ferengi damage Bre’em’s cocoon, which melts away to reveal the lovely empath Kamala, who grabs the attention of every man in her sight, and initially thinks that Picard’s authoritarian demeanor makes him her future mate. Kamala is being transported as the property of Bre’em’s government, and she is to be delivered – as a gift – to Alrik of Volt. Dr. Crusher convinces Picard that the ambassador’s treatment of Kamala as an object is inhumane, but the possible results of allowing Kamala free roam of the ship could be more risky than transporting her as cargo, since her very accurate empathic ability allows her to become the perfect mate for whomever she spends the most time with, whether that happens to be Riker, Worf, a group of unruly miners, Captain Picard…

Order the DVDsteleplay by Gary Perconte and Michael Piller
story by Renè Echavarria and Gary Perconte
directed by Cliff Bole
music by Jay Chattaway

Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Commander Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn (Lt. Worf), Gates McFadden (Dr. Crusher), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander Data), Famke Janssen (Kamala), Tim O’Connor (Ambassador Bre’em), Max Grodenchik (Par Linor), Mickey Cottrell (Alrik of Volt), Michael Snyder (Qol), David Paul Needles (Miner #1), Roger Rignack (Miner #2), Charles Gunning (Miner #3), April Grace (Transporter Officer), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 05 Star Trek The Next Generation

Imaginary Friend

Star Trek: The Next GenerationStardate 45852.1: As the Enterprise begins an investigation of a nebula, Ensign Sutter and his young daughter Clara are in Troi’s office, where Clara is talking about her imaginary friend Isabella. Ensign Sutter, whose Starfleet career hasn’t allowed him to stay in one place long enough for Clara to make any friends, is concerned that Clara’s insistence on Isabella’s existence is abnormal, but Troi doesn’t think it is anything to worry about. An energy form enters the Enterprise, it materializes just as Clara imagines Isabella and begins to have Clara show it around the ship. Meanwhile, other energy-beings like “Isabella” begin to weave a web of strands around the ship to slow it down so they can feed off its power source. The crew realizes that the only way to try to communicate with the energy-beings is by having Clara try to summon Isabella.

Order the DVDsteleplay by Edithe Swensen and Brannon Braga
story by Jean Louise Matthias & Ronald Wilkerson and Richard Fliegel
directed by Gabrielle Beaumont
music by Dennis McCarthy

Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Commander Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn (Lt. Worf), Gates McFadden (Dr. Crusher), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander Data), Noley Thornton (Clara), Shay Astar (Isabella), Jeff Allin (Ensign Sutter), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), Brian Bonsall (Alexander), Patti Yasutake (Nurse Ogawa), Sheila Franklin (Ensign)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 05 Star Trek The Next Generation

I, Borg

Star Trek: The Next GenerationStardate 45854.2: The Enterprise is exploring a star system when a distress call is detected, and Riker leads an away team to investigate. A single survivor is found amidst the wreckage of a scout ship, a young male Borg which is taken back to the Enterprise. As Picard is faced with a reminder of his ordeal with the Borg and argues with Guinan about the logic of bringing the Borg aboard, Geordi tries to instill the ship’s Borg guest with a sense of individuality, starting by nicknaming him “Hugh.” The crew is preparing a plan to send Hugh back with a computer virus that would unravel the Borg from the inside out, but some of the crew’s conscience begins to disturb them. Picard discovers that Geordi’s benign attempts at communicating with Hugh could potentially have a far more devastating effect on the Borg collective society in the long run.

Order the DVDswritten by Renè Echavarria
directed by Robert Lederman
music by Jay Chattaway

Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Commander Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn (Lt. Worf), Gates McFadden (Dr. Crusher), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander Data), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), Jonathan del Arco (Hugh)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 05 Star Trek The Next Generation

The Next Phase

Star Trek: The Next GenerationStardate not given: A small Romulan ship is stranded, its crew threatened by the imminent danger of an engine explosion. An Enterprise away team beams aboard to assess the damage, but when Geordi and Ro try to return to the Enterprise with a piece of Romulan equipment, they are apparently lost in a transporter malfunction, and the rest of the crew assume they are dead. Geordi and Ro both awaken on the Enterprise, but they cannot be heard or seen by anyone else on the ship, and their bodies are able to simply pass through solid walls and doors due to their molecules being “phased.” While Ro attempts to come to terms with her apparent death, Geordi discovers that he and Ro are leaving a trail detectable by the ship’s sensors. The two try to alert the Enterprise crew of their predicament, and discover that the Romulans can intentionally phase themselves and are nearing the conclusion of a plan to destroy the Enterprise.

