Rebels Season 1 Star Wars

Vision Of Hope

Star Wars: RebelsEzra experiences a powerful premonition while honing his Jedi skills between missions, a vision in which he sees Rebel sympathizer Senator Gall Trayvis on the run alongside the crew of the Ghost. Kanan warns Ezra that this Force vision lacks context, but when Trayvis’ next pirate broadcast makes it clear that he is coming to Lothal, Ezra has to know more. Contacting one of his fellow students from the Stormtrooper cadet academy, Ezra learns that a major Imperial operation is planned at the time of Trayvis’ arrival, and convinces Hera and the others to put everything on the line to save the man they know as the voice of the Rebellion. But when Trayvis finds himself in as much danger as his rescuers, will he stick to his ideals?

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Henry Gilroy
directed by Steven G. Lee
music by Kevin Kiner
based on original themes and music by John Williams

RebelsCast: Taylor Gray (Ezra Bridger), Freddie Prinze Jr. (Kanan Jarrus), Vanessa Marshall (Hera), Tiya Sircar (Sabine), Steven Blum (Zeb / Alton Kastle / Stormtrooper Commander), David Oyelowo (Agent Kallus), Brent Spiner (Gall Trayvis), Kath Soucie (Minister Maketh Tua), David Acord (Protocol Droid #2), Matthew Wood (Stormtrooper), Bryton James (Zare Leonis)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Rebels Season 1 Star Wars

Call To Action

Star Wars: RebelsWith Gall Trayvis revealed as an Imperial collaborator, Kanan decides to borrow a strategy from the playbook of Ezra’s parents, and launch a Rebel pirate broadcast to inform everyone on Lothal and in nearby systems of the truth of Imperial rule. But rather than constructing a crude transmitter in a building, Kanan wants to hijack the Empire’s own communications array – the biggest transmitter on the planet. His move, however, is anticipated by the latest Imperial arrival to Lothal: Grand Moff Tarkin, governor of the outer rim worlds. With a ruthless attitude toward those who have repeatedly failed to capture Kanan and his crew, and cold, calculated strategic thinking, Tarkin allows Kanan to take the transmitter – and then destroys it himself, capturing Kanan in the process.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Greg Weisman and Simon Kinberg
directed by Steward Lee
music by Kevin Kiner
based on original themes and music by John Williams

RebelsCast: Taylor Gray (Ezra Bridger), Freddie Prinze Jr. (Kanan Jarrus), Vanessa Marshall (Hera), Tiya Sircar (Sabine), Steven Blum (Zeb / Alton Kastle / Stormtrooper #1), David Oyelowo (Agent Kallus), David Shaughnessy (Commandant Aresko / Taskmaster Grint), Brent Spiner (Gall Trayvis), Stephen Stanton (Grand Moff Tarkin), Kath Soucie (Minister Maketh Tua), Jason Isaacs (The Inquisitor)

Notes: This episode is effectively the beginning of a three-part season finale, and introduces Tarkin to the Rebels storyline. It also sees the exit of incompetent Imperial officers Aresko and Grint, beheaded (offscreen) by the Inquisitor in one of the darkest plot developments of the series to date.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Rebels Season 1 Star Wars

Rebel Resolve

Star Wars: RebelsEzra and the others are nearly obsessed with trying to locate Kanan, even to the point of taking on riskier offensives against the Empire than usual. But Hera receives a message from the mysterious Rebel leader Fulcrum: the search for Kanan is too risky, and has to stop. Undaunted by this, and unimpressed with Fulcrum, Ezra, Sabine, Zeb and Chopper launch their own rescue mission anyway. Kanan, in Imperial custody, refuses to talk even under the Inquisitor’s torture, so Governor Tarkin sets a course for a planet that has spelled the end of Jedi in the past: Mustafar.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Charles Murray and Henry Gilroy
directed by Justin Ridge
music by Kevin Kiner
based on original themes and music by John Williams

RebelsCast: Taylor Gray (Ezra Bridger), Freddie Prinze Jr. (Kanan Jarrus), Vanessa Marshall (Hera), Tiya Sircar (Sabine), Steven Blum (Zeb / Stormtrooper Commander / Shuttle Trooper #1), David Oyelowo (Agent Kallus), Keith Szarabajka (Cikatro Vizago / Shuttle Trooper #2), Stephen Stanton (Grand Moff Tarkin / Imperial Cruiser Officer / Stormtrooper #1), Liam O’Brien (Yogar Lyste / Imperial Technician / Shuttle Pilot), Jason Isaacs (The Inquisitor)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Rebels Season 1 Star Wars

