Land Of The Lost Original Season 1

The Stranger

Land Of The LostWill and Holly wander into a cave, discovering a large crystal suspended inside a pyramid-like frame. When Rick finds them in the cave, Sleestaks attack, only to be driven back by another of their kind, an intelligent Sleestak known as Enik. Enik tells the Marshalls that the crystal is a dimensional doorway that could help return them to their own place in time and space… but Enik is also here by accident, having tumbled back in time from the future. Or so he claims; when the Marshalls lead him to the Sleestak city ruins, he recognizes the city well: the savage, primitive Sleestaks aren’t his ancestors, but rather his descendants. Claiming the crystal for himself, will Enik prove to be friend or foe when the Sleestaks return?

Order the DVDDownload this episodewritten by Walter Koenig
directed by Bob Lally
music by Jimmie Haskell

Cast: Spencer Milligan (Rick Marshall), Wesley Eure (Will Marshall), Kathy Coleman (Penny Marshall), Walker Edmiston Land Of The Lost(Enik), David Greenwood (Sleestak), William Laimbeer (Sleestak), John Lambert (Sleestak)

Notes: Writer Walter Koenig is best known to genre audiences as the original Star Trek’s Chekov, and his first on-screen writing credit was an episode of that show’s animated revival; he had also recently appeared in two episodes of The Starlost as Oro. The dilapidated Sleestak city was first explored in The Sleestak God. Walker Edmiston previously appeared in Downstream, but not as Enik. This is Enik’s first appearance in the series.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 1 Star Blazers

The Opening Gun: Space Battleship Yamato Starts

Star BlazersD minus 364 days: The Gamilons step up their attack on Earth when the learn of the Argo’s launch. Even as the Argo makes preparations to embark on its 148,000 light year voyager, the Gamilons launch the Menace Missile toward Earth, intending to finish off the Argo and humanity in one final attack. Captain Avatar prepares his new crew for the battle ahead, including radar operator Nova, science officer Sandor, medical officer Dr. Sane, and chief engineer Orion. But Avatar must first deal with a potential discipline problem with one of his new top officers – Derek Wildstar, who lacks confidence in the captain whom he holds responsible for his brother’s death.

Order the DVDswritten by Keisuke Fujikawa & Eiichi Yamamoto
directed by Leiji Matsumoto
music by Hiroshi Miyagawa

Season 1 Voice Cast: Kenneth Meseroll (Derek Wildstar), Tom Tweedy (Mark Venture), Amy Howard (Nova), Eddie Allen (Leader Desslok), Lydia Leeds (Starsha), other actors unknown

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Planet Of The Apes Season 1

Tomorrow’s Tide

Planet Of The ApesVirdon, Burke and Galen are making good time along a shoreline, with the humans actually traveling on foot in the water as much as possible so the tide will cover their tracks; Galen is having none of it, preferring to stay well away from the water. They spot what appears to be a damaged raft adrift, and Burke and Virdon swim out to retrieve it, finding a man lashed helplessly to it: someone tied him to it and left him for dead at sea. The exhausted man wears a metal band indicating that he was a slave from a forced labor camp. Virdon and Burke scout out the nearby labor camp, where humans are forced to spear-fish at gunpoint by their ape masters, but they are captured by the guards and brought before Hurton, the camp’s commandant. They prove their ability to fish under fire – literally – but in order to prevent them from becoming trapped at Hurton’s camp, Galen appears, claiming that Virdon and Burke are his wayward slaves. But instead of releasing them, Hurton decides they should answer for their crimes to the “gods of the sea” – the plentiful sharks that have claimed many a fisherman in these waters. But even after thwarting this attempt to kill them, the two astronauts face a new threat: the man they rescued has been discovered…and Hurton’s over-eager security chief is more than happy to blame the newcomers for this, and punish them accordingly.

