Half Again As Much

Half Again As MuchHalf Again As Much is another CD-R of direct output from a Sony Playstation running MTV Music Generator (see Creations 2000 notes). With the bulk of it being geared toward horse videos for the family farm, again a lot of the tracks are named after specific horses.

As I was getting much more comfortable with Music Generator, to the tune of spending several hours a week with it, I was also having more fun cranking out tunes that were unabashedly funky and upbeat.

Dreams In Velvet
There were some vocal samples in Music Generator that I could seldom get to sound good, but this track is a very nice exception to that rule.

Hank Takes It To The Bank

That Flashy Mare

Maverick’s Moves

Hannah Dreams Of Running

Chief Chugs Along

Fiddygibber Rock!
This was another “I Got Yer Alien Ear Right Here” piece, complete with some really weird instrumentation. Despite the track title, this wasn’t intended for any specific Jump Cut City project.

Several of these tracks were reused on the Phosphor Dot Fossils DVDs. The CD was named “Half Again As Much” because I was having to come up with different “cutdowns” (lengths) of the same tune, almost like I was putting it together for a commercial music library. There was more stuff on this CD, but really only half as many new compositions.

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