Having been denied the Nidus by Belor, Phil, Helen and Terry are sent by Rothgo to free the prisoners of someone named Masrur. The wizard also grants them powers to help achieve this goal; they find themselves in an ancient caliphate whose grand vizier is none other than this time period’s Rothgo. He is hot on Belor’s trail and seems to have the upper hand this time around…or does he? Even when the Nidus is within reach, Belor is never far away.
written by Andrew Payne
directed by Peter Graham Scott
music by Sidney Sager
Cast: Ron Moody (Rothgo), Pamela Salem (Belor), Lisa Turner (Helen), Simon Henderson (Terry), Simon Beal (Phil), Derrick Branche (Ali), Adele Saleem (Scharazad), Paul Cresswell (Geni), William Evers (Caliph), David Trevena (Ahmed), Philip Manikum (Guard)
LogBook entry by Earl Green