Classic Season 1 Tomorrow People

The Vanishing Earth – Part 3

Tomorrow PeopleJohn and Carol return to their base, and are stunned to find Stephen is there, in perfectly good health, but with no memory of how he got there. Even TIM can’t remember Stephen’s return. They jaunt back to the scene of the crime, discovering that the older man who carried Stephen out of the water is a galactic policeman hunting an alien criminal named Spidron…and that, thanks to the presence of the Tomorrow People, Earth’s status as a “closed planet” off-limits to aliens has been lifted, endangering the planet.

Download this episode via Amazonwritten by Brian Finch and Roger Price
directed by Paul Bernard
music by Dudley Simpson

Tomorrow PeopleCast: Sammie Winmill (Carol), Nicholas Young (John), Peter Vaughan-Clarke (Stephen), Stephen Salmon (Kenny), Kenneth Farrington (Smithers), Michael Standing (Ginge), Derek Crewe (Lefty), Philip Gilbert (TIM), Kevin Stoney (Steen), John Woodnutt (Spidron), Nova Llewellyn (Joy)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Classic Season 1 Tomorrow People

The Vanishing Earth – Part 4

Tomorrow PeopleSpidron and Steen confront each other, though Spidron seems to make a quick getaway – if, indeed, he was ever there and not appearing in holographic form. John and the Tomorrow People ask Steen, a law enforcement officer for a galactic federation, for help in either saving Earth or evacuating some of its people to another suitable planet. Steen reveals that, with Earth’s primitive state of development, it’s not an important enough planet to merit such extraordinary measures. John, Carol and the others take it upon themselves to prove otherwise by trying to stop Spidron with all of the powers at their disposal.

Download this episode via Amazonwritten by Brian Finch and Roger Price
directed by Paul Bernard
music by Dudley Simpson

Tomorrow PeopleCast: Sammie Winmill (Carol), Nicholas Young (John), Peter Vaughan-Clarke (Stephen), Stephen Salmon (Kenny), Kenneth Farrington (Smithers), Michael Standing (Ginge), Derek Crewe (Lefty), Philip Gilbert (TIM), Kevin Stoney (Steen), John Woodnutt (Spidron), Nova Llewellyn (Joy)

Tomorrow PeopleNotes: This is the final appearance of either Carol or Kenny in the series; both actors elected to move on after the first season was produced, leaving no time for a formal farewell scene to be written. The first episode of the second season would provide an explanation for their departure while introducing new cast members.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Orson Welles' Great Mysteries

Unseen Alibi

Orson Welles' Great MysteriesInvited to London by a fashion model he only just met, American bachelor Jerry arrives at the appointed place, at the appointed time, opens the door of her apartment, and walks in. He a framed photo of a man, and then stumbles upon the corpse of the man in that photo, dead of a stab wound. In his panic, Jerry accidentally finds the murder weapon nearby, leaving his fingerprints on it. He panics and runs, only to be arrested by police waiting just outside the door of the apartment. Jerry is now the prime suspect in a murder, though he can produce no evidence or witnesses to exonerate himself. What he doesn’t know is that he’s walked innocently into an elaborate crime to be the decoy for the real killers.

Orson Welles' Great Mysteriesteleplay by Kenneth Jupp
based on a story by Bruce Graeme
directed by Mark Cullingham
theme music by John Barry

Cast: Dean Stockwell (Jerry Norton), Joss Ackland (Inspector Hud), Lewis Wilson (Police Sergeant), Raymond Skipp (Police Constable), James Ottaway (Hotel Porter), Gary Myers (Burford), Orson Welles (Narrator)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Season 1 Super Friends

The Power Pirate

Super FriendsPower failures wreak havoc around the world, and Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and superheroes-in-training Marvin and Wendy (and their faithful pet Wonder Dog) gather at the Hall of Justice to try to keep on top of all of the incidents. Everything from electrical power to steam power is likely to fail, and nearly everywhere any of the Justice League members go, the dapper Sir Cedric Cedric of Scotland Yard is already on the case, investigating the power problems for himself. Or is he? Is his presence at almost every incident a mere coincidence…and is he even who he claims to be?

story by Fred Freiberger, Bernie Kahn, Ken Rotcop, Art Weiss, Willie Gilbert, Henry Sharp, and Marshall Williams
Super Friendsdirected by Charles A. Nicholas
music by Hoyt Curtin

Cast: Sherry Alberoni (Wendy), Norman Alden (Aquaman), Danny Dark (Superman), Shannon Farnon (Wonder Woman), Casey Kasem (Robin), Ted Knight (Narrator), Olan Soule (Batman), John Stephenson (Sir Cedric Cedric / Alien), Frank Welker (Marvin / Wonder Dog)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Original Series (Animated) Season 01 Star Trek

