Season 1 Six Million Dollar Man

Doomsday And Counting

The Six Million Dollar ManSteve and Oscar are invited to view an energy project on Kamkov Island in the Soviet Union, headed up by Steve’s old friend, retired cosmonaut Vasily Zhukov. But a massive earthquake shakes the island before the OSI delegation even leaves the ground in the U.S., trapping Vasily’s research partner (who also happens to be his fiance) underground. Steve insists on going to Kamkov Island despite the danger, but when another quake strikes, he saves Zhukov by using his bionic strength, revealing his secret in the process. Other secrets are revealed as well: to prevent western sabotage, an automatic defense system was rigged to detonate a nuclear bomb at the heart of Zhukov’s project. Defusing the bomb may be beyond even Steve’s abilities.

teleplay by Larry Brody
story by Larry Brody and Jim Sangster
directed by Jerry Jameson
music by Oliver Nelson

The Six Million Dollar ManCast: Lee Majors (Steve Austin), Richard Anderson (Oscar Goldman), Martin E. Brooks (Dr. Rudy Wells), Gary Collins (Colonel Vasily Zhukov), Jane Merrow (Irina Leonova), William Smithers (General Koslenko), Bruce Glover (Capt. Voda), William Boyett (Air Force General), Walker Edmiston (Russian Operator), Anne Newman (Female Technician), Rico Cattani (Male Technician)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Classic Season 11 Doctor Who

Death To The Daleks – Part 2

Doctor WhoThe newly-arrived Dalek expedition is just as helpless as the humans; just like their ship (and everyone else’s technology), the Daleks’ exterminating weapons are also left without power. Sarah, captured by the Exxilons, is prepared as the next sacrifice to the living city, which the Exxilons worship. A combined force of humans and Daleks, along with the Doctor, is ambushed by armed Exxilons and captured; once taken back to the Exxilons’ caves, the Doctor commits a grievous offense: attacking the high priest to stop Sarah from being sacrificed. The Daleks parlay with the Exxilons for their own release and that of the humans; unknown to them, the Daleks remaining on their ship are outfitting themselves with mechanical chemical weapons – the equivalent of Earth rifles. These newly armed Daleks storm the Exxilons’ caves, establishing dominance over the primitives, and the Doctor and Sarah escape their own sacrifice/execution ceremony, finding themselves in deeper underground tunnels…and whatever the Exxilons expected to sacrifice them to still awaits them.

written by Terry Nation
directed by Michael Bryant
music by Carey Blyton and played by the London Saxophone Quartet

Cast: Jon Pertwee (The Doctor), Elisabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane Smith), Duncan Lamont (Dan Galloway), John Abineri (Richard Railton), Neil Seiler (Commander Stewart), Julian Fox (Peter Hamilton), Joy Harrison (Jill Tarrant), Mostyn Evans (High Priest), Arnold Yarrow (Bellal), Michael Wisher (Dalek voices), John Scott Martin (Dalek), Cy Town (Dalek), Murphy Grunbar (Dalek)

LogBook entry & review by Earl Green

Classic Season 2 Tomorrow People

The Blue And The Green – Part 5: The Swarming Season

Tomorrow PeopleGiving the police the slip, Chris returns to the Tomorrow People’s hideout to tell Stephen and Elizabeth that John has vanished without a trace. Violence on Earth reaches crisis proportions; bearers of blue and green badges are splitting off into violent tribes. War seems inevitable. Aboard a hidden spaceship, John learns from Robert that the badges and the pictures are all part of a plan to harvest the psychic energy of the human race as it goes mad to help incubate the next generation of Robert’s people. Is there a way for these aliens and the people of Earth to live, or must one species die off?

Download this episode via Amazonwritten by Roger Price
directed by Roger Price
music by Dudley Simpson

Tomorrow PeopleCast: Elizabeth Adare (Elizabeth), Nicholas Young (John), Peter Vaughan-Clarke (Stephen), Philip Gilbert (TIM), Christopher Chittell (Chris), Nigel Pegram (Grandfather), Jason Kemp (Robert), Simon Merrick (Police Inspector)

Notes: The model of the American space station is a model of Skylab, Tomorrow Peoplewhich was launched in 1973 and occupied by three crews, the third of which was still aboard while this episode was in production, but had departed shortly before broadcast. The idea of warring factions denoted by blue and green accessories would be “borrowed” some 20 years later by an episode of Babylon 5.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 1 Six Million Dollar Man

