Audio Dramas Star Trek


Star Trek: BorgTen years after the U.S.S. Enterprise barely stopped a Borg attck on Earth, Cadet Furlong is evacuated from his cadet cruise when his ship is diverted toward another battle with an incoming Borg cube. Furlong is angry with the decision – and his new orders bring painful memories of his father’s death aboard the U.S.S. Righteous at Wolf 359 to the surface. Before Furlong can evacuate, however, Q appears to him and offers him a chance to fight the Borg – not in the here and now, but in the past, aboard the Righteous, alongisde his own father. Furthermore, Q gives Furlong the chance to change history and save his father’s life. After a few false starts, Furlong – with Q’s help – assumes the role of Righteous bridge officer Lt. Sprint, with Q taking on the guise of the ship’s doctor to advise (and admonish) Furlong. Every decision Furlong makes could change history and help his father and his crew survive – or it could making his father’s death at the hands of the Borg inevitable. Q is able to give Furlong the chance to go back and correct some of the mistakes he makes, but even the omnipotent being says he can only give Furlong so many chances to change the past. But even if Furlong can save his father and the Righteous crew, will they escape destruction in one Borg attack only to face another?

Order this CDwritten by Hilary J. Bader
based on the CD-ROM game Star Trek: Borg scripted by Hilary J. Bader
directed by Karen Frillman
audio from game movie sequences directed by James L. Conway
music by Dennis McCarthy

Cast: Howard McGillin (Cadet Furlong), John DeLancie (Q), Jeff Allin (Lt. Ralph Furlong), Barry Lynch (Captain Andropov), John Cothran Jr. (Counselor Biraka), Marnie McPhail (Ensign Targus), Murray Rubinstein (Dr. Quint), Juli Donald (Shoreham), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice)

Notes: This audio drama essentially adds narration to bridge the gaps between the interactive movie sequences filmed for the computer game Star Trek: Borg; only Furlong’s retrospective “log entries” were newly recorded just for the audio drama, while the non-narrated, full-cast scenes were simply the audio from the game’s filmed segments. The game’s time frame of ten years after The Best Of Both Worlds places the Borg attack that results in Cadet Furlong’s evacuation sometime during Star Trek: Voyager’s fifth season – or two years after another Borg attack chronicled in Star Trek: First Contact.

The cast of the game and the audio drama based on it is loaded with Star Trek veterans; Barry Lynch played the role of Federation defector DeSeve in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode Face Of The Enemy. John Cothran Jr. appeared in Next Generation as the garrolous Klingon Nu’Daq in The Chase, as Telok in the Deep Space Nine episode Crossover, and as Gralik in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode The Shipment. Jeff Allin played the role of Ensign Sutter, whose daughter’s Imaginary Friend was the villain of the episode of the same name. Marnie McPhail appeared as an ill-fated Enterprise crewmember in Star Trek: First Contact (who, ironically, was among the Borg’s first victims in that movie), and the Star Trek: Voyager episode Innocence, as well as numerous guest appearances in Sliders and The X-Files. While Murray Rubinstein hasn’t appeared in any other Star Trek projects, he did appear as Thomas Veil’s ill-fated friend Larry in another UPN series, Nowhere Man. Juli Donald appeared in the Next Generation segment A Matter Of Perspective and in the Deep Space Nine episode Prophet Motive; she was also one of the Starfury pilots in the Babylon 5 episode The Fall of Night.

James L. Conway directed many episodes of Next Generation and Voyager, while Dennis McCarthy scored dozens of episodes from the Next Generation premiere onward. (The packaging for Star Trek: Borg mistakenly credits Jonathan Frakes, not Conway.)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 03 Star Trek Voyager


Star Trek: VoyagerStardate 50425.1: Janeway and Neelix return from a diplomatic mission to find Voyager adrift and the crew unconscious, concentrated in a few areas of the ship. They find evidence of alien lifeforms that can punch their way through doors and equipment, and a chance encounter with one of the aliens results in Neelix’s disappearance. Janeway arms herself as she tries to find out what has happened to her crew, and encounters and kills another of the alien lifeforms, but not before she has been infected by an insect-like airborne virus. She makes her way to sickbay and the Doctor describes an ill-fated humanitarian mission that resulted in the infection of the entire Voyager crew. The virus breeds as a microscopic organism and grows to its insect-like size to leave its victims’ bodies, finally evolving into a monster-sized attacker that seeks out new prey. Janeway must find a way to single-handedly rid Voyager of a scourge that outnumbers her by a factor of billions to one.

