Season 02 Star Trek Voyager

The Thaw

Star Trek: VoyagerStardate not given: Voyager approaches a ravaged planet, but Janeway is surprised when a hail is received from an automated system. The message describes the disaster that devastated the planet and the cryogenically frozen handful of survivors. Janeway has the survivors beamed up, and Harry determines that their minds are linked in a complex computer system. Some of the survivors have not, in fact, survived, and the doctor suspects some kind of trauma; it is also discovered that the frozen survivors should have been revived long ago. Harry and B’Elanna are linked to the computer and pay a visit to the artificial reality that the survivors’ minds inhabit. It turns out to be a bizarre circus environment which is ruled by a malevolent clown known as Fear, who intends to keep the remaining survivors trapped in their interactive system to preserve his own existence. One of the captives reveals that the cyrogenically frozen corpses were killed by Fear. Fear allows Torres to leave the system, but Harry is its hostage. The doctor is sent in to negotiate with Fear, but is unable to make any headway and another of the survivors is killed when Fear discovers an attempt to shut the system down. Finally, Fear agrees to an exchange of all of his hostages for a new victim: Janeway herself.

Order the DVDsteleplay by Joe Menosky
story by Richard Gadas
directed by Marvin V. Rush
music by David Bell

Cast: Kate Mulgrew (Captain Kathryn Janeway), Robert Beltran (Chakotay), Roxann Biggs-Dawson (B’Elanna Torres), Jennifer Lien (Kes), Robert Duncan McNeill (Tom Paris), Ethan Phillips (Neelix), Robert Picardo (The Doctor), Tim Russ (Tuvok), Garrett Wang (Ensign Harry Kim), Michael McKean (Fear), Thomas Kopache (Viorsa), Carel Struycken (Masked Clown), Patty Maloney (Midget), Tony Carlin (Survivor #1), Shannon O’Hurley (Survivor #2)

LogBook entry by Paul Campbell

Deep Space Nine Season 04 Star Trek

For The Cause

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Sisko is shocked and skeptical to learn that there is evidence suggesting that his lover, freighter captain Kasidy Yates, is smuggling supplies to the Maquis. However, the cloaked Defiant follows her ship, the Xhosa, on a run to the Badlands, where the crew witnesses Kasidy making a delivery to a Maquis ship…and soon Kasidy isn’t the only traitor Sisko has to worry about. Meanwhile, Garak and Ziyal come to an understanding.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Ronald D. Moore
story by Mark Gehred O’Connell
directed by James L. Conway
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Penny Johnson (Kasidy Yates), Kenneth Marshall (Eddington), Andrew Robinson (Garak), Tracy Middendorf (Ziyal), John Prosky (Brathaw), Steven Vincent Leigh (Lt. Reese)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 02 Star Trek Voyager


Star Trek: VoyagerStardate 49655.2: Tuvok and Neelix are sent on an away mission to collect samples of vegetation from a nearby planet. When they are beamed back up, a transporter glitch combines them into one being, a Vulcan-Talaxian fusion that eventually calls itself Tuvix. Tuvix has the knowledge, memories and personalities of both Tuvok and Neelix, from Tuvok’s expertise and logic to Neelix’s quirky emotions and his love for Kes. Despite the crew’s concerns about their two comrades, Tuvix is perfectly healthy and resumes both Tuvok’s tactical duties and even some of Neelix’s cooking. After several weeks, the doctor comes up with a means of splitting Tuvix back into his component parts, but Tuvix himself refuses to undergo the procedure. Janeway struggles with the implications of a decision that could amount to executing Tuvix to bring Tuvok and Neelix back, but Tuvix tries to convince the crew that the captain is about to commit murder.

