Critters Home Base

Preparations B.

While working on moving stuff around and hooking it back up today, and realizing that the Doctor Who pinball backglass wasn’t going to be able to adorn the window anymore, I decided I’d like some real live sunlight in the room. This turned out to be a very popular move with my household helpers.
Earl's game room
Olivia seems especially happy with the prospect of being able to sit on top of the computers and watch the bird’s nest that’s been built in the brush that pretty much covers the window. (It’s an interesting privacy screen, but it’s really just a case of me needing to get out from behind the computer and get outside and suck up some allergens to cut it all down. On the flipside, I could always just tell people that my game room is on Kashyyyk.)
Earl's game room
God only knows what the bird were thinking. 😆 … Read more


Casual Friday

It’s casual Friday here at Casa Green, and everybody is in a hurry to do absolutely nothin’.
Othello’s asleep in the fuzebox:
Othello in the fuzebox
Olivia’s decided that the dining room table is a fine place for a cat (I have to respectfully but firmly disagree):
Olivia on the dining room table
Xena’s going to sit out the stormy weather while Olivia henceforth decides that playing with an 80+ pound dog’s feet is a fine place for a cat:
Xena and Olivia
Me? I’m ready for a day where I can sleep the hell in.
Oh, and a memo to these people whose house I saw from the parking lot at work this morning:
It's Christmasween!
For pete’s sake, wait until Thanksgiving or something!! 🙄… Read more