Beyond The Farthest Star

Star Trek ClassicStardate 5221.3: Near the edge of the galaxy, a powerful gravitational force has seized the Enterprise. Sulu is able to alter the ship’s course just enough to go into orbit around the dead stellar core which is the source of the gravity, rather than crashing into it. Also in orbit is a vessel of organic origins, with a structure that indicates two things – the ship was built by insectoid beings, and those beings appear to have destroyed themselves. A log entry recorded by one of the aliens warns of the presence of a malevolent life form, prompting Kirk and his landing party to return to the Enterprise – only to discover that whatever attacked the insectoids has now beamed aboard with them.

Order the DVDswritten by Samuel A. Peeples
directed by Hal Sutherland
music by Yvette Blais & Jeff Michael

Cast: William Shatner (Captain Kirk), Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock), DeForest Kelley (Dr. McCoy), James Doohan (Mr. Scott / Alien Voice / Insectoid Captain / Transporter Chief), George Takei (Lt. Sulu), Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura), James Doohan (Lt. Arrex), Majel Barrett (Nurse Chapel)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Original Series (Animated) Season 01 Star Trek


Star Trek ClassicStardate 5373.4: A visit to the Guardian of Forever goes wrong somehow, erasing Spock from history. Though the Vulcan returns to the 23rd century along with Kirk, no one recognizes Spock, and an Andorian named Thalen is serving as the Enterprise’s first officer. Spock uses the Guardian to travel 30 years into his own past, at the point when the new timeline’s history says Spock died as a boy on Vulcan. Passing himself off as his own cousin, Spock watches as his younger self sneaks away in the night, scared to undergo a grueling rite of passage. The younger Spock is followed by I’Chiya, his aging pet sehlat, who sacrifices its life to save Spock from a predatory creature. Having saved his own life, the elder Spock now worries that the unexpected death of I’Chiya may change his future yet again.

Order the DVDswritten by D.C. Fontana
directed by Hal Sutherland
music by Yvette Blais & Jeff Michael

Star TrekCast: William Shatner (Captain Kirk), Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock), DeForest Kelley (Dr. McCoy), James Doohan (Mr. Scott / Commander Thalen / Officer #1 / Officer #2 / Alien Historian / Vulcan Healer / Guardian of Forever), George Takei (Lt. Sulu), Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura), James Doohan (Lt. Arrex), Majel Barrett (Nurse Chapel / Amanda Grayson / Historian), Mark Lenard (Sarek)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Original Series (Animated) Season 01 Star Trek

One Of Our Planets Is Missing

Star Trek ClassicStardate 5372.3: The Enterprise crew watches helplessly as an enormous cloud engulfs an entire planet, and discover that it is headed for the heavily populated planet Mantilles. The Enterprise, pursuing the cloud, is also swallowed by it. From inside the cloud, Spock determines that it is a living organism. Kirk decides that the organism must be destroyed, but Spock finds that this can only be accomplished by unleashing an enormous amount of energy which would also destroy the Enterprise. The only hope for the people of Mantilles is an unconventional mind-meld between Spock and the planet-consuming life form.

Order the DVDswritten by Marc Daniels
directed by Hal Sutherland
music by Yvette Blais & Jeff Michael

Cast: William Shatner (Captain Kirk), Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock), DeForest Kelley (Dr. McCoy), James Doohan (Mr. Scott / Lt. Arrex / Governor Wesley), George Takei (Lt. Sulu), Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura), Majel Barrett (Nurse Chapel / The Organism)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Starlost, The

Voyage Of Discovery

The StarlostAfter returning from exile as punishment for sacrelige, Devon returns to the rustic farming community of which he is a member, still bitter that he will not be permitted to marry a woman named Rachel. Devon demands a second opinion, and so the town’s preacher asks the computer system – a device which gives him direct access to his Creator, and which he refuses to question or second-guess – and it once again declares Devon an unfit genetic match for Rachel, regardless of her feelings for him. Devon refuses to stop his attempts to interrupt the impending marriage of Rachel and Garth, and is cast out from his community again. But when Devon learns that the “voice of the Creator” is actually programmed by the preacher himself, a new decree is issue: Devon must be purged from the gene pool. He ventures into a remote cave with a torch-and-pitchfork-toting mob hot on his heels – and a metallic hatch closes behind him. Devon discovers himself in an enormous chamber filled with technology the likes of which he has never seen. He stumbles across a talking console which reveals to him the truth about this place: his village is part of an agrarian biosphere, one of many biospheres clustered together to form an enormous spacefaring vessel called Earthship Ark. Constructed between the Earth and the moon and launched after a catastrophe in the year 2285, Earthship Ark’s sealed biospheres contained a representative sampling of Earth’s flora, fauna and cultures, carrying them away from their dead homeworld and seeking a solar system around a class G star, capable of supporting life.

