Kolchak The Night Stalker Season 1

The Devil’s Platform

Night StalkerA series of mysterious deaths plague players from both parties during a Senatorial election. At the site of one death, an elevator crash, Kolchak witnesses a mysterious dog and manages to grab a strange pentagram amulet about its neck. The lead candidate, Robert Palmer, disappears until the dog later attacks Kolchak and recovers the amulet. The inexplicable nature of the deaths, and the presence of a similar amulet about Palmer’s neck, convince Kolchak that the politician has sold his soul to Satan in return for a guaranteed ascension from obscurity to the Presidency itself. Kolchak must confront Palmer and destroy the symbol of his demonic pact.

Order the DVDswritten by Donn Mullaly
from a story by Tim Maschler
directed by Allen Baron
music by Gil Mille

Guest Cast: Tom Skerritt (Robert Palmer), Ellen Weston (Lorraine Palmer), Julie Gregg (Susan Driscoll), Jeanne Cooper (Dr. Kline), Stanley Adams (Louie the Bartender)

Notes: Miss Emily Cowles (Ruth McDevitt) returns from a trip to the Vatican in this episode, although she appears in an earlier episode (The Werewolf) as “Edith Cowels.” Internal consistency was not a strong point of the series. This episode, with its commentary on politics, journalism, and religion, probably has the sharpest dialogue of the series.

LogBook entry by Steve Crowe

Season 1 Star Blazers

Fateful Battle To Destroy The Enemy Stronghold

Star BlazersD minus 359 days: Approaching Pluto, the Argo is spotted by Colonel Ganz from the well-fortified base the Gamilons have established there. Ganz is eager to lure the Argo into range of the reflex gun, a new Gamilon weapon with a shorter range than the wave motion gun, but comprarable in destructive power. The reflex gun scores a direct hit on the Argo, causing critical damage, and forcing the ship into a death dive for the surface – a fate which is avoided by firing the rocket anchor into the surface of Pluto’s moon Charon at the last minute. But then Ganz reveals his trump card – a serious of orbital satellites which can reflect the energy of the reflex gun in any direction around the planet. The second hit forces Argo into Pluto’s icy oceans…and a third sinks the great ship with all hands aboard.

Order the DVDswritten by Keisuke Fujikawa & Eiichi Yamamoto
directed by Leiji Matsumoto
music by Hiroshi Miyagawa

Season 1 Voice Cast: Kenneth Meseroll (Derek Wildstar), Tom Tweedy (Mark Venture), Amy Howard (Nova), Eddie Allen (Leader Desslok), Lydia Leeds (Starsha), other actors unknown

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Planet Of The Apes Season 1

The Tyrant

Planet Of The ApesBurke, Virdon and Galen are helping out in a human village, but have to take shelter when an ape garrison rolls into town to shake down the residents for a “tax” payment: the village’s entire crop of grains for the year. The three travelers offer their help, but the older humans in the settlement are too accustomed to being beaten down for the frequent payments. Only one villager’s brash young son is willing to help mount a resistance against the apes: in a fierce attack, the grain is hijacked and brought back to the villagers. The retaliation is swift and vicious: the young man who helped Virdon and Burke is gunned down in cold blood, and his father is injured, but left alive. News of the commotion draws Urko’s attention, but the local garrison commander is an old rival of his. That rivalry may be their key to escaping with their skin intact.

Order the DVDswritten by Walter Black
directed by Ralph Senensky
music by Lalo Schifrin

Planet Of The ApesGuest Cast: Percy Rodrigues (Aboro), Michael Conrad (Janor), Joseph Ruskin (Daku), Klair Bybee (Sam), Arlen Stuart (Gola), James Daughton (Mikal)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 1 Star Blazers

Destroy The Reflection Satellite Gun

Star BlazersD minus 356 days: Not content to merely sink the Argo, Colonel Ganz orders a submarine squadron to finish off the Star Force. Wildstar leads a desperate mission to find and destroy the reflex gun, while the Gamilons’ attack intensifies. The Argo’s oxygen supply is damaged, and once the ship’s air is exhausted, it will be forced to surface in Pluto’s ocean again – making it a very easy target for the Gamilons. If the Star Force can drive the Gamilons from Pluto, the attackers will lose their foothold in the solar system, ending the bombardment of Earth. But if the Argo is destroyed, the human race is doomed.

