Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

The Ship

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate 50049.3: Sisko is leading an away team conducting a mineral survey on a planet in the Gamma Quadrant, when a Jem’Hadar warship crashes nearby. The team investigates and decides to take it home as a potentially invaluable aid to Starfleet intelligence. However, another Jem’Hadar ship arrives and destroys the away team’s runabout. It soon becomes plain that the Jem’Hadar and their Vorta supervisor desperately want something aboard the crashed ship. To stay alive, Sisko and the others must find out what it is.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Hans Beimler
story by Pam Wigginton & Rick Cason
directed by Kim Friedman
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Kaitlin Hopkins (Kelana), F.J. Rio (Muniz), Hilary Shepard (Hoya)

Notes: Apparently, Benzite medical science has either eliminated or minitaurized the breather apparatus worn by the Benzites seen in Star Trek: The Next Generation (Coming Of Age, A Matter Of Honor), since Hoya does not wear one.

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover with notes by Earl Green

Season 03 Star Trek Voyager


Star Trek: VoyagerStardate 50203.1: As Voyager ferries some telepathic Delta Quadrant denizens from a colony to their home world, B’Elanna experiences an intense dream about a member of their race, even though the object of her fascination is not one of Voyager’s passengers. B’Elanna’s dreams take stranger turns as they progress along a continuing path, telling her a specific story from the past, from the point of view of one of the passengers. Though allegations of telepathic interference are denied, B’Elanna finally encounters the person whose memories have been transmitted to her – an elderly woman who dies immediately after sending B’Elanna the last of her experiences involving a rebel faction of the aliens’ population which was massacred for opposing the government. B’Elanna believes that the woman whose life she experienced was murdered by someone trying to cover up the truth about the alien’s violent history – and since she now possesses the secret, she may be next.

Order the DVDsteleplay by Lisa Klink
story by Brannon Braga & Joe Menosky
directed by Winrich Kolbe
music by David Bell

Guest Cast: Bruce Davison (Jareth), Eugene Roche (Yathen), Charles Esten (Jubrel), Athena Massey (Jessen), Eve H. Brenner (Jora Marel), Nancy Kaine (Woman), Tina Reddington (Girl), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice)

LogBook entry by Paul Campbell

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

Looking For Par’Mach In All The Wrong Places

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Grilka, Quark’s Klingon ex-wife, returns to the station seeking Quark’s help with getting her troubled house back on its feet. When Worf sees her, he is instantly smitten with a case of par’mach – the Klingon word for love, with more aggressive overtones. However, he finds himself coaching Quark in Klingon courting rituals, language, and fighting, with the help of Dax…who has a few designs of her own. Meanwhile, Kira and O’Brien become uncomfortably aware of their proximity.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Ronald D. Moore
directed by Andrew J. Robinson
music by David Bell

Guest Cast: Rosalind Chao (Keiko), Mary Kay Adams (Grilka), Joseph Ruskin (Tumek), Phil Morris (Fol’pach)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

…Nor The Battle To The Strong

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Jake has accompanied Bashir to a medical conference, to do a profile on the doctor for a magazine. They are returning to the station when they receive a distress call from a colony under Klingon attack. While Bashir joins the medics in saving and caring for the wounded, Jake has his first up-close experience with the horrors of war. Under the pressure, he does the unthinkable – he breaks down and runs, just when he is needed most. Afterwards Jake must face his guilt and shame, and learn where the fine line between courage and cowardice is.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Renè Echavarria
story by Brice R. Parker
directed by Kim Friedman
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Andrew Kavovit (Kirby), Karen Austin (Dr. Kalandra), Mark Holton (Bolian), Lisa Lord (Nurse), Jeb Brown (Ensign), Danny Goldring (Burke), Elle Alexander (Female Guard), Greg “Christopher” Smith (Male Guard)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

The Assignment

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: O’Brien welcomes his wife Keiko back from her visit to the Fire Caves on Bajor, only to learn that she has been taken over by a being who threatens to kill her body unless O’Brien completes certain reconfigurations to the station’s systems. With no way to disable her or warn his fellow officers, O’Brien must stay silent as he works on his task – a task which will result in the deaths of the Prophets inside the wormhole.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by David Weddle & Bradley Thompson
story by David R. Long & Robert Lederman
directed by Allan Kroeker
music by Gregory Smith

Guest Cast: Rosalind Chao (Keiko), Max Grodenchik (Rom), Hana Hatae (Molly), Patrick B. Egan (Jiyar), Rosie Malek-Yonan (Tekoa), Judi Durand (Station Computer Voice), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 03 Star Trek Voyager

Sacred Ground

Star Trek: VoyagerStardate 50063.2: On a visit to a monastery on an alien world, Kes and Neelix visit a shrine. When Kes approaches it, an energy field knocks her out, and a government official informs the crew that Kes has been punished by the world’s ancient spirits for trespassing on holy ground. Beamed to Voyager’s sickbay, Kes is slowly dying and the Doctor can offer no alternatives to save her. Janeway beams down to the planet to undergo any voyage of discovery necessary to save Kes, but her path is less than straightforward and may not yield any useful information.

