Original Series Season 01 Star Trek

Balance Of Terror

Star Trek ClassicStardate 1709.1: Responding to distress calls from border outposts along the Neutral Zone between the Federation and the Romulan Star Empire, Kirk and the crew receive a final message from a Federation station reporting an attack from an invisible ship. Before the station is destroyed, it sends the Enterprise a brief view of the attacking vessel – a streamlined fighter which appears for a second when it fires. Hurrying to the scene, the Enterprise engages in battle with a Romulan Bird of Prey, armed with a cloaking device and commanded by a battle-scarred and tired commander whose crew is more eager to go into combat than he is. The Romulans, to the Enterprise crew’s amazement, bear a stunning resemblance to Vulcans, which arouses suspicion in some, including Lt. Styles, whose father died in a battle with the Romulans years ago. But as long as the Romulan ship can remain invisible, the Enterprise is at a disadvantage.

Order this episode on DVDDownload this episode via Amazon's Unboxwritten by Paul Schneider
directed by Vincent McEveety
music by Fred Steiner

Cast: William Shatner (Captain James T. Kirk), Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock), DeForest Kelley (Dr. Leonard McCoy), James Doohan (Mr. Scott), George Takei (Lt. Sulu), Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura), Mark Lenard (Romulan Commander), Paul Comi (Styles), Lawrence Montaigne (Decius), Grace Lee Whitney (Yeoman Rand), Stephen Mines (Lt. Tomlinson), Barbara Baldavin (Angela), Garry Walberg (Hansen), John Warburton (The Centurion)

Note: The unusual similarities between Vulcans and Romulans are finally addressed in 1991 in the Next Generation Unification two-parter, in which Spock, in his 120s or older, traveled to Romulus to investigate resuming relations between the Vulcans and Romulans.

LogBook entry by Earl Green

1954-75: Showa Series Godzilla

Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster

GodzillaRyota is sent by his mother to look for his missing brother, Yata, who has been lost a sea and given up for dead. Ryota meets Nita and Inchino, and convinces the two men take him to the boat docks several miles away. On a boat, they find another man, Yoshimura, who tells them they can stay overnight but must leave in the morning. In the morning, Ryota sails the boat out to sea hours before the others awaken. Listening to the radio, the three young men realize the older man is a thief who had robbed an export company of several million yen.

Days later they encounter strange cloud formations and a massive storm breaks out. The boat is tossed to and fro by the angry seas. The four are thrown overboard as a giant claw smashes the boat to pieces. They wash up on a remote island, and begin to explore their surroundings.

They spot a ship entering the bay, spewing a mysterious yellow gas. The ship docks at a fully equipped marina, and begins to unload it’s cargo, including several captives, apparently from nearby Pacific islands. Two of the captives find an outrigger canoe nearby and try to escape a secret military force. But they are intercepted and killed by Ebirah, a giant lobster-like creature, and the owner of the claw seen by the four men. A female captive slips away into the jungle and stumbles into the four men. The five barely escape being captured and enter a cave as a storm breaks out. The female captive, Dayo reveals she is from Infant Island, the home of Mothra, and that Yata is on the island. She tells the men many of the residents of Infant Island are being enslaved by the terrorist organization Red Bamboo, and Ebirah prevents their escape but Mothra is sleeping and cannot rescue them. The five later discover a sleeping Godzilla.

The five sneak into the Red Bamboo military compound. There, they find a fully equipped arsenal and make off with several smoke bombs. They also find out the Red Bamboo is making heavy water for the manufacture of nuclear weapons. The five are discovered by the terrorists’ security officer, but manage to escape using the smoke bombs. Outside the buildings one of the men, Nita, is captured, but Ryota escapes in an observation balloon.

Dayo, Yoshimura, and the other man return to the cave where Godzilla lies sleeping. Nita is thrown in with the captives from Infant Island, who are making the yellow liquid, which is sprayed from the Red Bamboo’s ships as an Ebirah-repellent.

Ryota floats to Infant Island and finds his brother. On the other island, they decide to shove a lightning rod into Godzilla in hopes of waking him to cover up their escape while the King of the Monsters hopefully destroys the heavy water plant. Nita convinces the captives to pour away the yellow liquid and make a fake batch. A fierce storm rolls in as Ryota and Yata approach the island after several days of rowing. Ebirah smashes their canoe, but they swim to shore.

The lightning from the storm shocks Godzilla awake. Godzilla, on the shore, and Ebirah, in the bay, volley a boulder back and forth several times before Ebirah tosses it nonchalantly into the island, smashing a guard tower. Godzilla and the giant lobster wrestle in the water for a time before Ebirah slinks away.

Dayo, Yoshimura, and the other man have been setting traps to aid their escape. As they begin setting more traps, Ryota and Yata are caught in one and need to be cut down. The five of them make their way to the Red Bamboo compound. As they consider plans to free the captives from Infant Island, they are spotted by the terrorists who chase them back into the jungle. They are all chased away by Godzilla. Dayo, however, gets left behind. Godzilla, though, seems intrigued with the beauty from Infant Island. Dayo tries to slip away as Godzilla naps, but a giant condor awakens Godzilla, who dispatches the condor with his nuclear breath. Suddenly, a group of Red Bamboo fighter jets attack the Godzilla, but he easily destroys them. Dayo is reunited with the others.

