In The Grand Theme Of Things

In The Grand Theme Of Things was a soundtrack music “mixtape” podcast that I produced on an occasional, as-time-allows basis between 2014 and 2018 (and a one-off comeback edition in 2020). It grouped edited suites of soundtrack music by theme. This might seem to be the laziest possible podcast – I mean, you’re just playing music, right? – except that I put quite a bit of time into the editing of the suites. Indeed, many suites were edited for future shows that were never made, some of them really good ones.

The inherent copyright issues with such a show were greeted with curiosity by a soundtrack label or two, and with bared teeth by others, which is one of the primary reasons this podcast went away. Other than that, I always really enjoyed putting it together, sharing my love of film, TV and game scores with listeners, and hopefully opening a few ears to new sounds they might have missed. It’s a podcast concept I think could still work. Someone else has probably already taken it and run with it.

In the meantime, enjoy what was made, archived here for your listening pleasure.

Season 1

  1. Space: Real & Imagined, Part 1 (August 21, 2014)
  2. The Post-Apocalyptic ’70s, Part 1 (August 28, 2014)
  3. Tales Of The Blaster Beam I: The Beam In Space (September 4, 2014)
  4. Space: Real & Imagined, Part 2 (September 11, 2014)
  5. Tales Of The Blaster Beam II: The Beam Of Fear (September 18, 2014)
  6. The Post-Apocalyptic ’70s, Part 2 (September 25, 2014)
  7. Gatchamania!, Part 1 (October 2, 2014)
  8. Scenes From An Arcade, Part 1 (October 9, 2014)
  9. Tales Of The Blaster Beam III: Beam Obscura (October 16, 2014)
  10. Night Of The Theremin, Part 1 (October 23, 2014)
  11. Night Of The Theremin, Part 2 (October 30, 2014)
  12. Gatchamania!, Part 2 (November 6, 2014)
  13. Scenes From An Arcade, Part 2 (November 13, 2014)
  14. Who At Fifty (November 20, 2014)
  15. Off The Grid (November 25, 2014)
  16. Rated PG: The Film Music Of Peter Gabriel (December 4, 2014)
  17. Trek Yourself, Part 1 (December 11, 2014)
  18. Christmas On A Musical Planet, Part 1 (December 18, 2014)
  19. Christmas On A Musical Planet, Part 2 (December 24, 2014)
  20. Dubstepisode! (January 2, 2015)
  21. Marvelous 2014 (January 10, 2015)
  22. Finns On Film (January 17, 2015)
  23. A Tune Off The Ol’ Chip (January 22, 2015)
  24. Amazing Music For Outer Space Robots (January 29, 2015)
  25. Who At 51 (February 7, 2015)
  26. EF-5…Thousand! (March 24, 2015)
  27. Songs Of The Thinkers (April 4, 2015)

Season 2

  1. Cometh The Hour, Cometh The Pac-Man (March 27, 2016)
  2. Amazing Discoveries In Anction Rock (April 21, 2016)
  3. Songs Of Icy Worlds (May 20, 2016)
  4. Don’t Panic: The Worlds Of Douglas Adams (June 21, 2016)
  5. Hey Jupiter (July 4, 2016)
  6. Songs of Muad’dib: Tunes from Dune (July 22, 2016)
  7. Stranger Things Have, In Fact, Happened (August 4, 2016)
  8. Tales Of The Blaster Beam IV (August 19, 2016)
  9. Trek At 50: The Fan Films (September 7, 2016)
  10. DIIIIIIIIIIVE! (September 26, 2016)
  11. Radio Free MST3K (October 9, 2016)
  12. Slimed! (October 27, 2016)
  13. Wars Without Williams (November 25, 2016)

Season 3 and Beyond

  1. Black Armband Week at NASA (January 21, 2017)
  2. Comet Gazing (February 20, 2017)
  3. Get Your Ass To Mars (April 1, 2018)
  4. Radio Free MST3K, Volume 2 (September 8, 2018)
  5. The House That Stan Built (December 31, 2018)
  6. Forward Motion (December 22, 2020)