...And Little E Makes 3 Should We Talk About The Weather?

The end of a week

Was anyone watching the live coverage of the ‘Bama/Mississippi game tonight when the tornado slid right past the stadium? That was fun. I think that was a very, very, very, very close call – a thin line between a basketball game and an Irwin Allen disaster flick. And that’s not something I say very often. (The Hogs beating Vandy wasn’t bad either, but hey, let’s put our cards on the table – it didn’t have God kicking the crap out of the building in overtime. That’s excitement. Trust me, I’ve been to see the stage musical and gotten autographs.) Hopefully the folks I know in/around Atlanta like Dire51 and Atarigirl are OK.

Sorry for the lack of baby pix lately – I actually got ready to take some today, but the little guy kept urping on himself. He went through no fewer than six outfits today.

There’s more to tell, but there’s also a weatherman on TV talking about rotating thunderstorms heading kinda like toward-my-house so maybe I better go. 😯… Read more

...And Little E Makes 3 Should We Talk About The Weather?

Snow job

Don't go in the snow - you might get stepped onBear with me through this post. I promise that if you can stick it out – or if you just want to scroll down – I’ll show you the cutest baby picture ever.

We could be in for 2-4+ inches of snow – no big deal, I’ve lived in Wisconsin. Just remember what I said a while back about Arkansas’ three snowplows. As such, I went tonight to stock up on my diet soft drink of choice and – this is the part my wife can’t figure out – ice cream. Specifically, chocolate peanut butter ice cream, or as I’ve been known to call it, sex on a spoon. This is a strange habit I picked up while living in Wisconsin, but as odd as it sounds, ice cream is a wintertime snack to me. Most people in the south regard it as strictly summer fare, but not I. Not that I’d kick anyone out of bed for bringing me ice cream in the summer months either, mind you.

Before anyone reminds me that chocolate peanut butter ice cream hasn’t officially been recognized as its own food group anywhere except for within the confines of my skull, I have been getting better at the veggie preparation side of my meal-making. That probably rates a big “so what?”, but I’ve never been especially good with veggies. Especially that whole bit about them not tasting as good as the ice cream – I have trouble with that from time to time.

Not much else to report lately. I’m just battening down the hatches and enjoying the company of the little “E”, even though he does fidget around so much at feeding time that it’s like trying to keep a bottle in Stevie Wonder’s mouth while he sits on top of an oscillating fan. (Aha, someone else who doesn’t like what I make for them! Hmmmm…I sense a pattern developing.)

And now, since you demanded it, the cutest baby picture ever. … Read more

...And Little E Makes 3 Should We Talk About The Weather?

Ice, ice, baby.

I was trying to explain to someone out of state recently the challenges of winter weather as it pertains to living in the boonies in Arkansas. I told him it was probably an exaggeration, but it seems like there are only three snowplows in the state, and if you’re not the Governor or the Chancellor of the U of A, you’re going to be waiting a while for that third one. Like I said, a slight exaggeration. Or…maybe not so much.

We’re getting freezing rain and sleet dumped on us right now, and as we’re in that little rural county north of Fort Smith, that means we’re pretty much SOL. I live in a very off-the-beaten-path location on the side of a mountain, so there’s no getting out of the house tomorrow unless you’re the dog. I was driving home from a grocery run tonight, getting essential supplies for all of us before we got socked in, and on my way home the bridges were already bad enough that I almost deposited Jan’s vehicle, full of groceries and myself, off a bridge and into a creek. That wouldn’t have been good. Fortunately I kept it on the road, though not exactly gracefully, and got home…and so here we all stay tomorrow.

Fortunately, I get to hang out in the room full of warm rope lights and a video editing system that practically heats this side of the house. And I get to hang out there with this guy:


…who is blissfully unaware of what’s going on outside as he hides behind that little gadget on the tray table of his swinging chair. As long as ice doesn’t accumulate on power lines, I think we’ll just keep it that way.… Read more

...And Little E Makes 3 Should We Talk About The Weather?

Goin’ to the grandparents

A veritable multimedia feast for you here tonight, as we get Evan ready for a trip to his grandparents’ house a few minutes away.

Evan's going over the river and through the woods
All decked out. On an average day, Evan is much better dressed than his daddy is.

Evan's going over the river and through the woods
This outfit is Mr. Flibble-approved.

Evan's going over the river and through the woods
Dear Evan: please file this “doggy hat” photo under “things Dad never would have dressed you in”. Love, Dad.