Fire Across The Galaxy

Star Wars: RebelsTarkin is transporting Kanan to the planet Mustafar in a fleet of Star Destroyers, with the Inquisitor continuing to torture the Jedi along the way. With a stolen Imperial transport (and a TIE Fighter that Zeb and Ezra didn’t crash after all), the crew of the Ghost sets out on their riskiest mission yet, one which hinges entirely on Ezra’s ability to sense Kanan with the Force. The Rebels fight their way aboard Tarkin’s Star Destroyer, but Ezra must set out alone to find Ezra – and fight the Inquisitor alongside his fellow Jedi. Against two Jedi, even with limited training, the Inquisitor is outmatched, but promises that something even more powerful will follow in his footsteps. An entire Rebel fleet blasts out of hyperspace to rescue Kanan and his crew from Mustafar, and once back aboard the Ghost, he and the others meet Fulcrum in person: a Jedi survivor of the Clone Wars named Ahsoka Tano. But unknown to Ahsoka, the man she once knew as her Jedi mentor has been summoned to quash the rising rebellion on Lothal…

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonwritten by Simon Kinberg
directed by Dave Filoni
music by Kevin Kiner
based on original themes and music by John Williams

RebelsCast: Taylor Gray (Ezra Bridger), Freddie Prinze Jr. (Kanan Jarrus), Vanessa Marshall (Hera), Tiya Sircar (Sabine), Steven Blum (Zeb / Stormtrooper #1 / Stormtrooper #3 / Imperial Crewman)), David Oyelowo (Agent Kallus), Phil LaMarr (Bail Organa / Bridge Official / Official), Dee Bradley Baker (Ephraim Bridger), Ashley Eckstein (Fulcrum / Ahsoka Tano), Stephen Stanton (Grand Moff Tarkin / Stormtrooper #2), Kath Soucie (Mira Bridger), Peter MacNicol (Tseebo), Jason Isaacs (The Inquisitor)

RebelsNotes: Where previous episodes made vague references to the Clone Wars, this story reveals that Rebels is part of the same timeline as the much-loved (but recently concluded) Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series. (The then-recent acquisition of Lucasfilm and the Star Wars properties by Disney had left some doubt about whether the pre-Disney Clone Wars series was still “official”.) Ashley Eckstein returns to the role of Ahsoka, who would become a regular fixture of Rebels in its second season.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Powers Season 1


PowersSuperpowers are real. Those who have them – known simply as Powers – operate on a different level of morality than “mere mortals”, though they themselves are perfectly mortal. Major metropolitan areas suffer serious damage from battles between real superheroes and supervillains, and subterranean prisons exist to house captured villains. Powers have celebrity status; young people with latern powers must choose how to use their abilities, often with little in the way of guidance.

Superpowers no longer exist for Detective Christian Walker. Now the head of the NYPD’s Powers Division, Walker was once a Power himself – a famous superhero known as Diamond. He lost his abilities in a battle with “Big Bad” Wolfe, who now languishes in a federal Powers containment facility. One of Walker’s superhero allies from his days as Diamond, Olympia, turns up dead, a victim of a designer drug that somehow modifies Power DNA. The drug was given to him by a girl named Calista, a “wannabe” who claims she has latent powers. Walker and his new partner, Deena Pilgrim, question the girl, but she vanishes from her interrogation room. Walker suspects one of his old enemies, Johnny Royale, is still on the move, though everyone else thinks Royale is dead. Walker tries to find Calista to learn more about the drug and to find out if Royale is involved, but he finds her on the brink of suicide, and in trying to stop her, he makes the fatal mistake of forgetting he himself is no longer a Power…

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Charlie Huston
based on the graphic novel by Michael Avon Oeming & Brian Michael Bendis
directed by David Slade
music by Jeff Rona

Cast: Sharlto Copley (Christian Walker), Susan Heyward (Detective Deena Pilgrim), Noah Taylor (Johnny Royale), Olesya Rulin (Calista), Adam Godley (Captain Cross), Max Fowler (Krispin Stockley), Michelle Forbes (Retro Girl), Eddie Izzard (Wolfe), Logan Browning (Zora), Claire Bronson (Candace Stockley), Aaron Farb (Simons), Justice Leak (Detective Kutter), David Ury (Dr. Death), Mario Lopez (himself), Phillip Devona (Zabriski), Daniel Thomas May (Bug), Adam Boyer (Olympia), Mickey Cole (Levitation Boy), Pete Burris (Adlard), Brian LaFontaine (Brian Stockley), Johnny Giacalone (Cancilarra), Brett Gentile (Argento), Leander Suleiman (Mack), Jeryl Prescott Sales (Golden), Linds Edwards (Zerotron X), Michael Beasley (Chaykin), Victor Turner (Supression Specialist), B.J. Winfrey (Shaft Guard), Dave Pileggi (Med Tech #1), Troy Brenna (Iron Impact), Sara Pagliocca (Porn Star)

