Carter settles into his new job as sheriff of Eureka and his new home inside an old bunker – now an experimental smart home. Allison’s estranged husband Nathan Stark returns to Eureka to take over Global Dynamics. At Walter and Susan Perkins’s funeral, Carter and others notice a strange electromagnetic disturbance, which turns out to be only the second strangest event at said funeral when Susan Perkins shows up in Eureka wondering why her parents were told she was deceased. All tests confirm her identity, and eventually Carter and the others piece together the truth. Walter and Susan split up when he first was offered the chance to go to Eureka, but unwilling to completely let her go, he cloned her and gave the clone memory implants that made her believe she was Susan. As the real Susan tries to decide whether to step into the clone’s life – including the child that’s been left behind – the electromagnetic disturbances continue. There may yet be one more reunion in the offing.
written by Jaime Paglia and Andrew Crosby
directed by Jefery LevyGuest Cast: Jennifer Clement (Susan Perkins), Rob LaBelle (Walter Perkins)
LogBook entry by Dave Thomer