Season 03 Star Trek Voyager


Star Trek: VoyagerStardate not given: Neelix joins a crew attempting to help Nezu colonists survive a series of asteroid collisions. Voyager fails in its attempt to vaporize an incoming asteroid and discovers that they’re artificially guided. When Neelix and Tuvok are abandoned on the planet just before the next scheduled asteroid strike, they and some colonists use a maglift carriage to climb an orbital tether to a point where they can contact the ship. But one of the Nezu is determined to keep the others from passing on what they know. As the carriage rises into the thinning atmosphere, they discover what the real motivation behind both the asteroids and the surrounding secrecy is.

Order the DVDsteleplay by Brannon Braga
story by Jimmy Diggs
directed by Robert Scheerer
music by Paul Baillargeon

Guest Cast: Alan Oppenheimer (Sklar), Lisa Kaminir (Lillias), Kelly Connell (Ambassador), Tom Towles (Hanjuam), Geof Prysirr (Dr. Vatm)

LogBook entry by Paul Campbell

Season 03 Star Trek Voyager

Favorite Son

Star Trek: VoyagerStardate 50732.4: Ensign Kim fires without warning or explanation on an alien ship. This startling action has apparently saved Voyager, but Harry continues to “remember&quo;t things about a place he’s never been. When more Nasari ships appear to press the attack, Voyager is saved by a Taresian vessel and escorted to their homeworld with the surprising news that Harry is actually a Taresian – conceived in the Delta Quadrant and taken to Earth for fosterage unknown to his human parents. The Taresians bend over backwards to welcome Harry back to the fold, even preparing him for their form of multiple marriage, but Harry and the crew sense something amiss.

Order the DVDsteleplay by Brannon Braga
story by Lisa Klink
directed by Marvin V. Rush
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Cari Shayne (Eliann), Deborah May (Lyris), Patrick Fabian (Taymon), Kelli Kirkland (Rinna), Kristanna Loken (Malia), Christopher Carroll (Alex), Irene Tsu (Mrs. Kim)

LogBook entry by Paul Campbell

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

A Simple Investigation

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Shortly after Odo meets Arissa, a woman visiting the station, she is caught breaking into the computers. She was trying to find a man she was planning to meet – a man who had information on the whereabouts of her long-lost daughter. Odo soon learns the truth – Arissa is trying to leave the crime syndicate she has been working for, and which has sent hit men to kill her and obtain a data crystal containing vital information. With Arissa under his protective custody, Odo discovers something unexpected happening…he is falling in love with her.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Renè Echavarria
directed by John Kretchmer
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Dey Young (Arissa), John Durbin (Traidy), Nicholas Worth (Sorm), Randy Mulkey (Idanian #2), Brant Cotton (Idanian)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

Business As Usual

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Ever since being blackballed by the FCA, Quark has been up to his lobes in debt. Having put his bar up as collateral, he faces losing everything when his investments fail. To the rescue comes his cousin Gaila, who wants Quark to eventually take his place in the arms dealing business, and introduces Quark to his dangerous associate Hagath. Though the Bajoran government refuses to touch their dealings, Quark finds himself ostracized by the station’s Federation citizens. And he also finds himself in a moral dilemma when Hagath makes a deal that will cause the deaths of 28 million people.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Bradley Thompson & David Weddle
directed by Siddig el Fadil
music by David Bell

Guest Cast: Lawrence Tierney (Regent of Palamar), Josh Pais (Gaila), Tim Halligan (Farrakk), Steven Berkoff(Hagath), Eric Cadora (Customer)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 03 Star Trek Voyager

Before & After

Star Trek: VoyagerStardate not given: “Grandma Kes” awakens surrounded by people who claim they are her family, but whom she doesn’t recognize. She fades into unconsciousness and reawakens at a slightly earlier time in her life. Although she remembers the experience, it apparently hasn’t happened yet for the rest of the crew. Confused and frightened, Kes continues to experience the morilogium – the final phase of the Ocampan lifespan – as well as the temporal effects of life-extension treatments in the Doctor’s experimental bio-temporal chamber. As the temporal effects grow more and more out of control, Kes regresses through her entire life, seeing a 9-year history of Voyager in reverse as she struggles to understand her situation and how to stop what is happening to her.