Eyewitness To Murder

The Six Million Dollar ManWaiting for a taxi after dark, Steve is present when a shot rings out, killing a member of the legal team of a prosecutor who is mere hours away from seeking a grand jury indictment against a major criminal figure who no one has been able to prosecute. The OSI is brought in to help provide security for Sandusky, the prosecutor, and his surviving staff members. What Steve can’t divulge, however, is that he got a good look at the shooter with his bionic vision. When he spots the shooter again, Steve apprehends him, but under police interrogation the man seems to have an airtight alibi. How can the assassin have been in two places at the same time, and with his own credibility in question, how can Steve stop him from striking again?

written by William Driskill
directed by Alf Kjellin
music by Oliver Nelson

The Six Million Dollar ManCast: Lee Majors (Steve Austin), Richard Anderson (Oscar Goldman), Gary Lockwood (Hopper), William Schallert (Lorin Sandusky), Ivor Barry (Mr. Hanley), Regis J. Cordic (Host), Leonard Stone (Lt. Tanner), Allen Joseph (Dorsey), Lew Palter (Cab Driver), Donna Mantoan (Hotel Clerk), Al Dunlap (Doorman), Marilyn J. Hassett (Car Rental Girl)

Notes: Guest star Gary Lockwood was one of the stars of 2001: a space odyssey, and prior to that, the star of The Lieutenant, the first television series created and The Six Million Dollar Manproduced by a rising young writer named Gene Roddenberry. Roddenberry cast Lockwood in the second Star Trek pilot, Where No Man Has Gone Before, a few years later. William Schallert also appeared in Star Trek, guest starring in two different incarnations of the franchise (TOS: The Trouble With Tribbles, DS9: Sanctuary).

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Classic Season 11 Doctor Who

Death To The Daleks – Part 3

Doctor WhoAs the Doctor expects, the electronic “root” is deadly to touch. Elsewhere in the caverns, Sarah is cornered by an Exxilon…one who actually speaks English. His name is Bellal, and he means no harm; he’s a member of a small group of Exxilons who have chosen rationality over the religion based on worship of the city. Before any further introductions can be made, Sarah and Bellal have to hide from two Daleks, who then follow the Doctor further into the tunnels, where they too encounter the “root”…only to discover it’s dangerous to Daleks as well. The root is part of the city’s automated systems, and Bellal reveals that the city is the invention of the Exxilons themselves…and unless they destroy that invention, it will wipe them out. On the surface, the Daleks have subjugated the more primitive Exxilons, turning them into a slave labor force…with help from Galloway, to his crewmates’ disgust. The Doctor and Bellal go to the city to try to gain entry, finding that each successive entryway is locked, and can only be opened by solving logic puzzles…and failing any of these tests could be deadly.

written by Terry Nation
directed by Michael Bryant
music by Carey Blyton and played by the London Saxophone Quartet

Cast: Jon Pertwee (The Doctor), Elisabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane Smith), Duncan Lamont (Dan Galloway), Julian Fox (Peter Hamilton), Joy Harrison (Jill Tarrant), Arnold Yarrow (Bellal), Roy Heymann (Gotal), Michael Wisher (Dalek voices), John Scott Martin (Dalek), Murphy Grumbar (Dalek), Cy Town (Dalek)

Notes: The Doctor claims he’s seen the symbols from the Exxilon city in a Peruvian temple, which means that before the fall of their civilization, they were themselves capable of interstellar travel.

LogBook entry & review by Earl Green

Classic Season 2 Tomorrow People

A Rift In Time – Part 1: Vase Of Mystery

Tomorrow PeopleJohn and Stephen each have dreams about Peter, the boy from the future that they encountered months ago, returning to ask for help and bearing an antique vase of some sort. Somewhat unhelpfully, TIM can’t obtain any more information about the vase in question, leaving Stephen and John to go through a catalogue of photos, one by one, until they find one resembling the vase Peter held in their dreams…but the search itself may draw unwanted attention to the Tomorrow People.

