Serious Stuff

Friend, foe or fan?

If you run, enjoy or just hang out at any kind of fansite, you might ought to pay attention to this legal case. I’ve got some plans to do a book later this year with material from theLogBook, and you better believe I’m watching this one very, very closely.

While I respect Ms. Rowling as the creator of all things Potter (and feel that the author of the other book perhaps could’ve done more to acknowledge her as such), this case is waltzing right into very dangerous territory. Intellectual property owners seem to spend an awful lot of time catering to superfans (or readers of superfans’ sites – let’s use as an example), and cutting that particular cultural phenomenon off at the knees would have a worse effect than Paramount setting its internet phasers on Cease & Desist 12 or so years ago – mainly becuase back then, the ‘net was still more or less a curiosity, and now it’s practically another substratus of the world community. Fans will organize and rally against it.

Now, the flipside, to be fair: I’ve been in a copyright lawsuit (as the plantiff, no less), and my understanding of the law is that you’re on pretty stable ground so long as you bring your own scholarship and your own critical analysis to the table in a “derivative work”. A dictionary that probably leans very heavily on someone else’s written work is very likely not on that same stable ground. A book analyzing and critiquing the Harry Potter series would stand a better chance.

But when even the judge is urging everyone to settle? I don’t think anyone’s in any doubt that this case is wading into a minefield.… Read more

Gadgetology Serious Stuff

Fun facts about Alltel and consumer deception.

I'm kinda mad right nowSo my wife got a new Samsung Hue phone from Alltel – nice little gadget, bluetooth, camera, the whole works, and pretty cheap too. I was even thinking about seeing if father’s day might come a little bit early this year after seeing it in action. 😆 The one hiccup she’d really had with it was when she tried to pair her bluetooth headset to it – she couldn’t ever get the two devices talking to each other, and had to go back to the store to do it, where one of their sales/service people took the phone and the headset behind closed doors and got them to work. That really should’ve been a red flag right there.

She wanted me to put the slideshow of Evan pics on there that we’ve both had on our Nokia phones for ages; this was basically an animated GIF that cycles through numerous pictures of the little guy from the day he was born up to the latest round of professional pictures we’ve had taken of him. With the Nokia phones, I was able to just bluetooth the GIF across and be done with it; this also accounted for the bizarre collection of ringtones that both of our phones sported, everything from the Lexx theme to Katamari music to the haunting Torgo theme to Starcon 2 tunes to a gob of ELO MIDI ringtones (don’t ask me how that happened).

Anyway, I couldn’t just send the files across to her new phone via bluetooth. After going through the documentation (custom printed for Alltel) and finding them extremely, almost suspiciously lacking in information about the use of the bluetooth feature, I did a little bit of digging around online and that quickly got my blood boiling. Here’s the deal: Alltel cripples OBEX file transfer on the Samsung Hue phones. You can’t use it. Only they can, on their premises. They’d rather charge you extra for a USB cable and their proprietary software, when in fact neither of the above should be necessary. They don’t want you to bluetooth your own MIDI files to your own phone in your own home. They don’t make money that way. They make money by you buying ringtones, etc. through their store, or through their affiliates who give Alltel a kickback to thank them for letting them sell to Alltel’s customers. They don’t want me beaming a few MIDI files across from my computer.

Via a member of the family, we actually have the ear of one of Alltel’s VPs, so we tried to play the old nepotism card, a phone call which yielded another very interesting fact: Alltel only sells one phone with all the features unlocked, and that’s the Motorola Razr. So hey, if you’ve got one of these unweildly, non-user-friendly bricks, there’s finally a perk in it for you. Yay for you!

In a few minutes we’ll be going to pay them a visit at the store where the phone was bought, point out that we were looking at getting a second one just like it, and then insisting that we can’t buy another one – or for that matter remain as customers of Alltel with any phone – unless this feature is unlocked so the phone works as advertised. I’m not glued to my cell phone 24 hours a day, I don’t txt my bff all the time (zomg!), I’m not really a “power user”. We just like having our kid’s smiling face on our cell phones, and a few oddball ringtones. Is that so wrong? Apparently Alltel thinks so.

