2033: Injured in Daedalus’ landing, mission commander Ben Sawyer is in worse shape than he’s letting on to his crew. Internal injuries are slowly killing him. He authorizes a modification to the crew’s rover, allowing it to exceed its maximum safe speed of 10kph, but the time saved by speeding up the 75-kilometer drive is sacrificed when the rover hits an obstacle that destroys its suspension system. Left with nothing but an equipment and sample cart that they must push, the Daedalus crew must set out on foot, fully aware that failing to reach the workshop module will subject them to cold from which their EVA suits can’t protect them. And even if they reach shelter, it may not be in time to save Ben’s life.
teleplay by Andre Bormanis and Paul Solet
story by Andre Bormanis
based on the book “How We’ll Live On Mars” by Stephen Petranek
directed by Everardo Gout
music by Nick Cave and Warren Ellis
Cast: Jihae (Hana Seung / Joon Seung), Alberto Ammann (Javier Delgado), Clementine Poidatz (Amelie Durand), Anamaria Marinca (Marta Kamen), Sammi Rotibi (Robert Foucalt), Ben Cotton (Ben Sawyer), Olivier Martinez (Ed Grann), Nick Wittman (Oliver), Antoinette Fekete (Sam), Kata Sarbo (Ava Macon), Stephen Saracco (Ben’s Father)
LogBook entry by Earl Green