Order the DVDsteleplay by Lisa Klink
story by Geo Cameron
directed by Robert Duncan McNeill
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Harry Groener (The Magistrate), Becky Ann Baker (The Guide), Estelle Harris (Spirit #1), Keene Curtis (Spirit #2), Parley Baer (Spirit #3)

LogBook entry by Paul Campbell

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

Trials and Tribble-ations

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: The Defiant is transporting an Orb which the Cardassians are returning to Bajor – the Orb of Time. Also present is a human merchant who was trapped on Cardassia by the Klingon invasion. The merchant is actually Arne Darvin, a disgraced Klingon spy whose downfall came 105 years ago at the hands of James T. Kirk. Darvin uses the Orb to transport the Defiant back to that time period. The DS9 officers must infiltrate the Enterprise and space station K7 to stop Darvin from assassinating Kirk, and at the same time must prevent the timeline from being altered.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Ronald D. Moore & Rene Echavarria
story by Ira Steven Behr & Hans Beimler & Robert Hewitt Wolfe
based on The Trouble With Tribbles by David Gerrold
directed by Jonathan West
footage from The Trouble With Tribbles directed by Joseph Pevney
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Jack Blessing (Dulmer), James W. Jansen (Lucsly), Charlie Brill (Arne Darvin), Leslie Ackerman (Waitress), Charles S. Chun (Engineer), Deirdre L. Imershein (Lieutenant Watley)

Actors appearing in footage from The Trouble With Tribbles: William Shatner (Captain James T. Kirk), Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock), DeForest Kelley (Dr. Leonard McCoy), James Doohan (Mr. Scott), Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura), William Schallert (Nilz Baris), Stanley Adams (Cyrano Jones), Whit Bissell (Lurry), Michael Pataki (Korax), Charlie Brill (Arne Darvin)

Notes: William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy also appeared as Kirk and Spock in a scene taken from the original Star Trek episode Mirror, Mirror

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 03 Star Trek Voyager

Future’s End – Part I

Star Trek: VoyagerStardate not given: A brief encounter with a vessel whose lone occupant claims to be a Federation time scout from 500 years in the future results in a fierce firefight. The future captain describes a cataclysmic disaster in the 29th century resulting from an incident that Voyager is about to initiate. The timeship is damaged in the ensuing battle and falls back into the temporal rift through which it arrived, which also drags Voyager in. Voyager is taken back to Earth, 1996, and faint signs are detected of the timeship. Janeway, Chakotay, Paris and Tuvok beam down incognito to search for the wayward vessel, but unknown to them their own ship has been detected in orbit by an astronomy graduate named Rain Robinson. Rain contacts computer magnate Henry Starling, who is in possession of the timeship while its original occupant languishes on the streets of Los Angeles. Tom and Tuvok make their way to Griffith Observatory to erase Rain’s evidence of Voyager’s presence, but she catches them in the act and is hot on their trail as one of Starling’s employees attempts to kill them all. Janeway and Chakotay break into Starling’s office and discover that he has already contaminated the timeline, using the timeship’s technology to jump-start the computer revolution. Starling finds the uninvited guests and threatens them, but Harry, left in command of Voyager, rescues them just in time. But Starling still has the timeship – and worse yet, Voyager’s low-orbit rescue run has been detected by cameras on 20th century Earth.

Order the DVDswritten by Brannon Braga & Joe Menosky
directed by David Livingston
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Ed Begley, Jr. (Henry Starling), Sarah Silverman (Rain Robinson), Allan G. Royal (Captain Braxton)

LogBook entry by Paul Campbell

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

Let He Who Is Without Sin…

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Dax and Worf are going to Risa for a vacation and to work out some kinks in their relationship. They are accompanied by Leeta and Bashir, who are going in order to enact the Bajoran Rite of Separation, and by Quark, who is eager for some “jamaharon.” Worf, displeased with Dax’s refusal to take their relationship as seriously as he would like, and disapproving of the pleasure-seeking Risian lifestyle, is attracted by the words of Fullerton, leader of a movement seeking to restore traditional Federation morals and culture, who plans to shut down Risa by any means necessary.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Robert Hewitt Wolfe & Ira Steven Behr
directed by Rene Auberjonois
music by Paul Baillargeon