Order the DVDswritten by Robert W. Lenski
directed by Don McDougall
music by Earle Hagen

Guest Cast: Roscoe Lee Browne (Hurton), Jay Robinson (Bandor), John McLiam (Gahto), Jim Storm (Romar), Kathleen Bracken (Soma), Larry Ellis (Drayman #2)

Notes: Actor Roscoe Lee Browne is well-known in genre circles for two other genre appearances in the 1970s: he appeared as the gleaming robot Box in Logan’s Run (1976), and later narrated the best-selling storybook record The Story Of Star Wars in the wake of that film’s success. While the episode boasts some beautiful location filming and impressive underwater scenes for a TV budget, the “shark” props used (usually before a glimpse of stock footage of real sharks) are, perhaps, a little bit less than convincing.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Land Of The Lost Original Season 1


Land Of The LostWill is awakened late at night by a strange sound, but when he next hears the sound while working outside in broad daylight, he can’t ignore it. He follows it, like a siren song, to the Sleestak ruins where he sees an image of his mother. He then snaps out of it and returns home. This continues until Holly notices his strange behavior and follows him to the ruins; by touching a particular crystal that Will picks up in the ruins, she can see her mother too. But something is stopping both of them from saying anything to Rick, and it isn’t until he follows his children’s latest trance-like trek to the ruins that he realizes who is luring them there.

Order the DVDDownload this episodewritten by Dick Morgan
directed by Bob Lally
music by Jimmie Haskell

Land Of The LostCast: Spencer Milligan (Rick Marshall), Wesley Eure (Will Marshall), Kathy Coleman (Penny Marshall), Erica Hagen (Mother), David Greenwood (Sleestak), William Laimbeer (Sleestak), John Lambert (Sleestak)

Notes: Despite Enik’s claims in the previous episode that the Sleestaks in the ruins are his descendants, reduced to primitive savagery, the Sleestaks seem to have some understanding of what the crystal and the cave do to the Marshalls, as they’re lying in wait for their victims.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 1 Star Blazers

Yamato, Take Off: The Challenge of 296,000 Light Years

Star BlazersD minus 363 days: With the Menace Missile successfully evaded, Captain Avatar and the crew make ready for a hitherto unattempted (and incredibly dangerous) space warp. If the calculations for the jump across space are off by even the tiniest margin, the Argo and its crew – and the hopes of Earth – will be lost forever. As if there aren’t already hazards aplenty during this vital stage of the mission, a Gamilon gunship plunges deep into Earth’s solar system on a mission to destroy the Argo before her journey can even begin. Wildstar leads the Black Tiger Squadron into battle for the first time, and almost learns what it means to lose someone under *his* command.

Order the DVDswritten by Keisuke Fujikawa & Eiichi Yamamoto
directed by Leiji Matsumoto
music by Hiroshi Miyagawa

Season 1 Voice Cast: Kenneth Meseroll (Derek Wildstar), Tom Tweedy (Mark Venture), Amy Howard (Nova), Eddie Allen (Leader Desslok), Lydia Leeds (Starsha), other actors unknown

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Planet Of The Apes Season 1

The Surgeon

Planet Of The ApesAn ape ambush catches the fugitives off-guard; Virdon takes a bullet. They go into hiding before they can be found, and Galen decides to return to the ape hospital in the outskirts of the central city. His ex-fiancee, an ape surgeon named Kira, should be able to help, and Galen believes he can come up with a cover story to get Virdon into the hospital without immediately being arrested by Urko’s security forces. But even once Virdon is in the hospital, Dr. Kira can’t help him: she knows nothing about human medicine. Galen knows where to find a text on that subject…but it means venturing into the heart of the city and breaking into Dr. Zaius’ secret stash of human artifacts – right under the nose of General Urko.

