On the eve of his wedding anniversary, Mattocks becomes obsessed – thanks in no small part to his crewmates egging him on – with talking to his wife, which would end a months-long ban on the crew receiving news of their families and personal lives left behind on Earth. When Ackroyd receives word that his divorce has been finalized, Mattocks begins worrying about the state of his marriage since he’s been in orbit.
written by Graeme Garden and Bill Oddie
directed by Dick Clement
Cast: Christopher Godwin (Mattocks), Carmen Du Sautoy (Foster), Barrie Rutter (Ackroyd), Bruce Boa (Beadle), Mary Healey (Valerie), and Bimbo (himself)
Notes: This episode states that Mattocks and the others have been in space for four months.
LogBook entry by Earl Green