PowersNotes: Based on a series of comics first published in 2000 whose film/TV rights were optioned within a year of the publication of the first collected graphic novel edition, Powers took a long road to the screen. In 2011, filming began on a pilot with an earlier edition of the script (written by Brian Michael Bendis, writer of the comics) and a completely different cast, only to be turned down by cable network FX. A new cast (led by District 9 star Sharlto Copley) began shooting new scripts in 2014, with Bendis and fellow creator Michael Avon Oeming serving as executive producers. Rather than a traditional broadcast or cable outlet, Powers found a home as the first original series on the Playstation Network. Despite mixed reviews, viewership numbers were promising enough for Sony to greenlight a second season, to debut in 2016. You can read reviews of the original Powers graphic novels in our Book Reviews section, and you can also check out a lengthy multi-part interview with Brian Michael Bendis at Dave Thomer’s This Is Not News (part 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9).

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Powers Season 1

Like A Power

PowersGravity is real. Instinctively jumping from the top of a building in an attempt to save Calista, Christian Walker forgets that he can no longer fly; fortunately, his old flame, jaded superhero Retro Girl, catches them both before they hit the ground. Retro Girl treats Walker to a rough landing on top of the building, but tries to take Calista under her wing to find out what’s going on. Walker’s new partner, Detective Deena Pilgrim, gets a rather electrifying taste of what it’s like to try to take down someone with superpowers. His existence – or at least his survival – outed, supervillain Johnny Royale goes public, registers with police as someone with superpowers, and makes sure that the inevitable confrontration with Walker caught on video…but Royale has worse things in mind for Walker than a mere lawsuit.

Order the DVDsDownload this episode via Amazonteleplay by Charlie Huston
based on the graphic novel by Michael Avon Oeming & Brian Michael Bendis
directed by David Slade
music by Jeff Rona

PowersCast: Sharlto Copley (Christian Walker), Susan Heyward (Detective Deena Pilgrim), Noah Taylor (Johnny Royale), Olesya Rulin (Calista), Adam Godley (Captain Cross), Max Fowler (Krispin Stockley), Michelle Forbes (Retro Girl), Eddie Izzard (Wolfe), Logan Browning (Zora), Bianca Amato (Delia Alexander), Claire Bronson (Candace Stockley), Aaron Farb (Simons), Justice Leak (Detective Kutter), David Ury (Dr. Death), Linds Edwards (Zerotron X), Tom Thon (Security Guard Albert), Pete Burris (Adlard), Leander Suleiman (Mack), Phillip Devona (Zabriski), Elizabeth Fendrick (Lenore Santos-Wagner), Mickey Cole (Levitation Boy), Eva Hamdam (Nicky Buggs), Shelby Steel (Chaotic Chick), Brett Gentile (Argento), Michael Beasley (Chaykin), Cynthia Barrett (Rev. Canon Gregg), Johnny Giacalone (Cancilarra), Jeryl Prescot Sales (Golden), Daniel Thomas May (Bug)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Other Space

Into The Great Beyond…Beyond

Other SpaceIn the year 2105, the Universal Mapping Project cruiser – already considered something of an expensive failure – is assigned to a new commander, freshly promoted Captain Stewart Lipinski. Considered a promising candidate for his unusual solution to the UMP’s “no-win scenario” simulation, Stewart is joined by his older sister Karen, who is somewhat awkwardly assigned to be his second-in-command. Stewart’s former babysitter, Michael, is third-in-command, while veteran UMP engineer Zalian Fletcher keeps his existing post aboard the cruiser (along with his homemade robot, A.R.T.). Kent Woolworth, son of the President of the UMP, is the ship’s science officer, while Stewart has his academy crush, Tina Shukshin, assigned as navigator. The ship’s onboard AI, Natasha, oversees automatic systems for the cruiser’s small crew.