Order the DVDswritten by Kenneth Biller
directed by Allan Kroeker
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Jessica Collins (Linnis), Michael L. Maguire (Arnis), Janna Michaels (young Kes), Rachel Harris (Martis), Christopher Aguilar (Andrew)

LogBook entry by Paul Campbell

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

Ties Of Blood And Water

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate 50712.5: Kira is delighted by a visit from former Legate Tekeny Ghemor, the Cardassian who once mistakenly believed her to be his daughter, until she learns he is dying. In keeping with Cardassian tradition, he wants to pass on his secrets to be used against his enemies, secrets that could prove damaging to the new Cardassian/Dominion alliance – and which Gul Dukat hopes to prevent from coming to light, as Kira struggles against memories of the death of her own father.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Robert Hewitt Wolfe
story by Edmund Newton & Robbin L. Slocum
directed by Avery Brooks
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Lawrence Pressman (Ghemor), Marc Alaimo (Gul Dukat), Thomas Kopache (Taban), William Lucking (Furel), Jeffrey Combs (Weyoun), Rick Schatz (Medic)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

Ferengi Love Songs

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: With things going from bad to worse for Quark, he retreats to Ferenginar to visit his mother – but is shocked to learn that she has become romantically involved with none other than Grand Nagus Zek. Then Brunt of the FCA offers Quark a deal he can’t refuse: he will reinstate Quark’s license in exchange for Quark breaking up the lovers. Quark does this, only to learn that his actions may have just spelled disaster for Ferengi society.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Ira Steven Behr & Hans Beimler
directed by Rene Auberjonois
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Cecily Adams (Ishka), Max Grodenchik (Rom), Chase Masterson (Leeta), Tiny Ron (Maihar’du), Hamilton Camp (Leck), Jeffrey Combs (Brunt), Wallace Shawn (Zek)

Original title: Of Love And Profit

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 03 Star Trek Voyager

Real Life

Star Trek: VoyagerStardate 50836.2: As the crew investigate the apparent destruction of a Vostigye science station, the Doctor works on a program which has created a family for him to interact with. He invites B’Elanna and Kes to join him in the holodeck for dinner with his new wife and children, and they strike the chief engineer as being “ridiculously perfect.” B’Elanna offers to help tweak the program a bit to bring it more in line with the real experience of home life.

Order the DVDsteleplay by Jeri Taylor
story by Harry “Doc” Kloor
directed by Anson Williams
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Wendy Schaal (Charlene), Glenn Walker Harris, Jr. (Jeffrey), Lindsey Haun (Belle), Stephen Ralston (Larg), Chad Haywood (K’Kath)

LogBook entry by Paul Campbell

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

Soldiers Of The Empire

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Martok is ordered by the Klingon High Council to command the Bird of Prey Rotarran to search for the battlecruiser B’Moth, which has gone missing while on patrol of the Cardassian border. Martok takes Worf along as his first officer, as well as Dax as science officer. But trouble begins brewing on board when it seems Martok, who spent two years as a prisoner of the Jem’Hadar, would rather avoid Dominion patrols than fight – and Worf must challenge Martok for command.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Ronald D. Moore
directed by LeVar Burton
music by David Bell

Guest Cast: David Graf (Leskit), Rick Worthy (Kornan), Sandra Nelson (Tavana), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), J.G. Hertzler (Martok), Scott Leva (Ortikan)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 03 Star Trek Voyager

Distant Origin

Star Trek: VoyagerStardate not given: The Voyager crew are unwitting research subjects after scientists of the Voth, a reptilian race who believe they were the first intelligent beings to evolve in the Delta Quadrant, discover the human remains of Voyager crewman Hogan and find a genetic pattern similar to their own. When Gegen, the chief researcher, suggests that based on these findings, the true origin of the Voth is Earth, their leader, Minister Odala, deems him a heretic. To prove his theory, Gegen and his assistant Veer track down Voyager, infiltrate the ship and take their next research subject, Chakotay, hostage.