Order the DVDswritten by Ronald D. Moore
directed by David Carson
music by Dennis McCarthy

Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Commander Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn (Lt. Worf), Gates McFadden (Dr. Crusher), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander Data), Michelle Forbes (Ensign Ro), Thomas Kopache (Mirok), Susanna Thompson (Varel), Shelby Leverington (Brossmer), Brian Cousins (Parem), Kenneth Meseroll (Ensign McDowell)

Notes: Kenneth Meseroll may not be a familiar face, but he is a familiar voice to many SF and anime fans – he played the part of Derek Wildstar in Star Blazers, the U.S.-translated version of Space Battleship Yamato.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 05 Star Trek The Next Generation

The Inner Light

Star Trek: The Next GenerationStardate 45944.1: The Enterprise discovers an alien probe of unknown origin, which detects the Enterprise and sends a transmission. Picard is knocked unconscious. He “wakes up” as Kamin, an astronomer on the planet Kataan. As Kamin orients himself to life on this world with his wife Eline, he tries to make some attempts to locate the Enterprise, discovering in the process that Kataan faces imminent destruction from a sun about to go nova. Kamin ages yars, has children with Eline, watches old friends die and tries to convince people that their days on the planet are numbered. Meanwhile, on the Enterprise, where Picard has been unconscious for mere minutes, Riker is determined to break the probe’s hold on Picard – but severing the link could kill Picard while he is still trapped in the mind of Kamin.

Order the DVDsteleplay by Morgan Gendel and Peter Allan Fields
story by Morgan Gendel
directed by Peter Lauritson
music by Jay Chattaway

Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Commander Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn (Lt. Worf), Gates McFadden (Dr. Crusher), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander Data), Margot Rose (Eline), Richard Riehle (Batai), Scott Jaeck (Administrator), Jennifer Nash (Meribor), Patti Yasutake (Nurse Ogawa), Daniel Stewart (Young Batai)

Notes: Daniel Stewart, who plays the part of Kamin’s son in this episode, is Patrick Stewart’s real son. Many elements of this story are mentioned by Picard in the sixth season episode Lessons.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 05 Star Trek The Next Generation

Time’s Arrow

Star Trek: The Next GenerationStardate 45959.1: An excavation team on Earth summons the Enterprise to Earth, claiming to have found evidence of extraterrestrial visitors to the planet in the 19th century. Picard and Data are shown an astonishing artifact unearthed near Starfleet Academy: the head of Data, although he – with his head intact – is still serving on the Enterprise. As Data contemplates the news, Geordi traces a micro-organism discovered in fossilized form mear Data’s head to the planet Davidia II. The Enterprise heads for that world immediately, where an away team beams down without Data, who believes the others are overreacting to his impending fate. Troi sense life on the planet, although no beings are visible. Data, whose head contains a component that could allow him to see the invisible life forms, beams down and phases into the beings’ plane, reporting many large humanoid beings and an alien of some sort. Data is then snatched through time – to San Francisco in the late 1800s. He immediately begins making preparations to continue the exploration he was conducting on Davidia II after winning big in a local poker game. Elsewhere in the city, two humans – or at least aliens in the guise of humans – patrol the streets, finding a beggar and using a camouflaged device to steal the energy from his body, killing him. Meanwhile, Picard readies another away team when Guinan gives him cryptic advice, telling him he must join the away team. Data, in the 19th century, discovers that Guinan is on Earth in the same time period, though centuries before she met any of the Enterprise crew. Also present at the social function where Data finds Guinan is one Samuel Clemens, better known as Mark Twain, who overhears Data and Guinan discussing Data’s real origins. On Davidia II, the away team replicates Data’s experiment and they see the same life forms. Two beings arrive from an temporal rift, unloading more energy for their fellow aliens to feed on – energy taken from humans on Earth at the moment of death, according to Troi’s empathic sense. Picard, Riker, Troi, Geordi and Dr. Crusher enter the gateway, which closes behind them as they travel back in time to search for Data and find out why alien beings are interfering with human history.

Order the DVDsteleplay by Joe Menosky and Michael Piller
story by Joe Menosky
directed by Les Landau
music by Dennis McCarthy

Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Commander Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn (Lt. Worf), Gates McFadden (Dr. Crusher), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander Data), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), Jerry Hardin (Samuel Clemens), Michael Aron (Jack the Bellboy), Barry Kivel (Doorman), Ken Thorley (Seaman), Sheldon Peters Wolfchild (Indian), Jack Murdock (Beggar), Marc Alaimo (Gambler), Milt Tarver (Scientist), Michael Hungerford (Roughneck)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 06 Star Trek The Next Generation

Time’s Arrow Part II

Star Trek: The Next GenerationStardate 46001.3: After Picard and the away team manage to find indigenous clothes and lodging, they begin a task which Data, separately, has pursued since arriving – attempting to track down the aliens. They find a couple, disguised as a doctor and nurse, who have been stealing neural energy and escaping unnoticed, and the deaths then are attributed to a cholera epidemic of the period. In the meantime, Data has enlisted the help of Guinan, but has run into some unwelcome curiosity from Samuel Clemens, who trails both Data and Guinan assuming that they’ve arrived from the future with evil intentions. Picard’s away team captures the key to the aliens’ neural energy-gathering trips but the aliens themselves escape. Picard’s party is rescued from arrest by Data, who then introduces Guinan to Picard for the first time in her life. They then travel to the cavern where Data’s head will be discovered in the 24th century, followed by Clemens. As Clemens pulls a gun on the travelers, the aliens return to retrieve their creature, but Data holds on to it, and one of the aliens escapes through a temporal rift. The energy surge causes Data to explode, and the alien nurse is left behind, dying. Riker, Crusher, Troi and Geordi return to the 24th century, taking Data’s decapitated body with them – and again, they are followed by Clemens. Picard remains to make sure Guinan is unharmed, while the crew, in the 24th century, tries to retrieve Picard, send Clemens back to his native time, and stop further alien intereference with Earth’s past.