Order the DVDswritten by Keisuke Fujikawa & Eiichi Yamamoto
directed by Leiji Matsumoto
music by Hiroshi Miyagawa

Season 1 Voice Cast: Kenneth Meseroll (Derek Wildstar), Tom Tweedy (Mark Venture), Amy Howard (Nova), Eddie Allen (Leader Desslok), Lydia Leeds (Starsha), other actors unknown

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Planet Of The Apes Season 1

The Cure

Planet Of The ApesGetting the feeling that they’ve outstayed their welcome at the most recent human village they’ve visited, the three travelers journey on before Urko catches word of their presence. But not long after they leave, they hear that the village they just left has been quarantined by apes, with a fatal disease spreading rapidly among the humans. Virdon recognizes the symptoms immediately: malaria has taken hold. Zoran, an ape doctor dispatched by Dr. Zaius and the apes’ science council, arrives to take charge of the scene, only to find that Virdon is already directing the effort to ease human suffering and cure those affected. Worse yet for Zoran, Virdon’s attempt to contain the disease seems to be working. He takes credit for Virdon’s efforts when he reports back to Zaius – and Urko immediately suspects that Zoran has help from the runaway astronauts.

Order the DVDswritten by Edward J. Lasko
directed by Bernard McEveety
music by Lalo Schifrin

Guest Cast: Sondra Locke (Amy), David Sheiner (Zoran), Ron Soble (Kava), George Wallace (Talbert), Mark Lenard (Urko), Booth Colman (Zaius), Biff Elliot (Orangutan), Albert Cole (Mason), Ron Stein (Neesa), Charles Leland (Dying Man)

Planet Of The ApesNotes: Though she’s generally better known for her movie roles, particularly those in which she appeared alongside her real-life love interest Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke was a familiar face on early ’70s TV, also appearing in Night Gallery, Kung Fu and Barnaby Jones, among others. The medical infomation in the story – battling malaria by deriving quinine from the bark of cinchona trees – is actually accurate, though that method of battling malaria was phased out in the 1940s with the advent of more reliable medicines.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Kolchak The Night Stalker Season 1

Bad Medicine

Night StalkerA series of mysterious high-society deaths coincide with the theft of valuable gems and jewelry. Kolchak and the police arrive at a jewelry exchange robbery and witness a 7′ tall Amerindian, accompanied by an unseen coyote, who casually swats aside the officers then mysteriously disappears over the edge of the rooftop. The reporter identifies the Indian from a museum display as a “diablero,” a Hopi medicine man with the ability to hypnotize his prey and change into a crow or coyote. According to legend, one medicine man was cursed to roam the world on an eternal quest to collect a hoard of jewelry. The source of his power is his eyes, through which he can control the world. Bright lights can deprive him of his powers, while only the power of his own gaze can destroy him. Tracking the diablero to the empty top floor of a skyscraper, Kolchak must use a mirror to defeat the medicine man before it can kill him.

Order the DVDswritten by L. Ford Neale & John Huff
directed by Alex Grasshoff
music by Gil Mille

Guest Cast: Richard Kiel (the Diablero), Ramon Bieri (Captain Joe Baker), Alice Ghostley (Dr. Agnes Temple), Victor Jory (Charles Rolling Thunder)

Notes: Richard Kiel makes his first of two appearances as a Night Stalker monster. Actor Ramon Bieri plays a police captain in a later episode (Legacy Of Terror) but has a different name.

LogBook entry by Steve Crowe

Season 1 Star Blazers

Revolving Defense: Asteroid Belt

Star BlazersD minus 354 days: Disgraced by his retreat from Pluto, Colonel Ganz tries to regain Desslock’s favor by mounting a last-ditch offensive against the Argo – and given the Argo’s extremely vulnerable state following the withering series of attacks at Pluto, a Gamilon victory isn’t inconceivable. Sandor warns Captain Avatar that a straightforward fight will only result in the Star Force’s destruction. With no alternatives, the Argo takes shelter in a nearby asteroid belt, where Avatar hopes to buy enough time to conduct thorough repairs. Sandor concocts an unconventional camouflage scheme, in which asteroid fragments from the belt will be drawn against the hull of the Argo. Though the disguise offers a brief period of disguise, Ganz soon figures out where his prey is. But this too has been anticipated by Avatar and Sandor, who have another strategy to defend the battered Argo from the Gamilons.