Order the DVDsteleplay by Kenneth Biller
story by Andrew Shepard Price & Mark Gaberman
directed by Cliff Bole
music by Jay Chattaway

Cast: Kate Mulgrew (Captain Kathryn Janeway), Robert Beltran (Chakotay), Roxann Biggs-Dawson (B’Elanna Torres), Jennifer Lien (Kes), Robert Duncan McNeill (Tom Paris), Ethan Phillips (Neelix), Robert Picardo (The Doctor), Tim Russ (Tuvok), Garrett Wang (Ensign Harry Kim), Tom Wright (Tuvix), Simon Billig (Hogan), Bahni Turpin (Swinn)

Original title: Symbiogenesis

LogBook entry by Paul Campbell

Deep Space Nine Season 04 Star Trek

To The Death

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate 49904.2: The Defiant returns from a mission to find that DS9 has been attacked by the Jem’Hadar. In pursuit of the raiders, they find another, damaged Jem’Hadar ship and beam aboard its crew and their Vorta supervisor, Weyoun, who tells Sisko that renegade Jem’Hadar have seized control of an Iconian gateway in the Gamma Quadrant. Sisko enters into an uneasy alliance on a mission to destroy the gateway before the renegades manage to restore it and gain the ability to instantly travel to any planet.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Ira Steven Behr & Robert Hewitt Wolfe
directed by LeVar Burton
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Clarence Williams III (Omet’iklan), Brian Thompson (Toman’torax), Scott Haven (Virak’kara), Jeffrey Combs (Weyoun)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 02 Star Trek Voyager


Star Trek: VoyagerStardate not given: Janeway and Chakotay, infected with a virus, are awakened from stasis and find themselves on the planet where they contracted the illness. The doctor’s research indicates that leaving the planet would prove fatal for them, and suggests contacting the medically advanced Vidiians for help, having failed to discover a cure himself. Survival provisions are sent to the planet, and Janeway hands command over to Tuvok and orders him to give the Vidiians a wide berth for the crew’s safety. As Janeway and Chakotay adjust to life in their new home and outside of the formal command structure to which they are accustomed, Tuvok orders the ship to steer clear of a Vidiian convoy despite the protests of many of the crew. A violent storm on the planet wrecks the equipment Janeway has been using to conduct her own research on the virus, and she finally begins to resign herself to the possibility that she and Chakotay may have to settle into the roles of Adam and Eve. Tuvok finally consents to contact the Vidiians, but despite the fact that the doctor’s old flame Dr. Denara Pel offers an antidote to the disease, her fellow Vidiians carry out a relentless ambush on Voyager.

Order the DVDswritten by Jeri Taylor
directed by Alexander Singer
music by Dennis McCarthy

Cast: Kate Mulgrew (Captain Kathryn Janeway), Robert Beltran (Chakotay), Roxann Biggs-Dawson (B’Elanna Torres), Jennifer Lien (Kes), Robert Duncan McNeill (Tom Paris), Ethan Phillips (Neelix), Robert Picardo (The Doctor), Tim Russ (Tuvok), Garrett Wang (Ensign Harry Kim), Susan Diol (Dr. Denara Pel), Simon Billig (Hogan), Bahni Turpin (Swinn)

LogBook entry by Paul Campbell

Deep Space Nine Season 04 Star Trek

The Quickening

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Bashir, Dax, and Kira are on a routine biosurvey mission in the Gamma Quadrant when they receive a 200-year-old distress signal. They follow it to a planet where the population, once a spacegoing culture, is suffering from an incurable fatal disease inflicted on them by the Jem’Hadar for defying the Dominion. Bashir becomes obsessed with finding a cure for the Blight, despite the opposition from natives who feel he is giving them nothing but false hope.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Naren Shankar
directed by Rene Auberjonois
music by David Bell

Guest Cast: Michael Sarrazin (Trevean), Ellen Wheeler (Ekoria), Dylan Haggerty (Epran), Heide Margolis (Norva), Loren Lester (Attendant), Alan Echeverria (Patient), Lisa Moncure (Latia)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 02 Star Trek Voyager

Basics – Part I

Star Trek: VoyagerStardate not given: Voyager receives a message from an automated buoy sent by Seska, begging Chakotay to rescue her, and the child she conceived with his DNA, from the Kazons. The crew come up with a variety of tactical options in the likely event of a Kazon trap including holographic decoy ships and help from a nearby Talaxian colony, and Janeway decides to assume that Seska and the child are in actual danger. A Kazon life pod is discovered, carrying Tiernah, one of Cullah’s aides who has apparently fallen out of favor with the Maje. He volunteers information on a safe path through Kazon space which results in a number of minor hit-and-run Kazon attacks. Janeway becomes suspicious when all the attacks focus on one seemingly unimportant part of Voyager and orders the ship to double back on its course, only to find a well-organized Kazon ambush. Tiernah detonates a kamikaze bomb implanted in his own body, and the attacks render the ship completely helpless, unable even to self-destruct. Suder, the Betazoid crewman who has been confined for murder, goes into hiding in the ship’s ductwork. Tom Paris takes a shuttle to go back and retrieve help from the Talaxians, but contact with him is lost in the ensuing battle. Cullah and the Kazons board Voyager with Seska in tow and take command of the ship. The entire crew is left on a primitive planet without any technology, and Janeway can only watch helplessly as the crew’s only hope to reach home rises into the sky and off into space under the control of the Kazons.