I have a gut feeling we’re going to walk out of the Alltel store looking for a new cell phone provider.… Read more

Serious Stuff

Super Duper Tuesday

Chauncey Gardener for PresidentSo, today being Super Duper Tuesday, I wobbled uphill to the fire station around the corner from my place, and, as a voter not registered to either party, cast a vote in the Democratic primary for Barack Obama. I’ll admit that I’ve spent much of the past year growing more and more disillusioned with the American political process and its attendant dialogue. When a national dialogue on something as vitally important as who will lead us descends to – and remains at – the level of professional wrestling smack talk, something somewhere is broken, and you can’t lay all the blame at the doorstep of something as nebulous as “the electoral college” or “campaign funding”. Something in the very basic fundamental language of how we, as a nation, approach politics, approach the idea of running for and serving in a public office, has gotten very, very broken. Sometimes I think the media plays more of a role in that dumbing-down of the informed electorate than I’m giving it credit for. I’ve been watching the media on a casual level over the past few months, from my relatively new standpoint of an observer rather than a participant, and I’ve noticed a tendency to go more for Jerry Springer-esque “oh no you di’n’t!” feuds – either creating them out of whole cloth or egging them on – than on substantive reporting on the candidates, their platforms, and so on.

With the volley of crap that’s gone on between Clinton and Obama, I will admit to having come within a hair’s breadth of voting in the Republican primary for McCain. But that would’ve been a gut reaction, more of a knee jerk than anything. I’ve been following Obama closely, and yeah, he’s thrown a few head-shakingly, “I wouldn’t have said that” stuff out into the ether here and there (though nothing quite as staggering as Mike “fry all of the state government’s computer systems before handing Arkansas over to a new governor and then deny all knowledge” Huckabee’s assertion that he’s going to, oh, eliminate the only source of income that the federal government has, namely the IRS), but when Obama can get his feet planted on the Earth again, I find that his ideas of where the country should go are more firmly in line with what I think should be done. And in that end, that, more than any label that any given candidate has, should really be the determining factor. However, behavior on the campaign trail can’t be discounted, and shouldn’t be: while a candidate’s platform, and their ability to defend attacks on it, should be the mind’s criteria for picking the right candidate, how they conduct themselves forms the emotional, gut-feeling side of that equation as well. It speaks to their character more than a list of promises of things they’ll try to push through Congress possibly can.

I wouldn’t vote for Hillary Clinton if you paid me to, at the primary level or further down the line. She simply doesn’t impress me. Keep in mind that she actually has, in my mind, a very close connection with Huckabee: she used to be in Arkansas. We know Hillary – and Mike – of old. No way. (And before anyone asks “But what if Obama runs as Hillary’s VP?”, I think I have a much better shot of becoming fabulously rich opening a series of franchised ice skating rinks in Hell than of actually seeing that ticket, or vice-versa, on a ballot.) I simply don’t trust her.

I’m sad that Wesley Clark didn’t even pitch his hat into the ring for this one, but I can see where his age might erode any chances of being taken seriously for a Presidency lasting into 2012. As for why McCain has caught my eye: I like McCain’s forthrightness, level-headedness, and ability to answer questions put to him with something bearing a much more close resemblance to straight talk than what anyone normally hears from Washington. I don’t line up with McCain on the issues as much as I do with Obama, but I trust McCain more than I trust Mrs. Clinton.

And if the Huckster actually lands the nomination and wins in November? I’ve always thought living in New Zealand would be lovely.

Anyway, thus ends a rare serious rambling from me. I don’t expect everyone – hell, I don’t expect anyone – to agree with me in an election year. (Remind me to tell you about the time I voted for Hagelin!) But I do hope you at least got out and voted today. I got out and voted today during a tornado watch, with the kiddo. What’s your excuse?… Read more

Serious Stuff Television & Movies

Full of Grace…or…well…full of something

My wife, bless her heart, became a lot less picky in her viewing habits while she was pregnant and in the first six weeks after our son was born, while she was at home recovering. I’ve already mentioned her propensity for watching E!, but another viewing habit she’s picked up that drives me up the wall is Nancy Grace. Oh. My. God. I can’t stand Nancy Grace. I know she’s got a fan base that would no doubt argue that she’s just dealing with the issues in a straight-talk, shoot-from-the-hip style (which seems to be the defense of any ultra-conservative or ultra-liberal media figures these day – “you just don’t like it because I’m telling it like it is!”). I’m not saying that any of the cases she discusses on her show deal with completely innocent, blameless people, but whatever happened to assuming that innocence until guilt is proven? Some of the topics discussed tonight dealt with folks who seem pretty reprehensible, but all the same, they’re still awaiting trial, and there’s Nancy, going off with little gems like “Who knows what else this guy has done?” Who knows indeed, Nancy? Nobody on your show does. But in the meantime you, a TV host who supposedly has a legal background, are speculating wildly in a nationally broadcast forum in a way that’d get your butt chucked out of any court in the land. (I was about to say that she ought to know better, but oh, look, maybe she doesn’t.) What all of that worst-possible-case-scenario gossipmongering is doing to the jury pool, I have no idea….but apparently there’s nothing to stop us from speculating a bit, is there, Nancy?