Almost immediately, Stewart’s first command goes awry; Zalian neglected to requisition replacements for the ship’s 35-year-old food packs, and while he offers to share his personal supply of fudge with the others, Stewart decides to turn the cruiser around. A chance collision with a tear in space and time deposits the UMP cruiser in another universe, with no clear way to return to the universe in which it started. Fortunately, things aren’t as they seem. And then Stewart realizes that even the things that aren’t as they seem…aren’t as they seem.

Watch this at the official sitewritten by Paul Feig
directed by Luke Matheny
music by Orr Rebhun & Erica Weis

Other SpaceCast: Trace Beaulieu (A.R.T.), Neil Casey (Kent Woolworth), Eugene Cordero (Michael Newman), Joel Hodgson (Zalian Fletcher), Conor Leslie (Natasha), Bess Rous (Karen Lipinski), Karan Soni (Stewart Lipinski), Milana Vayntrub (Tina Shukshin), Jessica Chaffin (General Hayson), Bjorn Gustaffson (Ted), Roni Akurati (young Stewart), Edgar Blackmon (Crew Member #3), Brian Carpenter (Dom), Mo Collins (Helen Woolworth), Kate Comer (Crew Member #1), Evan Gustao (Crew Member #2), Jerry O’Connor (A.R.T. Puppeteer #2), Ryan Petersen (young Michael)

Other SpaceNotes: Series creator Paul Feig is renowned in cult TV circles as the creator of the short-lived series Freaks & Geeks, and went on to direct a big-screen, gender-flipped reboot of Ghostbusters on the big screen. Joel Hodgson and Trace Beaulieu are veterans – and founding cast members – of legendary movie-riffing comedy series Mystery Science Theater 3000. As with his MST3K character, Beaulieu provides both the voice and some puppetry expertise for A.R.T. All eight episodes of Other Space’s first season were released simultaneously by Yahoo Screen, a video-on-demand service later cancelled by

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Other Space

Getting To Know You

Other SpaceBeing cut off from home, or even the laws of physics as they once knew them, isn’t sitting well with the crew of the UMP Cruiser. Also not working out too well: the fact that Stewart Lipinski’s crewmates barely know one another, and show no inclination to strengthen their bonds in this time of crisis, despite Stewart’s attempts at team-building exercises. Karen and Michael discover evidence that an alien has not only boarded the Cruiser, but has accessed the computer. Tension and murderous suspicion run high. Only one member of the crew can put everyone at ease: Chad, from auxiliary deck. Wait…who?

Watch this at the official sitewritten by Owen Ellickson
directed by Lucia Aniello
music by Orr Rebhun & Erica Weis

Other SpaceCast: Trace Beaulieu (A.R.T.), Neil Casey (Kent Woolworth), Eugene Cordero (Michael Newman), Joel Hodgson (Zalian Fletcher), Conor Leslie (Natasha), Bess Rous (Karen Lipinski), Karan Soni (Stewart Lipinski), Milana Vayntrub (Tina Shukshin), Dave Franco (Chad), Sherry O’Connor (A.R.T. Puppeteer #2), Jane Varney (Host)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Other Space

The Death Of A.R.T.

Other SpaceThe UMP Cruiser is wading its way through a cloud of particulate matter, making the crew a little bit stir crazy. Stewart decides to occupy everyone’s time with the creation of a message announcing the ship’s – and humanity’s – presence in this universe, to be broadcast when the Cruiser emerges from the cloud. Karen and Michael are assigned to get the ship’s ansible ready to transmit, which involves sending A.R.T. outside to perform the maintenance without risk of human life, though Zalian is concerned about his robotic friend’s welfare (with good reason, as it turns out). Stewart, Kent and Tina work on the content of the message itself, unable to agree on whether they should present themselves as powerful aggressors or passive, harmless beings. Of course, if A.R.T. meets a terrible fate outside the ship, the message will never be sent.

Watch this at the official sitewritten by Jacob Young
directed by Lucia Aniello
music by Orr Rebhun & Erica Weis

Other SpaceCast: Trace Beaulieu (A.R.T.), Neil Casey (Kent Woolworth), Eugene Cordero (Michael Newman), Joel Hodgson (Zalian Fletcher), Conor Leslie (Natasha), Bess Rous (Karen Lipinski), Karan Soni (Stewart Lipinski), Milana Vayntrub (Tina Shukshin), Dave Franco (Chad), Sherry O’Connor (A.R.T. Puppeteer #2)

