A strange space vortex appears in the path of the lander, and when Barney and Junior investigate, a werewolf-like creature boards their spaceship. They are taken to Salana, a woman who tells them they will compete in games and play to win…or face spending eternity as her living trophies. Her wolf-like minions, Lycos and Lobos, are free to pursue them and ensure that they are not victorious. And simply not playing, as Junior suggests, isn’t an option.
teleplay by Sam Locke and Paul Roberts
story by Duane Poole and Dick Robbins
directed by Al Schwartz
music by Michael Lloyd / arranged by Reg Powell
Cast: Bob Denver (Junior), Chuck McCann (Barney), Patty Maloney (Honk), John Caisse (Lobos), Lynn Cartwright (Salana), Mickey Morton (Lycos)
LogBook entry by Earl Green