Download this episode via Amazonwritten by Roger Price
directed by Darrol Blake
music by Dudley Simpson

Tomorrow PeopleCast: Elizabeth Adare (Elizabeth), Nicholas Young (John), Peter Vaughan-Clarke (Stephen), Christopher Chittell (Chris), Philip Gilbert (TIM), Sylvia Coleridge (Prof. Freda Garner), Bryan Stanion (Prof. Cawston), Richard Speight (Peter), Stanley Lebor (Gaius), Mike Lee Lane (Guthrun), Leonardo Pieroni (Lothar)

Appearing in footage from The Medusa Strain: Sammie Winmill (Carol)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 1 Six Million Dollar Man

The Rescue Of Athena One

The Six Million Dollar ManAll eyes are on NASA’s next mission, Athena One, the first flight of a female astronaut. Steve Austin has been recruited to help train Major Kelly Wood for her flight, but their personalities clash on the ground. When her mission finally takes to the sky, an accident renders her co-pilot unconscious, necessitating a rescue mission involving the Skylab space station. Over Oscar’s objections, Steve himself volunteers to pilot the rescue vehicle, transporting a surgeon to Skylab to save the injured co-pilot while he and Major Wood conduct a risky spacewalk to repair a malfunctioning solar panel on Skylab itself. But exposure to the radiation of space may be causing Steve’s bionic implants to malfunction – and the lives of three people now depend on him flying a manual re-entry.

written by D.C. Fontana
directed by Lawrence Doheny
music by Oliver Nelson

The Six Million Dollar ManCast: Lee Majors (Steve Austin), Richard Anderson (Oscar Goldman), Farrah Fawcett Majors (Maj. Kelly Wood), Paul Kent (Flight Surgeon Wolf), John S. Ragin (Flight Director), Quinn Redeker (Capcom), Dean Smith (Major Osterman), Jules Bergman (himself), Patsy Sabline (1st Secretary), Toni Jannotta (2nd Secretary)

Notes: Call it stunt casting or nepotism, but Farrah Fawcett Majors was married to series star Lee Majors at the time this episode was filmed; they’d star together again in the premiere episode of Majors’ post-bionic hit series The Fall Guy. She would reprise this episode’s role in a later Six Million Dollar Man episode, in addition to guest The Six Million Dollar Manstarring in two completely different roles, all within the show’s first four seasons. Her other genre credits include Logan’s Run and Saturn 3. Bringing significantly more genre cred to this episode is writer D.C. Fontana, who was the story editor and a frequent writer on the original Star Trek and its animated revival, as well as stints on later shows like The Fantastic Journey and Logan’s Run. In other “inside baseball” casting, Jules Bergman was the science editor in the news department of ABC (the network which aired Six Million Dillar Man); among other things, he was heavily involved in ABC’s coverage of real space missions, including Apollo 13 (whose story would seem to be an inspiration for this episode). Austin’s The Six Million Dollar Manmoonwalk is described as having happened in January 1972. Stock footage from Apollo 9 and Apollo 15 are used in the spacewalk sequence (despite a mismatch in the spacesuits and helmets used in those missions), but the model sequences of Skylab apparently pre-date the launch of the actual Skylab station, which lost an entire “solar wing” during launch. Some footage from actual Skylab spacewalks appears during the second spacewalk sequence, as well as a famous photo of the heavily damaged Apollo 13 command module take in 1970 after the service module had separated for re-entry.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Classic Season 11 Doctor Who

Death To The Daleks – Part 4

Doctor WhoAs the logic tests allowing passage further into the Exxilon City become more devious, the Doctor and Bellal have to be more cautious. The Daleks, on the other hand, power through the puzzles and traps with a combination of brute force and their rapidly-calculating battle computers. The Doctor and Bellal reach what appears to be the end of their journey – the city’s control room. The Doctor sets about dismantling the primary computer “brain” of the city, while the city retaliates by slowly materializing zombie-like “antibodies” to destroy the interlopers – whether they’re flesh and blood or Daleks. Sarah reaches Jill Tarrant, one of the surviving crew of the Earth ship, and begins planning to double-cross the Daleks, loading all of the needed substance aboard the Earth ship while the Daleks end up with bags of sand. When the city begins to self-destruct, the Daleks regain all of their deadly powers…but one of their human prisoners has a final trick up his sleeve.

written by Terry Nation
directed by Michael Bryant
music by Carey Blyton and played by the London Saxophone Quartet