And a little audio clip, taken by sticking my camera in the windowsill in Evan’s bedroom. Keep in mind, we’ve got a nice thick blanket tacked up over the window, and it’s kept the room nice and toasty, but the wind is blowing so hard here (still!) that this is just what you hear while sitting there:

Good thing that Daddy’s bed is next to that window, while Evan’s crib is all the way on the opposite wall. Still, we both have snotty noses today.… Read more

Funny Stuff Should We Talk About The Weather? Toiling In The Pixel Mines

Wind and/or wuthering

Man, the wind blew last night. Right out of the north too, which means “right into the window of Evan’s room, which leaks air like it’s barely there.” I tacked up a blanket across the window, so the cold air didn’t reach him (his crib is by the door, and more importantly, by the central heat/air vent over the door, which was keeping him nice and toasty), but the bed I’ve been sleeping in there during my “overnight baby shift” is right under the window, so…yeah, I got a bit cold. Even my cats didn’t stick around. Draft dodgers!

After reading Flack’s tale of attrition by pizza, I was instantly reminded of my first TV job, and the fact that I had only part of one night’s training. Bearing in mind that I had been working in radio for about 4 years at that point, I think it was probably a big help that I had basic theory of timing out commercial breaks, etc., down…but still, it came as a surprise to me when, about four hours into my shift, she announced that it looked like I had it all figured out, and that she was going to leave and go hang out with her boyfriend. She also made it clear that she wasn’t going to come back to check on my work, or for that matter come back at all. She was quitting on the spot.

I finished out that shift to the best of my ability, without any major issues. Needless to say, the next Saturday night, I was working that shift instead of her.

The funny thing is, several years later at another local gig, I ran into someone who shall remain nameless who was apparently the person with whom she went to hang out after leaving me to my fate. We had a little laugh about that and said that the last time he saw her, she’d said the same thing – which came as a bit of a surprise, since he thought he was her boyfriend. My only reply to that was “Well, I guess she’d finished training you.”

It’s strange how well that joke didn’t go over at the time, but I still think it was funny.… Read more

Critters Gadgetology Home Base Should We Talk About The Weather? Television & Movies

Of dogs, storms, and really amateurish artwork

We had a pretty loud storm tonight, but there was more fanfare about it on TV than there was actual storm. (It had raised all kinds of hell in Tulsa, though, so it was worth at least watching the TV coverage to keep an eye on it.) One big clap of thunder woke Evan up. This was also one of the first times in months that Xena came into the house. I’ve gotten to where I let her sit out rainstorms out on the side deck, but when we’re talking hail and worse, yeah, I’m a softie, the dog gets to come in. Naturally, she crashed out, Olivia played with her tail, Obi slept next to her, and she stood guard over Evan. Everybody loves the little guy.

Today was one of those days where I just didn’t have the brainpower to do anything useful, and was leaving the Avid powered down for the whole day (the first tornado watch was popped on us before noon), so I did a little bit of just-for-the-sheer-heck of it design work, and joined the ranks of those who do fan-made Doctor Who DVD covers. Rather than do the 37th cover for some well-known episode that hasn’t even officially been released yet, however, or a “fantasy football” cover for a lost story, I decided to go way off the beaten path: I thought I’d do a DVD cover for a fan film. I altered the basic template a bit and added the now-standard “From the world of BBC-TV’s Doctor Who…” wording that accompanies spinoff productions like Big Finish’s Dalek Empire audios, and came up with this:

Daemos Rising DVD cover

(You can download the full-res printable version here. The nifty 3-D mockup abo0ve was generated by an insanely useful program called Imandix Cover, which you can download free here.) While I’m happy with the intent of the artwork, the actual execution is just a bit crap – since it was all done with screencaps from the DVD itself, the main artwork, when you look at it really close up, is very pixellated. Still, I’d like to think I wasn’t a zillion miles off stylistically; I’ve posted it to the forums at Outpost Gallifrey, where I’m sure that my assessment of “crap” may be confirmed very quickly. 😆 But not to be dissuaded, I’m already working on another cover, this time for a series of irreverent “I Love The ’80s”-style documentary segments that aired in 2003. So if I want to burn these to DVD, I can put a cover on the DVD that’ll look something like:

Who @ 40 Weekend DVD cover

I tried to be a little more…well…artistic with this one. K-9 and the time vortex are screen grabs, while the TARDIS is a 3-D model that I rendered myself. I’d like to tackle Shakedown: Return Of The Sontarans soon, just because…well…it’d be kinda relevant at the moment. 😉 For giggles, I ran my old Countdown To Looking Glass cover through Imandix, which didn’t like the dimensions and chopped some of the artwork off:

Countdown To Looking Glass DVD cover

…oops. Guess I need to take that one back to the drawing board before I go too far into Who territory. Though ironically, I still like the CTLG artwork better than either of the Who pieces.

Also on my to-do list: an official Doctor Who DVD cover for Olivia vs. the Dalek. 😆… Read more