Order the DVDswritten by Keisuke Fujikawa & Eiichi Yamamoto
directed by Leiji Matsumoto
music by Hiroshi Miyagawa

Season 1 Voice Cast: Kenneth Meseroll (Derek Wildstar), Tom Tweedy (Mark Venture), Amy Howard (Nova), Eddie Allen (Leader Desslok), Lydia Leeds (Starsha), other actors unknown

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Kolchak The Night Stalker Season 1

The Spanish Moss Murders

Night StalkerMurder victims are turning up with two unusual features. Their chests are brutally crushed, and they are covered with Spanish moss, a plant not found in Chicago. Kolchak’s investigations also determine a common factor: they were both enemies of an ill-tempered Cajun street player, Paul Langois. Langois has an ironclad alibi, however – he’s been in an induced coma for several weeks as part of a dream-research experiment. Nonetheless, Carl suspects Langois is responsible. His research shows that a bayou legend of Langois’ parish tells of “Pelemafait,” a boogeyman who crushes the life out of his victims. Kolchak believes that the experiment Langois is participating on has unleashed a monster from his childhood dreams. Langois dies as Pelemafait takes on a life of its own, and Kolchak is its next victim. Only a spear made of bayou gum wood can kill the monster in its sewer lair.

Order the DVDswritten by Al Friedman and David Chase
from a story by Al Friedman
directed by Gordon Hessler
music by Gil Mille

Guest Cast: Keenan Wynn (Captain Joe “Mad Dog” Siska), Severn Darden (Dr. Aaron Pollack), Richard Kiel (Pelemafait), Johnny Silver (Pepe LaRue/Morris Shapiro), Ned Glass (Superintendent)

Notes: Keenan Wynn becomes the only recurring policeman to keep the same name (he also appears in Demon In Lace). Here he froths at the mouth as a captain whose months of group therapy are disrupted by Kolchak. Richard Kiel returns again as the gigantic Pelemafait.

LogBook entry by Steve Crowe

Planet Of The Apes Season 1

Up Above The World So High

Planet Of The ApesVirdon, Burke and Galen spot something unusually large flying overhead; the two humans immediately recognize it as a primitive hang glider, which would represent a huge step forward for humans. The glider has also attracted the interest of the apes, however: Dr. Zaius sees great potential to enforce ape law from the air, while General Urko dismisses the glider as a toy. Its inventor is determined to keep developing it regardless of the risk, but when Virdon and Burke demonstrate some knowledge of flight, he instantly regards them with suspicion. And there’s someone else involved too – someone who sees the glider as the perfect way to drop bombs on the apes.

Order the DVDsteleplay by S. Bar-David and Arthur Browne Jr.
story by S. Bar-David
directed by John Meredyth Lucas
music by Lalo Schifrin

Guest Cast: Joanna Barnes (Carsia), Frank Aletter (Leuric), Martin Brooks (Konag), Mark Lenard (Urko), Booth Colman (Zaius), William Beckley (Council Orang), Ron Stein (Gorilla Guard), Eldon Burke (2nd Trooper), Glenn Wilder (Human Driver)

Planet Of The ApesNotes: This was the final live-action Planet Of The Apes project until the 2001 remake movie directed by Tim Burton, and the last Planet Of The Apes media to feature Roddy McDowall (1928-1998). With declining ratings, and the show’s increasing tendency toward controversial subject matter (including an entire completed episode that CBS deemed unsuitable for air), CBS opted not to order further episodes of the series.