Cast: Jon Pertwee (The Doctor), Elisabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane Smith), Duncan Lamont (Dan Galloway), John Abineri (Richard Railton), Neil Seiler (Commander Stewart), Julian Fox (Peter Hamilton), Joy Harrison (Jill Tarrant), Arnold Yarrow (Bellal), Michael Wisher (Dalek voices), John Scott Martin (Dalek), Cy Town (Dalek), Murphy Grunbar (Dalek), Steven Ismay (Zombie), Terry Walsh (Zombie)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Classic Season 2 Tomorrow People

A Rift In Time – Part 2: Turn Of The Thumb

Tomorrow PeopleAccidentally whisked into the future by the telepathic time travel device, Stephen finds himself in a holding tube, with an angry Guardian on the other side. When Stephen mentions Peter, however, he is released and told that Peter has become marooned at some point in Earth’s past. Stephen returns to the Tomorrow People’s base to inform Elizabeth and John of what he has learned, and together with Chris they prepare to go into Earth’s past to save Peter. But once they are there, they discover that their powers have been sapped…and they’re now as helpless as Peter.

Download this episode via Amazonwritten by Roger Price
directed by Darrol Blake
music by Dudley Simpson

Tomorrow PeopleCast: Elizabeth Adare (Elizabeth), Nicholas Young (John), Peter Vaughan-Clarke (Stephen), Christopher Chittell (Chris), Philip Gilbert (TIM), Stanley Lebor (Gaius), Stephen Jack (Zenon), Richard Speight (Peter), Sylvia Coleridge (Prof. Freda Garner), Bryan Stanion (Prof. Cawston), Mike Lee Lane (Guthrun), Leonardo Pieroni (Lothar)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Classic Season 11 Doctor Who

The Monster of Peladon

Doctor WhoThe Doctor brings Sarah to the planet Peladon, a world he last visited with Jo Grant in tow. But it’s a place still plagued by trouble. Queen Thalira, the daughter of the young King that the Doctor met on his previous visit, is facing an uprising among Peladon’s mineworkers. Little does she know, there are also worse threats ahead if the miners shut off Peladon’s export of a vital mineral. Alpha Centauri is still serving as an ambassador, trying to smooth things over, but someone is working against the Queen and the miners – and the mighty best Aggedor may be unable to stop them. This time, are the Doctor’s instincts about the Ice Warriors correct?

written by Brian Hayles
directed by Lennie Mayne
music by Dudley Simpson

Guest Cast: Ralph Watson (Ettis), Donald Gee (Eckersley), Gerald Taylor (Vega Nexos), Nina Thomas (Queen Thalira), Frank Gatcliffe (Ortron), Michael Crane (Blor), Stuart Fell (Alpha Centauri), Ysanne Churchman (voice of Alpha Centauri), Terry Walsh (Captain), Rex Robinson (Gebek), Graeme Eton (Preba), Nick Hobbs (Aggedor), Roy Evans (Rima), Sonny Caldinez (Sskel), Alan Bennion (Azaxyr), Max Faulkner (Miner)

Broadcast from March 23 through April 27, 1974

LogBook entry & review by Earl Green

Classic Season 2 Tomorrow People

A Rift In Time – Part 3: From Little Acorns…

Tomorrow PeopleStephen’s survival instincts serve him well in ancient Rome, but the fact that he’s unable to use his powers tells him there’s more going on. John, Elizabeth and Chris make their way toward the arena cautiously, while Stephen finds that Peter is still alive. As suspected, Gaius, the slave master training fighters for the gladiatorial games, reveals that he is not of this time…and perhaps not of this world.

Download this episode via Amazonwritten by Roger Price
directed by Darrol Blake
music by Dudley Simpson

Tomorrow PeopleCast: Elizabeth Adare (Elizabeth), Nicholas Young (John), Peter Vaughan-Clarke (Stephen), Christopher Chittell (Chris), Peter Duncan (Cotus), Stanley Lebor (Gaius), Mike Lee Lane (Guthrun), Leonardo Pieroni (Lothar), Leonard Gregory (Trystan)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 1 Six Million Dollar Man

Dr. Wells Is Missing

The Six Million Dollar ManDr. Rudy Wells hasn’t even checked into his hotel room in Austria and he’s already getting a phone call from Oscar Goldman. Nothing has happened to Steve – Oscar’s just paranoid about Wells (and his knowledge of the bionic replacement surgery) being out of the country with no bodyguard. Steve offers to travel to Austria himself to keep an eye on Dr. Wells at a discrete distance, just to assuage Oscar’s fears…which turn out to be well-founded. Wells has been abducted by the Tucelli brothers, crime kingpins who have heard rumors of Wells performing bionic replacement surgery and want him to do the same for them. Wells denies all knowledge, trying to stall just long enough for them to see a real bionic man in action.