Order the DVDswritten by Brannon Braga
directed by Alexander Singer
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Albie Selznick (Taktak Consul), Michael Fiske (Garan Miner)

LogBook entry by Paul Campbell

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek


Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: After seeing a painting of B’Hala, Sisko becomes inspired to seek the legendary lost Bajoran city, guided by markings on an obelisk that mark the city’s location by the position of the stars. Sisko replicates the obelisk in a holosuite to try and recreate the missing markings, but the computer shorts out and knocks him unconscious. Due to this experience, Sisko has visions that may reveal the fate of Bajor – but the price may be his life.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Hans Beimler
story by L. J. Strom
directed by Jonathan West
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Penny Johnson (Kasidy Yates), Ernest Perry, Jr. (Admiral Whatley), Louise Fletcher (Kai Winn)

Notes: This is the first episode in which DS9’s crew appears in the grey-shouldered Starfleet uniforms first seen on the Enterprise crew in Star Trek: First Contact; the costumes were actually ready and could have been used at the beginning of the fifth season, but were held back until the first episode that was scheduled to air after the movie’s premiere.

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover with notes by Earl Green

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

The Darkness and the Light

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate 50416.2: A Vedek is killed during a religious ceremony – Latha, a member of Kira’s former resistance cell. Kira gets a message with an electronically scrambled voice saying “That’s one.” Someone has a vendetta against the Shakaar, and kills four more of Kira’s friends, each time sending another message of the same sort. It is clear that the murders are all connected to Kira, and that she is the killer’s ultimate target. Kira, who is still heavily pregnant, defies advice to go off on a personal mission to find the person who is killing her friends.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Ronald D. Moore
story by Bryan Fuller
directed by Michael Vejar
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Randy Oglesby (Silaran Prin), William Lucking (Furel), Diane Salinger (Lupaza), Jennifer Savidge (Trentin Fala), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), Matt Roe (Latha), Christian Conrad (Brilgar), Scott McElroy (Guard)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 03 Star Trek Voyager

Fair Trade

Star Trek: VoyagerStardate not given: With Neelix pursuing a promotion, Voyager stops at a trading port at the edge of the vast and uncharted Nekrit Expanse. Although the ship’s environmental control systems require Pergium for replenishment, it seems to be unavailable until an old friend of Neelix turns up with a plan to obtain some. But when this plan turns out to involve dealing narcotics in dark passageways late at night, things begin to get out of control.

Order the DVDsteleplay by Andre Bormanis
story by Ronald Wilkerson & Jean Louise Matthias
directed by Jesus Salvador Trevino
music by David Bell

Guest Cast: James Nardini (Wixiban), Carlos Carrasco (Bahrat), Alexander Enberg (Vorick), Steve Kehela (Sutok), James Horan (Tosin), Eric Charp (Map Vendor)

LogBook entry by Paul Campbell

Season 03 Star Trek Voyager

Alter Ego

Star Trek: VoyagerStardate 50460.3: The crew begins an analysis of an unusual phenomenon called an inversion nebula which might provide fresh insight into the nature of plasma reactions. Harry falls in love with a holodeck character and when Tuvok attempts to help him use Vulcan mind-control techniques to overcome his infatuation with a computer-generated subroutine, the crew discovers that the object of Harry’s desires is actually an alien life form which has used the holodeck to interact with the crew. But Tuvok’s attempts to help set off a cascade of jealousy which endangers the entire ship.