Guest Cast: Monte Markham (Pascal Fullerton), Chase Masterson (Leeta), Frank Kopyc (Bolian), Vanessa Williams (Arandis), Blair Valk (Risian Woman), Zora DeHorter (Risian Woman)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 03 Star Trek Voyager

Future’s End – Part II

Star Trek: VoyagerStardate not given: Tuvok and Paris enlist Rain’s help in contacting Voyager and setting a trap for Starling which involves pinpointing his location to allow a transporter kidnap from a shuttlecraft. Starling, however, has two tricks up his sleeve – the Doctor, equipped with a portable holo-emitter, is his hostage, and he has a device to thwart the shuttle’s transporter. The shuttle’s systems overload and the shuttle, piloted by Chakotay and Torres, crashes in the Arizona desert, but the Doctor escapes as Voyager takes over transport of Starling. Chakotay and B’Elanna fall into the hands of a cult militia group, but are rescued by Tuvok and the newly independent Doctor. Starling escapes and launches the timeship despite Janeway’s warnings, but his scheme for Earth’s future won’t exactly unfold as planned.

Order the DVDswritten by Brannon Braga & Joe Menosky
directed by Cliff Bole
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Ed Begley, Jr. (Henry Starling), Sarah Silverman (Rain Robinson), Allan G. Royal (Captain Braxton), Brent Hinkley (Militia #1), Clayton Murray (Militia #2), Susan Patterson (Ensign Kaplan), Christian R. Conrad (Dunbar), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice)

LogBook entry by Paul Campbell

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

Things Past

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Odo, Sisko, Dax, and Garak are returning in a runabout from a conference on the occupation. When the runabout arrives back at the station, however, they are found in a catatonic state with their minds active, seemingly the result of a plasma storm. Meanwhile, the four find themselves living the roles of Bajorans on Terok Nor during the occupation. Strangely, the security chief is Odo’s predecessor, Thrax, although all signs point to it being the time period after Odo had become chief. And, according to Odo, the Bajorans they are supposed to be are soon to be unjustly executed for attempting to kill Gul Dukat.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Michael Taylor
directed by LeVar Burton
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Marc Alaimo (Gul Dukat), Victor Bevine (Belar), Andrew J. Robinson (Garak), Kurtwood Smith (Thrax), Brenon Baird (Soldier), Louahn Lowe (Okala), Judi Durand (Station Computer Voice)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 03 Star Trek Voyager


Star Trek: VoyagerStardate 50348.1: Voyager’s crew barely manages to rescue three occupants of a battle-damaged spacecraft, one of whom dies in sickbay immediately after transport. When Voyager returns the survivors to their planet, an official beams aboard and is killed by Kes, who also kills the transporter chief and struggles with Janeway. Kes and the other refugees steal a shuttlecraft and run for it. Kes’ body has been taken over by Tieran, a power-mad dictator who has developed the ability to transfer his consciousness into the minds of others to insure his immortality. Tieran kills the rightful ruler of his people and assumes power, trying to coerce the youngest heir into backing his coup. The elder heir, Demis, has beamed aboard Voyager to coordinate efforts to restore the original government, and despite his overtures of war, Janeway still insists on trying to recover Kes in body and spirit. Kes also intends to break free of Tieran’s influence, but he proves to be a formidable enemy.

Order the DVDsteleplay by Lisa Klink
story by Andrew Shepard Price and Mark Gaberman
directed by David Livingston
music by David Bell

Guest Cast: Anthony Crivello (Demis), Brad Greenquist (Ameron), Galyn Gorg (Enori), Charles Emmett (Resh), Karl Wiedergott (Tieran), Leigh J. McCloskey (Doctor), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice)

LogBook entry by Paul Campbell

Star Trek The Movies The Next Generation

Star Trek: First Contact

Star Trek: The Next GenerationStardate 50869.3: The Borg are invading. As Starfleet masses to fight one of the gigantic Borg ships, Captain Picard and the new Enterprise-E are ordered to patrol the Romulan Neutral Zone. Picard, who believes this is because of his experience of being assimilated six years ago, disobeys orders and joins the battle. One of the other ships taking part is the Defiant, commanded by Worf, who is beamed off the badly damaged but salvageable ship. The Borg ship is destroyed, but not before launching a smaller spherical vessel which the Enterprise chases into a temporal distortion. A glance at a Borg-assimilated Earth tells the crew what the Borg plan – to sabotage the past. The Enterprise finds itself orbiting Earth in the year 2063, on the day before the flight of the first warp-driven ship, built by Zefram Cochrane. History records that Earth’s first contact with aliens (the Vulcans) occured when the Vulcans noticed the warp signature of Cochrane’s ship. The Enterprise crew must stop the Borg from disrupting history, and at the same time must fight against Borg who have boarded the Enterprise and begun assimilating the crew.