Note: The term “ansible” – a transceiver capable of faster-than-light communications – was first used by SF author Ursula K. LeGuin in 1966, though the (still fictional) concept of FTL communications has been around nearly as long as knowledge of the speed of light.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Other Space

Ted Talks

Other SpaceHaving dumped precious fuel to avoid having the Cruiser turn into the core of a new planet, Stewart Lipinski and his crew are stranded…but there’s a bright side: Tina happens to be an expert on an extraction technique that could recover the fuel from the rapidly accreting planet. But there’s a problem: a time-delayed message reaches Tina from her beloved fiance…and it’s a break-up letter. As any helpful ship’s computer would, Natasha convinces Karen to hold a girls’ night out to help Tina overcome this trauma…but it all has to happen within eight hours, or the traces of fuel won’t be recoverable anymore.

Watch this at the official sitewritten by Karen Kilgariff
directed by Robert Cohen
music by Orr Rebhun & Erica Weis

Other SpaceCast: Trace Beaulieu (A.R.T.), Neil Casey (Kent Woolworth), Eugene Cordero (Michael Newman), Joel Hodgson (Zalian Fletcher), Conor Leslie (Natasha), Bess Rous (Karen Lipinski), Karan Soni (Stewart Lipinski), Milana Vayntrub (Tina Shukshin), Bjorn Gustafsson (Ted), Matteo Borghese (Abram), Sherry O’Connor (A.R.T. Puppeteer #2)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Other Space

Trouble’s Brewing

Other SpaceSince UMP regulations forbid the two most senior officers from making the first landing on a new world, Michael and Tina are sent to the newly-formed planet to gather the fuel ore deposits. But the six hours allotted for the task stretch out into months thanks to a time dilation effect on the planet’s surface. And even aboard the Cruiser, those six hours stretch out even further when the Lipinskis face an uprising among all of their non-human crew-members (and Zalian, whose epic consumption of fudge may mean he barely qualifies as human at this point), who demand privileges equal to those of human crew members. Which members of the crew will run out of time first?

Watch this at the official sitewritten by Ben Smith
directed by Adam Nix & Evan Nix
music by Orr Rebhun & Erica Weis

Other SpaceCast: Trace Beaulieu (A.R.T.), Neil Casey (Kent Woolworth), Eugene Cordero (Michael Newman), Joel Hodgson (Zalian Fletcher), Conor Leslie (Natasha), Bess Rous (Karen Lipinski), Karan Soni (Stewart Lipinski), Milana Vayntrub (Tina Shukshin), Sarah Baker (Alien), John Milhiser (voice of Coffee Bot), Ian O’Connor (Coffee Bot Puppeteer), Sherry O’Connor (A.R.T. Puppeteer #2)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Other Space


Other SpaceThe ship is struck by a lightning-like discharge within a nebula, which triggers emergency protocols: the bridge is sealed off, power consumption is reduced to a minimum, and Natasha is rebooted to an infantile mindset. Trapped on the bridge, Zalian introduces Stewart to an arcane means of controlling the ship – via actual tactile controls instead of a computer panel. Karen takes command below decks, only to find that her most important order – not to increase power consumption – is one that the rest of the crew seems simply unwilling to follow, regardless of the fact that powering up too many devices might blow up the ship with no warning.

Watch this at the official sitewritten by Shelby Fero
directed by Matt Sohn
music by Orr Rebhun & Erica Weis

Other SpaceCast: Trace Beaulieu (A.R.T.), Neil Casey (Kent Woolworth), Eugene Cordero (Michael Newman), Joel Hodgson (Zalian Fletcher), Conor Leslie (Natasha), Bess Rous (Karen Lipinski), Karan Soni (Stewart Lipinski), Milana Vayntrub (Tina Shukshin), Sherry O’Connor (A.R.T. Puppeteer #2)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Other Space

First Contact

Other SpaceThe universe into which the UMP Cruiser has been plunged will collide with its native universe, giving the ship and crew an opportunity to return home. Stewart is disappointed that he has nothing more than alien soil samples to bring home, until he experiences something that he’s convinced is first contact from an alien species. There’s just one problem – not one member of Stewart’s crew believes him, and even fewer of them are prepared to watch his dreams play out on a monitor to see if he’s right.