Order the DVDswritten by Barry Oringer
directed by Arnold Laven
music not credited

Guest Cast: Jacqueline Scott (Kira), Michael Strong (Travin), Martin Brooks (Leander), Mark Lenard (Urko), Booth Colman (Zaius), Jamie Smith Jackson (Girl), David Naughton (Dr. Stole), Raymond Mayo (Human), Diana Hale (Brigid), Phil Montgomery (Jordo)

Notes: There is no incidental music score credit for this episode, only a theme music credit for composer Lalo Schifrin. Library music pieces may have been used.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Land Of The Lost Original Season 1


Land Of The LostWill and Holly embark on another unauthorized expedition into the jungle, following a trio of flying structures similar to the pylons they’ve spotted in Sleestak territory. Although the Marshall siblings agree to call the flying objects “skylons,” they can’t agree on what to do next. Will finds a pylon near where the skylons are hovering, and barges in and begins changing the positions of the crystals inside. The weather immediately turns against them, forcing them to take shelter in the pylon until Rick finds them. As his father lectures him about tampering with the forces of nature, Will has to backtrack, trying to remember how to set the crystals back into the positions where they were originally, as the weather outside grows more severe. What no one realizes is that the skylons themselves are trying to help.

Order the DVDDownload this episodewritten by Dick Morgan
directed by Bob Lally
music by Jimmie Haskell

Land Of The LostCast: Spencer Milligan (Rick Marshall), Wesley Eure (Will Marshall), Kathy Coleman (Penny Marshall), Philip Paley (Cha-Ka)

Notes: Although Philip Paley is credited as Cha-Ka, the character does not appear in this episode.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 1 Star Blazers

World Of Wonder: Yamato Leaped Past Light

Star BlazersD minus 362 days: In order the complete the mission to Iscandar with the year Earth has left, the Argo’s crew prepares for the space warp. Venture questions his ability to hold up under the mission’s all-or-nothing stress. And in the meantime, none of his crewmates are sure what the warp will be like…or whether they or the Argo will survive it. Gamilon Leader Desslock watches their every move, preparing to strike, but unaware that Iscandar has provided Earth with vital technology.

Order the DVDswritten by Keisuke Fujikawa & Eiichi Yamamoto
directed by Leiji Matsumoto
music by Hiroshi Miyagawa

Season 1 Voice Cast: Kenneth Meseroll (Derek Wildstar), Tom Tweedy (Mark Venture), Amy Howard (Nova), Eddie Allen (Leader Desslok), Lydia Leeds (Starsha), other actors unknown

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Planet Of The Apes Season 1

The Deception

Planet Of The ApesAfter narrowly escaping an unusually savage attack on the home of a fellow human who is helping them hide, Virdon and Burke follow Galen along a stretch of shoreline until their meet another ape, Fauna, who is blind. But even here, they must be careful: Fauna’s father was recently killed, and her uncle, Sestus, insists that humans were the killers. Virdon and Burke carefully conceal their identities, but just from talking to him, Fauna finds herself falling in love with Burke. In the meantime, Galen goes undercover to infiltrate a group called the Dragoons, who devote themselves to ridding their area of humans – by any and all means. Sestus is one of them, and Galen learns that even the local branch of General Urko’s forces do not approve of the Dragoons’ extreme methods. Worse yet, as part of his initiation, Galen is expected kill humans himself.

Order the DVDsteleplay by Anthony Lawrence and Ken Spears & Joe Ruby
story by Anthony Lawrence
directed by Don McDougall
music by Earle Hagen

Guest Cast: Jane Actman (Fauna), Pat Renella (Zon), John Milford (Sestus), Hal Baylor (Jasko), Baynes Barron (Perdix)

Notes: The writing/producing team of Joe Ruby and Ken Spears – also story consultant for the Planet Of The Apes TV series as a whole – is the same Ruby & Spears team behind countless children’s series and specials. For Sid & Marty Krofft, the Ruby/Spears team wrote many episodes of Wonderbug and Electra Woman & Dyna Girl, and later they wrote and produced animated series such as Thundarr the Barbarian, Mr. T, Alvin & The Chipmunks, and even animated shows based on video games such as Dragon’s Lair and Donkey Kong. Joe Ruby had been a music editor on such genre series as Time Tunnel and Lost In Space. The Deception is actually a very-thinly-veiled allegorical condemnation of the methodology and philosophy of the Ku Klux Klan.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Kolchak The Night Stalker Season 1