But Devon doesn’t even know what space is, the people in his biosphere dome having reverted to a more primitive way of life (and yet one that acknowledges the prefabricated boundaries of the world, computer equipment, and other anachronisms). The machine tells him that 100 years into Earthship Ark’s multi-generational flight, an unspecified accident occurred, and the command module containing the Ark’s bridge, from which its flight was guided, was damaged; the bridge has not been heard from in over 400 years. Devon returns to his village with this knowledge, but he is branded a heretic and is sentenced to be stoned to death. Garth breaks Devon out of his prison cell on the condition that Devon should leave and not come back, but instead, Devon does the one thing that he knows will reveal the truth to the rest of his neighbors: he takes Rachel through the hatch into the Ark’s infrastructure. Only Garth is brave enough to step through, and he does so armed with a crossbow, intending to bring Rachel back by force if necessary. The three of them make their way to the bridge, finding it littered with the skeletons of the Ark’s crew. And blazing through the enormous windows in the distance ahead, they see a class G star – suitable for settling the Ark’s precious cargo of life if it has habitable planets – but there’s just one problem: the Ark is locked on a collision course for that star…and no one left alive knows how to alter that course.

Season 1 Regular Cast: Keir Dullea (Devon), Gay Rowan (Rachel), Robin Ward (Garth)

Get this season on DVDwritten by Cordwainer Bird (pseudonym for Harlan Ellison) and Norman Klenman
directed by Harvey Hart
music by Score Productions Ltd.

Guest Cast: Sterling Hayden (Jeremiah), George Sperdakos (Jubal), Gillie Fenwick (Old Abraham), William Osler (The Computer), Sean Sullivan (Rachel’s Father), Aileen Seaton (Rachel’s Mother), Jim Barron (Garth’s Father), Kay Hawtrey (Garth’s Mother), Scott Fisher (Small Boy)

Notes: The concept for The Starlost was credited to series creator “Cordwainer Bird”, a well-known pseudonym for renowned SF writer Harlan Ellison, who frequently used this nom de plume to signal to his fan following that his writing had been tampered with by producers. (At one point Ellison campaigned to have his famous Star Trek script, City On The Edge Of Forever, credited to Cordwainer Bird, and claims that Gene Roddenberry threatened to smear his name in Hollywood if he did so; afterward, Ellison included contractual provisions to have his work credited to Cordwainer Bird, and he triggered that clause on The Starlost.) The producers at Canada’s CTV network obviously had the relatively-recent 2001: a space odyssey on the brain, as Keir Dullea (2001‘s David Bowman) and 2001 special effects maestro Douglas Trumbull both worked on The Starlost.

LogBook entry & review by Earl Green

Original Series (Animated) Season 01 Star Trek

The Lorelei Signal

Star Trek ClassicStardate 5483.7: While investigating a region of space which has seen the unexplained disappearance of Federation, Romulan and Klingon ships at precise intervals, the Enterprise receives a song-like signal from the Taurean system, 20 light years away. Uhura is alarmed when Scotty, Kirk and other male officers – even Spock – are mesmerized by the musical message. Kirk leads a landing party beams to the planet of origin, but they do not return to the ship. When most of the male crew is incapacitated, Uhura and Nurse Chapel assume command of the Enterprise. On the planet, Spock makes a horrifying discovery – the female aliens hope to lure men to their world. Their male slaves will be drained of life energy, giving the women almost immortal youth. And with over half of a 430-person crew to choose from, the aliens should remain healthy for a long time…

Order the DVDswritten by Margaret Armen
directed by Hal Sutherland
music by Yvette Blais & Jeff Michael

Cast: William Shatner (Captain Kirk), Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock), DeForest Kelley (Dr. McCoy), James Doohan (Mr. Scott / Lt. Arrex / Ensign Carver), George Takei (Lt. Sulu), Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura / Female Alien / Security Officer Davidson / Computer Voice), Majel Barrett (Nurse Chapel / Thela)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Starlost, The