Order the DVDswritten by Joe Menosky
directed by Robert Picardo
music by Paul Baillargeon

Guest Cast: Sandra Nelson (Marayna), Alexander Enberg (Vorick), Shay Todd (Holowoman), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice)

LogBook entry by Paul Campbell

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

The Begotten

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: When Quark sells him an injured baby Changeling he obtained through a trader, Odo becomes determined to find a way to communicate with it by teaching it to shapeshift. Unwanted help arrives in the form of Dr. Mora, the Bajoran scientist who studied Odo. Mora advocates the electrostatic techniques he used with Odo, while Odo is determined not to subject the Changeling to the pain he went through in his early days; their arguments resurrect the bitterness of their past history. Meanwhile, Kira prepares to give birth to the O’Briens’ baby at last.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Renè Echavarria
directed by Jesus Salvador Trevino
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Rosalind Chao (Keiko), Duncan Regehr (Shakaar), Peggy Roeder (‘Pora), James Sloyan (Dr. Mora Pol)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 03 Star Trek Voyager


Star Trek: VoyagerStardate not given: While on a planetary mission, the captain and Chakotay crash and are killed by the Vidiians. Suddenly they are back aboard the shuttle approaching the planet where they recognize the sense of deja-vu. This time they recognize a Vidiian ship and attempt to outrun it, but they die under enemy fire in space, and they loop back to the beginning of the sequence once again. This time they make it back to the ship, but Chakotay no longer has any memory of the time loop and Janeway has the Doctor examine her. This time it turns out that she has the Vidiian phage and is shocked when the Doctor euthanizes her against her will to keep the phage from spreading to the crew. But she comes back yet again to the shuttle with Chakotay where this time they fly into a bright spatial anomaly, whereupon Janeway suddenly finds herself on the planet where she sees Chakotay trying to revive another iteration of herself. They beam back to Voyager where the Captain dies yet again. This time she meets her dead father as the crew undergoes a period of mourning for their captain. But while her father seems to be providing answers for her, it seems as if he has an agenda of his own.

Order the DVDswritten by Jeri Taylor
directed by Nancy Malone
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Leo Cariou (Admiral Janeway), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice)

LogBook entry by Paul Campbell

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

For The Uniform

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate 50485.2: Eight months after Lt. Commander Michael Eddington betrayed Sisko and deserted Starfleet to join his fellow Maquis confederates, he resurfaces, and as the Defiant follows, Eddington triggers a cascade virus that renders the Defiant’s computer useless. An angry Sisko is forced to let another captain take over the search for Eddington, as Eddington begins unleashing biogenic weapons against Cardassian colonists in the DMZ. When Sisko decides to go after Eddington regardless, he must face the possibility that he is becoming dangerously obsessed.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Peter Allan Fields
directed by Victor Lobl
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Kenneth Marshall (Eddington), Eric Pierpoint (Captain Sanders), Aron Eisenberg (Nog)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 03 Star Trek Voyager

Blood Fever

Star Trek: VoyagerStardate 50537.2: Large deposits of gallicite draw Voyager to an abandoned planet for this material that will enable a refit of the warp coils. But while preparing for the expedition, Ensign Vorick comes under the influence of the Pon Farr and declares his intention to take B’Elanna as a mate, attempting to force his affections on her. Although this results in a dislocated jaw for Vorick, the physical contact seems to have caused a change in the chief engineer resulting from a mating bond. As the odd triangle (which includes Tom Paris) is resolved, the crew discovers that the planet is not abandoned after all, but is inhabited by the Sakari, a race which has developed camouflage to a high art to avoid their ancient enemies – the Borg.

Order the DVDswritten by Lisa Klink
directed by Andrew Robinson
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Alexander Enberg (Vorik), Bruce Bohne (Sakari Leader), Deborah Levin (Ensign Lang)

LogBook entry by Paul Campbell

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

In Purgatory’s Shadow

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: A coded message comes through the wormhole from the Gamma Quadrant, which Garak recognizes as a signal from his old superior and mentor, Enabran Tain, who had been presumed dead in the Dominion massacre of the Obsidian Order/Tal Shiar fleet. Worf and Garak are sent to investigate, but they are captured by Jem’Hadar and put in a prison where they find Tain, the real General Martok…and someone familiar from DS9 who has been replaced by a Changeling. Meanwhile, Sisko is faced with an imminent Dominion invasion, and must make the decision to close the wormhole.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Robert Hewitt Wolfe & Ira Steven Behr
directed by Gabrielle Beaumont
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Andrew J. Robinson (Garak), Marc Alaimo (Gul Dukat), Melanie Smith (Ziyal), J.G. Hertzler (Martok), James Horan (Ikat’ika), Paul Dooley (Enabran Tain), Carrie Stauber (Romulan), Jim Palladino (Jem’Hadar Guard)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 03 Star Trek Voyager


Star Trek: VoyagerStardate 50622.4: While exploring the Nekrit Expanse in a shuttle, Chakotay responds to a distress call which recognizes their Federation signature, but when he goes to the surface to investigate he runs into a firefight between rival factions. Meanwhile, Voyager runs into an abandoned Borg cube adrift in space. It turns out that the people on the planet were once a part of the Borg collective, but the link was severed about five years previously and they fell into anarchy. A small group of the castaways tries to enlist Chakotay’s help to bring some order to the society, but the Voyager crew is concerned that this action would re-awaken the Borg ship.