The Werewolf

Night StalkerIn Montana, a family is apparently killed by wolves, the first-ever attack on humans by these creatures. In Chicago, the rest of the news services’ staff is stricken by the flu, so Kolchak is sent to cover the last cruise of the S.S. Hanover, the “Queen of the Seas,” and do a series of light articles. That proves to be difficult when passengers and crew are attacked, ripped savagely apart by a shadowy figure. The captain puts a news blackout on the murders. A brief glimpse of the heavily-furred killer and the presence of the full moon, convince the reporter that a werewolf is responsible. Kolchak must prepare several loads of blessed silver buckshot from the only available source of the precious metal – the buttons from the captain’s uniform. Who is responsible? A NATO soldier stationed in Montana whose platoon was wiped out by a “wolf” attack of which he was the only survivor.

Order the DVDswritten by David Chase & Paul Playdon
directed by Allen Baron
music by Gil Mille

Guest Cast: Eric Braeden (Bernhardt Stieglitz), Dick Gautier (Mel Tarter), Henry Jones (Captain Wells), Nita Talbot (Paula Griffin), Bob Hastings (Hallem)

Notes: A weak and rather rushed script. The werewolf costume is extremely cheap. Miss Emily Cowels (Ruth McDevitt) appears in this episode, her first screen appearance, and is identified in the credits as “Edith Cowels.”

LogBook entry by Steve Crowe

Land Of The Lost Original Season 1

The Hole

Land Of The LostRick and Will revisit the Sleestak city ruins to get another look at the time portal, leaving Holly at home to clean house; instead she gets a return visit from Dopey. Once inside the city, Rick and Will discover that they’ve come calling while there are still Sleestaks in the city. Rick tackles a Sleestak, giving Will a chance to escape, but Rick is hurled into a pit. He finds himself alone with an unusually talkative Sleestak who warns that they will soon be devoured by the Sleestaks’ god. Will escapes the city and immediately finds himself on the run from “Big Alice,” a hungry allosaurus who hunts near the ruins.

Order the DVDDownload this episodewritten by Wina Sturgeon
directed by Dennis Steinmetz
music by Jimmie Haskell

Land Of The LostCast: Spencer Milligan (Rick Marshall), Wesley Eure (Will Marshall), Kathy Coleman (Penny Marshall), Scott Fullerton (Sleestak), Jack Tingley (Sleestak), Mike Westra (Sleestak)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 1 Star Blazers

Escape The Floating Continent

Star BlazersD minus 361 days: The Argo’s warp past Mars takes it too close to Jupiter, and the ship is pulled into the huge planet’s atmosphere, sustaining even more damage in the process. Just when it looks as though the Argo will be crushed in the intense pressure of Jupiter’s lower atmosphere, an impossible solution presents itself – a large land mass afloat in the atmosphere. But this convenient repair stop proves to be too convenient, for the continent is also home to a well-armed secret Gamilon tactical base. Captain Avatar sees the Gamilon threat as a perfect target on which to test the powerful wave motion gun, a piece of Iscandar technology which is so powerful, it drains all power from every other system aboard the Argo immediately before and after firing.

Order the DVDswritten by Keisuke Fujikawa & Eiichi Yamamoto
directed by Leiji Matsumoto
music by Hiroshi Miyagawa

Season 1 Voice Cast: Kenneth Meseroll (Derek Wildstar), Tom Tweedy (Mark Venture), Amy Howard (Nova), Eddie Allen (Leader Desslok), Lydia Leeds (Starsha), other actors unknown

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Land Of The Lost Original Season 1

The Paku Who Came To Dinner

Land Of The LostMonths after becoming stranded in the prehistoric wilderness, the Marshalls reflect on the changes that their presence has brought to the environment, and to the lives of Cha-Ka, Dopey and the other creatures they’ve met. Holly continues trying to make friends with Cha-Ka and the Paku, but her overtures of friendship meet with mixed results when Cha-Ka’s people kidnap her.

