Yay TV
Teevee news: getting to the heart of what’s really troubling the average American these days.
Teevee news: getting to the heart of what’s really troubling the average American these days.
One of the things I do at work is to “prep” and check shows that will air later that night, the next day, etc. etc.; I also have other duties that occasionally mean I have to stop that task in its tracks and come back to it minutes later (or longer). If something urgent happens, I don’t even look at where I stop – I’ll just have to figure it out later. And when I come back to it later, it’s still sitting in the middle of the show I was working on, and I see something like this.
Susie’s picked Door #3! Dr. Oz, tell her what she’s won! … Read more
Hi, Friday, I’m glad you came. Sit down, let’s have a talk. … Read more
War stories from the end of locally-owned radio. The goofiest radio commercials you’ve ever heard. Highly unprofessional and inadvisable behavior. Plus special appearances by little E and the Devil. 😯
Listen here:
Right-click here and “save as” to save to your hard drive or MP3 player; leave feedback with this post or in the forums.… Read more
…remember this post about the weird dream? … Read more
This was originally part of my previous post, but on going back and re-reading that post, I thought maybe it’d be a tasteful thing to split the two topics apart.
As I’ve got a funeral to attend on April 10th, I’m obviously not going to Oklahoma City for the OEGE (Oklahoma Electronic Gaming Expo) show on the same day, which I had been planning on doing. As an admittedly slightly weak way of compensating for that, I’ve revived the Christmas special pricing – and the amusingly Christmas-y graphics! – on my documentary DVDs; the special ordering page can be found here. Feel free to spread that link around anywhere you think it might be welcome and relevant (i.e. don’t spam the world with it). These bundles are actually a hell of a price break on these if you’re looking to get the whole collection(s) in one short, sharp shot.
At this point I’m uncertain if I’ll be able to make it to CGE in July/August or not. I put in for the time off from work months ago, but still haven’t heard back on that request. Given the recent string of bad luck at home, not the least of which is an entire heating/air conditioning unit which has to be completely replaced, and my wife replacing the car she wrecked in January with a similar car that, ahem, Needs A Little Work, I’m just not sure that funds can be freed up for something as relatively “frivolous” as CGE. Sales of the existing DVDs haven’t been spectacular for several months. One might think “Hey, taking a chance on shooting material for a new DVD will result in a new product that everyone’ll want to buy,” but given the relatively low adoption rate of the CGE ’03 and ’05 DVDs (neither of which has been out for a full year), I’m not sure I can afford a blind gamble on going in the hopes that a new CGE DVD would sell. I’m also still waiting to hear back on whether or not I have a machine on which I could theoretically edit a new DVD project; I may not have gotten out of that incident as unscathed as I thought. (While I’m at it, let me give a huge shout-out to Karl Luedke for sending me a new power supply for the aforementioned editing system; I’m biting my nails and hoping that’s the only thing that needs replacing.)
Everyone take lotsa pics at OEGE this weekend. Oh, and tell Ralph Baer I said hi. For the record, the inventor of home video games remains awesome, and I heartily recommend going to see his presentation via Skype at the show.… Read more
A pretty-much-complete portion of the Doctor Who video mashup project I’m working on can be seen here. Fun stuff!
What’s even more awesome than that is this… too bad I can’t afford one, but man, that’s awesome. Just a wee bit more detail than the last one of these that we had…… Read more
If you’re not a Doctor Who fan, you may as well skip this entry – it’ll only make you crazy. Or it might make you a fan. Which may or may not be the same thing. … Read more
Sometime back I threw together a fun little video mash-up celebrating the entire history of a certain long-lived, apparently-indestructible sci-fi series in the space of 35 minutes. I briefly posted it to the web and a few folks seemed to really enjoy it. Now I just happen to be working on a new version, completely from scratch. … Read more