Order the DVDswritten by Michael Piller
directed by Winrich Kolbe
music by Dennis McCarthy

Cast: Kate Mulgrew (Captain Kathryn Janeway), Robert Beltran (Chakotay), Roxann Biggs-Dawson (B’Elanna Torres), Jennifer Lien (Kes), Robert Duncan McNeill (Tom Paris), Ethan Phillips (Neelix), Robert Picardo (The Doctor), Tim Russ (Tuvok), Garrett Wang (Ensign Harry Kim), Brad Dourif (Suder), Anthony de Longis (Jal Cullah), John Gegenhuber (Tiernah), Martha Hackett (Seska), Henry Darrow (Kolopak), Scott Haven (Kazon #1), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice)

LogBook entry by Paul Campbell

Deep Space Nine Season 04 Star Trek

Body Parts

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: Quark returns from two weeks on Ferenginar and announces that he has been diagnosed with Dorek syndrome – a rare, incurable, fatal disease – and has six days to live. In order to pay off his debts, he offers his vacuum-desicated remains for sale on the Ferengi Futures Exchange, and is shocked when a 500-bar bid comes through. Naturally, Quark accepts – only to learn that he doesn’t have the disease after all. But then his mysterious buyer – Brunt of the FCA – arrives…and he doesn’t want a refund. Meanwhile, an accident forces Bashir to transfer Keiko’s baby to Kira, and the parties involved must adjust to the unexpected situation.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Hans Beimler
story by Louis P. DeSantis & Robert J. Bolivar
directed by Avery Brooks
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Rosalind Chao (Keiko), Max Grodenchik (Rom/Grand Nagus Gint), Hana Hatae (Molly), Jeffrey Combs (Brunt), Andrew J. Robinson (Garak)

Notes: The transfer of Keiko’s baby to Major Kira was written into the story for a practical reason – Nana Visitor was pregnant at the time.

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover with notes by Earl Green

Deep Space Nine Season 04 Star Trek

Broken Link

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate 49962.4: As Gowron agitates for the Federation to pull out of a sector claimed by the Klingon Empire, Odo begins suffering from a destabilization of his molecular structure which makes it difficult for him to maintain solid form. The only answer is for the Defiant to take Odo into Dominion space and ask for the Founders’ assistance. The Founders agree – in fact, they admit to causing Odo’s condition to force him to return and be judged for killing another Changeling. Odo accepts their judgment, pays the price…and learns a secret that will shake the Alpha Quadrant.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Robert Hewitt Wolfe & Ira Steven Behr
story by George A. Brozak
directed by Les Landau
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Salome Jens (Female Changeling), Robert O’Reilly (Gowron), Jill Jacobson (Aroya), Leslie Bevis (Freighter Captain), Andrew J. Robinson (Garak), Andrew Hawkes (Amat’igan)

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover

Season 03 Star Trek Voyager

Basics – Part II

Star Trek: VoyagerStardate 50032.7: Janeway and most of the crew, abandoned with none of their technology on the volcanic planet by the Kazon Nistrim, struggle to survive against both the elements and a group of primitive cave-dwellers. Aboard the captured Voyager, the Doctor and recovering sociopath Lon Suder form an alliance to try to wrest control back from Cullah’s boarding party while Tom Paris seeks help from a distant group of Talaxians. Suder makes the greatest sacrifice of all as he finds he must release the dark side of his psyche in order to save the ship. Chakotay establishes the rudiments of communication with the tribesmen on the planet. And Paris convinces a reluctant Commander Paxim to use his Talaxian fleet in an attack which depends on timing to avoid disaster.