Meanwhile, Data is captured and faces the predatory Borg Queen, and Riker, Geordi and Troi must convince the alcoholic Cochrane to keep his date with history. Another random element is Cochrane’s assistant, Lily, who has been transported to the Enterprise’s sickbay and escaped. Picard finds her and is able to convince her of the situation, as the Borg Queen tempts Data with the promise of giving him flesh, in return for handing over control of the ship. Picard offers himself in exchange for Data, as the equal the Queen seeks. It appears as though Data has agreed to betray his crewmates – at the Queen’s orders, he fires on Cochrane’s ship during its test flight…but the shots miss, and Data floods Engineering with a deadly plasma backwash. Picard climbs free, and the Queen is killed, her cybernetic implants unable to function without an organic component. Earth and the Federation are safe once more.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazon's Unboxscreenplay by Ronald D. Moore & Brannon Braga
story by Rick Berman & Ronald D. Moore & Brannon Braga
directed by Jonathan Frakes
music by Jerry Goldsmith & Joel Goldsmith

Cast: Patrick Stewart (Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Riker), Brent Spiner (Data), LeVar Burton (Geordi), Michael Dorn (Worf), Gates McFadden (Beverly), Marina Sirtis (Troi), Alfre Woodard (Lily Sloane), James Cromwell (Zefram Cochrane), Alice Krige (Borg Queen), Michael Horton (Security Officer), Neal McDonough (Lt. Hawk), Marnie McPhail (Eiger), Robert Picardo (Holographic Doctor), Dwight Schultz (Lt. Barclay), Adam Scott (Defiant Conn Officer), Jack Shearer (Admiral Hayes), Eric Steinberg (Porter), Scott Strozier (Security Officer), Patti Yasutake (Nurse Ogawa), Victor Bevine (Guard), David Cowgill (Guard), Scott Haven (Guard), Annette Helde (Guard), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice), C.J. Bau (Bartender), Hillary Hayes (Ruby), Julie Morgan (Singer in Nightclub), Ronald R. Rondell (Henchman), Don Stark (Nicky the Nose), Ethan Phillips (Holodeck Maitre’D), Cully Frederickson (Vulcan), Tamara Lee Krinsky (Townsperson), Don Fischer (Borg), J.R. Horsting (Borg), Heinrich James (Borg), Andrew Palmer (Borg), Jon David Weigand (Borg), Dan Koren (Borg), Robert L. Zachar (Borg)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

The Ascent

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Odo is escorting Quark to a hearing of the Federation Grand Jury, when Quark finds a bomb on the runabout. Odo is able to channel most of the explosion into the transporter buffer, but it still causes the runabout to crash-land on a mountainous, cold planet. With the subspace booster damaged, they have to get the transmitter up high enough to send a signal off planet…if they don’t kill each other first. Also, Nog returns to DS9 as a second-year cadet for field study, and moves in with Jake, only to find that it’s not as easy to live together as they had thought.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Ira Steven Behr & Robert Hewitt Wolfe
directed by Allan Kroeker
music by

Guest Cast: Max Grodenchik (Rom), Aron Eisenberg (Nog)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 03 Star Trek Voyager

The Q and the Gray

Star Trek: VoyagerStardate 50384.2: After the crew witnesses a supernova explosion from a safe distance, Janeway retires for the evening, only to be wooed in her quarters by Q, who claims to want to mate with her. Naturally, Janeway rebuffs Q’s every advance, and eventually a female member of the Q Continuum appears, claiming that she is bonded to Q. As an argument ensues between the Qs, more imminent supernovae are detected and Janeway orders the ship clear of the destruction, but with so many stars exploding, Voyager can’t avoid all of the shockwaves. Just before the first wave hits the ship, Q whisks Janeway into a representation of the Q Continuum in the context of the American Civil War. Q explains that the Continuum is in the throes of its own civil war, sparked by the death of a fellow Q he prosecuted on charges that a Q suicide would imbalance their whole society. Q’s desire to mate with Janeway is the result of his belief that, from his past experiences with Janeway and Picard, a hybrid child would introduce the omnipotent Q to the nobility of humans. Caught in a civil war among immortal beings, and hoping that her crew can enlist the help of the Q’s scorned mate, Janeway tries to negotiate a peace with the Q traditionalists…but she’s unaware that her attempt to open talks will do nothing more than deliver Q into the hands of his enemies.

Order the DVDsteleplay by Kenneth Biller
story by Shawn Piller
directed by Cliff Bole
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: John de Lancie (Q), Suzie Plakson (Q), Harve Presnell (Q)

LogBook entry by Paul Campbell