Trying to follow the escaped future guerillas, the Doctor finds them – just moments before they are cornered by a Dalek that has traveled through time to 20th century Earth. The guerillas activate their time travel device, transporting themselves and to Doctor to their native time and place: 22nd century Earth under totalitarian Dalek control. The Doctor parts ways with his would-be captors because he wants to find Jo; the Doctor is captures by the Ogrons, ape-like sevant thugs controlled by the Daleks. He is saved by the Controller, in whose company Jo has been staying, but when the Doctor doesn’t show due respect to the Daleks’ human lackey, he is handed over to them for interrogation.
written by Louis Marks
directed by Paul Bernard
music by Dudley Simpson
Cast: Jon Pertwee (The Doctor), Katy Manning (Jo Grant), Nicholas Courtney (Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart), John Levene (Sergeant Benton), Richard Franklin (Captain Yates), Jean McFarlane (Miss Paget), Wilfrid Carter (Sir Reginald Styles), Tim Condren (Guerilla), John Scott Martin (Chief Dalek), Oliver Gilbert, Peter Messaline (Dalek voices), Aubrey Woods (Controller), Deborah Brayshaw (Technician), Gypsie Kemp (Radio Operator), Anna Barry (Anat), Jimmy Winston (Shura), Scott Fredericks (Boaz), Valentine Palmer (Monia), Andrew Carr (Guard), Peter Hill (Manager), George Raistrick (Guard), Alex MacIntosh (TV Reporter), Rick Lester, Maurice Bush, Frank Menzies, Bruce Wells, Geoffrey Todd, David Joyce (Ogrons), Ricky Newby, Murphy Grumbar (Daleks)
LogBook entry by Earl Green