Ghosts Of Geonosis – Part 2
An Imperial cruiser closes in on Geonosis as the battle droids and destroyer droids activated by the sole surviving Geonosian continue their attack on the surface, an attack brought to a halt by destroying the Geonosian’s remote trigger. Saw Gerrera is eager to interrogate the “bug”, though it seems more scared than aggressive, trying to protect an egg – possibly the last Geonosian other than itself. Hera maneuvers the Ghost down a tight passage from the surface to pick up Kanan and the others, and warns him against Saw’s extremist streak. Saw proves her right by taking the Geonosian hostage and trying to take command of the Ghost from Hera and her crew. With tensions among the Rebels threatening to explode into violence, they may be too preoccupied to notice that an Imperial platoon is approaching…and the stormtroopers won’t care which side of the Rebel ethical divide their targets fall on.
written by Dave Filoni and Matthew Michnovetz
directed by Mel Zwyer
music by Kevin Kiner
additional music by David Russell, Sean Kiner, and Dean Kiner
based on original themes and music by John Williams
Cast: Taylor Gray (Ezra Bridger), Vanessa Marshall (Hera Syndulla), Freddie Prinze Jr. (Kanan Jarrus), Tiya Sircar (Sabine Wren), Steve Blum (Zeb Orrelios / Imperial Officer), Phil LaMarr (Bail Organa), Leslie L. Miller (Captain Brunson), Keone Young (Commander Sato), Matthew Wood (Klik-Klak), Dee Bradley Baker (Rex), Forest Whitaker (Saw Gerrera)
Notes: Hera and Anakin Skywalker share similar views on the subject of sand. Saw Gerrera’s extremist tendencies are also noted by Hera; by the time of the movie Rogue One, Saw and his extremist cell are all but exiled on Jedha with no contact with the Rebellion as a whole. Saw has yet to suffer the
injuries in battle that will see the loss of his legs and his dependence upon a portable source of oxygen. By the time of this adventure, it has been several years since Saw helped Galen Erso go into hiding from the Empire, and he has already rescued Erso’s daughter Jyn after the death of her parents (as seen in the “flashback” opening of Rogue One). (Neither of these characters are mentioned or seen in this episode; these notes offer chronological context.)
LogBook entry by Earl Green