I know she’s all about victims’ rights, and that’s fine. Let’s not forget that until a jury hands down a verdict, the accused have rights too. And once again – and this is a fight I had to fight numerous producers, reporters and even news directors on during my years in the teevee news biz – it’s not the media’s place to do the prosecuting. Someone please yank this appeal-to-the-lowest-denominator lunatic off the air, and don’t let her go back to trying to pass herself off as some kind of journalist without reminding her that her job in that role is not to throw people to the lions and wait for the faithful to send up a cheer.… Read more

Funny Stuff Serious Stuff

It’s Giuliani Time!

Another screengrab, because you wouldn’t effin’ believe me if I just tried to talk about it.


Okay, that’s it. Obama? Hillary? Where do YOU stand on an attack from Mars? What would Ron Paul do? What about Huckabee?

I'm gonna pop a P-38 overdrive modulator on yo ass!

The most pressing issues of our time, people…are being swept tidily under the rug while candidates get asked dipshit questions like this, and the equally-ridiculous answers get them actual face time. 😆 🙄… Read more

Serious Stuff Television & Movies

We’re the good guys, Michael

I have been a very, very infrequent viewer of The 4400 on USA. My wife’s been following it more closely. I caught a pretty good chunk of Sunday night’s episode last weekend, since she was already watching it, and I realized two things very quickly:

1. I had no freakin’ idea what’s going on in the story anymore.

2. I had no one to root for.

I was really more concerned with the second point than the first, otherwise I would’ve been watching The 4400 all along. I’m sure that if I was more into the story, I’d probably have some insider’s knowledge that the plotline is a lot like Galactica: basically good people having to do some fairly shady things for survival’s sake. I remember, after part 1 of the Galactica episode Pegasus aired, I stomped into theLogBook’s virtual writers’ room and complained that the rapacious crew of the Battlestar Pegasus was one step too far over the line for me: the story had officially gotten too dark. And I think I remember making the same comment about the cluster of six “Others” episodes at the beginning of the third season of Lost – sure I wanted to know more about the Others, but I just wasn’t interested in seeing Sawyer tortured or beaten to a pulp week after week. In both cases, the shows righted themselves after these moments of extreme darkness, and in the discussion of Galactica, it was pointed out to me that, as much trouble had been taken by the writers to show what kind of grey-area, situational-ethics decision making our heroes on Galactica had relied on to survive, the Pegasus crew had to be shown to be even more questionable in their judgement and conduct. I can grok that.

I’m sure the situation is the same with The 4400, but not being an avid follower of the story, I just don’t realize it. What nagged at me is that, unlike Lost and Galactica, I couldn’t tell who was supposed to be the bad guy. I was able to divine the differing agendas and philosophies of the two main characters on either side of the divide, but both of them were exhibiting such reprehensible behavior that I couldn’t see who I was supposed to root for. But what struck me was that my wife, who has been an avid follower of The 4400, said “I don’t like where they’re going with this show.”

I know we live in the age of the anti-hero, in an age where there is no such clear-cut decision that isn’t a questionable one. I know we live in an age where there are worse monsters walking among us than a couple of well-dressed, eloquently-spoken TV characters who have intensely charismatic dialogue written for them that outlines their worldviews and why they oppose…well…whoever the heck it is they happen to be opposing in this week’s episode. And I know we live in a world where players on both sides of any given conflict, however well-meaning their motivations, display reprehensible behavior. The people on TV have got nothin’ on the real life villains on both sides of the playing field.

But geez, people. Give us some hint of who’s on the side of the angels, however misguided they may be. The tale of someone who sets out to fight the good fight, falls and is redeemed is a morality play. The tale of everyone falling and not finding redemption is just nihilism. I’m not asking for characters wearing white hats or black hats, but instead just the barest hint of an honorable motivation somewhere.… Read more

Serious Stuff

I started out laughing heartily at this…

…and then grew quite a bit more somber. Wired Magazine has started a “watchdog” page that shows who’s been editing Wikipedia entries to suit their own agendas. Before you go there, though, I strongly recommend getting a stiff drink, sitting down, and calming the beef min. I was laughing long and hard at a few of them, and then the smile faded from my face as I faced yet another sobering reminder that political discourse in this country is dead. Okay, if it’s not dead, it’s barely twitching and rasping Pee-Wee Herman’s “I know you are, but what am I?” line over and over again in a ghastly, barely-audible back-of-the-throat rattle. The Wired page reveals no angels: Democrats are just as guilty of cowardly, pin-“kick me”-signs-on-someone’s-back tactics as Republicans. And then you get into corporate smear jobs and whitewashes that are just as disturbing. By the time I see yet another instance of the Church of Scientology editing its own entries, it’s not even startling anymore. Just coldly numbing.