written by Elroy Schwartz and Krishna Shah & William Keenan
directed by Virgil W. Vogel
music by Oliver Nelson

The Six Million Dollar ManCast: Lee Majors (Steve Austin), Richard Anderson (Oscar Goldman), John van Dreelen (Alfredo Tucelli), Alan Oppenheimer (Rudy Wells), Than Wyenn (Desk Clerk), Jim Shane (Yamo), Michael Dante (Julio Tucelli), Curt Lowens (Anton Brandt), Norbert Schiller (Porter), Cynthia Lynn (Fraulein Krueger), Ynes Van Holt (Switchboard Operator)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Classic Season 2 Tomorrow People

A Rift In Time – Part 4: Rise Of The Roman Empire

Tomorrow PeopleBy introducing the steam engine during Roman times, Gaius has caused massive disruption to history. Not only has human technology deveoped far ahead of schedule, but that rapid development has outpaced human wisdom. Humanity has become an oppressive force, subjugating and enslaving alien species as it expands through a brutal future, with Gaius in command. With humanity’s expansion threatening other worlds, John and his friends must stay alive in this alternate timeline…or sacrifice everything to ensure it never existed.

Download this episode via Amazonwritten by Roger Price
directed by Darrol Blake
music by Dudley Simpson

Tomorrow PeopleCast: Elizabeth Adare (Elizabeth), Nicholas Young (John), Peter Vaughan-Clarke (Stephen), Christopher Chittell (Chris), Stanley Lebor (Gaius), Peter Duncan (Cotus), Leonard Gregory (Trystan)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 1 Six Million Dollar Man

The Last Of The Fourth Of Julys

The Six Million Dollar ManLong a surveillance target of the OSI, a man named Quail – who has the resources to hide out on his own well-equipped island complete with sensor systems, a 30-foot-tall electric fence, and a water filtration system – is now a top priority: a U.S. government agent relayed information that Quail is planning something massive, and lethal, in July. Infiltrating Quail’s base is beyond most agents, and even Austin has to undergo a rigorous training program that tests even the limits of his bionically enhanced endurance. Unfortunately, once inside Quail’s base, the nuclear power source in Austin’s bionic limbs gives him away to the base’s sensors. Austin is subjected to a series of interrogations, and one of his interrogators reveals that she is a deep-cover agent working on behalf of Interpol to topple Quail’s operation. With time running out before Quail hatches a plan to kill all the delegates at a critical world peace summit, does Austin go it alone, or does he believe her story?

written by Richard Landau
directed by Reza Badiyi
music by Oliver Nelson

The Six Million Dollar ManCast: Lee Majors (Steve Austin), Richard Anderson (Oscar Goldman), Steve Forrest (Quail), Kevin Tighe (Root), Tom Reese (Joe Alabam), Arlene Martel (Violette), Barry Cahill (Submarine Captain), Hank Stohl (Balsam), Ben Wright (Ives), H. Alan Deglin (Hurst), Tom Hayden (Sonar)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Classic Season 2 Tomorrow People

The Doomsday Men – Part 1: Dressed To Kill

Tomorrow PeopleJohn sends Stephen undercover at a Scottish boarding school in an attempt to find out about a secret society of warmongers known only as the Doomsday Men. The society’s founder, General McLelland, runs the school, while his grandson Douglas runs roughshod over new students – including Stephen. Stephen survives enough new-boy hazing to impress Douglas, who invites him to join the Doomsday Men…the initiation rituals for whom are far more dangerous.

Download this episode via Amazonwritten by Roger Price
directed by Roger Price
music by Dudley Simpson

Tomorrow PeopleCast: Elizabeth Adare (Elizabeth), Nicholas Young (John), Peter Vaughn Clarke (Stephen), Philip Gilbert (TIM), Christopher Chittell (Chris), William Relton (Douglas), Simon Gipps Kent (Paul), Nigel Pegram (Traffic Warden), Lindsay Campbell (Lieutenant General McLelland), Arnold Peters (Dr. Laird)

LogBook entry by Earl Green