Hundreds of thousands of volts sent through high power lines manage to keep Godzilla from entering the compound. He kicks and stomps around the facility, and throws boulders inside, eventually causing the electricity to fail. The commander of the Red Bamboo orders the nuclear bomb to be set to self destruct. Several Red Bamboo soldiers retrieve the yellow liquid as they prepare to evacuate, not realizing it’s the bogus batch. Yoshimura uses his safecracking skills to free the captives, and they run past Godzilla who is continuing the smash the compound. A ship carrying the fleeing Red Bamboo leaves the harbor, spraying the bogus Ebirah-repellant. Ebirah just smashes the ship, killing all aboard. Godzilla heads to the harbor to finish his battle with the giant lobster.

Meanwhile, the now-freed captives are making a giant net and chanting to awaken Mothra as their friends on Infant Island perform a ceremonial dance in front of the giant moth. Mothra awakens as Godzilla and Ebirah continue their battle underwater. The timer on the nuclear bomb continues to tick away.

As Mothra flies to the island, Godzilla rips the claws off Ebirah, who swims away, likely mortally wounded. Mothra arrives and the captives gather into the net. Godzilla moves onshore and uses his nuclear breath. Mothra protects the escapees by beating her huge wings to create a giant wind, and then pushes Godzilla over. She picks up the net and they fly off. Because he helped them escape, the humans yell at Godzilla, urging him to run away. He leaps into the ocean moments before the nuclear bomb explodes.

The threat from the Red Bamboo, however, may not have been eliminated…

screenplay by Shinichi Sekizawa
directed by Jun Fukuda
music by Mararu Sato

Human Cast: Akira Takarada (Yoshimura), Kumi Mizuno (Dayo), Akihiko Hirata (Captain Yamata), Jun Tazaki (Red Bamboo Commander)

Monster Cast: Godzilla, Ebirah, Mothra, Giant Condor

Notes: This was originally released in Japan as Godzilla vs. Ebirah, Horror of the Deep. There have been suggestions that this was originally to have been a King Kong movie, but Toho couldn’t secure the rights. There have been no further documented incidents involving the Red Bamboo terrorist organization. So far.

LogBook entry by Robert Parson

Classic Season 04 Doctor Who

The Highlanders

Doctor WhoThe TARDIS arrives in Scotland, 1745, plunging the Doctor, Ben and Polly into the aftermath of the battle of Culloden. They encounter some fleeing Scots who are trying to escape the Redcoats with their injured Laird in tow. The Doctor tends to the Laird’s injuries, despite the suspicions of the others. However, his aid comes too late – the entire group is captured by English soldiers. Polly befriends a woman named Kirsty, and they manage to stay on dry land while the men are hauled off to a ship. Englishman Trask plans to take the captives to be sold into slave labor, including Ben and piper Jamie McCrimmon. But when Polly is fighting to protect herself in an era which isn’t even remotely emancipated for women, and Ben is sentenced to death as an object lesson to keep his fellow prisoners in line, where is the Doctor?

Order this story on audio CDwritten by Gerry Davis and Elwyn Jones
directed by Hugh David
music not credited

Guest Cast: William Dysart (Alexander), Donald Bisset (Colin McLaren), Hannah Gordon (Kristy), Michael Elwyn (Ffinch), Peter Welch (Sergeant), David Garth (Gray), Sydney Arnold (Perkins), Tom Bowman (Sentry), Dallas Cavell (Trask), Barbara Bruce (Mollie), Andrew Downie (MacKay), Peter Diamond (Sailor), Guy Middleton (Attwood), Eric Mills (Wounded Highlander), Nancy Gabriel (Woman at inn), Reg Dent (English horseman)

Broadcast from December 17, 1966 through January 7, 1967

Note: The master tapes of this episode were destroyed by the BBC in the early 1970’s, and no video copies exist.

LogBook entry & review by Earl Green

Original Series Season 01 Star Trek

Shore Leave

Star Trek ClassicStardate 3025.3: McCoy recommends a layover so the crew can rest from the constant strain of nonstop duty, and an earthlike but apparently uninhabited planet provides a perfect opportunity for shore leave, but when odd things begin happening on the surface, Kirk becomes suspicious. McCoy, after telling Sulu that the planet is like a setting from “Alice in Wonderland,” spots a large rabbit followed by Alice herself. Kirk runs into his old nemesis, Academy prankster Finnegan, while Sulu discovers a police revolver that he doesn’t have in his ancient firearms collection and later runs into a Samurai warrior. Mysterious tracking devices follow the crew’s actions and thoughts, and whatever they happen to be thinking of seems to become real – even if it’s a deadly threat, as McCoy discovers.

Order this episode on DVDDownload this episode via Amazon's Unboxwritten by Theodore Sturgeon
directed by Robert Sparr
music by Gerald Fried

Cast: William Shatner (Captain James T. Kirk), Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock), DeForest Kelley (Dr. Leonard McCoy), James Doohan (Mr. Scott), George Takei (Lt. Sulu), Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura), Emily Banks (Tonia Barrows), Oliver McGowan (Caretaker), Perry Lopez (Rodriguez), Bruce Mars (Finnegan), Barbara Baldavin (Angela), Marcia Brown (Alice), Sebastian Tom (Warrior), Shirley Bonne (Ruth)

LogBook entry by Earl Green