Lazarus From The Mist

The StarlostAs Devon, Rachel and Garth explore the unmanned bridge, the Ark’s computer alerts them to an emergency in the command medical center. When the three go to find this place, they discover something potentially even more terrifying than the Ark’s flight toward a star: they are not alone on the Ark. A group of vicious primitives attacks, accusing them of being thieves, and suddenly Devon and his friends are on the run. Garth stays behind to fend off the attackers, while Devon and Rachel find the medical center, where the computer directs them to activity in the cryonic “life suspension” chambers: several members of the Ark’s crew were cryogenically frozen and one of them is beginning to awaken. But the crewmember who is awakening, Dr. Aaron, was frozen because he had contracted a terminal disease – and it was hoped that medical science would have advanced enough to cure him in what little time he would have left upon awakening. With only two hours of life left unless he is refrozen, Dr. Aaron helps Devon and the others as best he can, but he’s only the ship’s communications engineer and can’t change the Ark’s course. And then there’s the question of making peace with the savages who roam the corridors and securing Garth’s safe return…

Get this season on DVDwritten by Douglas Hall and Don Wallace
directed by Leo Orenstein
music by Score Productions Ltd.

Guest Cast: Frank Converse (Dr. Gerald Aaron), Vivian Reis (Jane), William Osler (Computer Voice), Doug McGrath (Sergeant), Clive Endersby (1st Tube Dweller), Alan Bleviss (2nd Tube Dweller)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Original Series (Animated) Season 01 Star Trek

More Tribbles, More Trouble

Star Trek ClassicStardate 5392.4: Escorting two automated freighters to Sherman’s Planet with their precious cargo of quadrotriticale, the Enterprise is diverted when a distress signal is received from another Federation ship under Klingon attack. The sole occupant of the besieged vessel is rescued, but the Klingons destroy his ship and then turn their attention to the Enterprise. Koloth, commanding the Klingon vessel, claims that the pilot of the smaller Federation ship is wanted for the crime of introducing the ravenous (and rapidly-reproducing) tribbles to the Klingon ecosystem. When the pilot turns out to be shady trader Cyrano Jones, peddler of tribbles, Kirk wonders if Koloth doesn’t have a point. Jones left Space Station K-7 after using a tribble-munching life-form known as a glommer to clean up the station’s tribble overpopulation problem. Koloth reveals that the glommer was genetically engineered by the Klingons…and therefore Cyrano Jones could be doing real damage to the Klingon Empire.

Order the DVDswritten by David Gerrold
directed by Hal Sutherland
music by Yvette Blais & Jeff Michael

Cast: William Shatner (Captain Kirk), Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock), DeForest Kelley (Dr. McCoy), James Doohan (Mr. Scott / Lt. Arrex / Koloth), George Takei (Lt. Sulu), Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura), Majel Barrett (Nurse Chapel), David Gerrold (Korax), Stanley Adams (Cyrano Jones)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Starlost, The

The Goddess Calabra

The StarlostWhen Devon and his friends emerge into another habitat dome on the Ark, Rachel is immediately revered as an object of worship – and all three of them notice that she seems to be the only woman present. The Governor of the Omicron dome introduces himself, and assumes that Rachel’s arrival is the prophesied coming of the goddess Calabra. He also seems to assume right away that she is here to becomg his bride, so he may ascend to godhood himself (and, in so doing, permanently consolidate his position of power). His leaps of faith are not shared, however, by the Shaliff, Omicron’s spiritual leader, who realizes that Rachel is telling the truth when she claims not to be a goddess. While she is held in high esteem by the Governor, Devon and Garth realize that they’re living on borrowed time and ask the Shaliff for asylum in his temple. While taking shelter with the Shaliff and his monks, Devon realizes that the “holy texts” store in the temple are, in fact, the technical manuals of the Ark, hinting at the existence of a backup to the destroyed bridge compartment, which may still be intact. But the leave the Omicron dome with that knowledge, Devon must interrupt the wedding of Rachel and the Governor, challenging Omicron’s leader to a duel to the death.

Get this season on DVDwritten by Martin Lager
from a story by Ursula K. LeGuin
directed by Harvey Hart
music by Score Productions Ltd.

Guest Cast: John Colicos (Governor), Barry Morse (Shaliff), Dominic Hogan (Priest), Michael Kirby (Captain), George Naklowyck (Deputy), Paul Geary (Guard), William Osler (Computer Voice)

Notes: This episode’s chief guest stars both have major SF television credits to their names; John Colicos was the first actor to portray a Klingon on the original Star Trek, and a few years after his Starlost appearance would go on to play another villain, the treacherous Baltar, in the original Battlestar Galactica. Barry Morse would go on to co-star as Professor Victor Bergman in the lavish international co-production Space: 1999, and would also appear in the BBC/Universal Studios miniseries dramatization of Ray Bradbury’s Martian Chronicles. Though early plans for The Starlost called for Canadian writers to build scripts around advance science fiction concepts devised by some of the best novelists and thinkers in that field, this episode, based on a story by Ursula K. Le Guin, seems to be – aside from Harlan Ellison’s pilot – the only time in the series’ brief run that this promise was in any danger of being fulfilled.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Original Series (Animated) Season 01 Star Trek

