Grand Admiral Thrawn arrives on Lothal with word that various Rebel cells are joining forces to attack and destroy the TIE Defender factory on Lothal. Using a bugged mouse droid, Agent Kallus listens in and tries to warn the Rebel fleet that Thrawn is expecting them…only to discover that Thrawn is expecting him as well. Following the direction of Kallus’ transmission, Thrawn brings a fleet of Imperial Star Destroyers to the Rebels’ meeting place, cutting off their escape. Kanan goes to the desert to demand help from the Bendu, while Ezra and Chopper alone must convince Mon Mothma to commit the rest of the Rebel fleet to reinforcing the forces gathered by Hera, Captain Sato, and General Dodonna. Mon Mothma, however, is unwilling to put all of the Rebellion’s assets on the front line, leaving Ezra to seek help elsewhere.
written by Steven Melching
directed by Justin Ridge
music by Kevin Kiner
additional music by David Russell, Sean Kiner, and Dean Kiner
based on original themes and music by John Williams
Cast: Taylor Gray (Ezra Bridger), Vanessa Marshall (Hera Syndulla), Freddie Prinze Jr. (Kanan Jarrus), Steve Blum (Zeb / Commander Woldar / Rebel Officer), Dee Bradley Baker (Admiral Konstantine / Rebel Crewman / Rex), David Oyelowo (Agent Kallus), Tom Baker (Bendu), Keone Young (Commander Sato), Michael Bell (General Dodonna), Mary Elizabeth McGlynn (Governor Pryce / Rebel Pilot #1), Lars Mikkelsen (Grand Admiral Thrawn), Stephen Stanton (Grand Moff Tarkin / Imperial Officer), Dave Filoni (Green Leader), Genevieve O’Reilly (Mon Mothma), Clancy Brown (Ryder Azadi / Rebel Pilot #2), Nathan Kress (Wedge Antilles)
LogBook entry by Earl Green