Order the DVDswritten by Kenneth Biller
directed by Robert Duncan McNeill
music by David Bell

Guest Cast: Lori Hallier (Riley Frazier), Ivar Brogger (Orum), Susan Patterson (Ensign Kaplan)

LogBook entry by Paul Campbell

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

By Inferno’s Light

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: As a Dominion fleet comes through the wormhole, Dukat joins them, announcing that after months of secret negotiation, Cardassia is now a member of the Dominion. Dukat is now head of the Cardassian government. The Klingons are expelled from Cardassian space, and Dukat vows to retake the station; a new era dawns when Sisko meets with Gowron. Meanwhile, Garak and Bashir work on an escape plan, while Worf is put to work helping the Jem’Hadar train by fighting them. And the search for the saboteur aboard DS9 goes on.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Ira Steven Behr & Robert Hewitt Wolfe
directed by Les Landau
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Andrew J. Robinson (Garak), Marc Alaimo (Gul Dukat), Melanie Smith (Ziyal), J.G. Hertzler (Martok), Ray Buktenica (Deyos), James Horan (Ikat’ika), Carrie Stauber (Romulan), Robert O’Reilly (Gowron), Barry Wiggins (Jem’Hadar Officer), Don Fischer (Jem’Hadar Guard), Judi Durand (Station Computer Voice)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 03 Star Trek Voyager


Star Trek: VoyagerStardate 50693.2: The Doctor attempts to modify himself by adding behavioral subroutines while the Voyager crew treats with the Mikhal Travelers, trading supplies for information on the Nekrit Expanse. But while the Travelers seem very helpful, and Kes becomes romantically involved with one of their pilots, a strange series of changes begins to take place in the Doctor. The new subroutines seem to have created an alter ego which is becoming separate from the Doctor’s normal personality. He begins to display a violent jealousy over Kes’ blossoming relationship, combined with the ruthlessness to carry out his intentions. B’ellana’s efforts to help modify his program only brings the ship, crew, and especially Kes closer to danger.

Order the DVDsteleplay by Joe Menosky
story by Brannon Braga and Joe Menosky
directed by Alexander Singer
music by Paul Baillargeon

Guest Cast: David Lee Smith (Zahir), Stephen Davies (Nakhan), Noel De Souza (Ghandi), Christopher Clarke (Lord Byron), Sue Henley (Ensign), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice)

LogBook entry by Paul Campbell

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

Doctor Bashir, I Presume

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Dr. Louis Zimmerman arrives on DS9 to work on a Long-term Medical Hologram, the template of which will be based on Dr. Bashir. He begins interviewing Bashir’s friends and colleagues to create a psychological profile. To Rom’s dismay, Zimmerman pursues Leeta, the object of Rom’s secret affection. To Bashir’s consternation, Zimmerman invites his parents to the station against his wishes, a development which threatens to bring Julian’s darkest secret to light.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Ronald D. Moore
story by Jimmy Diggs
directed by David Livingston
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Robert Picardo (Dr. Louis Zimmerman), Brian George (Richard Bashir), Max Grodenchik (Rom), Chase Masterson (Leeta), Fadwa El Guindi (Amnsha Bashir), J. Patrick McCormack (Rear Admiral Bennett)

Star Trek: Deep Space NineNotes: As with Voyager’s two-part episode Future’s End, set partly in 1996, this episode contradicts the original series episode Space Seed, which placed Khan and the Eugenics Wars in 1996; the later spinoff series Enterprise confirms this rewriting of Trek history by dating the Eugenics Wars and the augments to the 22nd century, rather than the end of the 20th.

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover with notes by Earl Green