Check this out. This is the sort of thing I wish I could say I had put together.
Stardust from PostPanic on Vimeo.
PostPanic director Mischa Rozema’s new short film, Stardust, is a story about Voyager 1 (the unmanned spacecraft launched in 1977 to explore the outer solar system). The probe is the furthest man-made object from the sun and witnesses unimaginable beauty and destruction. The film was triggered by the death of Dutch graphic designer Arjan Groot, who died aged 39 on 16th July 2011 from cancer.
Nicely done, gang. Just beautiful. Four minutes of pure poetry.
Very minor detail: in real life, the Voyager probes have their large dish antennae pointed back toward Earth, not pointing forward in the direction of travel. Don’t let that get in the way of enjoying the work and feeling put into this, though.… Read more