Season 3 Regular Cast: Kate Mulgrew (Captain Kathryn Janeway), Robert Beltran (Chakotay), Roxann Biggs-Dawson (B’Elanna Torres), Jennifer Lien (Kes), Robert Duncan McNeill (Tom Paris), Ethan Phillips (Neelix), Robert Picardo (The Doctor), Tim Russ (Tuvok), Garrett Wang (Ensign Harry Kim)

Order the DVDswritten by Michael Piller
directed by Winrich Kolbe
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Brad Dourif (Crewman Lon Suder), Anthony DeLongis (Cullah), Martha Hackett (Seska), Nancy Hower (Ensign Samantha Wildman), Simon Billig (Hogan), Scott Haven (Tribal Leader), David Cowgill (Kazon Engineer), Michael Bailey Smith (Kazon Crewman), John Kenton Shull (Kazon Crewman), Russ Fega (Commander Paxim), Majel Barrett (Narrator/Computer Voice)

LogBook entry by Paul Campbell

Season 03 Star Trek Voyager


Star Trek: VoyagerStardate 50126.4: With the crew excited at the prospect of a new source of sirillium, Voyager approaches a Class 17 nebula gaseous anomaly, but at the sight of it on the viewscreen Tuvok experiences a flashback to what is apparently a traumatic experience in his youth. Yet it is not an episode from Tuvok’s past and the Doctor has no explanation, except for the observation that Tuvok’s neural synapses break down each time the “memory” returns. When Tuvok begins to express concern over finding cloaked Klingon ships “this close to Klingon space,” he decides to regress using the technique of the Vulcan mind meld, asking Janeway to be his guide and counselor. She joins in his memory as an outside observer to objectify the experience. Yet he does not return to the memory in question but to a memory of his first deep-space assignment, 80 years previously aboard the Excelsior. It is here that the source of the mystery lies, but they are fighting time as Tuvok’s neural synapses continue to degrade and Janeway suddenly becomes a participant in Tuvok’s memory and not just an observer.

Order the DVDsteleplay by Brannon Braga
story by Juliann Medina
directed by David Livingston
music by David Bell

Guest Cast: George Takei (Captain Hikaru Sulu), Grace Lee Whitney (Commander Janice Rand), Jeremy Roberts (Ensign Dmitri Valtane), Boris Krutonog (Helmsman Lojur), Michael Ansara (Kang)

FlashbackNotes: This episode was Voyager’s salute to the 30th anniversary of the original Star Trek’s broadcast premiere. The events aboard the U.S.S. Excelsior in this episode take place during the Enterprise-A’s attempt to rescue Kirk and McCoy in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. However, that doesn’t explain why, if Ensign Valtane is killed during this episode’s battle with Kang’s Klingon cruiser, he is seen alive and well at the end of Star Trek VI when the Excelsior crew salutes Kirk and his officers on the Enterprise’s viewscreen…

LogBook entry by Paul Campbell with notes by Earl Green

Season 03 Star Trek Voyager

The Chute

Star Trek: VoyagerStardate 50156.2: Harry Kim, disoriented and injured, finds himself in a circle of brutal thugs, his new neighbors in an alien prison camp. Harry finds help in the form of fellow prisoner Tom Paris, and they begin trying to escape, but their efforts are hindered by rising tempers, caused by implants that stimulate random, violent impulses. Janeway receives word that Kim and Paris have been convicted of a terrorist bombing on a planet they were visiting, and that the sentence – lifetime imprisonment in an inpenetrable location – has already been carried out. Paris and Kim find that the only escape possible from their prison is through a chute that is protected by a lethal force field, but during an attempt to short out the chute’s defenses they are attacked and Tom suffers a severe stab wound. The Voyager crew track down the real terrorists, but by the time Janeway can win a confession and clear her crewmates’ names, their cellmates may have murdered them – or they may have killed each other.