S. Bar-David is a pseudonym frequently used by writer Shimon Wincelberg; he also used this pseudonym on episodes of the original Star Trek. Director John Meredyth Lucas was a frequent writer and director on that show as well, and was a name often seen in one of those capacities in 1960s TV credits. He also wrote episodes of The Starlost and Logan’s Run.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 1 Star Blazers

Farewell Solar System, From The Galaxy With Love

Star BlazersD minus 338 days: As the Argo prepares to become the first Earth vessel to leave the solar system, a signal from the Earth Defense Force brings news to the crew. Though the destruction of the Gamilon base on Pluto has brought an end to the bombardment of Earth, the resulting radiation has taken its toll on the human race. Before the Argo makes the space warp that will take it beyond Earth communications range, Captain Avatar arranges for every member of the crew to make a five-minute call home. For some, the occasion is joyous, and for others it brings tears. But for Derek Wildstar, it’s a bitter reminder of the family he has lost.

Order the DVDswritten by Keisuke Fujikawa & Eiichi Yamamoto
directed by Leiji Matsumoto
music by Hiroshi Miyagawa

Season 1 Voice Cast: Kenneth Meseroll (Derek Wildstar), Tom Tweedy (Mark Venture), Amy Howard (Nova), Eddie Allen (Leader Desslok), Lydia Leeds (Starsha), other actors unknown

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Kolchak The Night Stalker Season 1

The Energy Eater

Night StalkerIndian high-rise workers walk off the site of a new hospital after several of their number fall to their deaths. Construction is completed several months later, but the grand opening is complicated by a series of power failures, temperature surges, and mysterious deaths. Kolchak meets with James Elkhorn, a construction worker and sometimes medicine man who tells him that the hospital is built on an ancient Indian site wherein dwelt “Matchemonedo,” a sleeping bear-god. The god’s hibernation beneath the cold waters of Lake Michigan has been disrupted by the hospital excavation, and it is now draining the energy from the hospital and its patients. Kolchak and Elkhorn must convince the authorities to refrigerate the building and return Matchemonedo to its eternal slumber.

Order the DVDswritten by Arthur Rowe, Robert Earll, & Rudolph Borchert
directed by Alex Grasshoff
music by Gil Mille

Guest Cast: John Alvin (Dr. Ralph Carrie), Robert Cornthwaite (Dr. Hartfield), Tom Drake (Don Kibbey), Ella Edwards (Receptionist), Michael Fox (Frank Wesley), Elaine Giftos (Janis), Barbara Graham (Laurie), Melissa Greene (First Girl), Dianne Harper (Second Girl), Joyce Jillson (Diana Lanier), John Mitchum (Janitor), William Smith (Jim Elkhorn), Michael Strong (Walter Green), Robert Yuro (Captain Webster)

Notes: Currently exists as half of the TV movie Crackle Of Death. As in They Have Been…, the monster is invisible and thus never seen except a brief glimpse on X-ray plates. Captain Webster also appears in Legacy Of Terror, but is played by actor Ramon Bieri…who played Captain Baker in Bad Medicine.

LogBook entry by Steve Crowe

Land Of The Lost Original Season 1


Land Of The LostThe Marshalls once again sneak into the Sleestak city to try to work out the operation of the time portal. Growing bored as Rick admits that the number of combinations of colored crystals could be infinite, Holly wanders off; before she is found again, she encounters a woman named Rani who seems to know a great deal about her, including her fear of heights. Rani insists that this fear must be overcome soon if Holly is to save the lives of her family. But can Rani be trusted, or will this latest attempt to investigate the time portal end with another Sleestak attack?

Order the DVDDownload this episodewritten by D.C. Fontana
directed by Dennis Steinmetz
music by Jimmie Haskell

Cast: Spencer Milligan (Rick Marshall), Wesley Eure (Will Marshall), Kathy Coleman (Penny Marshall), Erica Hagen (Rani), Scott Fullerton (Sleestak), Jack Tingley (Sleestak), Mike Westra (Sleestak)

Land Of The LostNotes: Guest star Erica Hagen had a small role in 1973’s Soylent Green, and guest-starred in a two-part episode of Wonder Woman. She had previously appeared in Land Of The Lost as an illusion of Will and Holly’s mother. The time doorway was introduced in The Stranger, and we explored further in The Hole. The plot twist of Rani’s origin is an element that would be borrowed by the 1990s version of Land Of The Lost.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 1 Star Blazers

Break Through The Gamilus Absolute Defense Line

Star BlazersD minus 315 days: The Argo encounters a space minefield, and Venture plots a course around the deadly obstacles, only to discover that they’re programmed to follow the ship. The mines slowly surround the ship until it’s impossible for the Argo to move any further. Sandor and IQ-9 undertake a grueling mission to defuse the control mine. As Desslok and his aides watch, the crew of the Argo salvages its ship by removing the mines by hand – a solution the enemy of the human race never would have anticipated.