The Survivor

Star Trek ClassicStardate 5143.3: A vessel with a single occupant sends a distress signal from the Federation side of the Romulan neutral zone. When the Enterprise beams the ship’s pilot aboard, it turns out to be famed philanthropist Carter Winston – though Dr. McCoy’s instruments disagree, not even diagnosing the patient as human. Winston visits Kirk in his quarters and suddenly transforms into a tentacled creature, knocking the captain out and assuming his physical appearance. Winston, in the shape of Kirk, instructs the crew to change course to go to a planet deep within the neutral zone – almost ensuring an entanglement with the Romulans.

Order the DVDswritten by James Schmerer
directed by Hal Sutherland
music by Yvette Blais & Jeff Michael

Cast: William Shatner (Captain Kirk / Carter Winston), Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock), DeForest Kelley (Dr. McCoy), James Doohan (Mr. Scott / Lt. Arrex / Romulan Commander), George Takei (Lt. Sulu), Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura / Lt. Anne Nored), Majel Barrett (Nurse Chapel / Lt. M’ress)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Starlost, The

The Pisces

The StarlostAn alarm wakes Devon, Rachel and Garth, and they’re stunned to see a spaceship approaching the Ark and coming in for a landing. Out of the ship, called the Pisces, steps Colonel Garoway, who, along with his two-woman crew, insists that he left the Ark only ten years ago to scout ahead for habitable worlds. But since the Pisces’ engines accelerate the tiny ship close enough to light speed that its crew experiences a time dilation effect, and contact with the Ark was lost, Garoway is unaware that hundreds of years have passed. Worse yet, there’s a side effect for Garoway and his crew: the early onset of senility. Devon hopes he can convince Garoway and his crew to help change the Ark’s course to avert its eventual collision with a star, but the crew of the Pisces has other ideas.

Get this season on DVDwritten by Norman Klenman
directed by Leo Orenstein
music by Score Productions Ltd.

Guest Cast: Lloyd Bochner (Colonel Garoway), Carol Lazare (Teale), Diana Barrington (Janice), William Osler (Computer Voice), Ted Beatie (Old Man), Lillian Graham (Old Woman), Susan Fleming (Tech)

LogBook entry by Earl Green

Pilot Movies Six Million Dollar Man

Wine, Women And War

The Six Million Dollar ManAustin has been working undercover for the OSI for some time since his original bionic implants were installed, but apparently America’s most reliable secret agent isn’t secret enough. He insists on taking a vacation, and just happens to run into a cosmonaut who he met during his NASA days, but his old “friend” is there to lure Austin in and capture him. But Austin isn’t being taken to the Soviet Union; instead, he’s being asked to help put an end to an international arms smuggling ring, dealing in nuclear weapons both American and Russian. Austin’s cosmonaut friend perishes in the fight, and if Austin wants to avoid death himself, he’ll have to outrun the shockwave of an atomic bomb.

written by Glen A. Larson
directed by Russ Mayberry
music by Stu Phillips

The Six Million Dollar ManCast: Lee Majors (Steve Austin), Richard Anderson (Oscar Goldman), Alan Oppenheimer (Dr. Rudy Wells), Britt Ekland (Katrina Volana), Eric Braeden (Arlen Findletter), Earl Holliman (Harry Donner), David McCallum (Alexi Kaslov), Michele Carey (Cynthia Holland), Lee Bergere (Masaha), Simon Scott (Captain Dawson), Dennis Rucker (First Officer Meade), George Keymas (Commander Patrol Boat), Joseph Hindy (Radar Man), Don Hanmer (Airline Passenger), Catherine Ferrar (Tamara), Bobbie Mitchell (Stewardess), John Elerick (1st Officer Briggs), Rozelle Gayle (1st Bodyguard), Bob Minor (2nd Bodyguard)

The Six Million Dollar ManNotes: So much for being set in the future: when raging against Oscar’s secrecy, Austin threatens to “kick [the OSI] so high you’ll need Skylab to get it down”…which sets The Six Million Dollar Man firmly in the present day of its production, since Skylab, the first American space station, was the focus of the American space program at the time this TV movie aired. As with the pilot, Wine, Women And War is divided into two one-hour episodes for syndication, and it is that version which appears on DVD as well.

LogBook entry by Earl Green