Volcano Of The Bleeding Skies
Though the twins sleep through the attempt on their lives thanks to the timely intervention of the mysterious Mr. Jones, there’s plenty of evidence of the attack by the first light of morning: their uncle’s garden is coated with a thick, slimy substance. Aunt Noeline and Ricky take Rachel and Theo into Auckland to see Rangitoto and the other sights from an observation area near Mt. Eden. Rachel spots more of the unusual slime within Mt. Eden’s grassy crater, and when the twins venture into it, they hear a static-like sound that apparently no one else can hear. They also hear something else: the voice of Mr. Jones, warning them to climb back out of the crater immediately. Later, Rachel visits a library to learn more about volcanoes in general and Rangitoto in particular, and sees Mr. Jones there, warning her to stay away from Rangitoto. Unfortunately, that’s precisely where Theo is headed, alone in a boat.
screenplay by Ken Catran
based on the novel by Maurice Gee
directed by Chris Bailey
music by Bernie Allen
Cast: Kirsty Wilkinson (Rachel), Lance Warren (Theo), Roy Leywood (Mr. Jones), Bill Johnson (Mr. Wilberforce), Bill Ewens (Ricky), Glynis McNicoll (Aunt Noeline), Noel Trevarthen (Uncle Clarry), Maggie Maxwell (Librarian)
Notes: The episode’s title refers to the literal Maori translation of Rangitoto: “sky blood.” The grassy crater into which the twins descend (and then rush out of again at the urging of Mr. Jones) is Mt. Eden, the highest natural vantage point in Auckland, and an extinct volcano in its own right, with its last eruption occurring over 20,000 years ago. Its bowl-like crater is a little over 150 feet deep.
LogBook entry by Earl Green