Order the DVDsteleplay by Jeri Taylor
story by Joe Menosky
directed by Les Landau
music by Dennis McCarthy

Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Commander Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn (Lt. Worf), Gates McFadden (Dr. Crusher), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander Data), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan), Jerry Hardin (Samuel Clemens), Michael Aron (Jack the Bellboy), Alexander Enberg (Young Reporter), Van Epperson (Morgue Attendant), Pamela Kosh (Mrs. Carmichael), James Gleason (Dr. Appollinaire), Bill Cho Lee (Male Patient), William Boyett (Policeman), Mary Stein (Alien Nurse), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Highlander Season 1

The Gathering

HighlanderA common thief named Richie Ryan breaks into an antiques store and soon finds himself in more trouble than he bargained for: a man wielding a sword appears to protect the shop, introducing himself as Duncan MacLeod. Richie’s predicment gets even stranger as two more men appear, each brandishing their own swords – one says he has come for Duncan’s head, and the other claims to be Connor MacLeod, a relative of Duncan’s. Richie uses the confusion of what appears to be an impending swordfight to sneak away; Duncan’s girlfriend Tessa watches the proceedings with alarm as Connor and the other swordsman leave.

The following day, Connor returns, as does the other swordsman, Slan Quince – harrassing Tessa and Duncan. Where Richie was terrified by the crossing of swords, Tessa has reluctantly become accustomed to it – Duncan is an Immortal, a human being both cursed and blessed with the ability to survive any injury, even a fatal one, except for decapitation. When one Immortal beheads another, he gains the fallen Immortal’s experience and power in an explosive transfer called the Quickening. Both Duncan and Connor try to lay claim to Slan Quince, but Connor knocks Duncan out and takes the initiative. He meets Slan on a bridge elsewhere in the city, and though he wins the swordfight, Connor finds out the hard way that Slan has a secret weapon: a gun built into the hilt of his sword. As Richie watches, Connor plunges into the river beneath the bridge – and Duncan appears, ready to take up the fight. But even if he survives, Duncan has already pledged not to put Tessa any further through the ordeal of his Immortal struggle.

Download this episode via Amazonwritten by Dan Gordon
directed by Thomas J. Wright
music by Roger Bellon

HighlanderCast: Adrian Paul (Duncan McLeod), Alexandra Vandernoort (Tessa), Stan Kirsch (Richie), Christopher Lambert (Connor MacLeod), Richard Moll (Slan Quince), Wendell Wright (Sgt. Powell)

Notes: Until the fourth Highlander theatrical movie, which brought Duncan and other TV characters into the movie mythology, Connor’s appearance in the Highlander series pilot was the only definitive connecting tissue between the original movies and the series. This was the only episode in which a cast member from the movies appeared, though careful examination of the opening credits in the first season reveal at least one shot of Connor – not Duncan – experiencing a quickening from the original Highlander film.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 06 Star Trek The Next Generation

Realm Of Fear

Star Trek: The Next GenerationStardate 46041.1: The Enterprise locates the missing starship Yosemite, adrift in a matter stream between binary stars. A link between the two ships’ transporters must be established so an away team can investigate the Yosemite, but Lt. Barclay, assigned to the away team, reveals his life-long fear of transporting. Troi convinces him to overcome his fear long enough to beam over to the Yosemite. Beaming back to the Enterprise later, Barclay is sure he sees some kind of creature in the transport beam approach and touch him. Fearing he has contracted a psychosis caused by the transporter scrambling his brain, he becomes so preoccupied that Troi relieves him of duty while Geordi and Data begin reconstructing a mysteriously shattered sample container form the Yosemite, an experiment which reveals that there are indeed life forms in the matter stream. And Barclay is exhibiting early symptoms of something that may have killed the Yosemite’s crew.

Order the DVDswritten by Brannon Braga
directed by Cliff Bole
music by Jay Chattaway

Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Commander Riker), LeVar Burton (Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn (Lt. Worf), Gates McFadden (Dr. Crusher), Marina Sirtis (Counselor Troi), Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander Data), Dwight Schultz (Lt. Barclay), Colm Meaney (O’Brien), Patti Yasutake (Nurse Ogawa), Renata Scott (Admiral), Thomas Belgrey (Crewmember), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice)

LogBook entry by Earl Green