Order the DVDswritten by Brannon Braga & Joe Menosky
directed by David Livingston
music by David Bell

Guest Cast: Henry Woronicz (Gegen), Christopher Liam Moore (Tova Veer), Marshall R. Teague (Hulak), Concetta Tomei (Minister Odala), Nina Manton (Frola), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice)

LogBook entry by Paul Campbell

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

Children Of Time

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate 50814.2: The Defiant encounters a planet surrounded by an energy barrier, in the Gamma Quadrant. Dax is eager to check it out, but as they penetrate the barrier, Kira is hit by a discharge. The crew is greeted by the inhabitants, who are their descendants, the result of an anomaly which caused the Defiant to crash on the planet, 200 years back in time. Kira – who learns of Odo’s love for her from an older version of him – is destined to die unless she gets back to DS9. The crew must choose whether to let themselves be stranded and allow Kira to die, or to wipe out the existence of the colony.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Renè Echavarria
story by Gary Holland and Ethan H. Calk
directed by Allan Kroeker
music by Paul Baillargeon

Guest Cast: Gary Frank (Yedrin Dax), Jennifer S. Parsons (Miranda O’Brien), Davida Williams (Lisa), Doren Fein (Molly), Brian Evaret Chandler (Brota), Marybeth Massett (Parell), Jesse Littlejohn (Gabriel)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 03 Star Trek Voyager


Star Trek: VoyagerStardate 50912.4: As Nyrians begin appearing on the Voyager at 9:20 intervals, crewmembers begin to disappear at the same rate. Although the visitors seem peaceful, Janeway suspects an organized takeover. Her suspicions are confirmed as the crew find themselves in a holographically generated environment where they are held prisoner. The startling appearance of a fellow prisoner from an adjoining “cell” makes them realize how to move between areas of what turns out to be a giant ship filled with different environments and a command center with an extremely long-range transporter.

Order the DVDswritten by Lisa Klink
directed by Allan Kroeker
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Deborah Levin (Lang), Mark L. Taylor (Jarlath), James Noah (Rislan), Kenneth Tigar (Dammar), Nancy Youngblut (Taleen), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice)

LogBook entry by Paul Campbell

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

Blaze Of Glory

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Despite the fact that the Maquis have been decimated by the Cardassian/Dominion alliance, a message to Eddington is intercepted, saying that cloaked missiles have been launched toward Cardassia. Hoping to prevent a retaliatory war, Sisko appeals to the imprisoned Eddington to help deactivate the missiles before they reach their target. Promised freedom, Eddington agrees – but warns Sisko that he intends to kill him once the mission is over.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Robert Hewitt Wolfe & Ira Steven Behr
directed by Kim Friedman
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Kenneth Marshall (Eddington), J.G. Hertzler (Martok), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), Gretchen German (Rebecca)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 03 Star Trek Voyager

Worst Case Scenario

Star Trek: VoyagerStardate 50953.4: Chakotay startles B’Elanna by recruiting her for a Maquis mutiny, and then proceeds to carry it out. Things get even stranger when Seska turns up as one of the mutineers. Suddenly Paris walks into the scene, revealing the fact that Torres is playing a holo-novel. The experience was designed by Tuvok as a training exercise shortly after the joining of the two crews when the security officer felt that a mutiny was a real possibility. The fresh literary material is so intriguing to the crew that many of them begin surreptitiously playing the program and Janeway instructs Tuvok to write an ending and make it more than a training exercise. But Seska had discovered the program before she defected to the Kazon and she rewrote the subroutines to take her revenge on Tuvok for having betrayed the Maquis back when they were still in the Alpha Quadrant.

Order the DVDswritten by Kenneth Biller
directed by Alex Singer
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Martha Hackett (Seska), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice)

LogBook entry by Paul Campbell

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

Empok Nor

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: O’Brien leads a salvage team to Empok Nor, an abandoned Cardassian space station in the Treba system, to obtain needed spare parts for DS9. The team includes Nog as well as Garak, whose help is needed in disarming the booby traps the Cardassians left behind. However, the team soon finds themselves stranded on the station and stalked by three Cardassian soldiers – test subjects for an experimental drug to heighten their racial xenophobia – and Garak too has now been exposed to it.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Hans Beimler
story by Bryan Fuller
directed by Michael Vejar
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Andrew J. Robinson (Garak), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), Tom Hodges (Pechetti), Andy Milder (Boq’ta), Marjean Holden (Stolzoff), Jeffrey King (Amaro)

Notes: Marjean Holden later appeared in the Babylon 5 spinoff series Crusade as regular character Dr. Sarah Chambers.

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover with notes by Earl Green