Order the DVDsteleplay by Kenneth Biller
story by Clayvon C. Harris
directed by Les Landau
music by Jay Chattaway

Guest Cast: Don McManus (Zio), Robert Pine (Ambassador Liria), James Parks (Pitt), Ed Trotta (Vel), Beans Morocco (Rib), Rosemary Morgan (Piri)

LogBook entry by Paul Campbell

Season 03 Star Trek Voyager

The Swarm

Star Trek: VoyagerStardate not given: En route back to Voyager, the shuttle carrying Paris and Torres is boarded by two unfamiliar alien lifeforms, who render the Voyager crewmembers unconscious and then leave. Voyager recovers the shuttle, but as the Doctor treats the badly injured Paris, he suffers from an increasing memory loss that he first encountered while running an opera program on the holodeck. Kes notices the Doctor’s forgetfulness and alerts Torres to the problem. One easy solution would be to completely reinitialize the Doctor, but he would lose every memory of the past two years. Trying to salvage the wealth of information and relationships the Doctor has established, Torres calls up a holodeck diagnostic simulation of the Doctor’s creator, Dr. Zimmerman. In the meantime, Janeway’s decision to stealthily pass through the territory claimed by a hive of insectoid beings may result in Voyager being destroyed by the aliens’ sheer numbers.

Order the DVDswritten by Mike Sussman
directed by Alexander Singer
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Robert Picardo (Dr. Lewis Zimmerman), Carole Davis (Diva), Steven Houska (Chardis), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice)

LogBook entry by Paul Campbell

Deep Space Nine Season 05 Star Trek

Apocalypse Rising

Star Trek: Deep Space NineStardate not given: The Federation and the Klingon Empire are now at war, and the only way to stop it is to prove that Gowron, the leader of the Klingon High Council, is a changeling. To expose the spy, Sisko and three officers – Worf, O’Brien, and a now-human Odo – must infiltrate a Klingon ceremony in disguise, and activate devices which will cause the changeling to lose its shape. But getting there, and staying undetected long enough to accomplish their mission, is much easier said than done…

Season 5 Regular Cast: Avery Brooks (Captain Sisko), Michael Dorn (Lt. Commander Worf), Rene Auberjonois (Odo), Terry Farrell (Lt. Commander Dax), Cirroc Lofton (Jake Sisko), Colm Meaney (Chief O’Brien), Armin Shimerman (Quark), Alexander Siddig (Dr. Bashir), Nana Visitor (Major Kira)

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Ira Steven Behr & Robert Hewitt Wolfe
directed by James L. Conway
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Robert O’Reilly (Gowron), J.G. Hertzler (Martok), Marc Alaimo (Dukat), Casey Biggs (Damar), Robert Budaska (Burly Klingon), Robert Zachar (Head Guard), John L. Bennett (Towering Klingon), Tony Epper (Drunken Klingon), Ivor Bartels (Young Klingon)

Notes: Kira blames her pregnancy on Bashir in this episode, a gag which puts a crack in the fourth wall as Alexander Siddig really was the father of the child Nana Visitor was expecting at the time.

LogBook entry by Tracy Hemenover with notes by Earl Green

Season 03 Star Trek Voyager

False Profits

Star Trek: VoyagerStardate 50074.3: The investigation of a possible wormhole reveals signs of visitors from the Alpha Quadrant on a primitive planet. Chakotay and Paris make an incognito visit to a location where sensors have detected a replicator in use, only to find a village of humanoids who seem obsessed with charging money for any goods or services, no matter how insignificant. At the heart of this culture lie two Ferengi, stranded in the Delta Quadrant since they were trapped by the Barzan Wormhole discovered by the Enterprise seven years earlier. The Ferengi have come to this society as gods bearing wisdom – the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition – but their true motive is to exploit the native population for their own gain. Janeway sets a plan into motion which involves Neelix masquerading as an envoy from the Grand Nagus. But if his disguise fails to fool the Ferengi, he may find that these profit-mongerers will do anything to keep their grasp on godhood.

Order the DVDsteleplay by Joe Menosky
story by George A. Brozak
directed by Cliff Bole
music by Dennis McCarthy

Guest Cast: Dan Shor (Arridor), Leslie Jordan (Koll), Michael Ensign (Bard), Rob LaBelle (Kafar), Alan Altshuld (Sandalmaker), John Walter Davis (Merchant)

Notes: Arridor and Koll have been stuck in the Delta Quadrant for a long time – ever since the unstable Barzan Wormhole stranded them there in The Price, an episode of the third season of Star Trek: The Next Generation

LogBook entry by Paul Campbell with notes by Earl Green