Watch this at the official sitewritten by Matteo Borghese & Rob Turbovsky
directed by Matt Sohn
music by Orr Rebhun & Erica Weis

Other SpaceCast: Trace Beaulieu (A.R.T.), Neil Casey (Kent Woolworth), Eugene Cordero (Michael Newman), Joel Hodgson (Zalian Fletcher), Conor Leslie (Natasha), Bess Rous (Karen Lipinski), Karan Soni (Stewart Lipinski), Milana Vayntrub (Tina Shukshin), Sarah Baker (Alien), Sherry O’Connor (A.R.T. Puppeteer #2)

Notes: Zalian’s mental state is finally explained (he’s kept his position aboard the ship by being the Cruiser’s unofficial drug dealer for years), and Natasha reveals that it’s been only twelve days since the ship became marooned in the other universe.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Other Space


Other SpaceThe alien with which the crew has just made contact isn’t bringing alien technology to usher in a new era of cooperation. The tear in the fabric of space and time that looms ahead won’t bring the Cruiser and its crew home to Earth. Natasha can’t have a physical body, so she can’t interact with Kent. Stewart can’t stand to let an opportunity to learn about an alien species go by, and resigns as the Cruiser’s captain, learning Karen in command. And that giant alien spaceship coming through the rift, hundreds of times bigger than the alien spaceship the crew has already seen? That just can’t be good.

Watch this at the official sitewritten by Owen Ellickson
directed by Matt Sohn
music by Orr Rebhun & Erica Weis

Other SpaceCast: Trace Beaulieu (A.R.T.), Neil Casey (Kent Woolworth), Eugene Cordero (Michael Newman), Joel Hodgson (Zalian Fletcher), Conor Leslie (Natasha), Bess Rous (Karen Lipinski), Karan Soni (Stewart Lipinski), Milana Vayntrub (Tina Shukshin), Sarah Baker (Alien), Sherry O’Connor (A.R.T. Puppeteer #2)

Notes: Intended to be a cliffhanger leading into a second season, Finale instead marked the end of Other Space’s run on the short-lived Yahoo! Screen service, a video-on-demand platform with original programming intended to compete with the likes of Netflix, Amazon and Hulu. Paul Feig has hinted that there are still possibilities for a second season, though no outlets – either broadcast or streaming – have shown any open interest in picking up Other Space.

LogBook entry by Earl Green


Kung Fury

Kung FuryImbued with ancient knowledge of the martial arts, Kung Fury is the best beat cop on the streets, but refuses to take on a new partner because of the grisly fate that met his last partner. But when Adolf Hitler travels to 1985 to claim Kung Fury’s power for himself, hoping to become the Kung Fuhrer in the process, Kung Fury decides to return the favor. With the help of the world’s greatest hacker, Kung Fury travels back in time to stop Hitler from coming to the future. But even the best beat cop on the streets will have to meet a few powerful friends – and his maker – before he can take on the leader of the Third Reich.

See it now!screenplay by David Sanderson
directed by David Sanderson
music by Mitch Murder, Lost Years, Patrick Oberg, Christoffer Ling, Highway Superstar, Betamaxx, and David Hasselhoff

Cast: David Sanderson (Kung Fury), Jorma Taccone (Adolf Hitler), Steven Chew (Dragon), Leopold Nilsson (Hackerman), Andreas Cahling (Thor), Per-Henrik Arvidius (Chief / voice of Thor), Erik Hornqvist (Triceracop), Frank Sanderson (voice of Triceracop / Cobra / Dinomite), Eleni Young (Barbarianna), Helene Ahlson (Katana), Yasmina Suhonen (voice of Katana), Magnus Betner (Colonel Reichstache), Bjorn Gustafsson (Private Lahmstache), Eos Karlsson (Red Ninja), David Hasselhoff Kung Fury(HOFF 9000), Klas Trulsson (Police Officer), Mikael Liljeholm (Police Officer), Victor Lindgren (Police Officer), Mattias Andersson (Police Officer), Martin Gardenalm (Police Officer), David Sundqvist (Police Officer), Mattias Colin (Police Officer), Niklas Bjuhr (Police Officer), Hannes Sigrell (Police Officer), Marc Stromberg (Street Thug), Sebastian Sahin (Street Thug), Robin Arvidsson (Street Thug), Tobias Drews (Nazi Experimenter), Bepper Starbrink (Nazi Experimenter), Mats Mossing (Nazi Experimenter), Anette Bergstrom (Nazi Experimenter), Julian Maroda (Boombox Dude), Jason Blalock (Arcade Dude), Hjalmar Ekstrom (Arcade Dude), Joel Dunkels (Guy with Telephone), Sandra Nendos (Boombox Girl), Emilia Bystrom (Don’t Look Back At Explosions Boombox Walker)

LogBook entry and review by Earl Green