Order the DVDDownload this episodewritten by Barry Blitzer
directed by Bob Lally
music by Jimmie Haskell

Cast: Spencer Milligan (Rick Marshall), Wesley Eure (Will Marshall), Kathy Coleman (Penny Marshall), Sharon Baird (Paku), Joe Giamalva (Paku), Philip Paley (Cha-Ka)

Land Of The LostNotes: Only ten episodes into its first season, Land Of The Lost was already so far over budget that a “clip show” – an unfortunately common practice where a money-strapped show films a few framing scenes of a story in which the characters “remember” clips of their past exploits – was necessary. Episodes “remembered” by the Marshalls include Cha-Ka, Dopey, and others, with all new scenes shot using existing sets, costumes, and dinosaur miniature scenes, and no guest stars aside from the usual Paku suspects (whose costumes and makeup had already been made for previous episodes).

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 1 Star Blazers

Space Destroyer Yukikaze Sleeps In The Ice Field

Star BlazersD minus 360 days: Though the Argo has escaped Jupiter, the wave motion gun’s enormous power has actually damaged its own ship. The Argo’s energy transmission unit has burned out, and repairs will require Titanite, a substance found only on the largest moon of Saturn. But Wildstar’s scouting party finds something else on Titan too – Gamilons. IQ-9 prevents Wildstar and Nova from being captured and killed by the narrowest of margins, and in the moments after the battle, Derek makes another startling discovery…the broken hull of his late brother’s battleship, crashed on Titan after the battle of Pluto.

Order the DVDswritten by Keisuke Fujikawa & Eiichi Yamamoto
directed by Leiji Matsumoto
music by Hiroshi Miyagawa

Season 1 Voice Cast: Kenneth Meseroll (Derek Wildstar), Tom Tweedy (Mark Venture), Amy Howard (Nova), Eddie Allen (Leader Desslok), Lydia Leeds (Starsha), other actors unknown

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Planet Of The Apes Season 1

The Interrogation

Planet Of The ApesThe travelers’ luck runs out as an ape patrol catches up with them; Burke is captured while Virdon and Galen are able to go into hiding. Dr. Zaius sees Burke’s capture as an opportunity to test a brainwashing technique devised by Wanda, one of his science ministers; General Urko is upset, since any interrogation falls under his jurisdiction. In Wanda’s hands, Burke’s brainwashing becomes something more like torture, as he is repeatedly asked to divulge the name and location of every human who has helped him evade capture until now. Though disappointed that he’s not the one interrogating Burke, Urko knows that Galen and Virdon are certain to come to the ape city to free their friend, and lays a trap. Galen seeks shelter from his parents, but Urko’s troops aren’t far behind them – and Urko’s parents, who hold positions of importance in the apes’ government, can’t be seen to help fugitives from justice. Can Burke be rescued before his mind is broken, and what will that rescue cost Galen’s family?

Order the DVDswritten by Richard Collins
directed by Alf Kjellin
music by Lalo Schifrin

Guest Cast: Beverly Garland (Wanda), Anne Seymour (Ann), Normann Burton (Yalu), Booth Colman (Zaius), Lee Delano (Officer Gorilla), Wayne Foster (Lt. Gorilla), Lynn Benesch (Susan), Harry Townes (Dr. Malthus)

Notes: ’50s and ’60s movie mainstay Beverly Garland appears here, oddly enough, both in and out of ape makeup, while ’70s TV mainstay Anne Seymour puts in a prerequisite ’70s TV appearance. Her future genre appearances would include a short stint in the original Battlestar Galactica. Wanda mentions the “common” practice of removing the frontal lobes of humans’ brains to keep them docile, a practice depicted in the first Planet Of The Apes movie.

LogBook entry by Earl Green