Order the DVDswritten by Keisuke Fujikawa & Eiichi Yamamoto
directed by Leiji Matsumoto
music by Hiroshi Miyagawa

Season 1 Voice Cast: Kenneth Meseroll (Derek Wildstar), Tom Tweedy (Mark Venture), Amy Howard (Nova), Eddie Allen (Leader Desslok), Lydia Leeds (Starsha), other actors unknown

Note: This is the first episode in which Desslar/Desslok’s skin appears to be blue; in the first ten episodes, he seemed to have a rather normal caucasian human skin tone. No explanation is given for the change.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Kolchak The Night Stalker Season 1

Horror In The Heights

Night StalkerSenior citizens in a low-income district are dying, literally gnawed to death. The authorities dismiss the deaths as rats feasting on persons dying of natural cause. Kolchak discovers that the neighborhood is covered with swastikas, a religious symbol among many cultures. The trail leads to an elderly Hindu restaurant owner, who fires a crossbow at the reporter and mutters about “Rakshasa.” With the aid of a museum curator, Kolchak discovers that a rakshasa is a Hindu demon that feeds on human flesh, and was banished from Earth centuries ago. From time to time they send a scout back to Earth to see if the time is right for their return. Confronting the restaurant owner, Kolchak discovers the man has devoted his life to killing the Rakshasa scouts. He is informed the creatures kill their prey by taking on the image of a trusted friend or relative, and can only be killed by a crossbow bolt blessed by a priest of Brahma. Kolchak claims to trust no one, but must then decide whether the Miss Emily approaching him is the real one, or the rakshasa.

Order the DVDswritten by Jimmy Sangster
directed by Michael T. Caffey
music by Gil Mille

Guest Cast: Phil Silvers (Harry Starman), Murray Matheson (Lane Marriott), Benny Rubin (Julius “Buck” Fineman), Barry Gordon (Barry the Waiter), Abraham Sofaer (Elderly Rakshasa Hunter)

Notes: Considered the best Night Stalker episode by many. Author Jimmy Sangster penned a number of Hammer horror movies.

LogBook entry by Steve Crowe

Land Of The Lost Original Season 1


Land Of The LostWill and Holly find themselves cornered by unusually active dinosaurs. Surrounded on all sides, they’re left with no choice but to climb up a rocky mountainside to escape. They’re surprised to find a pylon atop the mountain, and when Will disturbs the controls, glowing lights appear in the sky, and one of them disgorges a parachutist. Will and Holly rush to help, since any new arrivals are unlikely to be prepared for the abundance of dinosaurs. The parachutist is wayward astronaut Beauregard Jackson, and Will worries that he is responsible for the man’s predicament. Worse yet, the time portal that brought Jackson here is still open, allowing hurricane-force winds to build up.

Order the DVDDownload this episodewritten by David Gerrold and Larry Niven
directed by Bob Lally
music by Jimmie Haskell

Cast: Spencer Milligan (Rick Marshall), Wesley Eure (Will Marshall), Kathy Coleman (Penny Marshall), Ron Masak (Beauregard Jackson)

Land Of The LostNotes: Actor Ron Masak has appeared in The Twilight Zone, Mission: Impossible, Wonder Woman, and Starman, with movie roles in Ice Station Zebra, Tora! Tora! Tora!, and as the hapless sheriff in the MST3K-worthy sci-fi B-movie Laserblast. Jackson notices that the pylons are bigger inside than outside; as Doctor Who had only premiered in the United States a couple of years earlier in a handful of markets, it is very unlikely that the popular British series with its bigger-inside-than-out time machine was an influence. As the Marshalls take shelter just before Jackson’s escape, the actors’ shadows can clearly be seen on the “sky” behind them on set.

LogBook entry by Earl Green