Now, I’m aware that one edit coming from a place that may have hundreds of people in the building doesn’t mean the whole building participated. But that doesn’t change the “disturbing” factor significantly for me. Those whose interests are threatened by the public being able to distribute information are trying to find the closest things that the internet has to a “hub” for that information, and they’re trying to bend it to their own will. This points out a great weakness in the whole “social media” movement. I hope there will always be at least some people who have enough time to take on the thankless task of fighting for the integrity of the user-content-driven side of the web.

In the meantime, marvel at what government officials are doing with their on-the-clock time, and what those who would have that power are doing with theirs in the meantime. This kind of stuff makes me lean a little more libertarian every day.… Read more

...And Little E Makes 3 Home Base Serious Stuff Toiling In The Pixel Mines ToyBox

TGIF x 10,000

Thank God for Fridays. And thank God that this is one of ’em. ‘Nuff said.

I’ve been meaning to post a small version of the print ad for that I prepared to run in the July bridal issue of Entertainment Fort Smith. I just keep letting it slip my mind. I thought the way it was worded kind of cleverly gets around whether or not I’d be shooting video or just editing it. With Evan at T minus 86 days and counting from liftoff, I’m hoping the message comes across that I’m doing post production primarily, without that seeming like something that would count points off.

It’s rainy today, and rainy = no swimmy. And no swimmy = no happy. Maybe that’s stretching it a little bit, but I’ve really gotten to enjoy what has become the daily swim. Even if the skeeters made a buffet line out of me yesterday while my head was poking out of the water. I don’t “dunk” well in swimming pools – I can’t stand chlorine getting into my eyes – but I dunked several times yesterday.

I’ve had the misfortune this week of watching a guy I used to work with take a very public fall from grace. I didn’t work with him very long before I left the TV station, but he always struck me as a pefectly nice guy. Oddly enough, he is the second former co-worker of mine about whom something like this has come to light (the other was someone I worked with at Fox over 10 years ago), and it’s still incredibly creepy. There was absolutely no indication of anything like this from working with the guy day in and day out. It’s bad news on multiple levels – I have no wish to see the place I used to work for take this kind of a black eye, and this was the first hire for Drew after he took over as chief meteorologist. (I’m pretty sure Drew had no idea about any of this either. At least not during the hiring/auditioning process.) In short, it doesn’t make anybody look good. Dude…get some help. Please. Before you wind up like my other former co-worker who wound up with actual molestation charges and not just being a peeping tom.

The foot that I’m staying off of is still pretty slow going. Missing a day of swimming (I know, bad topic to mention after the previous paragraph…) isn’t going to help it any. There’s just a zen state that I’m able to find in the water that I think has been missing from my life for a decade or so, and I don’t seem to find it anywhere else. My wife has a hard time getting me to vacate the pool. I’ve found myself wondering lately if this site would even exist in anything resembling its current form if I’d had a swimming hole to devote this kind of time to all these years. I wonder what kind of shape I would be in. Relative weightlessness = bliss. Especially for a fat guy like me. But even then I’m trying to address that a bit – I try to do some actual laps back and forth, instead of just floating around.

And now, a Public Plea for Help: sometime back in ubikuberalles’ Livejournal, he mentioned finding the titanium collection Classic Galactica vehicles. Now assuming that all of this had happened before and all of it would happen again, I went looking for them locally, to no avail. If anyone spots these, please, please, please let me know about it, prices included. I’m not sure which ships they’ve making from the original series in that scale, but I’m after the Viper, the Cylon raider, and good ol’ clunky Galactica herself. If you can get these where you are, let me know – I can paypal you or something, or come up with some kinda trade. If anyone can finagle that, that’s very likely my last toy purchase before the baby gets here.

Speaking of the boy, I’ve been feeling him kick on a pretty regular basis here of late. I’ll put my head up to my wife’s belly and talk to him, and then PTHOOK!, right in my ear. He’s already kickin’ the old man in the head. This bodes well. 😆… Read more